News and updates à la Française, part quatre


Well-Known Member
The report about the 2014-2022 FFSG administration for the Sports Ministry is out.
The mission of general inspection has alerted the Procureur Général (general attorney) about some wrongdoings from the Gailhaguet era, ie "people" (ie Gailhaguet and Co) could be sued.
It also notes the invasive nature of Gailhaguet's influence within the FFSG and the will to have stand-ins. And that the current presidency had "a change of heart" which may turn into further troubles within the federation.

The summary of the report has been published.

It is a long summary so if you have the patience, here it is, google translated (with some corrections, I didn't modify the administrative language though) :

Summary of the report of June 2, 2023 on the French Ice Sports Federation (FFSG)

A mission by the General Inspectorate for Education, Sport and Research (IGÉSR), launched by the Minister for Sports and the Olympic and Paralympic Games on October 6, 2022, took place within the French Federation of Ice Sports (FFSG) in the context of several reports brought to the attention of the Ministry of Sports and the Olympic and Paralympic Games (MSJOP), relating to suspicions of interference by unelected individuals, most of whom are former leaders, as well as breaches of budgetary and accounting rules.

Carried out in accordance with the control framework for registered sports federations, this mission follows an initial report by the IGESR submitted in July 2020 (1) which focused on the examination of the conditions under which the FFSG had dealt, in previous years, with the facts of sexist and sexual violence, particularly revealed by former high-level skaters, including Ms. Sarah Abitbol. This mission is also part of the context of the change in governance following the federal elections of June 25, 2022.

In this particular context, and in order to also evaluate the follow-up of the recommendations made during the previous controls (2), the mission considered it important that this should cover the three past and current Olympiads (i.e. since 2014), corresponding : :

- to the last mandates of Mr. Didier Gailhaguet (2014 – February 8, 2020), president of the federation between 1998 and 2004, then from 2007 to 2020,

- to the mandate of Mrs Nathalie Péchalat (March 14, 2020 – June 22, 2022),

- to the mandate of Mrs Gwenaëlle Noury (since June 22, 2022).

At the end of its investigations which led to carry out more than 130 hearings, to carry out numerous controls on parts at the federation's headquarters and to travel to different territories, meeting with leaders of affiliated clubs (3), of the structure "Relève" (ie NexGen) at the CREPS in Reims or during the Elites 2022 championship in Rouen, the mission submitted a preliminary report to the observations of the current president of the French Ice Sports Federation (FFSG), Mrs. Noury, and her two predecessors Ms. Péchalat and Mr. Gailhaguet, as part of the contradictory phase usually carried out in this type of mission. Their observations were taken into account by the mission whenever they were justified, thus allowing the delivery of the final report to the Minister of Sports and the Olympic and Paralympic Games and to the interested parties for the part that concerns them.

A federal operating that has experienced a succession of crises and marked by the omnipresence of former leaders to the detriment of the establishment of a new governance.

If the mission concentrated its investigations on the last three Olympiads (that is, since the 2014 financial year), it was able to observe that many events (4) prior to this period that marked the history of the FFSG still impact its internal functioning and the relations between the different disciplines, and tarnish its image. The federation has still not managed to turn the page from a long period of governance by the same team. (5)

The hearings conducted by the mission and the various documents it was able to collect in fact make it possible to confirm the permanent presence of former leaders of the federation, some of whom continued to maintain close relations with federal elected officials, as well as with club leaders and sportsmen. The mission had confirmation, with supporting documents, that the election of the new president, Mrs. Noury, was influenced, the person concerned, then president of the Lorient club, having been invited to run against Mrs. Péchalat (6). According to several interlocutors interviewed, this approach was clearly aimed at allowing the control of federal governance to be regained through intermediate leaders. One of the former leaders thus requested consultant status from the FFSG and, as such, demanded from the president of the federation a contract initially signed in the fall of 2022, without a vote of the executive board nor the federal council. This status was finally refused by the president in March 2023 on the grounds that she did not wish to entrust this former leader with an international representation function, particularly as part of a planned trip to Japan.

