The Heir, The Spare and the “Baby Brain” -The Prince Harry and Meghan show rumbles on…


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Strange articles, since it was not Charles who decided on the issue of security.

And once again it’s funny to read that the whole family was jealous of Meghan and Harry’s popularity.

Agreed. The REVEC (Royalty & Public Persons Executive Committee) determined that the couple did not need taxpayer-funded security since they were no longer working royals.

They wanted out. Actually, they wanted half-in/half-out and were determined to force that on the monarchy. I believe they were surprised when Queen Elizabeth said nope. Leaving was their choice. I fail to see why they should still get the benefits of working royals when they are no longer working royals.


Well-Known Member
It is obvious that the articles are aimed at an American audience. Basically, for any audience that knows about royal families from popular culture.
Regarding the so-called insiders. If you now read articles from the past, you will see that most of their information turned out to be untrue.

By the way, Meghan and Harry appeared in another popular American animated sitcom :rolleyes:
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Banned Member
It's always a bit tricky when it comes to those so-called insiders, isn't it? Sometimes the information turns out to be quite different from reality.

And speaking of Meghan and Harry in the American spotlight, it's interesting how they're branching out, even into animated sitcoms! I wonder how all these ventures affect Prince Harry's net worth. What's your take on it all?


Well-Known Member
Pierce Morgan reveals who are the supposed racists in the RF, based on new book. (Scobie published a book ENDGAME where nobody is named directly but in the Dutch translation of the book Charles and Kate are directly named.)

But Scobie says he has no idea where the names in the Dutch version come from:

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Well-Known Member
I find this "translation error" hard to believe. How did the Dutch translator have the two names to put in there in the first place? My theory is the Dutch translator was sent an earlier copy of the manuscript that named names, and at a later date Scobie decided (or was advised) to pull them and the message didn't get passed on. That makes more sense.

Or it was deliberate as a way to get the names out there "by accident."


Well-Known Member
I’m no longer following this couple. If they truly want a peaceful life away from the limelight and constant criticism then there is a way to go that. Like ripples in water that eventually stop if left unstirred.


Hey, Kool-Aid!
I find this "translation error" hard to believe. How did the Dutch translator have the two names to put in there in the first place? My theory is the Dutch translator was sent an earlier copy of the manuscript that named names, and at a later date Scobie decided (or was advised) to pull them and the message didn't get passed on. That makes more sense.

Or it was deliberate as a way to get the names out there "by accident."
I think that's it. The book release was apparently delayed about 4 months. I suspect that was probably after the lawyers went through it with their red pen. Whether deliberate or by accident the only common sense answer is the Dutch got the earlier version. Translation errors don't put names where they never existed.


Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
Obie's(sp) new book confirms the throwing-the-Sussexes-under-the-bus claim. Also he said Princess Anne is the one who convinced Charles to offer Frogmore to Andrew. Two birds - one stone. Insults Andrew by demoting his residence & Harry by taking the safe place to stay away from his family. Claims Harry asked him don't you want your grandchildren to be safe? Other books by Obie have been accepted by the RF as being factual but idk if this one is.


I see the sea
Obie's(sp) new book confirms the throwing-the-Sussexes-under-the-bus claim. Also he said Princess Anne is the one who convinced Charles to offer Frogmore to Andrew. Two birds - one stone. Insults Andrew by demoting his residence & Harry by taking the safe place to stay away from his family. Claims Harry asked him don't you want your grandchildren to be safe? Other books by Obie have been accepted by the RF as being factual but idk if this one is.
Very elegant suggestion from Anne, if true.

I suspect there is more than one safe place where Harry and his family could stay in the UK.


Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
Very elegant suggestion from Anne, if true.

I suspect there is more than one safe place where Harry and his family could stay in the UK.
Anywhere else he would have to pay for unarmed security. Elegant solution to keep them away.


From the Bloc
Does no one in the Royal Family have a guest bedroom, like say the cousins he's close to? IIRC even when Harry came for the coronation he was there less than a day. Seems a bit much to maintain an entire house just on the off chance he and his family might visit for a few days.


Well-Known Member
I think what they really want and have wanted is control of their own narrative and not have others, especially the media, distort information and put their own spin on it. I am sure this is what we all want, "don't put words in my mouth or wrongly judge my intentions and actions without hearing my side". It is a common complaint from public figures and certainly one of the huge downsides to any kind of fame. I just don't see control very possible in the world today. Where I fault them is that they have happily used their public forum - Oprah interview, Netflix, Spare - to not only share their truth but also reveal very personal details about others including intimate family struggles while Harry full knows they can't/won't respond and so it remains uncontested.

As for Frogmore Cottage, it is not a good visual for the King to maintain and staff residences that no one is living in. Apparently, they are willing to find adequate accommodation in one of the royal residences for Harry when he comes to visit but they want notice as they do not keep these huge homes staffed when others, the King for example, are away.


Well-Known Member
Where I fault them is that they have happily used their public forum - Oprah interview, Netflix, Spare - to not only share their truth but also reveal very personal details about others including intimate family struggles while Harry full knows they can't/won't respond and so it remains uncontested.
This is what is bothering me the most about how they've handled their exit. Harry has done to his family exactly what he doesn't want. (Have someone else control the narrative). And I'm not sure I believe he would have done it if he hadn't been paid for the interview/book etc.

He's pointing fingers at his family but in some aspects, he needs to take a long, hard look into the mirror before pointing fingers.


