Eric Radford and Vanessa James to compete in pairs together for Canada


Well-Known Member
Those same people who are being critical of how Vanessa handled the Cipre situation, would most likely not know what to do if a close friend or family member was alleged to have acted inappropriately with another person. So to that I say, save your preaching for someone who cares.
This person who is critical of how Vanessa James handled the situation was himself molested by his two older brothers, and I know exactly what I would do if either one was alleged to have acted inappropriately with another person: contact the prosecutor's office and do as much as I could to cut him out of my life. In fact, I have already done so. (The new victim was an eleven-year-old girl.)
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Well-Known Member
I imagine you're going to get a very specific crew replying :mad: to this, but when one of them at the forefront has the brilliant idea to stoop to teenager-level immature Twitter antics and post said list of people who still follow Cipres (to see how many likes one can get), I think that's all you need to know. ;)
I never get how someone who is lecturing ppl about how we can't expect for ppl to behave a certain way is going to tell ppl in an online message board how to behave.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
I never get how someone who is lecturing ppl about how not to behave is going to tell ppl in an online message board how to behave.
Do you have a reading comprehension problem? I'm not telling you how to behave and nowhere in my post does it say such. I am, however, calling your (planned) behavior immature, which is what you and many others do every time skating Twitter is brought up. And no, this still isn't mansplaining. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Do you have a reading comprehension problem? I'm not telling you how to behave and nowhere in my post does it say such. I am, however, calling your (planned) behavior immature, which is what you and many others do every time skating Twitter is brought up. And no, this isn't mansplaining. :lol:
Do you see me starting a Twitter xall out thread? I don't think so.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Do you see me starting a Twitter xall out thread? I don't think so.
It was your idea that you wrote about, was it not? Because you just wanted to 'see how many likes' it would get. Immature and pointless. And you're not exactly posting humorous and joking stuff. That post was just about the most insensitive thing said in the whole thread.

I'm going to move on now; if you would like to PM me, feel free.


Well-Known Member
It was your idea that you wrote about, was it not? Because you just wanted to 'see how many likes' it would get. Immature and pointless. And you're not exactly posting humorous and joking stuff. That post was just about the most insensitive thing said in the whole thread.

I'm going to move on now; if you would like to PM me, feel free.

Um it's called sarcasm. It's not like I've ever made a twitter call out thread. I don't even use twitter for anything other than following people.


Doing all the things
This person who is critical of how Vanessa James handled the situation was himself molested by his two older brothers, and i know exactly what I would do if either of one was alleged to have acted inappropriately with another person: contact the prosecutor's office and do as much as I could to cut him out of my life. In fact, I have already done so. (The new victim was an eleven-year-old girl.)
I've had a similar experience.


Well-Known Member
That comment is really out of line, and very insulting to posters here who might have had that happen to them.
What's out of line is the personal vendetta you have against Vanessa; someone, who might I add, you don't personally know.

I am done responding to you and your posse. Go ahead and relish in your Vanessa hate :fan21: while she and Eric skate for a World Medal, possibly the gold.:summer::glamor:
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Well-Known Member
Those same people who are being critical of how Vanessa handled the Cipre situation, would most likely not know what to do if a close friend or family member was alleged to have acted inappropriately with another person. So to that I say, save your preaching for someone who cares.
How can you possibly extrapolate that from the discussion? If I had to make an argument about the correlation between people's criticism of James and their personal lives, I would say it's far more likely that their criticism was motivated by some sort of personal experience with a similar situation. This type of experience makes it more difficult to sweep the issue under the rug.


Whippet Good
Who is the moderator of FSU? Please get the board back on track and back. The "woke" are ruining this forum.
If you don't like a post, skip it. Or mutter "you're an idiot" and continue. The mods have enough to do. I see people supporting Vanessa, which is fine, and not supporting her, which is fine also. I see individuals explaining why they feel a certain way and getting told why they shouldn't feel that way. If the thread is going a way you don't like, just skim and skip the posts you don't like.


Last time I checked not supporting a sexual predator is not being "woke."
This thread does not consist of people supporting a sexual predator. It consists of constant bashing of Vanessa (who is not a sexual predator) and that is pretty "woke".

I sympathize with the members on here who have had similar, painful experiences. They base it on their own experiences and they believe they know what they would have done. But keep in mind that others lack those experiences, and others will respond differently and even less prepared. This is why I would not shame or demonize others because people make decisions based on their own understanding and experiences.