Despite the changes introduced in the federal operation by Mrs. Péchalat, between March 2020 and July 2022, and the departure of many former managers, leaders or technical executives, the FFSG has not succeeded in rebuilding an unifying federal project. The old divisions, the rivalries between clubs, between coaches, between disciplines, between former sportsmen, are all obstacles to the gathering of the "great family of ice sports". The effects of the 2020 crisis, having implicated more than twenty coaches for sexual and sexist violence, are still very present. With several major governance changes in less than three years and deep divisions, the federation is now in trouble, its workforce in technical cadres is reduced (7) and its image is very degraded. It is struggling to rebuild itself and to establish a real internal democracy with calm and transparent functioning, which it has never known.

The general inspection mission thus began in a difficult context for the new federal governance, a context which led to a very strong instability of the management team resulting from the elections of June 2022 (successions of 3 treasurers and 2 general secretaries in 11 months ). However, several events occurred during the mission that led to a significant change in position on the part of the current management team.

Investigations that quickly brought to light the existence of an omerta, resulting in particular in the disappearance of the federation's archives.

The current leadership team of the FFSG, as well as the previous one, have indicated to the mission that they do not have all the archival elements to respond to (the mission’s) communication requests. The president and general secretary of the federation thus specified to the mission that they did not know where were, for the years prior to 2020, the employment contracts of certain employees, supplier invoices, agreements with certain service providers, in particular those related to the event activity of the FFSG, the forecast budgets of the events, the agreements with the local authorities, and the supporting documents of the ticket office, including the stubs of the receipts.

According to numerous testimonies collected, the events sector was "locked" by three people linked to the former management team. The hearings made it possible to confirm that this trio only shared decisions with certain former leaders. From her election in March 2020, Mrs. Péchalat put an end to this dysfunction, with the greatest difficulties and without completely succeeding.

Following his hearing by the mission, a former manager sent the mission, on April 24, 2023, by electronic message, the employment contract of an employee, also a consultant, which the mission had not been able to find in the federal records and which the Paymaster has certified as not having in his possession.

A witness gathered by the mission claimed to have seen federal employees destroy many documents in the federation’s HQ with the help of a shredder, shortly before the end of the mandate which ended in February 2020.

The archives of the registered sports federations being considered as public archives and as such subject to the provisions relating to their conservation in the national archives, the violation of the obligations linked to their conservation is susceptible to a penal qualification, an element among others that led to the mission to make a report to the prosecutor of the Republic of Paris under article 40 of the code of penal procedure.

A federal management characterized until February 2020 by numerous failures and by very questionable practices, lacking the obligations of an registered federation and some of which are likely to receive a penal qualification.

The economic model of the FFSG is based on its own revenues linked to its licenses, but above all to its event activity (ticketing for competitions and events, one of the most famous of which is the annual tour of the French figure skating team and ice dancing) and to the revenue contributed by its sponsors (8). The FFSG is helped for more than 50% by international federations (9) and local authorities for these events, as well as by the government for the organization of European and international competitions (10).

The financial situation of the federation remains healthy, despite a cumulative deficit of €530,000 in 2020 and 2021, linked to the health crisis and the cancellation of many events. This deficit, which is a point of warning according to the mission, has been partially offset by an increase in the number of licenses and a recovery in revenue related to events in 2022, with in particular the very positive result of the figure skating world championships of Montpellier in March 2022.

The FFSG remains a small structure, with an average of less than ten employees and a maximum of twelve sports technical advisors (CTS). Governance changes accentuated in 2020, then in 2022, an already high turnover of employees and led to an increase in salary expenses. The analysis of remuneration since 2014, based on the pay diary, highlights large differences in remuneration before 2020, with two executive employees who represented almost 40% of the total annual remuneration. The mission also notes that while some employees obtained regular and significant increases in their remuneration between 2014 and 2020, others saw their remuneration remain stable.

