The Dance Hall 9: Bring the Bling or No Beijing 2021-2022

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RIP D-10
There were two good things about DomShabs that season: their Tango Romantica CD at the Olympics,
That was a phenomenal CD. I was privileged to have seen it live in Tallinn and in Vancouver.

As for Zueva? Enjoying a quieter life coaching in Florida.
While she gathers her strength back, like Voldemort.

I'd fear for Satoko, the fanyus wouldn't tolerate anyone touching their god.
They could just have Morozov choreograph their programs, and then they'd never have to touch.

L/A’s rock n roll FD in 2003 Worlds was lucky to get any applause. What an awful program from two people who didn’t know how to dance to American music.
It might have gotten a better reception if Belbin and Agosto hadn't done their Elvis program earlier that night, but Lobacheva/Averbukh performance quality paled by comparison.


Well-Known Member
I always liked Lobacheva & Averbuch's Tutti Frutti number. (Also American music).

I think L&A were a team that struggled due to the inevitable comparisons with the Soviet legacy in the sport. And I do think they were overscored for much of their career, due to that same legacy. But I never disliked them as a team. They had their moments, and they would have been a lot more fun for the audience if folks had just let themselves enjoy the Tutti Frutti side of them & the Kool-Aid level hair dye.

Former Lurve Goddess

Well-Known Member
I always liked Lobacheva & Averbuch's Tutti Frutti number. (Also American music).

I think L&A were a team that struggled due to the inevitable comparisons with the Soviet legacy in the sport. And I do think they were overscored for much of their career, due to that same legacy. But I never disliked them as a team. They had their moments, and they would have been a lot more fun for the audience if folks had just let themselves enjoy the Tutti Frutti side of them & the Kool-Aid level hair dye.
L&A always seemed like a hot and cold team to me. Sometimes their material was awesome and sometimes, it was utter trash. I blame Linichuk.


Well-Known Member
L&A always seemed like a hot and cold team to me. Sometimes their material was awesome and sometimes, it was utter trash. I blame Linichuk.
Honestly, Linichuk is to blame for so many trainwreck programs. She also trained champions and obviously taught good technique and came up with really good programs. But boy, when she got it wrong, it was a dumpster fire LOL. Whatever "Latin" program G/P were cursed with in 1996, the first version of K/O's 1999 FD, L/A's...too many things, she came up with some real clunkers for them. Both DomShab's and BelGostos ODs in 2010, though of course DomShab's was way worse since it was so offensive... It rightly seemed to wreck her career.

Former Lurve Goddess

Well-Known Member
Honestly, Linichuk is to blame for so many trainwreck programs. She also trained champions and obviously taught good technique and came up with really good programs. But boy, when she got it wrong, it was a dumpster fire LOL. Whatever "Latin" program G/P were cursed with in 1996, the first version of K/O's 1999 FD, L/A's...too many things, she came up with some real clunkers for them. Both DomShab's and BelGostos ODs in 2010, though of course DomShab's was way worse since it was so offensive... It rightly seemed to wreck her career.
I will never, ever forgive Linichuk for ruining the DomShabs. :drama:


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Well-Known Member
I haven’t seen these particular Katsalapov comments but even though they’re all saying similar things at the moment I think there’s increasingly clear categories of teams who are continuing for at least a season or two (Guignard/Fabbri, CanaDanes), those who have parked the decision till after the season (Chock/Bates, Smart/Diaz) and those who are probably done but aren’t ready to announce it yet (Papadakis/Cizeron and IMO Sinitsina/Katsalapov too). Then there’s Hubbell/Donohue who couldn’t wait to tell us all season how ready to be done they are.

But no-one is as done with it all as Tabitha Belbin was in Vancouver.
Chock and bates said they were continuing


Well-Known Member
I think we won't know who is retiring or not until after worlds (apart from H/D) - I can't imagine that your head is all that clear at the Olympics or even at Worlds - I would bet that a lot of the teams that are in the maybe column will take some time in the Spring to really think about what they want. Until the GP actually happens I don't think it will be clear who is staying and who is not.


Well-Known Member
Having made it through Beijing & its associated covid testing without a single ice dance alternate in sight, I'd just like to point out that the athletes who went to 4CCs made the right choice. They had to weigh the possible risks & pluses for their own careers. The experience and world standing points that could pay dividends years into the future.


