"The Walking Dead": Any fans here?

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Well-Known Member
So Jesus is on top of the truck, Rick and Daryl dump him onto the ground and then play "chase me, chase me" for a while. Why not just leave? And what's up with Jesus, was he a Houdini impersonator or something? Able to get out of all those ropes tied up around him. I thought that was cruel to leave him like that incapacitated with so many walkers around. And then in the time that Rick and Daryl walked back to the truck, Jesus gets both his arms and legs untied...plus gets on top of the truck...all while not being noticed? And for that matter, why would Jesus stop his truck in the middle of a highway so close to where he left Rick and Daryl? And then Jesus, with his amazing skills...lets Rick and Daryl sneak up on him? Come on writers, act like you care! :lol:

What was with Michonne and Spencer walking about with Carl and Enid being twenty feet away and in plain sight and Michonne and Spencer being oblivious to their presence? Carl and Enid weren't even trying to be quiet. There could be people left over from the "W" group around still and Michonne and Spencer can't even see two people practically in front of them? :confused:

Those expiration dates on canned food don't really mean anything. As long as the integrity of the can isn't compromised or mold growing on the contents, its safe enough to eat.

You will do anything to get out of your gardening time, won't you Eugene? :p


Good Ice Dance = THE SEX
I am afraid that I am a very bad person cause I laughed when the truck went to the bottom of the lake :shuffle:

I hope Michonne doesn´t follow Rick´s sweethearts´ path cause she is my fav character :drama:


Let the skating begin
So Jesus is on top of the truck, Rick and Daryl dump him onto the ground and then play "chase me, chase me" for a while. Why not just leave? And what's up with Jesus, was he a Houdini impersonator or something? Able to get out of all those ropes tied up around him. I thought that was cruel to leave him like that incapacitated with so many walkers around. And then in the time that Rick and Daryl walked back to the truck, Jesus gets both his arms and legs untied...plus gets on top of the truck...all while not being noticed? And for that matter, why would Jesus stop his truck in the middle of a highway so close to where he left Rick and Daryl? And then Jesus, with his amazing skills...lets Rick and Daryl sneak up on him? Come on writers, act like you care! :lol:

What was with Michonne and Spencer walking about with Carl and Enid being twenty feet away and in plain sight and Michonne and Spencer being oblivious to their presence? Carl and Enid weren't even trying to be quiet. There could be people left over from the "W" group around still and Michonne and Spencer can't even see two people practically in front of them? :confused:

You will do anything to get out of your gardening time, won't you Eugene? :p
:lol: I'd actually be out harvesting and saving wild seeds. Which is the only way to survive. The problem on the show is it got very boring when Rick was peaceful farmer Rick with his tomatos at the prison. It would be good for real, but not for TV.


Well-Known Member
Jesus stopped the truck to change a tire. Apparently, not even the son of God himself can prevent flat tires. ;)

Thanks for that. I forgot why he had stopped and went back to re-watch it, but I had deleted the program already. That's one of those things that I can let slide, although the likelihood of a flat tire...when you've just stolen the vehicle...and the previous owners are after you...and those owners are chasing you on foot... Stop testing me, TWD!!! :)

:lol: I'd actually be out harvesting and saving wild seeds. Which is the only way to survive. The problem on the show is it got very boring when Rick was peaceful farmer Rick with his tomatos at the prison. It would be good for real, but not for TV.

Tomato-farming episodes would be awful, but just think of all the conversations in that prison that we never got to see. Now if the show had an untalented cast, then yeah, just have zombie and vigilante attacks and let that be that. But there's too much talent here for us not to get to see more of the personal interactions. Like...are the Doc and Tara a full-fledged couple? Why have we not really seen anything of them together?? :confused: And when Maggie talked to sulky Enid... Did these people not learn anything from Sam? There's no longer the luxy of letting teens or pre-teens sulk around and be moody. They need to be made to open up about what they're going through, otherwise whatever they're stuffing down is going to come back to haunt them...and others.