In addition to the permanent assistance provided to the technical management of the federation, through the CTS exercising their functions within it, the government has intervened to support various specific projects carried out by the FFSG, notably the purchase of a mobile ice rink for an amount of €1,166,400 including VAT. The mission notes that this purchase, decided in the federal office on February 3, 2017, which benefited from a subsidy of €466,000 from the government (financing agreement of the former national center for the development of sport - CNDS of December 1, 2017), finally took place only in September 2019. The management and storage of this equipment was entrusted to the same company, also a sponsor of the federation, by a decision taken prior to its purchase. The call for tenders was carried out without any prior project management assistance and under the terms of a non-transparent procedure that resulted in the receipt of a single offer. The mission also notes a total lack of transparency in the methods of use of this ice rink (lack of balance sheet and imprecise nature of budgetary and accounting data) despite requests made by certain elected officials and despite the steps taken by the former president of the federation , Mrs. Péchalat, had engaged with the service provider company to obtain precise information from him.

If the mission was able to observe and document healthier management since February 2020, it noted multiple shortcomings in previous budgetary and accounting management, some of which question whether they were potentially intentional: non-compliance with the principles of transparency and publicity in the definition of services of a commercial nature even if the FFSG is not subject to the rules of public procurement; non-compliance with the principles set by its own financial regulation; opacity of relations with historical partners and service providers, without competition, for amounts that the mission deems too high and according to questionable terms in terms of commitment and supporting expenses; lack of internal control of services; lack of transparency on the choice of subcontractors, etc.

Several facts relating to the management prior to February 2020 and likely to receive a penal qualification have also been the subject of a report to the judicial authorities under article 40 of the code of penal procedure:

  • the use of the federation’s bank card for inappropriate and sometimes unsubstantiated expenses;
  • the lack of transparency in the management of certain important service and consultancy contracts with companies historically linked to the FFSG, for sometimes very high costs, through opaque interpersonal relationships with the former management and administrative team;
  • the accumulation of activities of a full-time employee of the FFSG with that of president of a service provider company of the federation between January 1, 2014 and August 6, 2019;
  • non-regulatory methods of remuneration of high-level sportsmen and the activities of sports agents not declared in accordance with the provisions of the sports code;
  • an opaque management of ticketing for sporting events prior to 2020;
  • threats and attempts at intimidation by the current leaders.
In parallel with the report made by the mission to the judicial authority, the mission considers that, following its work, the current leaders would be legitimate to refer the disciplinary commission of the federation so that it examines these same facts and reprehensible behavior for the licensees liable to be brought into question.

On these governance issues, the mission also reports on a non-compliant functioning of the executive bodies and administrative services with regard to the obligations of a delegated and registered sports federation, with a voiceless general assembly, a federal council that plays only partially its role, an ethics committee and disciplinary commissions still too little seized, and finally a disciplinary regulation too little applied. It describes several risky situations and formulates recommendations in order to permanently install a healthier and more ethical management, breaking with old practices.

An Olympic federation with very modest sporting results

Whether it is a question of developing the practice of sport towards specific audiences, for example people in situations of disability, of democratizing access, of reducing its environmental impact, of fighting against doping, against alcoholism or against all forms of discrimination, or even to encourage the involvement of young people in civic service, the FFSG has not up to now, in whole or in part, kept the commitments it had made in writing vis-à-vis the government (12).

These commitments must allow the FFSG, within the framework of the current governance, to make profound changes to its practices and to respect the republican commitment contract, which is now mandatory for all registered federations. These developments will go through training actions for executives, elected officials and sportsmen, whose mission advocates that they be put in place very quickly and organized over several years, with the assistance of actors whose expertise is unanimously recognized. In this regard, the report emphasizes that, on the issue of the fight against sexual and sexist violence, on educational methods and more generally on ethical issues, the FFSG has made a lot of progress since 2020 but the necessary changes in mentality and culture professional have not yet been completed. The mission has thus identified accommodation conditions for young athletes (with the coach or in host families) which remain abnormal. It also notes a worrying increase in reports of abusive training methods towards very young athletes, even though the IGÉSR report of 2020 (13) already underlined the urgency to deal with this situation as a matter of priority.