Well-Known Member
I think it's funny that both Harry and Meghan and Omid Skobie categorically denied any connection with this book. This means that believing what is written in the book is meaningless.
We all remember how Meghan denied her connection with the previous book, but suddenly remembered the opposite at the trial.
If this book was not written at the dictation of Meghan and Harry, then they should sue Omid Skobie. But this, of course, will not happen.


Not Auto-Tuned
But the original plan was to live in the UK for 6 months of the year. That's not a few days.
But they didn't. They hightailed it out of the UK and were done. No one said they had to move or disrupt their plans to live half in North America and half in the UK.


Better off than 2020
But they didn't. They hightailed it out of the UK and were done. No one said they had to move or disrupt their plans to live half in North America and half in the UK.
Not picking on you, but we don't know what happened in any family meetings in private.

I think everyone has handled this poorly. The differences from the royal family to any family, is that a royal family is open to all the world and taking sides.

I really don't care who someone thinks spearheaded a book or wrote the narrative for the book. If we didn't buy the book or any subsequent books to push our agendas, then eventually they would go away. If it doesn't, then it's on us. We can make it stop. But all of us need to do it. Not some but all.


Not Auto-Tuned
Not picking on you, but we don't know what happened in any family meetings in private.

I think everyone has handled this poorly. The differences from the royal family to any family, is that a royal family is open to all the world and taking sides.

I really don't care who someone thinks spearheaded a book or wrote the narrative for the book. If we didn't buy the book or any subsequent books to push our agendas, then eventually they would go away. If it doesn't, then it's on us. We can make it stop. But all of us need to do it. Not some but all.
But the fact is, they are the ones who moved. Of course we don't know what happened in family meetings and private, but I'm sure that the family didn't tell them to leave the country for good, to live 100% in the US. So that's on them.

I was a big fan in the beginning with high hopes for them. But what they've done in playing the victims all while airing their view of the family's issues is unconscionable. You don't do that to family. You especially don't do that during the twilight years of the elderly heads of the family. Did Phillip and Elizabeth really need that at their ages? I could never do that to my parents or grandparents, or anyone else in my family.

Meagan has said she has "moved on from the Royals", but if that's so, then she should stop using her title, especially in a country where it means nothing. Those two need to move on as much as anyone else.


Well-Known Member
I think that's it. The book release was apparently delayed about 4 months. I suspect that was probably after the lawyers went through it with their red pen. Whether deliberate or by accident the only common sense answer is the Dutch got the earlier version. Translation errors don't put names where they never existed.
I think it was done on purpose. Now the book has received so much free attention that any marketer would envy it.


Well-Known Member
What difference could it possibly make?
What do you mean? I don't understand what the scandal is at all.

Wondering is okay. Wondering aloud to the parents-to-be officially takes you into "you think the kid will be a monkey?" racism.
If parents want to take offense, they will always find a reason. Meghan wanted to turn the royal family into racists, so she created this drama on Oprah's show. By the way, at the beginning of the year, Harry openly denied accusations of racism. They themselves have already forgotten what they were lying about.
And, by the way, I know many couples who have openly discussed this topic with family and friends. And how did it not occur to them to think about monkeys and accuse everyone and themselves of racism.
By the way, I suggest you read the title of the topic. Meghan was not so sensitive to the parents of the little baby when she declared in their presence that Kate had the baby-brain. But when someone dared to discuss the skin color of her future child, she turned it into a drama that has not subsided for three years. Although she is only the Duchess of Sussex, she is definitely a drama queen.


Well-Known Member
As we really do not know what exactly was said, the context, and to whom it was said, it all seems very unfair. I thought they backtracked on it and now called it "unconscious bias". If Harry truly wants a relationship with his family I just do not see how this helps at all. As for Kate, if one were to criticize her at all, I think she might be seen as the perfect daughter-in-law anxious never to put a step wrong. Again, very one sided which screams of hypocrisy when they take it so poorly when they don't control "the narrative".

I am so very saddened the Queen and Prince Philip had to endure this in their later years.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean? I don't understand what the scandal is at all.

If parents want to take offense, they will always find a reason. Meghan wanted to turn the royal family into racists, so she created this drama on Oprah's show. By the way, at the beginning of the year, Harry openly denied accusations of racism. They themselves have already forgotten what they were lying about.
And, by the way, I know many couples who have openly discussed this topic with family and friends. And how did it not occur to them to think about monkeys and accuse everyone and themselves of racism.
By the way, I suggest you read the title of the topic. Meghan was not so sensitive to the parents of the little baby when she declared in their presence that Kate had the baby-brain. But when someone dared to discuss the skin color of her future child, she turned it into a drama that has not subsided for three years. Although she is only the Duchess of Sussex, she is definitely a drama queen.

"Baby brain" is insensitive.
"So your kid is going to be really DARK right?" is racist asshole behavior. At best, it's microaggressive. At worst, it's just outright aggressive, racist behavior. Not surprising if you see the way Kate cringed from the crowds on their disastrous Caribbean tour.
I can't believe you don't see the difference.
Kate wasn't close enough to them to even approach the topic in a joking way.


Well-Known Member
"Baby brain" is insensitive.
"So your kid is going to be really DARK right?" is racist asshole behavior. At best, it's microaggressive. At worst, it's just outright aggressive, racist behavior. Not surprising if you see the way Kate cringed from the crowds on their disastrous Caribbean tour.
I can't believe you don't see the difference.
Kate wasn't close enough to them to even approach the topic in a joking way.
I'm sorry, but how do you know exactly what Kate said? So far I see only various unproven speculations.


Well-Known Member
And let's not forget that Archie was called a chimp by a BBC broadcaster. So it's reasonable that Harry and Meghan were very sensitive on this topic.

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