Interview with Elizaveta Tuktamysheva


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Vasily Konov's interview with Elizaveta Tuktamysheva for Rsport: "There will be a third attempt to get to the Olympics!"

The Empress of figure skating, the most honest and frank athlete who is never at a loss for words and at the same time is a crowd's favorite - its all about Elizaveta Tuktamysheva, who had found some time during quarantine to give a long interview to Rsport.

- I checked your Instagram before the interview and saw a "women's post" about make-up there. How much time does it take to get a competitive make-up before going onto the ice?
- It's different for everyone, some needs more time, some less. For me it takes about an hour, at least 45 minutes. This is a make-up and a hair.
- You do it yourself?
- Yes, always. It’s like a ritual before the competition that must be performed, otherwise something will go wrong.
- Did you study make-up somewhere or did you come up with it yourself?
- I think all the girls study by trials and errors. I just loved this from childhood and somehow it attracted me a lot, so I learned rather quickly.
- And what was the biggest problem?
- Eyeliner, probably (laughs). Like for any girl, this is the most difficult part - to use eyeliner.
- During self-isolation, you, together with Yury Smekalov, came up with a great idea to choreograph a free program. Whose idea was it?
- It was Yury’s idea. I am glad that there's such a creative choreographer in my life. I immediately agreed to it because it was an unexpected idea for me. In figure skating it is customary to try to hide everything, not to reveal what kind of program there will be next season, what kind of music, what costumes. And here everything was open for the public, and not only that, the audience themselves could take part in the process.
- By the way, were there many participants in the challenge?
- Yes, there were a lot of mentions, but to be honest, I did not count. We chose three winners who were creative and did great.
- What did Alexey Nikolaevich say?
- Based on the already established figure skating tradition that it is better not to show future programs before the start of the season, there was a certain skepticism on his part. But since Alexei Nikolaevich is an innovator and he isn't called a professor for nothing, so he decided to agree to this bold act and very quickly changed his mind, allowing us to start this project.
- Anya and Sergey Semaks [former football player, now coach and his wife] introduced me to Yura, and of course it is not surprising that as a cool choreographer he comes up with some creative ideas. But on the other hand, why didn’t he choreograph your Spartacus program? It would be logical to expect this from a ballet choreographer, not a surprising oriental program.
- Initially, we turned to Italian choreographers [Anna Cappellini and Luca Lanotte], and they proposed "Spartacus" before we even started working with Yury. And we went for it. But I do not regret anything, all the choreographers did an excellent job.
- So with Yuri you worked on an oriental dance, right?
- Japanese one.
- To me it looked more like some kind of Indian dances, especially with your arms positions.
- I wouldn’t say it, because in India there is still more softness in the moves of the hips, body, different arms positions. Here the moves are sharper. There are some soft moments,of course, but it's still a Japanese dance.
- You are a fan of “Zenit” [St Petersburg football club] and you will be skating to “Spartacus” [team from Moscow and a principal rival] for the whole season?
- (Laughs) I think people will forgive me when they see my program.
- How did Elizaveta Tuktamysheva from Glazov end up in St. Petersburg?
- Everything happened gradually. For four years I went there and back, and the I was 14 years old we finally moved to St. Petersburg with my family.
- So, you already had all the triples by the way you moved to St. Petersburg?
- Yes. This was before the season when I debuted in seniors for the first time. I already had skated in juniors for a season, and then I started doing some senior events - the Grand Prix and got to the Grand Prix finals. I moved to St. Petersburg before that season.
- Did you realize at that young age that you had some Ultra C elements?
- I did not include the triple axel in the programs when I was 12. I only did it at practices, but it wasn't necessary. Very few people jumped 3-3 in programs back then. And at that time triple axel wasn't considered as an ultra-C, so there was no such wow-effect in doing it.
- And when do you think that wow-effect appeared?
- I think at the Worlds when I skated a clean short program with a triple axel.
- It was 2015?
- Yes.
- So, the best year of your career?
- I would call the last two years the best ones in my career. 2015 turned out to be the best in terms of results, but I was in my best athletic shape during last two years, I had better performances, harder content. I have never been in such a great shape as in last two years.
- Will you have enough strength to keep yourself in this shape for a long time?
- I don’t know, let's see (laughs). But now there's a quarantine, and it seems like we can exhale for a little bit.
- On the one hand - to exhale, but on the other hand, in figure skating it's very important to maintain stability in executing jumps, because it's also an automatism to a certain extent. And here we get a break for more than a month, and it makes no sense to compare jumping on the floor to jumping on the ice.
- Yes, of course, this is true, but in any case skaters usually have a break for two or three weeks. Therefore, if it is possible to somehow train your vestibular apparatus on a spinner, for example, or to somehow spin at home, there will not be such a problem when an athlete will be back on the ice. At least, there will be some muscle memory left. It's not the same as if you are back on the ice after an illness or after 6 months long recovery from a surgery. During this period we all train at homes and understand that will be back on the ice pretty soon, our brain is already focusing on the fact that we can’t relax, we will need to return to a competitive shape rather soon. We already haven’t practiced for a very long time, and the brain understands that you can’t completely relax - you watch performances, watch figure skating - and it works. Well, of course, there will be a new season, everything will start from scratch.
- By the way, how did you react to the fact that they decided not to postpone the Worlds for the fall, but simply to cancel it?
- I view it as a positive, because it seems to me that it would not be reasonable to have Worlds in the fall, since it will be a new season already. It's not clear to me what programs the athletes could go out with: new ones that we haven't practiced enough or the already forgotten old ones? Therefore, it is better to cancel Worlds now and then have next Worlds in the spring as we usually do.
- So know you have a warm-up before the qualification for the Olympic Games. You haven't been at the Olympics yet. Will there be another attempt?
- There will definitely be another one! The most intensified one (laughs)! A push, so to speak, to the Olympics. But I will make every effort, I’ll try to make it work this third time.
- Don't you find it offensive that you are now called the oldest member of the Russian national figure skating team?
- No, I don't find it offensive. It’s even somewhat pleasant, because few people can reach my age and remain competitive.
- Well, on the other hand, the Empress cannot be young, right?
- It’s also true, of course (laughs).
- Why the Empress?
- I was called The Scarlet Empress when I was 13 years old. I used to skate in a red dress, they even started a group on Then there was another photoshoot - I was in a white dress, with a crown. And so it started.
- I see, your love of red color remains. Photo in a red pantsuit, red lipstick.
- Yes, red is my color.
- So it's all about the power of fire and a vamp woman?
- (Laughs) Yes, but at the same time silly and funny.
- The main thing is funny. If you have a great sense of humor, then everything is ok, too.
- That's for sure. If we do not laugh at ourselves, then life will laugh at us.
- You wanted to play in a movie. In what genre do you see yourself, what role? What character?
- I would ... (thinks)
- Bond girl?
- I do not know. I often watch "Friends", this is my favorite series, and I imagined whom of these three women I could have been if I got invited, if I had such opportunity. I adore Phoebe for her brilliant open nature. She is so open to the world, and I love this so much. I love Rachel because she loves fashion and is very funny. And I love Monica for her control. And I still don’t understand who I would want to be. Because I am open to the world, I love control and at the same time I like to laugh at myself very much, but I have such a silly head (laughs).