The FFSG remains in crisis today, as recent events concerning its internal life remind us (exclusion of six elected members of the executive office by a vote of the Federal Council of May 4, 2023, referral to the CNOSF for conciliation, legal complaints). The next general assembly scheduled for June 17, 2023 will meet in a context of divisions. This environment does not facilitate the achievement of the missions entrusted to the technical managers placed within the federation and who are today in great difficulty.

According to the mission, it is therefore essential that this climate cease quickly and that the objective of getting the FFSG out of the crisis situation is shared by all its members. It is about the recognition of the licensees towards their federation, starting with those of the younger generations who are totally foreign and yet indirectly victims of this situation.

Beyond the elements of management prior to 2020 which motivated the report made to the judicial authority within the framework of the provisions of article 40 of the code of criminal procedure, the mission notes that the successive governances embarked on a process of restoring order which certainly did not produce all the expected effects, but which should be underlined.

However, there are still profound transformations to be carried out within the federation, which can only be achieved in a peaceful context free from past conflicts. The report of the mission includes 34 recommendations which should contribute to this and whose implementation will be monitored precisely and over time by the Ministry of Sports and the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

(1) The resigning president, with whom a contradictory procedure had been conducted by this mission, was made the recipient of this report, which was not the case for the president who succeeded him.

(2) The FFSG was audited on various subjects by the general inspection of youth and sports, then by the general inspection of education, sport and research in 1993, 1994, 1996, 2001, 2002, 2014 and 2020.

(3) 12 visits to clubs affiliated to the FFSG in the Ile-de-France and Auvergne Rhône-Alpes regions.

(4) Salt Lake City Olympics scandal in 2002, organization in Nice in 2012 of the world figure skating and ice dancing championships, numerous internal disputes between the disciplines delegated to the federation, etc.

(5) Since the law of March 2, 2022, the limit on the number of terms of office of presidents of sports federations is three terms, except for the current term when the law comes into force.

(6) People interviewed by the mission confirmed that they had been contacted from December 2021 to present their candidacy on Ms. Noury's list, or to ensure their support or to give their proxy. A WhatsApp message circulated during the Federal General Assembly of June 22, 2023 broadcasting voting instructions in the form of a photo of an organization chart with the names of several candidates, completed by the phrase "Our candidates for the Federal Council" in caption. The hearings confirmed that discussions with the newly elected members of the Federal Council have taken place to appoint the presidents of each national sports commission (CSN).

(7) Today there are only 9 sports technical advisers placed with the FFSG for an employment ceiling set at 22 by the sports department.

(8) Operating income is on average €5 million, with an average amount of subsidies of €2.5 million, from the governement, local authorities and the ISU.

(9) Essentially that of skating (figure skating, ice dancing and speed skating) the international skating union (ISU).

(10) For the organization of the world figure skating and ice dancing championships in 2022 in Montpellier, the FFSG received a subsidy of more than 1 000 000 € from the Ministry of Sports (interministerial delegation for major sporting events).

(11) Approved by the State since 1942, the FFSG has eleven delegated disciplines (figure skating, ice dancing, synchronized skating, ballet on ice, short-track, freestyle, ice cross, luge, skeleton, bobsleigh and curling) , seven of which are Olympic. These sports are divided into five families: expression, speed, extreme, downhill and precision.

(12) Within the framework of the multi-annual agreements of objectives signed with the government, their various amendments, the development contracts and now through the federal sport project.

