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One that I'm enjoying right now is the re-run of Jewel in the Crown. Wonderful script, wonderful acting. Intelligently done.


Active Member
aww.....try tonight's episode?? I know there are many things not great about this version. I ended up not liking as much as I wanted to.

One that I'm enjoying right now is the re-run of Jewel in the Crown. Wonderful script, wonderful acting. Intelligently done.

Many times I've TRIED to watch and enjoy this but no way. But I'm waiting for the re-make..


Well-Known Member
One that I'm enjoying right now is the re-run of Jewel in the Crown. Wonderful script, wonderful acting. Intelligently done.
I thought it was making the rounds. I watched it in March and April. Nice to refresh myself on it.

I am now caught up on Poldark. I wish the supporting characters had more individual flare. I loved the original Hugh Bodrugon. Here, I only noticed him because I remembered him from the original. It's part of the drawback of only being 8 episodes - there's no time for those wonderful, memorable, minor characters. I wonder how Robin Ellis will handle his upcoming character portrayal.
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Well-Known Member
I love POLDARK! :) Great episode tonight...watching the friendship begin between Demelza and Verrity...seeing Demelza expand her knowledge and horizons...the real love between Ross and Demelza...a lovely episode. :cheer:


Well-Known Member
Still not liking this version of Poldark at all, although Episode 4 is a definite improvement over what's come before. Whoever up thread offered me my money back, I'll take it now.


Active Member
Ah but you admitted that this episode was an improvement which as what was promised. So no refunds!! However for me no episode after matched it. *sad face*


Well-Known Member
Still not liking this version of Poldark at all, although Episode 4 is a definite improvement over what's come before. Whoever up thread offered me my money back, I'll take it now.
I'm in this group; although, I will continue to watch.

These leads lack the spark, fire, and sexual tension of their predecessors.
If you are not familiar with the original, it may be "enough".
However, not for me.


Well-Known Member
Ditto for me re: Poldark -- ep. 4 was the best one so far, but the whole thing is still lacking a certain something. It's nice light summer entertainment, though, so that's good enough for now.


Well-Known Member
I am enjoying Poldark. I did not not watch the original so I cannot compare the two versions.

Shocking happenings on Last Tango in Halifax that I did not expect.


Well-Known Member
Re: Poldark - Lacking a certain something is exactly it, but what certain something? I can't quite put my finger on it. The original cast was more adult in a certain way. With this cast I feel sometimes I'm watching kiddies play dress up, pretending to be adult but not succeeding.


Just me, retired
So far, I am enjoying Poldark. It probably will never end up in my "Top Anything" list, but that's all right.


Well-Known Member
I am watching "Poldark"- though have not watched episode 4 yet. Have not read the books or watched the original- so it's all new.
Am enjoying it and will keep watching, but do not love it. I can see how the story has a real gritty potential, but it is somehow presented a little superficially (though I have a lot of appreciation of how very fine Aidan Turner is, ever since I saw him in Being Human). I think Verity is my favorite character (the most realistic actress?)
... not everything can be BBC "Pride and Prejudice", LOL. I never get tired of that one.


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Hermione Norris (Matron) = best known from MI5/Spooks, Cold Feet, and Wire in the Blood, though she's done lots of other stuff too. Suranne Jones (who plays the motorbike-riding sister Joan) is Bailey from Scott & Bailey among other things. And Oona Chaplin (Kitty) was in The Hour and Game of Thrones.

Aha, Bailey! I knew I knew her from somewhere. Fun seeing Moseley and Spratt too. Goes to show how much better actors can do with a well-written series. It's such a shame that The Crimson Field was canceled. BBC really knows how to kill off a young good series. The Hour was fantastic and ditched after two very short seasons, the Upstairs Downstairs revival was also very good and axed too soon.

I watched Poldark as it aired in the UK :sekret: It wasn't phenomenal, but an enjoyable series with a super hot lead actor, who they kindly showed us in the flesh rather often, and an interesting story. I also liked seeing Eleanor Tomlinson again; she was Isabel Neville in The White Queen.


Well-Known Member
We just started watching Poldark this week. I have not read the books or seen the original series, so have nothing to compare it against.

I find it good, but not great. It's definitely keeping me interested enough to watch, and I find the theme intriguing--Ross Poldark living life on his own terms and Challenging the conventions of the times. However, there's just a little something missing to keep it from reaching the level of the best BBC dramas.

I agree there's something off with the casting. I like the actors playing Ross and Verity, but am not super-interested in either Demelza or Elizabeth. Those two actresses aren't commanding my attention like a Romola Garai, Jennifer Ehle, or Michelle Dockery.


Well-Known Member
The secondary characters are not being featured properly either. Now that Mark Daniel actually had something to do in Episode 5, I can pick him out of a crowd, but I couldn't pick Paul Daniel or Zacky Martin out of a lineup if I had to. Do yourself a favor and go look at a few episodes of the original version. Yes, the 70s production values will take some getting used to, but I still think it is far superior to this current version. I'm so disinterested that I haven't even bothered to watch last Sunday's Episode 6 yet.

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