- From what you listed, I have the image of a comedy heroine.
- Well, comedy, yes. So, not a Bond girl, you know, rather ... Have you seen 'Red' with Bruce Willis and John Malkovich?
- Yes, of course.
- And there was a girl of Willis's character.
- A bit crazy one.
- Yes, that character looks like me, like my character from the movie, it seems (laughs).
- And what is Lisa Tuktamysheva’s feature in life? From what I saw at the arenas, in conversations, what our common acquaintances told me - you are a good-natured laugher.
- Well, yes, something like that. But at the same time, I can be a femme fatal (laughs). But very rarely.
- This, of course, is a red make-up and a red pantsuit ...
- Yes, but more often it's a funny, bit weird girl - Liza Tuktik.
- Are you ready for competition with young Tutberidze's girls?
- I think yes. I think we got two programs that could be very successful for me the next. I have a great desire to go out and perform with all my heart, to give all of myself, because I really like my current programs.
- What needs to be done to be on equal footing and beat the girls who go for several quads and jump, jump, jump?
- You need to show something else. Each has its own strengths. How to beat them? At least, if you look on the last season's results, then it is indeed very difficult to beat them, almost impossible. It is really difficult to compete with a skater with three quads in the free program or with five quads. It is necessary to do all the elements at +5 GOE, get the highest marks - all spins, step sequences, and you also need ultra-C elements. But to me it seems that you really have to be a genius in order to be at the highest step of the podium right now.
- But - again, I judge from the point of view of the ordinary viewer - maybe your age is a bargaining chip, because when Tuktamysheva comes to the ice, it’s a real grown up woman's skating.
- Yes, maybe, but in any case, real grown up woman or not, the execution and difficulty of the elements are the most valued and important things. So, if there is a combination of both femininity and well-executed elements, spins, jumps - then you can be competitive. Unfortunately, you can't get a medal only for being feminine (laughs).
- But then it turns out that you need to add a quad.
- It turns out that yes, I need.
- And which quad that will be?
- It will be a quad toe loop. I think that if I'd do a quad, it'll definitely be a toe loop, because it was the easiest way for me to learn and land it.
- So you are ready to add difficulty in order to win?
- I was ready for this at the end of this season, but given the quarantine situation we can’t train and skate as we usually do, so I don’t know what the next season will be like. Perhaps the content I already have will be enough. If skate cleanly with all three triple axels in two programs, skate well, be consistent, then this will be a good result for me. When there is such a long break, learning the quadruple from the scratch is not easy.
- On the other hand, your rivals are in the same situation, especially since they have a significant disadvantage - they will become a year older and at that age, of course, this change will somehow affect their performances.
- Perhaps it will, perhaps not. Everyone has a different physiology, maybe someone will do through puberty in an easy way. But I do not like to guess what will happen next. I will try to just squeeze the maximum out of my body and not to think what may happen to the bodies of my rivals.
- At what Grand Prix events would you like to take part in next season?
- I really love Japan, I am always pleased to skate there, and I always really hope that I will get NHK Trophy. Last year it was very cool in Las Vegas, I really liked it. I don’t know exactly the cities of the Grand Prix next season, there is still no information, but I would like to perform in Japan, but we will see.
- Did you get to a casino in Las Vegas?
- We lived in a hotel and downstairs was a casino. Classic hotel for Las Vegas. But we didn’t go there, because you are allowed to go there only from the age of 21, and in my company I was the only one who was over 21 (laughs). Therefore, we just walked around and enjoyed the views of the city.
- Well, you could go down there on the sly, especially if you lived in the same hotel with a casino ...
- But I’m not a gambler! I passed by and did not understand why people are wasting money on it.
- And what is a better way to spend money on?
- To buy something for myself, I think. Something for my face, body, hair, to protect skin already, to stay young longer (laughs). You should never waste time on this. Now when I have grown up, I also believe that it's better not to spend some money simultaneously, but better buy one thing later, but it would be a better one. And not like in childhood, when you buy a hundred pieces of some junk (laughs). Then you don’t wear any of what you bought. Now the process is way more conscious.
- I will not say who, but one athlete told me that once while sorting through her wardrobe, she found several packed things because she bought them and then even forgot what she bought. Was it like that?
- It happened a couple of times to me. Not exactly that same but still - I bought something and remembered about it but things were still packed and remained with the label because I had never put them on in my life. And I didn’t understand why I bought them at all. As a result, I gave it that stuff to my friends, because either it did not suit me, either my wardrobe.
- You understand that competition in Russia is very difficult, are you ready to change citizenship?
- I think not, because it kills a lot of time and ... This is such a difficult step, that is, if I were 15 or 18 at least - this is one thing, but at my age, I think if I understand that I don’t have the strength to compete anymore, to skate, then it would be easier to start some kind of business and to gradually enter a different industry, well, or just to skate in shows.
- By the way, about other industry or shows. Would you like to start your own show or are you ready to take part in Averbukh, Rudkovskaya, Navka's shows?
- I would like to participate in all kinds of shows at first, and I will not refuse, of course, any offers - I hope there will be some by the end of my career. And then, when I get an understanding of how this industry works, then, yes, maybe I’ll start my own show, but this is very unlikely, because you really need to do this by your own, have contacts, to live in it. This is a difficult and serious work. I don't know. Both options are possible (laughs).
- Which show impressed you the most?
- I actually didn’t see many fairytale shows, I usually watch the shows I take part in. But when I saw the last show of Navka, it impressed me. And I also really liked the Averbukh's show "Carmen".
- Do you perform your 'Toxic' exhibition in shows?
- I skated it last year on the show ... No, the year before last, it turns out ... No, last year. In 2019, yes. I already forgot what year it is now on quarantine (laughs).
- 2020. And today is the 5th of May.
- Yeah, that's fine, thank you (laughs). I performed that program only at one tour, I didn’t skate it in the second one because skaters usually change programs anyway. And if I do my own show, as it was on March 9th in Saint Petersburg, then, of course, I skate to this program. Many people remember it and I don’t want to keep this costume in the closet forever. But when you are invited as a star, you need to surprise people with something new.
- If I don’t confuse anything, Alexey Nikolaevich was the initiator of that program.
- Yes. I suggested music and an idea, and Alexei Nikolaevich proposed an idea to make the number more vivid and catchy.
- Taking into account the removal of your blouse, did you get any offers from Playboy or other magazines?
- No, I didn't, by the way (laughs). MAXIM quoted me a couple of times, but that was all.
- I'm talking about professional photo shooting. That is, we can now say that Elizaveta Tuktamysheva is open to suggestions, and if a serious magazine is ready to organize a photoshoot?
- I would agree.
- Nothing is forbidden?
- Well, for me it's beautiful. I follow the MAXIM magazine on Instagram, for example - for me it is beautiful. They show beautiful bodies, beautiful women.
- For me, the main thing is not to be vulgar.
- Yes, to do it beautifully, not in a vulgar way. For example, in some beautiful underwear. We are not saying that you must definitely get naked in front of the camera and here is your cover of the magazine.
- You can make a remake of the picture from the back from your Instagram.
- (Laughs) This is already too much for me.
- So we work without repeats?
- Yes (laughs).