Well-Known Member
On the subject of coaches & material . . .

My general feeling with experienced podium-level dance teams has always been that at some point in your career, you have to be prepared to take on a level of ownership with your material. Dance coaches will put you through your paces--give you experience with a variety of styles & help you develop and/or find what you may excel at. And not every team is going to be suited to doing hands-on choreography or becoming a music connoisseur; but at some point you have to be able to recognize what your strengths are, your weaknesses, what really works for you, say "No" when necessary, ask for help when you need it, and take a few risks in order to be all that you can be.

I don't blame coaches when teams don't get there. (Though sometimes a coaching move can push a team in a new direction and give them the perspective they were missing). But I look at Denkova & Staviski; and their career & material were all over the place. But they figured out what they were good at and become the team of which they were capable. Could have gone longer, I think, if he had made better choices outside of their career; but essentially they made their mark, despite a wealth of obstacles & I think this is because they put in the time to develop, took the risks, and learned what worked for them.
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Well-Known Member
Having made it through Beijing & its associated covid testing without a single ice dance alternate in sight, I'd just like to point out that the athletes who went to 4CCs made the right choice. They had to weigh the possible risks & pluses for their own careers. The experience and world standing points that could pay dividends years into the future.
I think it will be interesting to see the impact here for Gr/P and H/B - the points gained from 4CC gold vs OG 11th is obviously huge and the way it all shakes up in the world standings too... Not the same situation (because really, no situation is ever the same) but it made me think of when G/P picked up 4CC points while P/I got the OG spot but the following season, G/P beat them in every head to head. Losing out on the last Olympic spot isn't always a bad thing.

On my point about comparing situations - I really wish people would drop the element of comparing careers to careers. For instance, calling La/La the new V/M - yes, they may have comparisons there but we need to let them write their own story. Of course, there are some amazing skating stories out there but we have so many exciting teams that we should celebrate their own stories and endeavours and stop putting pressure on them. Maybe Zak is like Scott - but why can't he just be like Zak and that be what we celebrate? (Apologies, I know its an inconsequential point here - it's just a pet peeve of mine!)

Former Lurve Goddess

Well-Known Member
I think it will be interesting to see the impact here for Gr/P and H/B - the points gained from 4CC gold vs OG 11th is obviously huge and the way it all shakes up in the world standings too... Not the same situation (because really, no situation is ever the same) but it made me think of when G/P picked up 4CC points while P/I got the OG spot but the following season, G/P beat them in every head to head. Losing out on the last Olympic spot isn't always a bad thing.

On my point about comparing situations - I really wish people would drop the element of comparing careers to careers. For instance, calling La/La the new V/M - yes, they may have comparisons there but we need to let them write their own story. Of course, there are some amazing skating stories out there but we have so many exciting teams that we should celebrate their own stories and endeavours and stop putting pressure on them. Maybe Zak is like Scott - but why can't he just be like Zak and that be what we celebrate? (Apologies, I know its an inconsequential point here - it's just a pet peeve of mine!)
People are calling La/La the new V/M?:scream:


Grumpy Cynical Ice Dance Lover
Oh, yeah, ever since they moved up from juniors. I don't see it, personally, but they've definitely been cast in that role.
Ugh. They're not even close, and probably never will. They are themselves, and they need to find themselves first.
They lack in about everything at the moment. Precision isn't theirs. They can't gain speed on steps, lifts are allright but that's about it.
And they still haven't found what they're good at so far. They've been trying out many styles, but I can't find one that suits them nor can I find something that makes them shine.

Former Lurve Goddess

Well-Known Member
They're too different from each other. She has the permagrin and he's permanently morose. They could use that to their advantage -- do "opposites attract" kinds of programs -- but they haven't yet figured out how.
They need to work with Anissina & Peizerat!:ap1: Mostly so I can witness the glory that is Gwendal in Kiss & Cries:)


Well-Known Member
I don't know about not gaining speed via steps, but L/L are definitely getting speed somewhere. Individually, they are both obviously strong skaters. I do agree about them lacking precision. But as I've said elsewhere, to me the biggest issue is their lack of chemistry together. They need to interact more with each other on the ice. It's interesting that they don't interact more when they've skated together for so long already ... They definitely feel more brother/sister than anything else. Maybe they just need to work on their acting skills. LOL.
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