Women’s WC of soccer 2023


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
That’s like being happy that a skater falls on a jump. Pretty low class behaviour, but in character I guess. :)
Oh, come on - you haven't ever once rooted for a skater or team to fall on a jump/element? You've never once had a skater/team you detested enough that you didn't have the teensiest shred of a hope that they'd fall? Glad to know you think you're a saint. Both @Frau Muller and I know we're sinners and are okay with that.


Ubering juniors against my will
"Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us." ;)


Well-Known Member
That’s like being happy that a skater falls on a jump. Pretty low class behaviour, but in character I guess. :)

Good to know you have no remorse also for your vote for a seditious fraudster. :)
I love how you say everything with a smile. I've been reading on some male dominated US sites and the comments are ugly. No matter that they are our national team. I get it if other countries were upset with them during the last contest but this in-country stuff is jarring to me.


Whippet Good
Oh, come on - you haven't ever once rooted for a skater or team to fall on a jump/element? You've never once had a skater/team you detested enough that you didn't have the teensiest shred of a hope that they'd fall? Glad to know you think you're a saint. Both @Frau Muller and I know we're sinners and are okay with that.
I don’t, and I’m not a saint. 🤷🏻‍♀️


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
I love how you say everything with a smile. I've been reading on some male dominated US sites and the comments are ugly. No matter that they are our national team. I get it if other countries were upset with them during the last contest but this in-country stuff is jarring to me.
They didn't bring much honor or glory to the nation, though. Not in their play or, YMMV, their conduct.

The thing is, especially with sportsmen and women who are playing for a country with such a diverse political dialogue as the US, they would do better to keep their personal politics to themselves and remember they represent the ENTIRE country - otherwise they risk being mocked when they shank a penalty kick that causes the team to be eliminated from the WC.

They should be like Mike.


Well-Known Member
They didn't bring much honor or glory to the nation, though. Not in their play or, YMMV, their conduct.

The thing is, especially with sportsmen and women who are playing for a country with such a diverse political dialogue as the US, they would do better to keep their personal politics to themselves and remember they represent the ENTIRE country - otherwise they risk being mocked when they shank a penalty kick that causes the team to be eliminated from the WC.

They should be like Mike.
Well I will admit that it is much easier for me because I often agree with the athletes/teams in question. I wonder what my reaction would be if it were a team or athlete who has a different perspective than mine. I do like football a lot and sometimes watch Boomer and Gio early in the morning. Boomer is quite the conservative and sometimes starts going off about it but he seems to know when to stop and return to sports. And also I think he is a conservative "bnft"...my slang for politically to the right "but not for Trump." It makes a difference to me. If he started proselytizing for Trump I'd have to stop watching. But he's been critical of Trump.


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
Well I will admit that it is much easier for me because I often agree with the athletes/teams in question. I wonder what my reaction would be if it were a team or athlete who has a different perspective than mine. I do like football a lot and sometimes watch Boomer and Gio early in the morning. Boomer is quite the conservative and sometimes starts going off about it but he seems to know when to stop and return to sports. And also I think he is a conservative "bnft"...my slang for politically to the right "but not for Trump." It makes a difference to me. If he started proselytizing for Trump I'd have to stop watching. But he's been critical of Trump.
I definitely agree with you. I thought about this after I made my last post, but I honestly wasn't much of a fan of Tim Tebow when he was proselytizing instead of producing as a player - and he wasn't even playing a sport that has a World Cup/Championship or Olympic presence.

I guess I just look at this in terms of they aren't being paid to express their political opinions, they're being paid for their athletic prowess. When you win the championship or compete at the Olympics and are invited to the White House to celebrate that accomplishment - you didn't get there due to your political opinions and the honor and recognition is on behalf of the whole country, so show some respect for the office and just a small amount of grace and dignity.


Well-Known Member
I definitely agree with you. I thought about this after I made my last post, but I honestly wasn't much of a fan of Tim Tebow when he was proselytizing instead of producing as a player - and he wasn't even playing a sport that has a World Cup/Championship or Olympic presence.