And that was only the first half of the interview.. :)
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If I agreed with you, we’d both be wrong.
Vasily Kononov's interview with Elizaveta Tuktamysheva for Rsport: "There will be a third attempt to get to the Olympics!"

The Empress of figure skating, the most honest and frank athlete who is never at a loss for words and at the same time is a crowd's favorite - its all about Elizaveta Tuktamysheva, who had found some time during quarantine to give a long interview to Rsport.

- I checked your Instagram before the interview and saw a "women's post" about make-up there. How much time does it take to get a competitive make-up before going onto the ice?
- It's different for everyone, some needs more time, some less. For me it takes about an hour, at least 45 minutes. This is a make-up and a hair.
- You do it yourself?
- Yes, always. It’s like a ritual before the competition that must be performed, otherwise something will go wrong.
- Did you study make-up somewhere or did you come up with it yourself?
- I think all the girls study by trials and errors. I just loved this from childhood and somehow it attracted me a lot, so I learned rather quickly.
- And what was the biggest problem?
- Eyeliner, probably (laughs). Like for any girl, this is the most difficult part - to use eyeliner.
- During self-isolation, you, together with Yury Smekalov, came up with a great idea to choreograph a free program. Whose idea was it?
- It was Yury’s idea. I am glad that there's such a creative choreographer in my life. I immediately agreed to it because it was an unexpected idea for me. In figure skating it is customary to try to hide everything, not to reveal what kind of program there will be next season, what kind of music, what costumes. And here everything was open for the public, and not only that, the audience themselves could take part in the process.
- By the way, were there many participants in the challenge?
- Yes, there were a lot of mentions, but to be honest, I did not count. We chose three winners who were creative and did great.
- What did Alexey Nikolaevich say?
- Based on the already established figure skating tradition that it is better not to show future programs before the start of the season, there was a certain skepticism on his part. But since Alexei Nikolaevich is an innovator and he isn't called a professor for nothing, so he decided to agree to this bold act and very quickly changed his mind, allowing us to start this project.
- Anya and Sergey Semaks [former football player, now coach and his wife] introduced me to Yura, and of course it is not surprising that as a cool choreographer he comes up with some creative ideas. But on the other hand, why didn’t he choreograph your Spartacus program? It would be logical to expect this from a ballet choreographer, not a surprising oriental program.
- Initially, we turned to Italian choreographers [Anna Cappellini and Luca Lanotte], and they proposed "Spartacus" before we even started working with Yury. And we went for it. But I do not regret anything, all the choreographers did an excellent job.
- So with Yuri you worked on an oriental dance, right?
- Japanese one.
- To me it looked more like some kind of Indian dances, especially with your arms positions.
- I wouldn’t say it, because in India there is still more softness in the moves of the hips, body, different arms positions. Here the moves are sharper. There are some soft moments,of course, but it's still a Japanese dance.
- You are a fan of “Zenit” [St Petersburg football club] and you will be skating to “Spartacus” [team from Moscow and a principal rival] for the whole season?
- (Laughs) I think people will forgive me when they see my program.
- How did Elizaveta Tuktamysheva from Glazov end up in St. Petersburg?
- Everything happened gradually. For four years I went there and back, and the I was 14 years old we finally moved to St. Petersburg with my family.
- So, you already had all the triples by the way you moved to St. Petersburg?
- Yes. This was before the season when I debuted in seniors for the first time. I already had skated in juniors for a season, and then I started doing some senior events - the Grand Prix and got to the Grand Prix finals. I moved to St. Petersburg before that season.
- Did you realize at that young age that you had some Ultra C elements?
- I did not include the triple axel in the programs when I was 12. I only did it at practices, but it wasn't necessary. Very few people jumped 3-3 in programs back then. And at that time triple axel wasn't considered as an ultra-C, so there was no such wow-effect in doing it.
- And when do you think that wow-effect appeared?
- I think at the Worlds when I skated a clean short program with a triple axel.
- It was 2015?
- Yes.
- So, the best year of your career?
- I would call the last two years the best ones in my career. 2015 turned out to be the best in terms of results, but I was in my best athletic shape during last two years, I had better performances, harder content. I have never been in such a great shape as in last two years.
- Will you have enough strength to keep yourself in this shape for a long time?
- I don’t know, let's see (laughs). But now there's a quarantine, and it seems like we can exhale for a little bit.
- On the one hand - to exhale, but on the other hand, in figure skating it's very important to maintain stability in executing jumps, because it's also an automatism to a certain extent. And here we get a break for more than a month, and it makes no sense to compare jumping on the floor to jumping on the ice.
- Yes, of course, this is true, but in any case skaters usually have a break for two or three weeks. Therefore, if it is possible to somehow train your vestibular apparatus on a spinner, for example, or to somehow spin at home, there will not be such a problem when an athlete will be back on the ice. At least, there will be some muscle memory left. It's not the same as if you are back on the ice after an illness or after 6 months long recovery from a surgery. During this period we all train at homes and understand that will be back on the ice pretty soon, our brain is already focusing on the fact that we can’t relax, we will need to return to a competitive shape rather soon. We already haven’t practiced for a very long time, and the brain understands that you can’t completely relax - you watch performances, watch figure skating - and it works. Well, of course, there will be a new season, everything will start from scratch.
- By the way, how did you react to the fact that they decided not to postpone the Worlds for the fall, but simply to cancel it?
- I view it as a positive, because it seems to me that it would not be reasonable to have Worlds in the fall, since it will be a new season already. It's not clear to me what programs the athletes could go out with: new ones that we haven't practiced enough or the already forgotten old ones? Therefore, it is better to cancel Worlds now and then have next Worlds in the spring as we usually do.
- So know you have a warm-up before the qualification for the Olympic Games. You haven't been at the Olympics yet. Will there be another attempt?
- There will definitely be another one! The most intensified one (laughs)! A push, so to speak, to the Olympics. But I will make every effort, I’ll try to make it work this third time.
- Don't you find it offensive that you are now called the oldest member of the Russian national figure skating team?
- No, I don't find it offensive. It’s even somewhat pleasant, because few people can reach my age and remain competitive.
- Well, on the other hand, the Empress cannot be young, right?
- It’s also true, of course (laughs).
- Why the Empress?
- I was called The Scarlet Empress when I was 13 years old. I used to skate in a red dress, they even started a group on Then there was another photoshoot - I was in a white dress, with a crown. And so it started.
- I see, your love of red color remains. Photo in a red pantsuit, red lipstick.
- Yes, red is my color.
- So it's all about the power of fire and a vamp woman?
- (Laughs) Yes, but at the same time silly and funny.
- The main thing is funny. If you have a great sense of humor, then everything is ok, too.
- That's for sure. If we do not laugh at ourselves, then life will laugh at us.
- You wanted to play in a movie. In what genre do you see yourself, what role? What character?
- I would ... (thinks)
- Bond girl?
- I do not know. I often watch "Friends", this is my favorite series, and I imagined whom of these three women I could have been if I got invited, if I had such opportunity. I adore Phoebe for her brilliant open nature. She is so open to the world, and I love this so much. I love Rachel because she loves fashion and is very funny. And I love Monica for her control. And I still don’t understand who I would want to be. Because I am open to the world, I love control and at the same time I like to laugh at myself very much, but I have such a silly head (laughs).