We do not know what Vanessa's actual experience was at the time. She has never explained that. This is why I do not hold Vanessa's actions against her. She probably did what she thought was right at the time. Even if you disagree with her actions, people make mistakes, people learn, and people grow. In her interview, she apologized to the people she thought she may have hurt by her silence. I think people need to attempt to forgive and move on.
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Throwing the (rule)book at them
Throwing around mindless insults like "woke" isn't exactly contributing to an informed and respectful discussion either.
To be fair, you stating elsewhere on the board that a certain subset of people are threatened by racial protests because those threatened people work hard ‘and everyone else should too’ isn’t exactly the shining example of informed and respectful that you always think you’re giving, either.

There are so many more layers to the Cipres case that never saw Christine Brennan’s articles. I’ve said that since basically day one, and I was also very adamant about getting specifics from Duhamel and Radford following their fallout, so it’s not as if I’m taking sides. Cipres is guilty of his actions. No one else is guilty for what he did nor is anyone else required to appease fans that believe what they do is the only way to do anything.

If you want to delete/block/shun every skater that still follows him, still follows Vanessa, has ever worked with Staivisyki since 2007, etc, have at it. But that’s your choice. Not the choice you’re making for everyone else, and not some new generational law.


Staff member
Who is the moderator of FSU? Please get the board back on track and back. The "woke" are ruining this forum.
I am a moderator of FSU. Lucky me. I am not sure why you get to determine the direction of the board or what is and is not on track or what does or does not ruin this forum, but if you would like an application for moderator, I can send you one.

That said, I see a lot of personal attacks in this thread that have nothing to do with anything other than animosity between posters, so that needs to stop right now. I would hope I don't have to tell you all which posters I am referring to, but if you are in doubt, assume it's you and knock it off. If you want to pursue your little vendettas, do it by PM.

I am thisclose to closing this thread and sending some people on vacation, so try me.

If anyone would like to actually talk about Radford and James the pair and not another round of repetitive points about Vanessa James, feel free to continue.


Well-Known Member
I enjoyed both Radford and James in their other partnerships and was interested to see how their pairing would turn out. So far I'm pretty underwhelmed. They don't seem to have a lot of chemistry, and Radford seems so emotionless. Was he like that with Duhamel? Maybe she had so much spark that I didn't notice his lack of fire.

Anyway - I hope they can improve. They seem to be putting in a lot of work, so would be great to see it pay off.


Well-Known Member
I enjoyed both Radford and James in their other partnerships and was interested to see how their pairing would turn out. So far I'm pretty underwhelmed. They don't seem to have a lot of chemistry, and Radford seems so emotionless. Was he like that with Duhamel? Maybe she had so much spark that I didn't notice his lack of fire.

Anyway - I hope they can improve. They seem to be putting in a lot of work, so would be great to see it pay off.
Rather precisely it. I'm surprised at how awkward they look for the many years of experience they each have in pairs skating and the levels they'd previously achieved with other partners.


Better off than 2020
Rather precisely it. I'm surprised at how awkward they look for the many years of experience they each have in pairs skating and the levels they'd previously achieved with other partners.
I would think the longer you were with a previous partner, it would be more difficult to mesh with a new one, no matter what previous success you had.

Timing of spins, throws, footwork, lifts, jumps all of which was intimately known with your previous partner are totally new. If you are focused on syncing and looking for new cues on timing - you don't have enough extra effort to emote chemistry.

Since the man has responsibility for safe lifts, timing of throws, I imagine Eric is concentrating on those and may indeed look wooden.

Both have to learn different approaches to lifts - since they each have signature moves.

Personally I think it will take them another year or more to begin to show personality


If I agreed with you, we’d both be wrong.
I would think the longer you were with a previous partner, it would be more difficult to mesh with a new one, no matter what previous success you had.

Timing of spins, throws, footwork, lifts, jumps all of which was intimately known with your previous partner are totally new. If you are focused on syncing and looking for new cues on timing - you don't have enough extra effort to emote chemistry.

Since the man has responsibility for safe lifts, timing of throws, I imagine Eric is concentrating on those and may indeed look wooden.

Both have to learn different approaches to lifts - since they each have signature moves.

Personally I think it will take them another year or more to begin to show personality
Hard to say, they aren't really meshing. I know it takes time to get it all in sync, but they're lacking chemistry. It's like they are just practicing together but not as a team.

Rhumba d’Amour

Well-Known Member
Hard to say, they aren't really meshing. I know it takes time to get it all in sync, but they're lacking chemistry. It's like they are just practicing together but not as a team.
I think top-notch music choices that would make everybody sit up and take notice would have helped too. The uninspired selections they are skating to do not do them any favors.

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