World of Dance


Searching for Sanity
I am :fragile: over that last duel result and honestly, the show has lost a little bit of luster for me. I plan to keep watching just because I have a few others that I want to see but I feel so bad for her. It's not like she did anything wrong. :(


Wrangling the duvet into the cover
I am :fragile: over that last duel result and honestly, the show has lost a little bit of luster for me. I plan to keep watching just because I have a few others that I want to see but I feel so bad for her. It's not like she did anything wrong. :(
To me, it just wasn’t interesting. Stick leg in air, check. Do a bunch of floor work, check. Do the leg thing again, check. As someone who has suffered through a bazillion dance comps, it looked like the same “I may be a kid, but look how angsty I can be” choreo that’s done by hundreds of kids. The only difference is the quality. Her opponents did stuff that I’m not sick of... yet.


Well-Known Member
What pressure! To have to come up with something totally new Every Single Time! I find that leg-over-your-head thing more in SYTYCD, a lot of posing that Nigel and gang like.
"Yer only as good as your last gig". Ne Yo is really tough with this.


Well-Known Member
I like your point about last year's WOD winner. It was wrong to pick Les Twins (with 3 legs!) over Keoni and Mari (4 legs) going into the final.

Were they the husband and wife team from Finland or Norway? They were so amazing. I would have loved if they had been a returning entry this year. Maybe season three (fingers crossed).

Sometimes an artist needs criticism in order to get better.

I wonder if the dancers are given more constructive criticism backstage once the cameras are no longer rolling. That's the problem with having judges in the public eye. They are there to build up their fanbase, not lose fans by being mean.

I plan to keep watching just because I have a few others that I want to see but I feel so bad for her. It's not like she did anything wrong. :(

She did nothing wrong, she did exactly what she did last year. It's like when I tell a joke and get a laugh, I just keep telling that person the same joke over and over. ;)

What pressure! To have to come up with something totally new Every Single Time!

How many routines are required by the final two each season? Six routines? So they have their entire lives to come up with six routines. Tougher for those returning from season one, they only have one year, but that's still a lot of time. But they shouldn't return if they haven't come up with six routines that they think will secure them the win.


Well-Known Member
Re Keoni and Mari, I thought they were Korean but I could be wrong. I do remember that they had been in a Justin Bieber video. And I was hoping to see them this year.
Tour last point is well taken.

The other night, I dreamt that they switched the judges on WOD and SYTYCD! Dancers on SYTYCD were really pleased. Nigel was just plain puzzled by the stellar performers and was really struggling to find something to criticize!


Well-Known Member
First perfect score in the history of WOD tonight, and when they previewed it at the start of the show, I was pretty skeptical. I mean, come on. Perfect? But after watching it, all I have to say is... I was blown away. It was truly awe inspiring, IMO. I had to go right back and watch it again. And to think those kids are still juniors - at the start of their careers. As Derek pointed out, there was only one real drawback to that moment... now they're going to have to live up to it. There's going to be a giant target on their backs from this point forward. But I haven't been this excited by a dance performance in quite a while.


Well-Known Member
Can I start by saying that I never again need to see a dance movie that makes it looks like somebody is grabbing someone else's head and jerking it around as if they were breaking that person's neck, thereby murdering them? Don't. Ever. Need. To. See. That. Again.

Now that murder is outlawed, I was underwhelmed by the 100-100-100 entry. I'd be generous and give them a 92. I think I liked Sean and Kaycee better.

For me, second place for the night would go to Lock N LOL Crew. It's anti-climactic however when the challenging entry always dances second and has their marks shown second...but when that is reversed, it's because the challenger has lost to the lower-ranked entry. So as soon as the challenger is announced to dance first...we know they have lost. With Lock N LOL Crew against Royal Flux, I thought it was disappointing that Jennifer and Derek gave them the exact same mark. It took Ne-Yo to rate one team higher than the other for anything to happen. I think the computer should reject any judge who scores competing teams exactly the same. Make a choice. Be a judge.

Best routine of the night for me was the first routine, by The Lab. That was just so frickin' amazing. I was waiting for something better than that for the perfect scores and Charity and Andres up against The Lab? If they both dance like they did tonight and The Lab doesn't win, I will be FURIOUS.

Last comment is that my favourite from the very first episode, Desi Hoppers, were a bit under-whelming. Too similar to what they did previously. I thought it was right that their average of around 95 or 96 from night one dropped down to 90.3 for tonight.


Beach Bum
SYTYCD on Monday confirmed for me that they chose Chelsea and told Emily to come back next year because they needed someone to be assigned Tap (so Nigel could pick his tap guy) and then be eliminated first. Chelsea wasn't very good in her own style either. Evan wasn't great in the jazz, and I feel like they had to dumb down the tap.

Pleasantly surprised by Genessy again and Slavic too in both pieces. She's probably someone who thrives on performance adrenaline and isn't as great in the studio.