- From what you listed, I have the image of a comedy heroine.
- Well, comedy, yes. So, not a Bond girl, you know, rather ... Have you seen 'Red' with Bruce Willis and John Malkovich?
- Yes, of course.
- And there was a girl of Willis's character.
- A bit crazy one.
- Yes, that character looks like me, like my character from the movie, it seems (laughs).
- And what is Lisa Tuktamysheva’s feature in life? From what I saw at the arenas, in conversations, what our common acquaintances told me - you are a good-natured laugher.
- Well, yes, something like that. But at the same time, I can be a femme fatal (laughs). But very rarely.
- This, of course, is a red make-up and a red pantsuit ...
- Yes, but more often it's a funny, bit weird girl - Liza Tuktik.
- Are you ready for competition with young Tutberidze's girls?
- I think yes. I think we got two programs that could be very successful for me the next. I have a great desire to go out and perform with all my heart, to give all of myself, because I really like my current programs.
- What needs to be done to be on equal footing and beat the girls who go for several quads and jump, jump, jump?
- You need to show something else. Each has its own strengths. How to beat them? At least, if you look on the last season's results, then it is indeed very difficult to beat them, almost impossible. It is really difficult to compete with a skater with three quads in the free program or with five quads. It is necessary to do all the elements at +5 GOE, get the highest marks - all spins, step sequences, and you also need ultra-C elements. But to me it seems that you really have to be a genius in order to be at the highest step of the podium right now.
- But - again, I judge from the point of view of the ordinary viewer - maybe your age is a bargaining chip, because when Tuktamysheva comes to the ice, it’s a real grown up woman's skating.
- Yes, maybe, but in any case, real grown up woman or not, the execution and difficulty of the elements are the most valued and important things. So, if there is a combination of both femininity and well-executed elements, spins, jumps - then you can be competitive. Unfortunately, you can't get a medal only for being feminine (laughs).
- But then it turns out that you need to add a quad.
- It turns out that yes, I need.
- And which quad that will be?
- It will be a quad toe loop. I think that if I'd do a quad, it'll definitely be a toe loop, because it was the easiest way for me to learn and land it.
- So you are ready to add difficulty in order to win?
- I was ready for this at the end of this season, but given the quarantine situation we can’t train and skate as we usually do, so I don’t know what the next season will be like. Perhaps the content I already have will be enough. If skate cleanly with all three triple axels in two programs, skate well, be consistent, then this will be a good result for me. When there is such a long break, learning the quadruple from the scratch is not easy.
- On the other hand, your rivals are in the same situation, especially since they have a significant disadvantage - they will become a year older and at that age, of course, this change will somehow affect their performances.
- Perhaps it will, perhaps not. Everyone has a different physiology, maybe someone will do through puberty in an easy way. But I do not like to guess what will happen next. I will try to just squeeze the maximum out of my body and not to think what may happen to the bodies of my rivals.
- At what Grand Prix events would you like to take part in next season?
- I really love Japan, I am always pleased to skate there, and I always really hope that I will get NHK Trophy. Last year it was very cool in Las Vegas, I really liked it. I don’t know exactly the cities of the Grand Prix next season, there is still no information, but I would like to perform in Japan, but we will see.
- Did you get to a casino in Las Vegas?
- We lived in a hotel and downstairs was a casino. Classic hotel for Las Vegas. But we didn’t go there, because you are allowed to go there only from the age of 21, and in my company I was the only one who was over 21 (laughs). Therefore, we just walked around and enjoyed the views of the city.
- Well, you could go down there on the sly, especially if you lived in the same hotel with a casino ...
- But I’m not a gambler! I passed by and did not understand why people are wasting money on it.
- And what is a better way to spend money on?
- To buy something for myself, I think. Something for my face, body, hair, to protect skin already, to stay young longer (laughs). You should never waste time on this. Now when I have grown up, I also believe that it's better not to spend some money simultaneously, but better buy one thing later, but it would be a better one. And not like in childhood, when you buy a hundred pieces of some junk (laughs). Then you don’t wear any of what you bought. Now the process is way more conscious.
- I will not say who, but one athlete told me that once while sorting through her wardrobe, she found several packed things because she bought them and then even forgot what she bought. Was it like that?
- It happened a couple of times to me. Not exactly that same but still - I bought something and remembered about it but things were still packed and remained with the label because I had never put them on in my life. And I didn’t understand why I bought them at all. As a result, I gave it that stuff to my friends, because either it did not suit me, either my wardrobe.
- You understand that competition in Russia is very difficult, are you ready to change citizenship?
- I think not, because it kills a lot of time and ... This is such a difficult step, that is, if I were 15 or 18 at least - this is one thing, but at my age, I think if I understand that I don’t have the strength to compete anymore, to skate, then it would be easier to start some kind of business and to gradually enter a different industry, well, or just to skate in shows.
- By the way, about other industry or shows. Would you like to start your own show or are you ready to take part in Averbukh, Rudkovskaya, Navka's shows?
- I would like to participate in all kinds of shows at first, and I will not refuse, of course, any offers - I hope there will be some by the end of my career. And then, when I get an understanding of how this industry works, then, yes, maybe I’ll start my own show, but this is very unlikely, because you really need to do this by your own, have contacts, to live in it. This is a difficult and serious work. I don't know. Both options are possible (laughs).
- Which show impressed you the most?
- I actually didn’t see many fairytale shows, I usually watch the shows I take part in. But when I saw the last show of Navka, it impressed me. And I also really liked the Averbukh's show "Carmen".
- Do you perform your 'Toxic' exhibition in shows?
- I skated it last year on the show ... No, the year before last, it turns out ... No, last year. In 2019, yes. I already forgot what year it is now on quarantine (laughs).
- 2020. And today is the 5th of May.
- Yeah, that's fine, thank you (laughs). I performed that program only at one tour, I didn’t skate it in the second one because skaters usually change programs anyway. And if I do my own show, as it was on March 9th in Saint Petersburg, then, of course, I skate to this program. Many people remember it and I don’t want to keep this costume in the closet forever. But when you are invited as a star, you need to surprise people with something new.
- If I don’t confuse anything, Alexey Nikolaevich was the initiator of that program.
- Yes. I suggested music and an idea, and Alexei Nikolaevich proposed an idea to make the number more vivid and catchy.
- Taking into account the removal of your blouse, did you get any offers from Playboy or other magazines?
- No, I didn't, by the way (laughs). MAXIM quoted me a couple of times, but that was all.
- I'm talking about professional photo shooting. That is, we can now say that Elizaveta Tuktamysheva is open to suggestions, and if a serious magazine is ready to organize a photoshoot?
- I would agree.
- Nothing is forbidden?
- Well, for me it's beautiful. I follow the MAXIM magazine on Instagram, for example - for me it is beautiful. They show beautiful bodies, beautiful women.
- For me, the main thing is not to be vulgar.
- Yes, to do it beautifully, not in a vulgar way. For example, in some beautiful underwear. We are not saying that you must definitely get naked in front of the camera and here is your cover of the magazine.
- You can make a remake of the picture from the back from your Instagram.
- (Laughs) This is already too much for me.
- So we work without repeats?
- Yes (laughs).

