IOC's decision: (clean) Russian athletes can compete under neutral flag at PyeongChang Olympics


Well-Known Member
What the rules said is the athlete submits an application and then the committee approves or disapproves. They aren't "inviting" anybody.

Do you really get that big a thrill trying to create drama? That's really sort of pathetic.

Yes,she/he does .. ignore is your friend. If we quit feeding some of these drama creators they will wither and die!


Banned Member
It’s the same thing. The invitation is given after approval. There’s no guarantee of approval so no one knows if they are going to be invited.

he will get approval, the only ones to be scrutinized are those with doping records,
did you forgot what happened in Rio ?, some russian athletes got rejected by IOC because of doping records, they filed to CAS, since there is a rule you cannot punish an athlete again when an athlete has completed a ban, CAS overturned and they competed , remmember Yulia Efimova the swimmer ??

Bobrova / Soloviev if your going to ask about meldonium, it was a WADA fiasco that they retracted. So I don't even think that counted a s a doping record, lol


Well-Known Member
Yes,she/he does .. ignore is your friend. If we quit feeding some of these drama creators they will wither and die!

Yes and Russia being banned was fake news.
he will get approval, the only ones to be scrutinized are those with doping records,
did you forgot what happened in Rio ?, some russian athletes got rejected by IOC because of doping records, they filed to CAS, since there is a rule you cannot punish an athlete again when an athlete has completed a ban, CAS overturned and they competed , remmember Yulia Efimova the swimmer ??

Bobrova / Soloviev if your going to ask about meldonium, it was a WADA fiasco that they retracted. So I don't even think that counted a s a doping record, lol

That’s not what the IOC says. Every russian will be scrutinized. Every single russsian will be screened.


Use of the word 'invite', 'invited', or 'invitation' is common in IOC material. Olympic Committees are invited to participate. Formal invitations and all. If you don't respond to the invitation than your country can't compete, so it makes sense that they would use that word while discussing athletes/teams that will compete as neutral athletes.


Banned Member
That’s not what the IOC says. Every russian will be scrutinized. Every single russsian will be screened.

its the same thing,
I just gave you an explanation of what invitation meant. the Russian OC will submitt those that are eligible for qualifications or quota they earned, then after the IOC screens their requirements, they will get an invitation or the IOC declines. Its not the IOC who randomly selects for an invitation. lol

I will bet on a broken leg that even Bobrova / Soloviev will get the invitation.
meldonium you may ask again ? ask the WADA fiasco that was retracted on them....

It goes like this

ROC - > OC -> Requirements met - yes - inivitation
if no - decline - file appeal to CAS.


Well-Known Member
Dear Potential Olympic Athlete from Russia
The International Olympic Committee and Herr Thomas Bach
Request the pleasure of your company at
The XXIII Winter Olympic Games
Pyeongchang County, Republic of Korea
9 to 25 February 2018
Dress: Neutral Uniforms
The favour of a reply is requested by 9 January 2018


Well-Known Member
Use of the word 'invite', 'invited', or 'invitation' is common in IOC material. Olympic Committees are invited to participate. Formal invitations and all. If you don't respond to the invitation than your country can't compete, so it makes sense that they would use that word while discussing athletes/teams that will compete as neutral athletes.

But the invitation will only come after the screening process. Only Russians will be screened and based on what the screeners say they may be invited. It’s not automatic. No one knows what standards the screeners will create for their invitations.
its the same thing,
I just gave you an explanation of what invitation meant. the Russian OC will submitt those that are eligible for qualifications or quota they earned, then after the IOC screens their requirements, they will get an invitation or the IOC declines. Its not the IOC who randomly selects for an invitation. lol

I will bet on a broken leg that even Bobrova / Soloviev will get the invitation.
meldonium you may ask again ? ask the WADA fiasco that was retracted on them....
They may get an invitation. It’s not a guaranteed process. No one knows what their standards will be.

Maybe bobrova will maybe she won’t. The decision is entirely up to the screeners. I bet she won’t. They can say anyone who used melodonium is banned. No one knows.


AYS's snark-sponge
Maybe bobrova will maybe she won’t. The decision is entirely up to the screeners. I bet she won’t. They can say anyone who used melodonium is banned. No one knows.

ah thank you, now I know for sure she'll be there and won't worry. :p


Well-Known Member
Ekaterina Gordeeva weighs in:

English translation of what she posted on Instagram:

"It's a shame..but as Rossi's story proves it's impossible to break Russia. We have to go and show our strength and self-confidence! There were moments when there was no anthem, no flag..but guys it's sport!! It's your life! That's what you were doing. Go and enjoy and give it to all people! This is your chance!!"


Mayor of Carrot City
That’s not what the IOC says. Every russian will be scrutinized. Every single russsian will be screened.

Every athlete going to every Olympics is screened. Every country and federation has their own drug testing protocol, and IIRC those have to match the IOC testing protocols for the country or federation to be able to send athletes to the Games.


Well-Known Member
Every athlete going to every Olympics is screened. Every country and federation has their own drug testing protocol, and IIRC those have to match the IOC testing protocols for the country or federation to be able to send athletes to the Games.
Not every country has a three member panel appointed by the IOC to screen its athletes. Be real.


Well-Known Member

Too bad Russian athletes are either too frightened or too brainwashed to speak out against Putin like Lindsey Vonn spoke out against Trump. Vonn showed that patriotism and criticism of government leaders are not mutually exclusive.

You're saying it as if Russian athletes were just scaredy cats and weaklings.