Despite Mary's raves, I saw a number of rough lifts and transitions in Jensen/Jay Jay samba. I liked the second piece though -- I don't think it was too sexual as Nigel said, maybe too much camp/face pulling.

I loved Hannalei and Cole in their first piece; the paso doble choreography looked like a bit of a struggle for Hannalei.

Also impressed with Magda - she's versatile. Darius did not disappoint in his own style, and he got enough of the rhythm of the cha cha to be able to hide behind Magda, though his part looked simple in comparison to what Jay Jay and Hannalei had to attempt.

I like having more than top 10. Maybe 20 is too much, but they could have condensed a lot of the pre shows and had more live shows.


Well-Known Member
^^ Good assessment I think. I liked Cole and Hannalei and really liked Darius and Magda. I want to see what else they come up with. Not liking Jensen just because Nigel is so hot on her. Not fair, I know.

pixie cut

Well-Known Member
Underwhelmed by Jensen. I think Jay Jay is great
Don't think Hannahlei is anything special. She's just small and easy to toss around. I like Cole, but that wasn't really a paso doble. It was like a contemporary interpretation of a paso doble.
Thought Genessy was quite good, but Slavik is meh. What was with the standing ovations.
I really liked Chelsea and Evan and feel they were both tossed to the wolves. In season 12, Gaby Diaz didn't do a tap duet until her finale routine with Zack Everhart. Forcing Chelsea to do tap was crappy to her and perhaps even crappier to Evan, who is probably the most well rounded dancer in the top 10 and may well be eliminated because of the routine.
Magda is perfection. Love her partnership with Darius.

pixie cut

Well-Known Member
World of Dance, the duels. There is so much, it's hard to say what stands out. Loved Ruby and Jonas. They were the stars of the night. As for the Cubcakes, why was the girl with the possible head injury still in the studio and not at a hospital getting a CT scan?
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Wrangling the duvet into the cover
As for the Cubcakes, why was the girl with the possible head injury still in the studio and not at a hospital getting a CT scan?
My guess is that the contact was minimal, she was asymptomatic, and they had her sitting quietly per concussion protocol. CT scan isn’t routine unless someone has symptoms such as headache or nausea.


Well-Known Member
Finally got caught up on the most recent ones and oddly, I find myself enjoying SYTYCD more right now. Darius and Magda still impress me and I also like Jay Jay. I like them all though and don't really care who wins. Good to see Sharna dropping in!
WOD just has too many people competing and I'm getting them all mixed up. I disagreed with the results of the last two duels. What a marathon! Hope the cuts are easier to follow.


Well-Known Member
One thing I find amusing about World of Dance is when performers know the marks of the previous dancer(s) and as they watch their marks come up on screen, anyone with a basic knowledge of math can figure out where they stand. But we are always shown shots of people with this quizzical look on their face, waiting for the computer to show their final mark...did I make it? Am I cut? And then their score is like eight points below their competitor. :lol:


Wrangling the duvet into the cover
I chalk that up to new math. My teenage nephew can do really complex math, but doesn’t have the quick mental arithmetic skills his parents have.


Well-Known Member
Last week I generally agreed with who got put through. Less so this week.

For the adult teams, I agree with Poreotics being in the top three, but I would have chosen most other teams moving on in the competition over The Ruggeds and S-Rank. Probably Desi Hoppers and Embodiment would be in my top three.

For the juniors, I agreed that Charity & Andres were the best of the night. Last time I thought they were overmarked with their three 100's. Tonight I thought they were undermarked with a grand total of just 92.7. And I thought Jaxon was strong and deserved his third place spot. But instead of Sean & Kaycee at #2, I would have Josh & Taylor there. Their performances have been quite similar each time, but I find them rather captivating. Sad to see them go.


Well-Known Member
^^^^^^Agree wholeheartedly. I found the mentor contributions quite interesting. Desihoppers not getting Paula Abdul's English was funny. Also anyone notice that Derek seems to be speaking less English and more of "boom, chick ta doo, etc." :D:D And of course, there must always be one person I cannot stand and its Jenna Dewan! I want to smack her oone when she keeps pointing out how close people are to being cut. THEY KNOW!


Sexy Superhero
Some of the results made me nostalgic for ordinals. In some cases, 2 judges ranked one team higher than another, but the third judge's excessively high mark put a different team through.

pixie cut

Well-Known Member
The acts in the cut were mostly all so good things could have gone any which way. The marks seemed very low in the junior division, which during the qualifiers and duels seemed overly high. I liked most everyone, so no complaints.

Can't say the same for So You Think You Can Dance. Who is voting for Slavik? I know it's "America's favorite dancer," but him being the only man in the final is bad for the show. Four more talented dancers are sitting on the sidelines while this guy who totally bombed last Monday is the only man. This is made worse by producers deciding to advance the four highest vote getters instead of two girls two guys.
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Well-Known Member
For the adult teams, I agree with Poreotics being in the top three, but I would have chosen most other teams moving on in the competition over The Ruggeds and S-Rank. Probably Desi Hoppers and Embodiment would be in my top three.