And that was only the first half of the interview.. :)

she sounds so down to earth!!! I really enjoyed that interview!


Well-Known Member
Part 2

- What do you read on self-isolation?
- Now I'm reading 'Une vie' by Maupassant. One of Tolstoy’s favorite novels, at least that was written in the foreword. And I am studying in the university, so I have to write essays, my thesis, and there wasn’t much time for books.
- Are you aware that Elena Vaytsekhovskaya has written a book about female figure skating? The book will be available right after quarantine.
- Yes, I saw the advertisement, would be very interesting to read.
- What do you expect from the book?
- I don’t know, it seems to me that this will be such an action-packed book (laughs). In my opinion, it should be interesting. If there are good reviews, then I will buy it. Someone in my circle will definitely read it and then I will decide to read it or not.
- You wanted to start your clothing line.
- Yes.
- Why all of a sudden?
- I have been thinking about it for the whole season, in fact. It just took a very long time to figure out what I wanted, how I wanted, and it all somehow went very slowly. I don’t know why I decided to do so, I just wanted to have some other interest in life besides figure skating.
- I have an idea! Do you know which footballer is a clothing designer by education?
- I don’t know, maybe some Italian (laughs)?
- No, no, no, he is practically your neighbor.
- What are you doing? No, I do not know.
- Andrey Sergeevich Arshavin.
- Aah, wow! (laughs)
- Can you imagine what a powerful collaboration could be - Arshavin from the 'Zenit' side, Tuktamyshev from the figure skating side and a combination of football and figure skating in some capsule casual collection.
- This is a really cool idea actually (laughs).
- It's yours.
- Thank you, but for now I need to at least release my own line, and then we'll see.
- What do you have in mind?
- There will be a collection of comfortable clothes for everyday life, not just for sports and training. Casual style - hoodies, sweatshirts, pants. There is a lot of it already. In the future I'd like to start a brand for figure skating fans so that they could wear it for competitions or when they watch figure skating - just how football fans put on t-shirts and scarves. To do something like that for skaters, because, it seems to me, we don’t have one yet.
- In my opinion, Zhenya Medvedev did something similar, no?
- Yes, yes, Zhenya Medvedev also released her line, but she had hoodies with her images. She did it for her fans, I think. Actually, this is also a very good idea, and my first collection will also be somehow associated with me.
- Have you already calculated if there is some profit?
- Approximately. But this is not that much money, and I am doing this not for the sake of money.
- Would you feel yourself comfortable on a commentary position in such clothes?
- Yes, of course.
- Did you immediately agree to it, when you were ask to commentate for the first time?
- Immediately. And I really wanted to do commentary, thought about it for a month, probably. I got a burning desire right inside. And then they called me from Channel 1, and I just - yes! I was very pleased with this offer.
- Do you like the style of Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova?
- Sometimes yes, sometimes ... I know the world of figure skating, so sometimes it’s interesting to listen to her, it’s interesting what she will say. But sometimes, it seems to me, she goes too far. But in principle, if there is a choice, then I will most likely choose Tatyana Anatolyevna, because when you are not too interested in a skater, you can listen to what she says (laughs).
- And what did you think about her emotional commenting on Zagitova and Medvedeva in Pyeongchang?
- I watched the Olympics without commentary, not on the Russian channel.
- As I understand it, you will for sure retire in 2 years? Or you will continue skating no matter what happens in Beijing?
- Well, not for sure, but we'll see. I will definitely skate until the Olympics, and the I will look further at how my body will react. If my body tells me that I can skate for more - then why not, I will stay in sports. And after the retirement I will do some shows and learn something new.
- What do you want to learn?
- Just learn (laughs).
- Well, I don’t know, apartment design, foreign languages, jurisprudence ...
- By the way, yes, I wanted to start interior design courses, but well we have a quarantine now. It’s interesting to me - design, because I did the design of my apartment and enjoyed that process so much. I bought everything myself and imagined how it should look like. It is not yet fully completed, but in general I like it, and I would like to do something like that again.
- You often write provocative posts on your social media, take the one about 9 months, for example. Those who follow you there understood that you were talking about braces, but those who rarely open your social networks got a completely different idea. Did you do it intentionally?
- Well, not on purpose, it practically happened - I had braces for 9 months, that's why I wrote it. But sometimes I like to add some fire, of course, so that it would not be so boring during quarantine.
- Well, not only during quarantine. I recall your the epochal battles with Spiridonov and Kafelnikov, and another epochal one with Anna Pogorilaya. Where did this come from?
- Well, we didn’t have any battles with with Anya, there was a question and an answer, it wasn't even a dialogue. I simply answered on her incorrect statement in my address, and that was over. I tried do it for some time, but it brings a lot of negativity, so I like to play with the people a little bit (laughs). And then back to calmness again.
- So this is your style for social media only? You are not serious?
- These little things I post on social media, I’m exactly like that in life. That is, I’m trying to show people that Liza Tuktamysheva is not a simple and good girl, I want to show all of me.
- Could Liza Tuktamysheva team up with someone? In ice dance or in pairs.
- Why not, but it would make no sense.
- And in theory - what would you chose - ice dance or pairs?
- Pairs, because they can jump. In ice dance you need to have beautiful figure, long legs and to be a rather tall one, and I didn't quite succeed under these criteria (laughs).
- Do sell yourself short!
- Well, I'm still rather short for dancing. My height is very good for pair. Therefore, I'd choose pairs.
- Who could be your perfect partner? Maybe Trankov?
- Well, yes, maybe Trankov. With Trankov, we sometimes tried some easy lifts at the shows. Trankov is very good partner.
- And a commentary duet with Max?
- I really liked that. In general, I have good relationship with Max, and it was very comfortable and fun to work with him on a commentary position, because he is also not that simple.
- At first we discussed figure skating with Max, and now we usually talk about our daughters. What do you think, what kind of mom could you be in the future?
