Upcoming Torvill & Dean biopic on Christmas Day on ITV


Well-Known Member
Drama Quarterly published a background piece on ITV's Torvill & Dean, airing on Christmas Day at 9.15pm

"Skating royalty" by Michael Pickard: http://dramaquarterly.com/skating-royalty/
A feature-length drama explores how British ice skaters Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean overcame humble beginnings to win gold at the 1984 Winter Olympics. DQ speaks to writer William Ivory and skating consultants Nick Buckland and Penny Coomes about making the ITV film.

The Guardian took the opportunity and talked to Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean, and published an article:
Christopher Dean: 'I thought I’d end up working down the pit – then I got skates for Christmas'
As their life story is told in a new TV drama, Torvill and Dean tell how passion and discipline led to victory on the ice

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Well-Known Member
I hate it when producters/directors try and make actors 'look' like the characters they are portraying, when they are clearly not the characters they are portraying. You know, with hair styles, and such.

It's a cheap move, IMO.


Well-Known Member
Eastenders was brilliant tonight but Alfie’s behavior didn’t ring true to me!

Anyway, how was the Torvill and Dean movie! 😜


Well-Known Member
The highlight for me was Bestemianova sporting a fittingly period haircut and folk dress more poofy than the one she actually had in 1984 giving Jane the stare of death in a locker room and wishing her "good luck" in an unnaturally strong Russian accent before marching off :drama:

Bunny Hop

Queen of the Workaround
As a big fan of Torvill & Dean I don’t know whether I want to see this or not. No doubt it will make its way to Australia at some point as T&D were huge here and still the only skaters any member of the public (well, over a certain age) can name.

Foolhardy Ham Lint

Well-Known Member
As a big fan of Torvill & Dean I don’t know whether I want to see this or not. No doubt it will make its way to Australia at some point as T&D were huge here and still the only skaters any member of the public (well, over a certain age) can name.

I have such fond memories of T & D coming to Melbourne four times in 1984, 1986, 1990 and 1994. Their shows were great.

Prior to T & D's first tour, Team Russia from the Sarajevo Olympics did their own show at the Sports and Entertainment Centre. I still have the souvenir program, too.
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Shut that door.
Even though I was busy today, I had time to watch the first hour. These were my favorite lines:

"I want to learn how to make my body look how it feels."

"I need to see you together, pelvis to pelvis, nice and tight.”

“Stuff your immune system; she’s going to dump us if you don’t come up with some ideas.”

“I have two boiled eggs in either cheek. You’ve probably not managed to. Smaller mouth, but see how you get on. It’s all about maximizing opportunity.”

“I’m Ella—Ella May—but then again, I may not. Depends on you.”

(Police officer Chris Dean chasing down a shoplifter and realizing he doesn't have enough time to arrest him and still make his skating event) "Right. Well, this is final caution, yeah? Be a better thief. Do not get caught. Well go on, piss off."

I may or may not be too busy to watch the rest of it during my winter break. Thusly, this may be my last post in this thread.
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my little pony

white women can't be trusted 3.0
you can still declare it not as good as A Promise Kept: The Oksana Baiul Story w/o seeing it


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
Review in The Independent: https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-...w-itv-ice-skating-olympics-pair-a8698086.html
Torvill & Dean, ITV’s straightforward dramatisation of their early lives, is pure schmaltz, a frictionless retelling in which every rough edge is rubbed smooth to the point where the viewer pines for the violent authenticity of a Hovis ad. In this sunny vision of 1970s Nottinghamshire even the hardships – and this was never going to be the Oscar-winning I, Tonya – are friendly.
Given that, and the fact we know exactly what happens at the end, the fact this remains even vaguely watchable for two hours is some kind of miracle. It helps that both leads manage to cram a surprising amount of likability into their bland outlines.
The script is by William Ivory, who wrote Made in Dagenham. It is unlikely to win any prizes but it does a good job of articulating how bizarre figure skating is. It is the only Olympic event to reward a borderline erotic interaction between teammates, apart from perhaps dressage.
It’s not only the audience asking “are they/aren’t they”. The judges are looking for it, too. This hasn’t changed a bit, as Canadian champions Virtue and Moir proved earlier this year, and the Will Ferrell film Blades of Glory exploited it to humorous effect. It is a bit odd to take two teenagers and ask them to dance crotch to crotch in lycra for the next 10 years. Something is bound to happen. Under the caustic glare of a Piers Morgan interview a few years ago, Christopher Dean admitted that he and Jayne once enjoyed a kiss at the back of a coach. This tension between them gives Torvill & Dean the energy it has.

Bunny Hop

Queen of the Workaround
Prior to T & D's first tour, Team Russia from the Sarajevo Olympics did their own show at the Sports and Entertainment Centre. I still have the souvenir program, too.
I was in row X of the Sydney Entertainment Centre. Didn't care. It was great. I managed to get better and better tickets for each of Torvill & Dean's subsequent Asutralian tours - I think it was row D for their last one.

Foolhardy Ham Lint

Well-Known Member
I was in row X of the Sydney Entertainment Centre. Didn't care. It was great. I managed to get better and better tickets for each of Torvill & Dean's subsequent Asutralian tours - I think it was row D for their last one.

I used to have a video of that first tour which was hosted by Rowena Wallace from Sons & Daughters. It featured T & D, the Russians, and a few Australian teams of the time including a very young Danielle & Stephen Carr.

Such a shame they bulldozed the Qantas Loans Arena. I saw the last show there in November 2015 starring Hugh Jackman.


Tuning up my Body of Work
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Foolhardy Ham Lint

Well-Known Member

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
The highlight for me was Bestemianova sporting a fittingly period haircut and folk dress more poofy than the one she actually had in 1984 giving Jane the stare of death in a locker room and wishing her "good luck" in an unnaturally strong Russian accent before marching off :drama:
Per Penny's IG today, that was her, as a cameo appearance. :) Nick was Robin Cousins.

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