If Lindsey's Vonn's career was state-dependant and if her Olympic chances could be blocked by Trump, she would be too frightened to speak out against her president too.


Well-Known Member
You're saying it as if Russian athletes were just scaredy cats and weaklings.

If Lindsey's Vonn's career was state-dependant and if her Olympic chances could be blocked by Trump, she would be too frightened to speak out against her president too.
I agree; that's part of the reason they are frightenened. Passive coercion is never fun!


Let the skating begin
You're saying it as if Russian athletes were just scaredy cats and weaklings.

If Lindsey's Vonn's career was state-dependant and if her Olympic chances could be blocked by Trump, she would be too frightened to speak out against her president too.
And that should be a reminder to those of us in the US, that the current president would very dearly like to be able to shut up people who speak out against him. Expect a tweet saying she should be banned from the Olympic team.


Extended Tatyana Tarasova Remarks

Q. How should one react to the IOC’s decision? How lawful is it?

“You know, I probably can’t tell you anything about how lawful it is. (Trans. The word chosen for “lawful” could also mean “right”, but Tarasova is interpreting the question according to the word’s most common use.) We have a lot of lawyers, sport directors and people who have been appointed to such roles in our country. They should answer if the IOC decision is legally appropriate. But in general – it’s just the murder of our national sport! Of course, we will try, we will get over it. We have been through worse.

“In my opinion, the decision is absolutely unfair, based only on the testimony of a person who should be tried in an international court.

“In the 2000s, the Americans had serious questions and investigations about doping. We can’t say that doping that was provided by one person is the politics of a government. That’s not true. I have been through a lot of Olympic Games with my athletes – since 1968. I never heard of such a thing. Never!

“There are just no words, I don’t want to cry, but to wail! It’s one thing when you’ve spent your life at the Olympic Games – my life, my dad’s life. But it’s another thing if you are just starting and every day training til you bust a gut for these Games and they won’t let you go… (trans. literally - ripping your intestines)

“That our athletes will compete under a neutral flag, the IOC flag, it is just the maximum that could be gained in this situation.

“We just folded our hands and didn’t do anything after the Olympics in Rio, just forgot about it all. We didn’t prepare a team of serious people, who can answer the legal questions.

“Now I watch on television as an educated person explains everything in understandable and accessible terms why we are not guilty in certain questions.”

Q. Is it necessary to compete under the IOC flag?

“This is a matter for each coach and athlete, but I think it is necessary. I don’t think the country abandoned athletes. Although really, she did, not taking care of them. If something had been done and people had looked a bit ahead, the results would have been different. Yes, they lied to us – that is for sure! If not 100%, then even worse. It means that there wasn’t a single educated person who could resolve everything to the desired result. Our athletes will compete in white Olympic uniforms….”

Q. Will everyone agree to compete under a neutral flag?

“I can’t say for everyone, but I had the kind of athletes whose lives I couldn’t ruin. They have been preparing for the Olympics their whole lives!

“Yes, I have no answers to the questions. How will our athletes be treated, received and judged… There are no answers yet.

“But all the same, I can thank the IOC for letting the athletes compete. They have only life and perhaps only one Olympics. It’s a pity that we won’t have teams, that we won’t enter the Opening Ceremonies and be the most beautiful ones there. It’s a pity that the flag won’t be hung, but nobody banned singing the anthem. If we will win, then I think our athletes will sing for us.”

Q. Will the banning of Russia eliminate our team as competitors in the athletic battles?

“We are a great athletic power. Of course, the Olympics won’t work without Russians. We know how to compete. We have the victory gene, passed on to us by our parents. If there are some serious people who can untie this nightmarish tangle, we will only be grateful to them. We’ll applaud them from the afterlife.

“I want to wish the athletes to focus on their specific competitions and battles. It may even help many of them. Because when one is offended or feels something is unfair, you can have extra power. I have experienced it myself and in those situations, I always emerged victorious with my athletes. I wish all our athletes good health, strength and will.”

Q. You called this IOC decision the only smart one in this situation. Will athletes be able to build a career if they attend?

“Of course. I think that our country will recover quickly. If we could recover after 45, then what is this? The decision was even noble, I would say.”

Q Was this decision a political game? What responses could Russia take to change the situation?

“I am not the president of the country. I am not the sports minister. I am a coach who has been to a whole lot of Olympics. A very successful coach. I knew how to prepare. If the sports minister knew how to lead the team, then I think we wouldn’t have this problem. I think there has been a mistake somewhere.”

Q. What would you like to say to our athletes?

“Will they go out? Under what letter? Will we wait for them in white costumes? That’s not clear. But I will really love and respect them. Know this: the whole country loves you. Not just a few people involved in sports, but everyone for whom sport matters. Get ready, guys! You are strong. I love you.”

“I am not personally bothered that Vitali Mutko was disqualified, but that athletes were disqualified and that he as the director could not help them or the country, that he got the country caught up in this nightmare – that he didn’t use his authority, that he was incompetent in these questions… I don’t have any pity for him. I have pity for those who suffered from his incompetence.” (Tarasova)


Well-Known Member
I agree; that's part of the reason they are frightenened. Passive coercion is never fun!

Then perhaps next time refraining from presenting a person for whom it's much easier and immeasurably less risky to criticize as a role model for Russian athletes would be nice.


Well-Known Member
Then perhaps next time refraining from presenting a person for whom it's much easier and immeasurably less risky to criticize as a role model for Russian athletes would be nice.

Ok, I should have said that due to Russia's quasi-totalitarian system, it's a shame that the Russian athletes are too fearful and or brainwashed to criticize Putin.

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