- Fair.
- Will you pamper your children?
- Of course. But still a fair one.
- Surely you have thought about the future. Do you want a girl, a boy, twins?
- It makes no difference to me at all. I just see myself as a mom, but I don’t know (laughs). It does not matter.
- And what is the ideal man for Liza Tuktamysheva?
- (Laughs) I don’t know, I didn’t have much experience in relationships, so I don’t know who is the ideal man for me.
- Don't have much experience, and yet they have been discussing your break up for two months already.
- Yes? I didn’t know that (laughs).
- Such an enviable bride is free now.
- Well, I do not know.
- Well, to someone who wants to meet Liza. How to win your favor?
- With humor, openness and love for music, books. That is, he should be with such a ... probably a subtle soul, but at the same time a bit weird (laughs).
- What did Andrei (Lazukin) lack?
- Andrei had everything, we remained friends, I still like him. It just happens, you have been in a relationship for a long time and then you just understood, that it’s not quite right for both of you.
- Have you been together for five years?
- Almost five years, yes.
- Some people manage to get married for a couple of times, then divorce and find a new love interest in five years. And here you had stability.
- There was stability, we were constantly together at training sessions, at training camps. It's like skating in pairs, it seems to me that when you skate in a couple, and people just start dating. It is normal that there is some attachment to a person. But it’s good that now we realized that we have to go further and not together.
- Do you now regret that you ended up alone in quarantine?
- No, this quarantine has opened my eyes to some things (laughs).
- Next year St. Petersburg will become one of 12 capitals of the European Football Championship. Do you want to go to the stadium?
- Yes, of course! I love when there's a full stadium, an interesting game. But unfortunately, if it scheduled for the summer, it isn't clear whether I will have time, whether I will be in St. Petersburg those days. Usually we have all summer camps scheduled, and I never had an opportunity to get to a single game during the 2018 World Cup. But I'd really want to go, of course.
- Will Alexei Nikolaevich take his group to Italy again?
- I am not sure, let's see what will happen. Maybe to Italy, maybe somewhere else, we will find a place.
- Alexei Nikolaevich, who is he for you? Can you come to him, rest on his shoulder, cry? And he he'd say - Liz, how are you doing?
- No, we still have this subordination between a coach and an athlete, but at the same time we have a very trusting and respectful relationship with each other. But to cry on his shoulder - no. I will never in my life allow myself to do this and will not go to anyone.
- Well, you are not saying that you never cry, or?
- Of course, I cry. But certainly not on Alexei Nikolaevich’s shoulder (laughs).
- And on whose shoulder you are crying?
- My own.
- Only? And you are not sharing things with others, not asking for advices?
- This rarely happens.
- And why? Are there no such friends and close people, or is there no need for it?
- There is no need, because only you truly know how to solve your own problem. And you will find a better answer when you are alone with yourself and your thoughts, when you can cry alone, rather than when you discuss it with your friends. It certainly won't become worse if you will cry alone.
- How much freedom do you have in terms of money?
- I am not as free as I would like, at least when I think about the future. In general, I have enough money for now. But considering my future life - family, children - I would like more, of course (laughs).
- Well, maybe you will be lucky with a husband, who will earn a lot.
- Maybe lucky, maybe not. It is better to rely only on your own strengths.
- The ideal house of Liza Tuktamysheva - an apartment or a country house?
- A country house, a log house, this style ...
- Russian or Finnish style?
- Finnish I'd say. That is, there should be a fireplace there, so that it would be cozy, family-like, and there should be a lake nearby where you could swim. Something like this.. Or it will be, for example, some small house in Italy or Spain (laughs).
- Will there be a cat or a dog?
- Dog, one hundred percent.
- Which one?
- Golden retriever.
- The dogs are wonderful, and I strongly wish that this dream will come true.
- Yes, I love them very much.
- Imagine that quarantine ends tomorrow, borders are open, Liza runs to the Aeroflot website and buys a ticket to ...
- To Bali (laughs). Just to Relax.
- Swimming, surfing, seafood and not thinking about anything?
- Yes! But it is unlikely, of course, to go on holiday this year. But if we are dreaming, then it would be Bali for at least a week. To change the reality I constantly exist in for some time, to relax my brain and body from sports and just to have a rest.
- What is a perfect vacation for you? Just to do nothing and lie on the beach?
- No, an ideal vacation would be like this - a good beach, warm water, tropics and also some regular travels around the island. To see some unexplored places, to search for some hidden places, to explore. I enjoy this so much.
- These are like fragments of the movie "Beach" with Leonardo DiCaprio.
- Maybe, yes (laughs). I have been to Thailand several times, for me Phuket is a place of power.
- Now a blitz. Favorite music?
- Classic old rock. Led Zeppelin, "Stairway to heaven".
- Dima Guberniev will appreciate! Best actor?
- James McAvoy.
- Actress?
- Meryl Streep.
- A movie you are ready to watch every night?
- "Eat Pray Love".
- The concert that you have already been to and that made the greatest impression?
- Scorpions. I really liked it.
- And the best book and writer?
- Remarque, "Three Comrades"
- The best theater?
- Mariinsky.
- Your favorite performance at the Mariinsky Theater?
- Ballet "Carmen".
- And who was dancing, do you remember?
- Diana Vishneva.
- She, by the way, became the ambassador of the European Football Championship. If you are invited, will you agree?
- Of course I'm ready!
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Like a small boat on the ocean...
Thank you for posting that. I don't know if it is the translation, but the interview was a little wonky I thought. Something just seemed contrived/off/artificial. But that is just me.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for posting that. I don't know if it is the translation, but the interview was a little wonky I thought.
To me it seems like it’s Konov’s style. He was a head of Rsport, worked on MatchTV and Channel 1 (not sure about his current position), he usually writes about sports in general, rarely about figure skating. And he does interviews only with people he finds interesting or he’s friends with (Trankov, Ilinykh in figure skating, for example). So his interviews are usually pretty long, informal, maybe even a bit frantic, seem more like dialogues between two friends.