I guess I just look at this in terms of they aren't being paid to express their political opinions, they're being paid for their athletic prowess. When you win the championship or compete at the Olympics and are invited to the White House to celebrate that accomplishment - you didn't get there due to your political opinions and the honor and recognition is on behalf of the whole country, so show some respect for the office and just a small amount of grace and dignity.
If I were that athlete I would certainly make the trip for every past president except one. I just can't stomach him. But I would support my teammates who attended. If we were well known athletes could we stay out of the fray? We both have strong beliefs. I actually think it can be a very brave choice to speak up because you risk your career for something that you deem bigger than your career. And you know it is going to anger people. Sports is escapist fun. No one wants to know about your protest. Sometimes the issue overwhelms. Kaepernick had to know he was punting his career with his protest. No one would touch him after 2016. And he didn't know Nike would bail him out financially. The issue was too big for him. I respect that even as I admit I'd rather not have politics on gameday.


Well-Known Member
the honor and recognition is on behalf of the whole country, so show some respect for the office
If a politician doesn't show respect to the office they're holding or if they don't show respect to the person they're inviting or don't accept them for who they are why should the person who is invited accept the invitation?

No title anywhere in the world makes the title-holder a better person or deserving of or entitled to respect. Respect goes both ways and needs to be earned.


In A Fake Snowball Fight
When you win the championship or compete at the Olympics and are invited to the White House to celebrate that accomplishment - you didn't get there due to your political opinions and the honor and recognition is on behalf of the whole country, so show some respect for the office and just a small amount of grace and dignity.
Bit rich to be asking people to show respect for an office and grace and dignity given who the person holding the office was in 2019. :shuffle:


Whippet Good
Ignoring this boring conversation about """"""soccer"""""", I wonder how many if Russians returned to skating.
I won't wish for them to fall. I'll just root against them by cheering for skaters. Or just ignore them. Still not a saint. 🤷‍♀️
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Well-Known Member
What about soccer? I'm kinda on team Aussies, but not really following that close.
The two Australia games that I've seen have been an absolute joy to watch. They play the kind of soccer that gets me going and that I enjoy.

So, for the moment they're my favorite team and I'm rooting for them against France. But I'm okay with anyone but Japan winning as long as they all play to the best of their ability. (Japan may be good technically but the kind of game they play is boring. Spain is my second least favorite team. Their technique is brilliant but they're almost too good technically. It's almost as if every shot on goal is a math equation that they're solving before someone's actually taking a shot :lol:)

What I'm enjoying is that, so far, even if I was rooting for the team that lost, it was the better team that won, so I don't feel like the advancements are undeserving or unsatisfactory. The US may be the exception but Sweden is not a bad team at all and if the US had played like they did in the game against Sweden from the start, their game would probably have been more polished and they would have managed to score as well.


Well-Known Member
Australia - France, what a game. They both deserved to move on but as a German who has been through the excitement of 2006, my heart was beating a teeny bit more for the Australians, so I'm thrilled! (And contrary to allezfred, I hate penalties. I realize that they can't play until they have a goal but there is so much luck involved in penalties, I always find it a bit unfair).

And it won't be any consolation to the French players but that game was final worthy!

ETA: I really appreciate that Australia's coach was so emotional in public! And how cute were those toddlers of some of the players? Adorable!
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How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
Wait - there’s a nickname for their nickname? :lol:
Lmao - your American-ness (teensy though it may be) is showing! I mean, we don't even bother with nicknaming our national teams anything, lol. Of course the Aussies would go the opposite direction and have a nickname for their nickname.


Well-Known Member
The rule with Australian nicknames is also how easy it is to say. A toddler would have a much easier time saying Tillies rather than Matildas. Also, Tilly is a common nickname for Matilda. I had a cat called Tilly whose name was short for (Waltzing) Matilda. It also sometimes got shortened to Tils.

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