(13) IGESR report no. 2020-085 on the situation of the FFSG with regard to acts of sexual violence in ice sports (July 2020).
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Thanks for all the updates, @Nmsis - much appreciated! IMHO anything Gailhaguet-related really deserves its own thread so that we can continue to use this one for actual skating news/French skater updates, like this one (BIG thank you for taking the time to find/post these links! :)) re. Dania Mouaden/Théo Bigot:
So here are their programs from the last two seasons.

Novice Championships 2023 FD (at 1:09:07) Can't help falling in love with you (dark version) Tommee Profitt (feat. Brooke)
Novice Championships 2023 Pattern Dance Argentine Tango (at 18:55)
Novice Championships 2023 Pattern Dance Westminister Waltz (at 34:36)

Bavarian Open 2022 FD (at 2:36:02) Hush by Marcin Patrzalek / Ameksa by the Taalbi Brothers (District 78 remix)
Bavarian Open 2022 CDs , the waltz at 2:10:48, the blues at 3:58:20


France received 21 Grand Prix assignments on June 28:

Kevin AYMOZ (#1 USA & #5 FIN)
Adam SIAO HIM FA (#3 Angers & #4 CHN)
2 men TBD for Angers

Lorine SCHILD (#5 FIN; GP debut season)
Lea SERNA (Angers)
2 women TBD for Angers

Evgeniia LOPAREVA / Geoffrey BRISSAUD (USA & Angers & FIN)
Marie DUPAYAGE / Thomas NABAIS (Angers)
1 Dance TBD for Angers

Camille KOVALEV / Pavel KOVALEV (Angers & FIN)
Oxana VOUILLAMOZ / Flavien GINIAUX (GP debut in Angers)
1 Pair TBD for Angers
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Cowardly admin
Staff member


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
Cross-posting here - good news for French ice dance!

The announcement for JGP #2 - Linz, Austria is up - JGP-AUT2023_Announcement_Final.pdf

Looks like the USA and France both picked up a 2nd spot in Ice Dance.

Italy, Japan and Switzerland will be using 2 spots in Men; China, Japan and Korea will be using 2 spots in Women; while both Czechia and Korea gave up their 2nd spot and Great Britain passed on a 2nd spot in Ice Dance.


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
Second cross-post of the day with great news for French ice dance!

And the announcement for JGP #3 - Istanbul, Turkey is also up! JGPTUR2023_Announcement_Final.pdf

Another ice dance pick up for both USA and France! Canada picked up a 2nd spot in Men.

Japan & Switzerland are using 2 spots in Men while Italy gave up their 2nd spot; China, Japan & Korea are using their 2 spots in Women; Canada & Czechia kept their 2nd spots in Ice Dance while Korea gave up theirs and Great Britain (again) passed on a 2nd spot.


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
Too lazy to do the cross-posting, but France has picked up a 2nd spot in ice dance at both the Osaka and Budapest JGPs! I wouldn't be surprised if they manage to also pick up a 2nd spot in either Gdansk or Yerevan too. Very good opportunity for French ice dancing!


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
Too lazy to do the cross-posting, but France has picked up a 2nd spot in ice dance at both the Osaka and Budapest JGPs! I wouldn't be surprised if they manage to also pick up a 2nd spot in either Gdansk or Yerevan too. Very good opportunity for French ice dancing!
Indeed - French ice dance did very well with picking up 2nd JGP spots this year! As expected, they picked up a 2nd one in Yerevan, so they wound up with 12 spots total!


Well-Known Member
I don't have access but I can tell you FFSG has dismissed those 6 members to get rid of the past and the influence of Didier Gailhaguet :

  • Mme Maryvonne del Torchio, Vice-Présidente,
  • Mme Anne Chalier, Trésorière Générale,
  • Mme Delphine Harold, Présidente de la CSN Ballet sur Glace,
  • M. Eric Le Mercier, Président de la CSN Danse sur Glace,
  • M. Brian Joubert, Président de la CSN Patinage Artistique,
  • Mme Chantal Sala, Elue en charge de la formation.
The replacements are
CSN Patinage artistique: Guillemette Ancelet
CSN Danse sur glace. Marien de la Asuncion
CSN Ballet sur glace: Mylene Sechaud
Tresoriere: Raphael Caron

FFSG have now put online all the proceedings of bureau executif and conseil federal.