But my translation skills are also not on the highest level, so it could be the point, too:lol:
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Well-Known Member
It’s true that liza could have a quad and triple axel and it still not be enough so why not change counties?!? She’s right it would take too long. Too long a process. But it’s true she would get beaten on PCs and spin goe? Ugh!!! Good luck!!!!


Well-Known Member
I really liked Tutktamysheva's plans to make some clothing that is skating merchandise. So far Medvedeva is the only skater who has done this. Jackie Wong has those 'Rocker Skating' hoodies too.

I am really surprised in the skating world that more skaters do not sell merchandise . Every YouTuber or podcaster etc seems to have a range of hoodies, t-shirts, mugs, pencil cases that they sell for extra money.

I think that some skaters could do well if they commissioned some art work to be printed on shirts and hoodies for fans to wear.
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Doing all the things
In other sports and in music, selling "merch" is one of the prime ways to make money. There are NBA stars who have massive contracts with retail companies who aren't even the best players -- they just have marketable personalities.

I definitely think athletes in niche sports should look into this.


Well-Known Member
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Well-Known Member
Yes and I think some of the Russian girls could sell a lot of pencil cases and t-shirts to their teenage fans.

PS I always wish this artist would create merchandise with the amazing illustrations they make:
Those are fantastic! of course I have my favorites. :) thank you I'd never seen that site before.

The t-shirt/hoodie/hat etc. idea is a great one. I think Alexa Knierim could have marketed something like that referring to her and Chris, instead of the bags she peddled and other $-making projects she had. I don't know about now, though.

And back to Elizaveta: I've never been a fan of her skating, but I really love her personality. I loved this interview -- it's sort of off the wall and goes every which way, which to me is so interesting.

