A performance from the past it just gives you chills. Please post one


Well-Known Member
Kwan's 2004 national FS. ❤️ I'd never heard a crowd lose their mind like that. To think it happened in my hometown (Atlanta) and I wasn't there to see it:wall: The fans blew the roof off of Philips Arena after that final jump. Such a moment...to this day I still get chills when I re-watch it.

Definitely Akiko Suzuki's "O" in particular her performance at NHK that year. It was just gorgeous! The step sequence was so beautiful and the way the music continued to build until the end when it just burst open during the choreo/spiral sequence...😍 I hate that she was robbed at that competition. The judges gave the win to Mao--I'd never heard a Japanese crowd so quiet after a Mao Asada win. Every single person there knew Akiko should have won.

I don't get chills much from skating anymore. I can only think of two over this past quad:

Mariah Bell's FS to Hallelujah at nationals in 2019. There was something so beautiful and almost like a throwback to the Golden Era with that performance. It was such a joyful moment when she landed that final jump and the crowd went crazy until the end. We don't see a lot of performances that inspire that kind of response, where they aren't cheering just b/c it was a good performance but because they were moved by it. I miss that in skating...

And of course, Satoko Miyahara's "Song for the Little Sparrow" SP from nationals. This is the version with the spiral at the swell of the music in the step sequence...simply stunning. I mean that program, like so many of hers, is an absolute masterpiece. I honestly don't think Miyahara gets enough credit. Her jumps are not great but literally everything else she does is of the highest quality. We do not deserve the Tiny Goddess--yes, she's been upgraded from Queen to Goddess.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks to @manhn who just reminded me of this program by Sale & Pelletier.

Such a shame they dumped their 'Orchid' program, it had the potential to be a masterpiece.

I too loved 'Love Story'. S/P totally had the wow factor IMO. Sale had a luminous quality.

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
Here is another that always makes me feel better -- Kwan's FS at Worlds 2000:

Such speed and attack in the program as well. And the triple triple. It should be a crime no judges from North America. Looks like a European championship according to the judges panel

All European judges except for Japan


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
Saw this live. It was magical.

It was Great live without the commentary By Scott and Sandra. Couldn't find another one on yt, so I posted this.

I will replace it with a better yt version if I can find one.
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Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
Michelle Kwan's LP Song of the black swan at the 2001 Worlds. Saw this live in Vancouver.

Midori Ito's 1990 worlds LP Scheherazade. Magnificent.


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
Yuzuru Hanyu 2018 Oly SP and LP - skating while injury. LP wasn't perfect but still great. The SP was truly chill worthy.



Well-Known Member
I've gone off T & D a bit over the years but the first time I saw their Encounter program (it's been so long that unfortunately I no longer remember when/where - some kind of professional competition perhaps?), I was absolutely mesmerized.

The Duchesneys and Missing I (and II) were also special, although in a way I think they ended up being a blessing and a curse, because they just couldn't come up with a program to match them in the crucial Olympics year.


Well-Known Member
I've gone off T & D a bit over the years but the first time I saw their Encounter program (it's been so long that unfortunately I no longer remember when/where - some kind of professional competition perhaps?), I was absolutely mesmerized.

The Duchesneys and Missing I (and II) were also special, although in a way I think they ended up being a blessing and a curse, because they just couldn't come up with a program to match them in the crucial Olympics year.
I was going to post Encounter too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-McVWHQKgU .Christopher Dean is so special. Really, there's noone else that can take a melody and turn it into a skating move the way he does and he's proven it several times throughout the years.

Another one for me, and I'm not even a huge Kostner fan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqpu_TbIGTo.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
G/P 'Memorial'' from 1997 Trophee Lalique.
That performance had the near blade into the face of Platov. I agree that the program was brilliant and one of my absolute favorites, but that particular time out? ;)


Well-Known Member
Bwahhhhhh TRUTH!!!!!!!

I try not to go too overboard on my Goddess Angela here. But y’all know she’s my favorite!!!! ❤️💕🕺🏽🥇

First performance that came to mind. I was there that night in the arena. It was the only time in Michelle Kwan’s career, I would have been alright if somebody else won. My mom didn’t stand for anybody that night except Angela. In my mind Angela Nikodinov owns “Sleeping Beauty”

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
First performance that came to mind. I was there that night in the arena. It was the only time in Michelle Kwan’s career, I would have been alright if somebody else won. My mom didn’t stand for anybody that night except Angela. In my mind Angela Nikodinov owns “Sleeping Beauty”



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