In the last meeting of the BE, it is mentioned that Del Torchio, Chalier, Harold, Le Mercier, Joubert and Sala have appealed to the Tribunal of Paris against their exclusion.
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How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
I hope some of our French posters might be able to track down some information about the JGP selection happening in Courchevel this weekend.



Re-posting from earlier in this thread (May 28):
Looking at the JGP's slots, France has
6 for boys
6 for girls
8 for pairs
7 for dance couples

So who is likely to go ?
François Pitot (Fribourg SUI) has one more season to go in junior. He may also have an opening for the 3rd sport of the Trophée de France. I'm on the fence about him. It depends on which olympics he's mainly aiming at.
Jean Médard (Poitiers) has two
Axel Ahmed (Courbevoie) has one
I think Ilia Gogitidze (Annecy) and Gianni Motilla (Reims) have good chances to be in next season.

Lorine Schild (Reims) has one more season but for me, it's obvious she should go sénior. But so far, the FFSG has used every pretext to keep her in junior so I wouldn't bet on anything
Lola Ghozali (Reims) should go.
Eve Dubecq (Reims) maybe
But my hopes are on Stefania Gladki (Nice). But I do remember how the FFSG does ruin its best girls, one by one so ... crossing fingers for keeping her in good health and having a well-handled growth spurt.

Vouillamoz/Giniaux (Caen) are aging out.
Erhardt / Pellegris (Champigny) have one more season
Clélia Liget-Ligatus / Noah Quezada Grau (Caen), nah she's a month too young. Too bad.
Romane Télémaque / Lucas Coulon (Dammary) should be good to go.

Fradji/Fourneaux (Villard) should stay for one last year. Not sure if that's a good idea or not. I would vote for "no", go to senior and push Lagouge /Caffa to the side. As long as Papadakis / Cizeron are not coming back, there is room for them.
Bordet/Gipouloux (Villard) have 2 seasons ahead
Perrier-Giannesini / Blanc (Lyon) have 2
Seclet-Monchot/Chardain (Reims) are aging out
Dania Mouaden / Théo Bigot (Chalons en Champagne) are now eligible
So are Léa Hienne / Baptiste Ferrand (Villard) who are very new together but have a lovely chemistry,
Sarah Marcilly-Vasquez / Jolan Engel (Fontenay)
Alexandra Balyan / Maël Quinquis (Viry)
Hopefully Louis Duprat/Taddei Dugue (Vitry) are too young.

I do want to see Eva Bernard / Amedeo Bonetto (Villard) in the JGP next season, maybe not for France. I like them veeeery much, which is why I want them for Italy (the same way Charlene did). If it's for France, so be it but ...
I know I'm gonna be sobbing in a corner in the coming seasons. It's gonna be a bloodbath. :wuzrobbed

I hope there will be plenty of slots untaken during the JGPs this season, so they all have room to grow and breathe for a few seasons.
French junior ice dancers are being monitored in Courchevel this weekend, according to this Villard de Lans post:

The 4 couples are (figured out 2, thanks to @Nmsis): Fradji/Fourneaux, Eva Bernard/Amedeo Bonetto, Léa Hienne/Baptiste Ferrand, Léna ? and ?


Wrangling the duvet into the cover
Maximilian Rahier is back? With Ovsiankina. Can someone kindly remind me if he is the bad boy, or was that his brother Corentin?
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Well-Known Member
Corentin Rahier was the one who told the world he wouldn't skate with Angélique Abachkina in the K&C.
In March, he was said to be looking for a partner after a 5 years' break (he'll soon turn 25). I think he finished his studies.

Maximilien Rahier is indeed the younger brother.