I also agree with Poreotics. They were a lot of fun to watch. The song choice with their dance style really sold it for me because I never would have thought it would work.

Although I prefer watching Desi Hoppers over the teams that beat them I do understand how the other two won. They were incredibly fast and precise with their movements. And they really worked well as teams in their unison.


Well-Known Member
Who is voting for Slavik? I know it's "America's favorite dancer," but him being the only man in the final is bad for the show. Four more talented dancers are sitting on the sidelines while this guy who totally bombed last Monday is the only man. This is made worse by producers deciding to advance the four highest vote getters instead of two girls two guys.

I enjoy Slavik, actually (though I don't participate in the voting, as I don't get to watch this show live). And I don't agree that he "totally bombed." Although this wasn't his best week, I think the judges came down hard on him when they really didn't with anyone else. I have my suspicions about the reasons for that.


Well-Known Member
I was only able to watch half of the show tonight, will post again tomorrow when I watch the rest. As for the Upper competition, I couldn't help but think about this post...

...there must always be one person I cannot stand and its Jenna Dewan! I want to smack her oone when she keeps pointing out how close people are to being cut. THEY KNOW!

...Jenna's comments were not appropriate. Such pressure for the dancers for her to say anything other than basically, "go team"! Keep it Paula (Abdul). :lol:

The order that they reveal the scores telegraphs what is going to happen. You know the team who wins and is going to move on never has their marks revealed first. They are trying to build tension, but it has the reverse affect for me. Although I was thinking that they might give Karen Y Ricardo the win over Michael Dameski. Glad he's the one to move on, I find Karen Y Ricardo to be limited with their style, music choices and costuming. They are brilliant in what they do, but it's always very specific (ONLY) to what they can do.

I agree that the Lab deserved their win. They were phenomenal. I found the Fabulous Sisters' routine tonight to be a little underwhelming. Which I've never felt before. I wanted them to come out and kill. Instead they were really good while The Lab was INCREDIBLE. A little concerned about what kind of pressures have been put on the Fabulous Sisters. I love a good cry, but I was concerned about the amount of tears that were shed by them. Like I wondered if there was going to be some kind of punishment from somebody for their not winning? :confused: :(

Lastly, the marking of the Junior teams. I guess it doesn't matter as The Lab were so much higher than the other teams. But Missy, Jennifer and Derek ALL had the Fabulous Sisters and the Rock Company TIED. Only Derek scored them with different marks, breaking the tie all THREE of the other judges put in place. Come on people, you're paid to judge, so...JUDGE. Make a decision.


Well-Known Member
I was only able to watch half of the show tonight, will post again tomorrow when I watch the rest. As for the Upper competition, I couldn't help but think about this post...

...Jenna's comments were not appropriate. Such pressure for the dancers for her to say anything other than basically, "go team"! Keep it Paula (Abdul). :lol:

The order that they reveal the scores telegraphs what is going to happen. You know the team who wins and is going to move on never has their marks revealed first. They are trying to build tension, but it has the reverse affect for me. Although I was thinking that they might give Karen Y Ricardo the win over Michael Dameski. Glad he's the one to move on, I find Karen Y Ricardo to be limited with their style, music choices and costuming. They are brilliant in what they do, but it's always very specific (ONLY) to what they can do.

I agree that the Lab deserved their win. They were phenomenal. I found the Fabulous Sisters' routine tonight to be a little underwhelming. Which I've never felt before. I wanted them to come out and kill. Instead they were really good while The Lab was INCREDIBLE. A little concerned about what kind of pressures have been put on the Fabulous Sisters. I love a good cry, but I was concerned about the amount of tears that were shed by them. Like I wondered if there was going to be some kind of punishment from somebody for their not winning? :confused: :(

Lastly, the marking of the Junior teams. I guess it doesn't matter as The Lab were so much higher than the other teams. But Missy, Jennifer and Derek ALL had the Fabulous Sisters and the Rock Company TIED. Only Derek scored them with different marks, breaking the tie all THREE of the other judges put in place. Come on people, you're paid to judge, so...JUDGE. Make a decision.
I think you've nailed it with the Fab. Sisters; I don't think I could take much more crying from them! They are SO intense. Adored the Lab! They really stepped up. Michael D. really earned his spot too. But I really love Karen y Ricardo and wish there could have been a "wild card" spot for them.

love skating

Clueless American
I love The Lab! Hope they win the whole thing. I also loved Karen y Ricardo, though I can't complain about them choosing Michael. But I could watch Karen spin all day long (and she probably could spin all day long)! I feel like they may have shown them out of order last night and spoiled the upper team results when Neyo told The Lab that they would've beat S Rank with their score, and S Rank and the upper teams hadn't been shown yet.

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