Well-Known Member
I hope Michonne doesn´t follow Rick´s sweethearts´ path cause she is my fav character :drama:

Yes, I'm worried for Michonne. The survival rate for Rick's sweeties is, well, about zero. Then there was that moment of foreshadowing when Carl was explaining to Michonne that walker-Deanna should be killed by someone who loves her, "like I'd do for you".

I'm calling it now. Michonne's going to get killed and come back as a walker. Carl will lovingly and compassionately dispatch her. :wuzrobbed


Headcase Addict
What was with Michonne and Spencer walking about with Carl and Enid being twenty feet away and in plain sight and Michonne and Spencer being oblivious to their presence? Carl and Enid weren't even trying to be quiet. There could be people left over from the "W" group around still and Michonne and Spencer can't even see two people practically in front of them? :confused:

Enid had already left Carl by then. Carl was leading Deanna "to" Spencer. Carl knew Spencer wanted to put down Deanna himself. Like Carl did with his own mother. It's why Carl told Michonne on the porch "I'd do it for you" (meaning Carl would put down Michonne too if she turned since Michonne felt like part of his family and the closest he has to a mother now).


Well-Known Member
Enid had already left Carl by then. Carl was leading Deanna "to" Spencer. Carl knew Spencer wanted to put down Deanna himself. Like Carl did with his own mother. It's why Carl told Michonne on the porch "I'd do it for you" (meaning Carl would put down Michonne too if she turned since Michonne felt like part of his family and the closest he has to a mother now).

I remember that scene near the end of the episode. But there was an earlier episode where we can see all four of them in a quite small area of the forest at about halfway through the episode.


Well-Known Member
So Jesus is on top of the truck, Rick and Daryl dump him onto the ground and then play "chase me, chase me" for a while. Why not just leave? And what's up with Jesus, was he a Houdini impersonator or something? Able to get out of all those ropes tied up around him. I thought that was cruel to leave him like that incapacitated with so many walkers around. And then in the time that Rick and Daryl walked back to the truck, Jesus gets both his arms and legs untied...plus gets on top of the truck...all while not being noticed?

That scene bothered me even more than the situation at Gabriel's church, where the townspeople all died and turned after scratching their fingernails - and/or their names? - on the wood frame of a church they could have easily broken into with an axe or pitchfork.

Probably my least favourite episode of TWD ever. I did not care for the descent into campy, which reached ridiculous proportions.

Like...are the Doc and Tara a full-fledged couple? Why have we not really seen anything of them together?? :confused:

Presumably they are a couple. That was signified by the kiss, and Denise told Daryl that Tara was talking about pop in her sleep, so presumably they are now sharing a bad.

And when Maggie talked to sulky Enid... Did these people not learn anything from Sam? There's no longer the luxy of letting teens or pre-teens sulk around and be moody. They need to be made to open up about what they're going through, otherwise whatever they're stuffing down is going to come back to haunt them...and others.

I am so over Enid and so done with the teenage angst. I'd rather watch Gabriel go through another crisis of faith, which is not saying much. But I'd actually rather lose Enid than Gabriel, as at least Gabriel's character is developing some.
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Well-Known Member
I remember that scene near the end of the episode. But there was an earlier episode where we can see all four of them in a quite small area of the forest at about halfway through the episode.
Carl and Enid saw/heard the other two first so went quiet first in case they were stranger danger, then out of curiosity on what they were up to.
But yeah, michonne is suppose to be such a warrior badass and she couldn't even detect a pair of teen 20' away? Then again, just last week they all miraculously killed a million zombies without breaking a sweat pretty much denying in 3 minutes what the show's been preaching for 3 years, so...
Next week, Darrel will probably ride his bike over a pool filled with zombie sharks :p


Let the skating begin
Darryl was on Jimmy Fallon's show last night. The zombie sequence on the hover boards and what not was pretty funny.


Well-Known Member
So the Hilltop community has had the good fortune of never being overrun by a herd - for even longer than Alexandria?


