Why was Candyman not changed?


Well-Known Member
Candyman is a kitschy song that requires frank hamming it up and acting over the top to pull it off (you just have to see the Aguilera video for the original song to get this) - you honestly have to put a lot of personality into this song. My problem with the whole thing was that their presentation didn't fit the song at all, they were too restrained and any time they did get "kitschy," it looked too forced. And then add in their nervousness at the Olympics and it just fell apart.
They weren’t nervous at all in the short programs! They were the best of the Olympics! Only with candyman were they scared. They were scared because it was the worst program ever.


Ubering juniors against my will
They should play Candyman at those awkward G7 summits between all the world leaders. The politicians could finally agree on something.

Anyhow, I'd be interested to audio-swap the program to some other song so we could actually focus on T/M's skating instead of the panties dropping...

Boogie-Woogie Bugle Boy! I sometimes wished they'd gone with that one if that was the sound they were after.


Banned Member
Let's be grateful for Candyman. Never has a programme kept the off season debate so lively. ;)

But for all the wrong reasons.:barrel

And it's debatable whether T/M's icky Candyman is the only program in the history of the sport that has kept off-season debate commentary lively. :p T/M's awkward renditions probably even made real bumblebees cover their eyes or hang their feelers and stingers in shame. :eek:

But then the bumblebee population is sadly dying out anyway. Unfortunately, T/M's past season did nothing to help revive their numbers... ;)


Well-Known Member
Honestly I really didn't even get the lyrics for half the season (I just wasn't paying attention) And the program didn't do anything for me. I was never "offended" and never cared about the "appropriate" lyrics... it just wasn't fun to watch.

I agree with Yazmeen the music (even if you changed the lyrics to PG) cried out for over the top role play and acting and... we got "we just look rushed and uncomfortable" This is a "sell it' program and they didn't sell.

You can do over the top and win. There have been lots of fun campy programs over the years that looked great. This one failed IMHO.


Well-Known Member
I also think Candyman was a horrible idea. Having said that, I appreciate that finding the right Olympic program is tough. You get criticized if you skate to a chestnut and there have definitely been some truly pretentious programs over the years, A/P in 02 anyone. Having said that, there are just some teams that don't do comedy well and should avoid it. I am sure that if someone had done their jobs right, they could have found a non-chestnut classical or even a more lyrical rock piece that would have suited T/M. I still don't think they could have beaten S/M's magical performance but they would have stayed on the medal platform. I truly think their increasing discomfort with Candyman caused a lot of the mistakes.


Well-Known Member
Also, and I've seen this with other programs done by non-native English speakers, I wonder have much of the lyrics they understood. The impression I had in the interviews I heard was they liked the beat and the music, not that they understood the meaning of the lyrics. I can certainly remember several instances over the past few years, which ice dance team was it that skated to the song about a mass killing, where I was pretty sure (based on choreography and facial expression) that the skater/skaters had no clue what they were skating to or the historical context of the song (Sixteen tons) and really needed someone to translate the lyrics.


Well-Known Member
Also, and I've seen this with other programs done by non-native English speakers, I wonder have much of the lyrics they understood. The impression I had in the interviews I heard was they liked the beat and the music, not that they understood the meaning of the lyrics. I can certainly remember several instances over the past few years, which ice dance team was it that skated to the song about a mass killing, where I was pretty sure (based on choreography and facial expression) that the skater/skaters had no clue what they were skating to or the historical context of the song (Sixteen tons) and really needed someone to translate the lyrics.

I could buy this, except it's pretty easy these days to use Google or Yandex translate. :D


Well-Known Member
I could buy this, except it's pretty easy these days to use Google or Yandex translate. :D
Yes but they're not great and probably would miss some of the slang use or nuances. Lyrics are tricky, with instrumental music, even if its from an opera, ballet, or movie, you can always see that you're doing your own interpretation and not representing the story. With lyrics, someone else has already provided the interpretation of the music and you're stuck with it. I find it really jarring both in skating and dance, one some is grinning away during some song talking about how sad the singer is. If I was a skater, I would make darn sure that I understood the lyrics of a song and adjusted my interpretation to match them.


Well-Known Member
So we could have these rich discussions all through the crazy off-season man, why else? LOL. Can't really believe we're still talking about this.

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