Olivier Brajon posted 2 sets of photos from the JGP selection/monitoring comp. in Courchevel this past weekend (more on his FB): &

Here are the French entries/subs for JGP #1 in Bangkok:

Junior Men
5 Francois PITOT FRA 4

Junior Women
Stefania GLADKI FRA 5 S
Milana MOZEIKO FRA 5 S (won Adv. Novice for LAT at Tallinn Trophy Kids comp. in May 2022)

From this French Nationals article by Skate Info Glace in December 2022:
Milana Mozeiko, a Latvian guest training with Florent Amodio, demonstrates great technical qualities to music on the theme of James Bond: double Axel triple toe loop and triple flip Euler triple Salchow are notably part of her arsenal of jumps. She ranks fifth.

Junior Ice Dance
7 Celina FRADJI / Jean-Hans FOURNEAUX FRA 5
Dania MOUADEN / Theo BIGOT FRA 5 S (eta: I like what I've seen of them :))
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are Ovsiankina / Rahier juniors, because wouldn't they be eligible for JGP
Yes, as long as they have the required ISU clearance certificate.

Maximilien RAHIER is 19 and last competed for Switzerland at 2022 Junior Worlds:

Alisa OVSIANKINA's ISU bio when she competed for Russia (she will be 16 in Sept.):

Ovisankina/Rahier's team announcement post (in French & Russian):
"hello Everyone, we are happy to share this good news with you! Today was the presentation of our couple in Courchevel! We hope that starting this season you will be able to see us at competitions!"
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New Member
Just did a quick search - they WD from French Junior Nationals in February. I found this France 3 Grand Est video about them from June 2022 that includes extensive footage from their Adv. Novice event at the December 2021 Santa Claus Cup (8th place; won PD #1 Westminster Waltz :) but she cried after their FD :():


Mouaden/Bigot won their international debut at the 2019 Santa Claus Cup Basic Novice event:

They won the Adv. Novice event at Mezzaluna Cup in Rome in Oct. 2021:
A tweeted photo:

France 3 Grand Est first profiled them in January 2021:
Hey !

Here are the following reports about them :

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
Re-posting from earlier in this thread (May 28):

French junior ice dancers are being monitored in Courchevel this weekend, according to this Villard de Lans post:

The 4 couples are (figured out 2, thanks to @Nmsis): Fradji/Fourneaux, Eva Bernard/Amedeo Bonetto, Léa Hienne/Baptiste Ferrand, Léna ? and ?


I must correct my list in ice dance as Louise Duprat/Tahory Taddei Dugue are actually age eligible for the JGP

There may be another couple in the making as Estelle Bouillet and Martin Chardain seem to skate together.
Don't know if they are still in Reims.
This IG reel from VLDPatinage lists which JGPs their teams have been assigned to -

Fradji/Forneaux - Bangkok & Osaka
Bernard/Bonetto - Osaka & Yerevan
Maliqueo-Repoux/Synelnikov - Yerevan
Hienne/Ferrand - substitutes


Marquessa of Chartreuse
This is not exactly relevant to French FS per se, but since Skate Info Glace is a French website... Here is a list of all the interviews that were done in English last season and last spring. Next season everything will be published in both languages and we'll try to be at bit quicker at posting the links :rofl:

Some links may already have been provided by posters in the Trash Can (on time 😉)


Well-Known Member
According to Passion Patinage, the FFSG has announced participations to the JGP for :

Boys :
François Pitot in Bangkok and Osaka,
Gianni Mottila in Istanbul,
the rest of the slots being TBD

Girls :
Ninon Dapoigny in Bangkok,
Stefania Gladki in Linz and Budapest,
Eve Dubecq in Istanbul,
Milana Mozeiko in Osaka,
the rest of the slots being TBD

Pairs :
Romane Télémaque / Lucas Coulon in Linz and Budapest,
Louise Ehrhard/Matthis Pellegris in Istanbul and Budapest