And this: (answering the question, who would you be in the movies; i.e. a Bond girl?)

"I often watch "Friends", this is my favorite series, and I imagined whom of these three women I could have been if I got invited, if I had such opportunity. I adore Phoebe for her brilliant open nature. She is so open to the world, and I love this so much."


Well-Known Member
Those are fantastic! of course I have my favorites. :) thank you I'd never seen that site before.

The closer you look at the illustrations the better they are!

I love this one of Kostornaya - you can see all of the different famous vampires as well from Hotel Transylvania, Twilight, Nosferatu, Interview with a Vampire etc.

And this one with the Egyptian themed programs is genius:

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Another interview from a celebrity skater, where I am more and more convinced that the desire for fame and medals is more about making money than about medals and placements. Or.... skaters think of medals as a venue for fame and money.

Until as recent as 5-10 years ago it was "i need money to train to get medals/gold", now it is "i need medals/gold to get fame and money" (beyond "government stipend, car and apartment").

The hoopla with Ari Zakarian's ISU "popularity awards" is another proof of it. Skaters - your skating is no longer about athletics and art....... your skating is partially about "skating" but most of the money are to be made on sensationalism. Punch a fellow skater - and you're a celebrity and reach the public's eye, does not matter good or bad.

Skaters will undress, say and do provocative things, start their own T-shirt and tea-cup lines, create conflicts with other celebrities... :D
Who needs a talent, when you can break a guitar. Guitars for some are for "popularity and compensation for lack of talent" not "music talent". Also a simulation of a conalingus on a concert stage often worth more than using one's tongue to sing a talented song and/or talented music.

The songs are fogotten...... the tongue remains and keeps the fame going.... :D

Soon we will have not Ice Skating but "Ice Wrestling" events...... pre-set, pre-negotiated, with fake "pain" "happiness" "scores"...... :D

If i ever belittle myself to participate in such money making endeavours i would outperform Plushy, Rudkovskaya, Tuktik, etc.... I'll skip the pretense that "the issues of conflict" are for real, and go for the most natural of the "human nature" - bread and circuses with lots of blood..... And I don't need to go far, just change the surface of the circus venue.... :D

I already check with local and European arenas (for FMI) - all i would need to do is take a short-treck layout and get skaters some helmets.....

Red Square Bombers - here we come! surveys taken..... would be sold out events!
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Banned Member
Or.... skaters think of medals as a venue for fame and money.

This is called the American way,honey. Live it. Love it. Learn it.

Full disclosure. I do not like this skater and consider her penchant to perform smutty peepshows on ice crass at best.

Nonetheless,I would never begrudge her parlaying medals into income.

The songs are fogotten...... the tongue remains and keeps the fame going.... :D

An astoundingly relevant cultural reference.

Any man who can perform tongue acrobatics like this deserves some measure of fame,no?

Soon we will have not Ice Skating but "Ice Wrestling" events...... pre-set, pre-negotiated, with fake "pain" "happiness" "scores"...... :D

Did you not watch one professional competition in the 1990s? It's as if you're living in the Soviet Union circa 1972.



Well-Known Member
Another interview from a celebrity skater, where I am more and more convinced that the desire for fame and medals is more about making money than about medals and placements.

Dude I’m pretty sure that landing a quad toe and learning a quad salchow was for medals and placements.:D

This is called the American way,honey. Live it. Love it. Learn it.

Tukt is actually Russian. I always need to point this out when I get accused of being anti-Russian by loving Tukt - one of Russia’s major skating prodigies and the first lady in history to land 4 triple jumps in a short program.
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Jot the Dot Dot

Headstrong Buzzard
Also a simulation of a conalingus on a concert stage often worth more than using one's tongue to sing a talented song and/or talented music.

Well, anyone can simulate a cunning linguist, an American rocker or a Canadian skater! Check the link below.
Loving this junk is not pro-Russian..... :D

What you are in fact - is pro-American, because it supports the country's new sick trend - #bodypositive... for women who need to fix themselves instead floating big butts, boobs and not suited for public display.

Sounds like my favorite Khurvaceous Khoncert pianist, Khatia, the one who detractors accused of wanting to be an honorary Khardashian! Does that make me pro-Georgian?

Your comments about ElTuk's figure ("Fat arse and folds" WTF?) is part of the reason for the prevalence of eating disorders among female skaters. The Empress has won 25 Gold, 13 Silver and 11 Bronze (5 of those in the last year) by the age of 23, wouldn't you call that Empressive, er, impressive? If the Quad Rapunzel Trusova (who I am a big fan of), can do as well, all glory to her and her Terminator arms!


Well-Known Member
Loving all the russian losers, under-dogs and girls who go against the "system", instead of the top 3 who bring Russia medals and glory....
To me, this approach has more in common with prostitution rather than with patriotism in true sense of this word 😏

Tukt is actually Russian. I always need to point this out when I get accused of being anti-Russian by loving Tukt - one of Russia’s major skating prodigies and the first lady in history to land 4 triple jumps in a short program.
I’m the most anti-Russian of you all, don’t worry ;)


Well-Known Member
Did Tinami despise Tukt when she was one of the child prodigy skaters and then World Champ or is this a new development? I didn’t read skating forums back then.

Honestly, I don’t understand why this forum allows such abusive and offensive posting like the ones above.

I really dislike how one poster on here is given free reign to crash threads with offensive, abusive posts. Talk about hijacking a cheerful thread about skating merch.
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Active Member
So apparently now, having typically slavic curves, is anti-Russian according to Tinami.

I mean, which would mean that Alina is teethering one kilo over the anti-Russian traitor territory...

I mean, typical Slavic women... are somewhat curvy. And nothing wrong with that. People need to get over the fact that grown ass women weight more than 35 kilos.


If I agreed with you, we’d both be wrong.
How did we get to body shaming?! I don't look at what kind of body type the skaters have, but how well they move across the ice and most importantly, their personalities on and off ice. There are a few skaters I cannot stand myself, but it has more to do with their whiny-poor-me attitude.

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