The One and Only Daisuke Takahashi - Because we miss him so much thread


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From jstamuggle on tumblr:

LOTF: show update from Nobu #11. She said she watched the 2 hour documentary on TBS of Daisuke in LA rehearsing for LOTF. Meryl and Charlie were in the last 10 mins. of the program.

She said in the documentary, Cheryl herself said that Daisuke’s character was like an angel that weaves the story together. From Nobu’s POV she said that “he was like an angel like in the movie ‘Wings of Desire’ or the American remake ‘City of Angels’. Daisuke was like an angel that supports, saves and snuggles up to human beings. He always kept certain distance from dancers but when they needed somebody he was there. He shared the joy of first love with Kristi in Act 1, save Meryl from desperate needing & tangled relationships in act 2, snuggled up to Charlie when he was suffering from lost love in Act 3, and then was there, yes, just being there for Cheryl in Act 4.”

Here's a video with clips from the documentary:


Well-Known Member
Thanks @Laura4 for reporting Nobu's explanation of Dai's role in the show. Yes, with his undisputed charisma and interpretation, Dai is the perfect man to portray this "angel" character.

Nice moment from DT IN LA: Dancer James (the one who lifts Dai up during last curtain call
) is watching "Primavera Portena" at Art On Ice 2015, with Cheryl and Randi Strong. They are all amazed and awe-struck by Dai's "dance moves" on skates and have great words of praise. As usual, Dai is embarassed
(but IMO he is also happy about comments on his dancing attitude made by such pro-dancers) So cute in the end, when Cheryl and Randi try his spins!!

One more great moment "The God of Dance" (believe me or not, I started calling Dai in this way before knowing that the music is by Apollo 440. It's so clear that Dai is playing a god on that cube.

More info about Stars Greeting in Hawaii": it's a cruise!!! to Hawaii with Dai, Shizuka and Kenji.... it will be a dream for the lucky winners!!!

Brand new!! Dai spotted hours ago at the entrance of Japan Disney On Ice!! Probably he attended the show for his next SPOTLIGHT


Well-Known Member
Wow, thanks for link to translation!! Dai's dream to be Meryl's partner is now reality. I'm so happy for him - and I bet he was pretty nervous when they practiced together for the first time that sensual dance, so intense. And of course on the very first time on stage. Were his palms sweating? :D Anyway, they did a great job!! Look how they are deeply involved in dance!!

One more pic of Daisuke at Disney On Ice. Who tweeted it, writes he was talking with children and making interviews.

Dai updated his IG yesterday. From Google translation (so don't trust it so much!!) seems he is eating this cake after a long time.

And today Dai has a day-off!! And posted a new IG about an hour ago. Google translation: Day-off (in Japanese and English). Leaves look like hearts.


Well-Known Member
Dai's SPOTLIGHT aired today - thanks to kind uploader. It's a very nice tv service on Disney On Ice's "Frozen" . Dai puts skates on, skates in the snow, tries jumps, wears a "seagull costume" and interviews show staff in English!!!! :cheer2::cheer2: and enjoy the show. he looks so happy.世界最大級アイスショーの裏側_sport

Back in studio, Dai expresses his opinion about Russian doping scandal. Hope some kind fan can transate, because I'm so curious to know what he thinks about it.


Well-Known Member
Awww...he looks so cute in his new hairstyle. So, is Dai going to Rio as a spectator for the Olympics or will he be doing some kind of reporting for Japanese television? Do you know, Pattina?

Yes, Dai will be reporting for FujiTV. He is on board for FujiTV with Tadahiro Nomura san (4 gold Oly medals in a row!!!! for Judo) and a former lady swimmer (sorry, I don't remember her name now) who took part in Olympics too in the past.

They form a "special team" working together with professional FujiTV sportcasters in Rio. They will do special commentaries/reports/interviews for specific sports: Nomura san for Judo, the lady for swimming sports and Dai for male gymnastic.

As far as I understood from Fuji's statements, the special Team will work on site. But I don't know when Dai will leave and be back, i.e. if he will be there the whole 3 weeks or just during the few days of gymnastic competitions.

At present I don't know about Fuji's broadcast schedule for Rio involving Dai. Should I get more info, I'll post here.


Well-Known Member
The Fuji TV team for Rio will stay there the duration of the Games and will cover different sports.

The Team:
Three-time Olympic Champion in Judo Tadahiro NOMURA (41)
2010 Bronze medalist in figure skating Daisuke TAKAHASHI (30)
1988 Bronze medalist in synchronized swimming Mikako KOTANI (49)

Here's a rough translation of the original announcement from Fuji TV


Well-Known Member
Full FujiTV broadcast of THE ICE is in specific thread on Great Skate Debate. Someone uploaded on YT all single programs, except for Dai's "Lilac Wine" :(:(:wuzrobbed:wuzrobbed:wuzrobbed :confused::confused: (music copyrights???)

A lovely fan tweeted "LW" in 3 clips

Collaboration number with Shoma to Prince's "Gett Off" (terrible camera shooting)

Caps :cool::cool: from collaboration number

The killing gaze on the right :cool::rockstar: to Dai for.....

From Adam Rippon's IG

Roommates circa 2007 still going strong

Backstage - 30th July from Taka Mura's FB page

From his hair-stylist FB - the hair-cut before THE ICE (I love Dai with any kind of hair-cut, always cool :cool::cool:)

I wonder if Dai has already left for Rio..... Have a safe trip and a safe stay!!
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Well-Known Member
Is it just me or does Daisuke look ten times more confident since LOTF?

Love his skating in The Ice, including the dance off.

I haven't watched LOTF but it looks to be a huge confidence booster for him judging from all the posts that I've seen. I'm glad it had just a positive impact on him. When he feels good about himself, it makes his programs even better. A treat for us fans!


Well-Known Member
Is it just me or does Daisuke look ten times more confident since LOTF?

Love his skating in The Ice, including the dance off.

Same feelings here!!

Dai received appreciation, positive feedback and great respect from the group of pro-dancers/choreographers he worked with, in addition to huge amount of love from his devoted fandom. People attending more than one show commented that he was getting better and better with any performance.

New challenges only pushes him higher!!

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