The Satoko Miyahara fan thread - "This is a start in the true sense"


MTT Meter= 177
LOL I just searched Satoko's name on thread titles and posted Worlds' videos on a wrong thread in archive zone thinking that was a cheer thread in TC. Sorry for the mistake, admins! And I thought it's time for me to start a fan thread by myself. :) (Actually this is my fifth fan thread for every different skater. Nothing is happier than having multiple favorite skaters.:D) I'll post updates from time to time so that international fans can know more about her personalities/skating news/environments and so on.

Congrats for finishing the second season in the senior field as a Worlds silver medalist! :40beers: I can't help loving her exquisite skating - especially her LP to Miss Saigon was just :inavoid:


It was the first appearance for her at Worlds. She just turned 17 yo on the day of SP. Prior to Worlds she won her first Japanese national title. (ISU bio)

....and for those who wants to know who the :smokin: man sitting next to Satoko in K&C ---> Nagano LP +"YamaKO" Tamura

I quoted her words for thread title from this article that has a portion of an interview with Satoko after FS at Worlds:
Japanese ladies on Worlds' podium for ten years in a row
: Since I expected it would be difficult for me to be on the podium, now I'm surprised and very happy at the same time. It's not long since I started to skate in the senior field. My take is this is a start in the true sense. I have long way ahead of me. I'll continue doing my best.

My fingers crossed that I didn't jinx with the quote. :p
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MTT Meter= 177
Folks, what music do you recommend her for the next season? I kind of thinking about Lark Ascending, Sayuri or something by Kitaro. I assume she'll work with Tom Dickson like she did for this season.

Spun Silver

Well-Known Member
Swan Lake! :)

I think she should start projecting herself as a grownup and skate to something big and classic, thus putting herself in direct comparison with others who have used it.

Swan Lake because she is birdlike, delicate, regal and exotic all at once. Should be perfect for her.

And then something contemporaryish in her other program. Just to show she can. Pink Floyd?


Well-Known Member
I've seen Satoko skated live more than once. She may not be always skating with the most expressive facial expression, but she does skate with very refined body movement. (BTW, when watching live, I don't ever think her jumps are small at all!) I'm reading somewhere that the Miss Saigon number is originally recommended by Tom Dickson, as he thought it a match of temperament of persistence and delicacy in her skating. It turns out to be one of the best programs of the season. I just hope Satoko will keep on working with Dickson.

Spun Silver

Well-Known Member
I could also see her skating to Bach - perhaps one of the many solo piano works or one of the cello suites. They are pared down pieces in being written for a solo instrument, but they are artistically rich and profound. Balanchine said that every note Bach wrote could be danced and the few Bach skating programs I've seen have been quite successful. The purity of Bach would be a good fit for Satoko's youthful musicality and refinement.


Well-Known Member
It's a shame Miyahara's jumps are so tiny, because I think she has the most beautiful skating style of the top ladies that competed this past season. She's a lovely skater, I hope she will continue to do well.


MTT Meter= 177
OK I rewatched Yukina Ota's programs since she was under Hamada and she worked with Dickson too. There are some my fav programs but among them I think Picasso's Dance would a perfect vehicle for Satoko. Dickson can recycle it for Satoko or create a new one of this taste. :D
Yukina Ohta (choreo by Dickson)

While Satoko has very good skating skills, her step seqs were not that impressive. I'd love to see some unique one like in Yukina's Picasso's Dance.

The other day Jeff Buttle choreographed an ex number for Odaddy at Kansai Uni's rink where Satoko trains. Somewhere I read Jeff worked with other Japanese skaters too. This is just my wish but Jeff's Lyrical choreo to a piano number can be good for her.

Spun Silver

Well-Known Member
OK I rewatched Yukina Ota's programs since she was under Hamada and she worked with Dickson too. There are some my fav programs but among them I think Picasso's Dance would a perfect vehicle for Satoko. Dickson can recycle it for Satoko or create a new one of this taste. :D
Yukina Ohta (choreo by Dickson)

While Satoko has very good skating skills, her step seqs were not that impressive. I'd love to see some unique one like in Yukina's Picasso's Dance.
I don't know about recycling that program, but thank you for posting it. I had never seen it. Goodness, what a beautiful skater and perfect program. After seeing that - yeah, man - Dickson should choreograph for Satoko, Gracie, Ashley, Polina, and Mae-Berenice. Oops, forgot Mirai. Basically everyone who needs a push in the right direction. (Obviously I am assuming he can work in more styles than one!)


Well-Known Member
Just saw this thread, it was about time. Well done @rosewood, I love Miyahara. :cheer2:

I could also see her skating to Bach - perhaps one of the many solo piano works or one of the cello suites. They are pared down pieces in being written for a solo instrument, but they are artistically rich and profound. Balanchine said that every note Bach wrote could be danced and the few Bach skating programs I've seen have been quite successful. The purity of Bach would be a good fit for Satoko's youthful musicality and refinement.

I so do agree with you. First of all I loooooove Bach, and second she can nail his music. :swoon:
Elgar Cello Concerto is another great piece of music. I actually want this for Yulia but Satoko can have it too. :saint:
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Banned Member
The only true artist currently skating (among the ladies). I will be very interested to see how she progresses.

What is amazing is the judges give her no credit for her artistry at all in the scores, and she still has the success she does.


Well-Known Member
What is amazing is the judges give her no credit for her artistry at all in the scores, and she still has the success she does.

Part of it is the judging system. There is no score for "artistry." She does do technically difficult programs and there is no deduction for "small" jumps. I do think she is being under-scored for P/E, I and Choreo.


Not Impressed.
She's very endearing and has a quality to her skating that will keep her a contender for many years. I think she's going to be the artist in this field by 2018, really beautiful skating that takes you by surprise. She understands musical phrasing really well and has a precision to the way she moves, once she grows a bit more she'll be stunning to watch.

I also love that she kept Japan's streak going (10 years in a row now medaling at worlds). :D


Well-Known Member
I don't see Miyahara medaling again at Worlds to be honest. You see this all the time the year after the Olympics when the field is weak skaters winning medals and never reaching those heights again. Tons of skaters had to bomb for her to medal.


Raining on the parade in fan threads yet again, eh Jammers? It doesn't matter how Satoko won her medal... she stepped up, took advantage of the opportunity, and will always be the 2015 WORLD SILVER MEDALIST! :cheer2:

@rosewood has kindly translated a pre-WTT Satoko article in the Japan news thread - link is:
Example of a gracious answer:
Interview with Satoko Miyahara before WTT
(Asahishinbun article published on April 13)
Q: I heard Gracie Gold of the US said "You're small" to you long ago.
SM: Yes. She said "You are great despite you are small." While I placed over her at Worlds, I don't feel yet that I beat her in the real sense, since she receives great scores if she skates clean. We'll compete together for long from now. I wish I'll be a good rival of her. I participated in more competitions with her in this season than before - Worlds, 4CC and GP events. I feel I'm getting used to being a member of the senior field.
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Well-Known Member
What is amazing is the judges give her no credit for her artistry at all in the scores, and she still has the success she does.

They will, if she continues like this next season as well. ;) We know how it works, she was still "new" this time around.

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