Well-Known Member
Finally got around to seeing last Sunday's episode! :cheer: And wow, that was one of the least frustrating episodes in a long time! Actual dialogue about personal relationships! Giving us information about how they are teaching each other new things! Info about them caring about whether they have food or not! See writers, that's not so hard. (And that was all in the first ten minutes or so.)

It looked like Rick thought Carl was going to go with them to the new community. Not sure if taking a pregnant woman and a recently injured teenager into a potentially dangerous situation was the best group decision... :shuffle:

Loved the shot of Rick after he stabbed his attacker in the throat. Face covered in blood, giving all stander-by's "the look". Seeing his blood-covered face made me think, "Oh Ricky...NOT AGAIN"??!! :lol:

I liked how, after Gregory asked for Maggie to be the one he dealed with after he was attacked, Glenn looked at her and said, "You got this"? And Rick and him being fine with her taking the lead. Nice to see the men so confident having a woman being in charge. However, when she made the deal for half of their stuff, I thought, "that's exactly what Neegan has been taking...why are you making your group wanting so much...as much as the evil Neegan wants"?

Snap. Didn't see that coming.

Didn't see what? :huh:

So the Hilltop community has had the good fortune of never being overrun by a herd - for even longer than Alexandria?

The Hilltop community probably never led a ginormous herd of zombies back to their home. :biggrinbo


Well-Known Member
Loved the shot of Rick after he stabbed his attacker in the throat. Face covered in blood, giving all stander-by's "the look". Seeing his blood-covered face made me think, "Oh Ricky...NOT AGAIN"??!! :lol:

In an interview on The Talking Dead Andrew Lincoln said he loves loves loves those fight scenes. . .and is basically always spoiling for the next one.

Nice to see the men so confident having a woman being in charge.

To a certain extent I like the treatment of women in this show. To be fair in the zombie apocalypse gender rules and norms are bound to break down somewhat. On the one hand, it's each wo/man to his own. On the other hand, groups need all the skills they can get from their members. It's interesting to look back to season one, when the first group was camped outside of Atlanta and all the gals were doing the laundry. Many of the women in the group have since come into their own and learned not only to survive, but to kick***. As they would have to. Otherwise, they go the way of Jessie - down she went due to her maternal nature.

However, in Alexandria it has not been the men who make the tuna casserole for the old people, or the chocolate chip cookies for the kids, or tend to the stores. The only domestically inclined men are Aaron and his partner, the gay couple - so, some gender stereotyping going on by the writers and directors.
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Holding Alex Johnson's Pineapple
I thought Rick should've stayed out of the fight; it wasn't their fight. And while I'm :rolleyes: that they are all "we can take Negan," I mean, they do have Carol, right? So when they get themselves into too much trouble, she can bail them out. Again.

I'm trying to figure out who is going to get meet Lucille. I've narrowed it to three, I think.


Holding Alex Johnson's Pineapple
I don't think they'd go there with a woman on teevee. They could surprise me, of course, but that they they wouldn't go there with Judith's comic death makes me think they won't push this line too far, either. I could be wrong.

Apparently, they've filmed the scene with several characters to keep spoilers under control and my worry is the season ender will be the bat swinging down and we won't know the victim until six episodes into next season. :p (Before that, we will spend six episodes spanning a day in the life of Our New Hilltop Citizens....)


Well-Known Member
Apparently one of the heads Rick had to choose from to turn in as Greg was based on Johnny Depp. :lol:

Also, this episode is when Morgan and Gabriel branch off. Gabriel did it. To have someone so spiritual succumb to reality for the benefit of the community is HUGE. Morgan is still stuck even though he did not forget the lives he almost cost by being compassionate. What was he wielding at the end of the episode?

The safety of Carol and Maggie - Carol is too popular to be killed off (is there such a thing?) but the sudden romantic line is alarming. Will Maggie take Glenn's place? I am also suddenly finding the high exposure of Abraham in recent episodes VERY alarming. And also he dropped the necklace thingy (lucky charm?) that Rosita gave him. In conclusion, I have no idea :lol:
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Well-Known Member
Please tell me they brought the RPG....