Ice Dance :
Célina Fradji/Jean-Hans Fourneaux in Bangkok and Osaka,
Ambre Perrier-Gianesini / Samuel Blanc/Klaperman in Linz and Istanbul,
Dania Mouaden/Théo Bigot in Linz and Budapest,
Louise Duprat / Tahory Tadei-Dugue in Istanbul and Budapest,
Eva Bernard/ Amedeo Bonetto in Osaka and Yerevan,
Diane Sznaider/Joseph Booth in Gdansk,
Léna Maliqueo-Repoux/Illia Synelnikov in Yerevan


Active Member
According to Passion Patinage, the FFSG has announced participations to the JGP for :

Boys :
François Pitot in Bangkok and Osaka,
Gianni Mottila in Istanbul,
the rest of the slots being TBD

Girls :
Ninon Dapoigny in Bangkok,
Stefania Gladki in Linz and Budapest,
Eve Dubecq in Istanbul,
Milana Mozeiko in Osaka,
the rest of the slots being TBD

Pairs :
Romane Télémaque / Lucas Coulon in Linz and Budapest,
Louise Ehrhard/Matthis Pellegris in Istanbul and Budapest

Ice Dance :
Célina Fradji/Jean-Hans Fourneaux in Bangkok and Osaka,
Ambre Perrier-Gianesini / Samuel Blanc/Klaperman in Linz and Istanbul,
Dania Mouaden/Théo Bigot in Linz and Budapest,
Louise Duprat / Tahory Tadei-Dugue in Istanbul and Budapest,
Eva Bernard/ Amedeo Bonetto in Osaka and Yerevan,
Diane Sznaider/Joseph Booth in Gdansk,
Léna Maliqueo-Repoux/Illia Synelnikov in Yerevan
so no Ovsiankina / Rahier; i thought they would be included (i really enjoyed her and her previous partner on the jgp)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for posting this! Can we hope that Didier will actually get what’s coming to him, legally speaking?
Yes and no.

On the scandal about a culture of violences and sexual assaults on minors in figure skating, he probably won't face any court.
On the french side, most cases were too old to be trialed, some coaches have been condemned but the biggest case will never be judged as Gilles Beyer died at the begining of this year. He was the most troubled, the one Gailhaguet pushed up within the FFSG.
And on the american/Morgan Ciprès side, that's the "shell" of FFSG that is aimed at, not Gailhaguet who has been "exorcized" again recently.

Gailhaguet is often described as a "pervers narcissique". Someone who openly despises flaws but secretly uses others and those others' flaws to divide, conquer and stay at the top of the pyramid.

IMHO, there is one way to get Gailhaguet. Money.
And there again lies a paradox.
To keep it forever, Gailhaguet has willingly kept the FFSG as small and "unattractive" and poor as possible so it wouldn't draw any kind of attention. (The narrative being that, in this little swamp, only he can find and polish some rare diamonds/athletes)
But within it, there is still money. Not big money. But enough money for a few people.
Since 2007 and his 2nd coming, Gailhaguet has a motto : the FFSG lacks competences.
But instead of hiring or gaining competences, he externalized them. Oddly, they are often friends or even ex-employees.
So the FFSG never improved, and a few selected people get the money.
No one has ever followed that trail.
Hiring competences was the first thing Pechalat did.
And the first thing undone by the new team, which is trying to do it again after being blackmailed by Gailhaguet to cut off all their contractors and sponsors if he wasn't called back.

After Gailhaguet's recent (3rd) downfall, the FFSG has recently published one year of reunions of its Bureau Executif.
And it goes from reading Gailhaguet's comeback strategy by proxies through the year to OMFG, what the f* is this whole mess !
I've red the whole thing like a thriller and OMFG, wasn't the reunion of the 7th of march absolutly phenomenally juicy (and crazy).
It sounds like a politburo reunion, until Mephisto appears and all hell breaks loose.

Hopefully, a train ran over Mephisto and his minions a few days later.
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