What's RPG?

EDA: The very cruel way in which Abraham left Rosita was really not necessary. He's certainly been present as not the brightest bulb in the box, and a hot head as well as a chauvinist.

But I haven't seen him as cruel before. The writers could have had him leave Rosita in a much kinder way.
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Holding Alex Johnson's Pineapple
Rocket propelled grenade launcher. The one Daryl blew up Negan's gang with and then set the lake on fire with. There were still like four shells left, I think.

Could be useful, you know?


Headcase Addict
I'm thinking it's either Glenn, Daryl or Abraham that meets Lucille in the final episodes of the season. I'd bet Daryl, though I don't want it to be. He already had his motorcycle and crossbow stolen by members of Negan's gang(where he killed a few in the episode) and he's the one that fired the rocket launcher at the bikers. I've read they filmed different/seperate scenes of characters meeting Lucille, to keep the secrecy.


Well-Known Member
Does Norman Reedus want to leave the show? That is the only way I see them offing him. Even though Daryl is popular, I think the most heart wrenching victim would be Glenn.


Well-Known Member
The very cruel way in which Abraham left Rosita was really not necessary. He's certainly been present as not the brightest bulb in the box, and a hot head as well as a chauvinist.

But I haven't seen him as cruel before. The writers could have had him leave Rosita in a much kinder way.

Abraham has never been a particularly kind character and IMO doesn't have to be.

Another take on what he said was "it turns out there are other women on earth and I have feelings for one of them, so it's not fair that I stay with you", and not so much "it turns out I have better options".

It will be interesting, if Abraham gets killed by Lucille, to see who gets more upset - Rosita or Sasha. On one hand, Rosita has not had much story for a long time. On the other, I am not even sure if Sasha has feelings for Abraham too, but she had recently lost a love interest and a brother - so if she did have feelings for him and he got killed, we can expect a full scale mental breakdown.


Well-Known Member
I've read they filmed different/seperate scenes of characters meeting Lucille, to keep the secrecy.

I have only read that they shot different versions of Negan's scenes because he supposedly has a foul mouth but they can't show it all on TV (but may want to keep it in the DVD).


Well-Known Member
That was one of the best episode of recent history, in my opinion. Better writing than we've seen in a long time and excellently directed. We got to see characters talking to each other in a substantial way, plus more LOVIN' (Go Carol)!!

I understand when they had the town hall meeting in the church that Morgan spoke up about options. Somebody needs to play devil's advocate. Even if it's just for the sake of covering bases....in case somebody felt guilt later on and would think, "why didn't we just try to deal with them first"? Because Morgan brought it up, everybody became clearer that their plan was basically their only option.

After that meeting, Carol was writing notes in a book which I didn't understand. A person's name or something else followed by a "7". Then at the bottom she had written the number 18 and circled it. Are these the people who have died that she knew? The number of people she's killed? :confused:

At Neegan's compound, after I think it was Daryl who killed one of the people there, they showed polaroid photos on a wall of about twelve people that looked like they had their faces imploded...or shot...or decapitated? Was that like a trophy wall of the people that guy had killed?

The scene where Abraham and Sasha were fighting one guy was not shot well, as both of them basically let him walk across the hallway to be able to ring the fire alarm and wake everybody up. Both Abraham and Sasha are too smart and too capable to have allowed that to happen! :lol:

The scene that showed Rick, Daryl and Micchone walking down the hallway was brilliantly done. They all looked so badass! :respec:

Two of the last scenes echoed earlier ones where we saw people hesitate. Daryl and his dreadlocked buddy both hesitated in sticking their knives through the guys they had to take out. Then when they came out of the artillery room and saw six bloody corpses on the floor, my first thought was, "shoot each of them in the head"! There's always one still alive who's going to aim their gun at you. Get them first! And then when Father Gabriel had a chat with the guy dying on the grass. He's got a gun, don't recite scripture! Kill the f***er!!! :angryfire
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