The Heir, The Spare and the “Baby Brain” -The Prince Harry and Meghan show rumbles on…


Well-Known Member
I am sure that Kate and William will not get divorced. And not because I believe so much in their relationship, I believe in their common goals.
For them, this marriage is not only a family, but also a successful career. I don't see any reason for them to throw it all away.


Well-Known Member
I severely doubt Will & Kate will divorce, at least not in the next 10-15 years. Kate is very smart & pragmatic, and while I think William is a bit less-so, he has to know his goals are best met with Kate vs. without. And I'd like to believe he wouldn't want his young children to have anything close to the experience he did. Will that still be true when their youngest moves out? Seems a long way off to guess.

I can't see Harry & Meghan splitting soon either, at least not if they're using their heads. Harry could absolutely go off script and decide to upend everything he initially upended his life for, but I don't see Meghan going down without a fight.
Not denying there are those kind of marriages but: how romantic ;)


From the Bloc
Nobody really knows what goes on inside a marriage except the people who are in it. That being said ;)

I don't see William and Kate ever breaking up, for the reasons that @Andora and @airgelaal already cited. The only reason I could see it ever happening is if either or both was deeply, deeply unhappy and they thought it better for the children (William lived through his parents' divorce, but let us also remember that he lived through their unhappy marriage first), or if Kate decides she can't go on with the charade, especially when she becomes queen. If that was the case, I could see her going the way of another Kate - Katie Holmes - and pretty much disappearing from public life. But if I was putting money on it, they'll be together as long as they both shall live.

As for Harry and Meghan, to me the more likely to leave would be Meghan. Harry barely knows what a good marriage is, and as already noted, he gave up a lot and I can't see him going back into the family, he's still too bitter about all of it. I could see a situation where at some point his brother and father welcome him back, but only if he has nowhere else to go. It would be sort of benevolent, like a royal pardon or something. But more than that, I think he's going to stick with Meghan, stubbornly perhaps, not willing to admit he made a mistake and telling himself it's for the children.

To me the more likely would be Meghan. She's already ripped that bandaid off with one divorce plus she's cut off members of her family (with good reason of course) and cut ties with close friends too (notably her former bestie Jessica Mulroney) - in other words, she doesn't seem the type to stick with relationships that aren't working for her. Meghan seems to be the one driving a lot - the initial attempt to capitalize on their title with trademarks and a website (there's no way Harry would have done that on his own), the various media deals, the famous friends, now she's writing children's books (who isn't these days lol) and just got herself a fancy new publicity firm. I don't think anyone will disagree that she's ambitious, again not a bad thing at all, but if people get in her way, including Harry, I could see her moving on. I'm sure she'd always put her kids first, but with both parents being children of divorce and her being especially close to her mother, it's not out of the question to co-parent. For her it's about her personal brand, and I don't see her stopping any time soon in pursuit of whatever she has defined as success for herself.


Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
@Jenny, I don't think Meghan is as horrible as you're making her sound. I do believe (as H&M has claimed) that a lot or some of the stories about Meghan are made up. Maybe it started from jealousy because at first she was too popular or it started because she was too American for the RF. Like the bullying claims which may have been because she wanted things done right now, rather than the lackadaisical attitude or the we've always done it differently attitude of the staff.

Meghan has got a reputation for being calculating but imo Kate is more guilty of that. I don't believe she ever does anything without figuring out how it will make her or her family look to the public. Part of that is necessary public image but I think she takes it to the extreme. I grew up with that mindset what will the neighbors think? rather than what will make us happier.

H&M have made a lot of mis-steps to the point of what were they thinking? Why did Harry discuss his sex life or his drug usage in his book? Why the complete break from the RF? I don't understand either of them but I don't think either are the villains they are painted to be.


Better off than 2020
As Jenny says no one knows the marriage except the people in the relationship and even that has three perspectives.

William and Kate have millions and millions of people in their marriage too. People were denied their happily ever after dream of Diana and her Prince. They NEED W/K to stay together. If the everyday person off the street can feel the need to stay together for the children, imagine the pressure to stay together for the world.

So many people want H/M to fail. And fail spectacularly - see the vitriol even in this small sample of posters - it's difficult to say what pressure that puts on a marriage. If the everyday person off the street who is constantly bombarded by family and others that the marriage is just wrong give up on each other, imagine the celebrity's pressures to split.

Complicating the situations even more, it's likely no one can help any of the 4 people and the 2 couples through the issues. No counseling, no sounding boards, no one to share frustrations. The media. The gossip rags, the gossip rumors with friends. No one to trust. Charles can't either.
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From the Bloc
@Jenny, I don't think Meghan is as horrible as you're making her sound.

That wasn't my intention and I thought I was clear, guess I wasn't. What I was trying to say, in speculating on if/why either couple would split up, is that I thought the most likely person to put that in motion was Meghan. She's the one who from most accounts didn't understand the full scope of what she was getting into, definitely not as part of the Royal Family and perhaps not even with Harry. One might have thought that he'd be so much happier now, away from the RF, much more freedom to make his own decisions and live his own life, with his own family - but apparently he's not. Maybe he's difficult to live with, maybe neither marrying a prince or fleeing with him to America isn't turning out to be the fairytale she might have thought it would be.

That she's ambitious, driven and willing to do the work are admirable qualities. Assuming she puts her children first, that's also to be admired. That she cuts ties with those who cause her stress or negativity in her life, maybe that's not the way of older generations, but it is the way of today, and most would consider these tough decisions that are made with care for the sake of one's mental health and also those close to them. Again, admirable, not horrible.


Doing all the things
Complicating the situations even more, it's likely no one can help any of the 4 people and the 2 couples through the issues. No counseling, no sounding boards, no one to share frustrations. The media. The gossip rags, the gossip rumors with friends. No one to trust. Charles can't either.
Why wouldn't they be able to have counseling? I believe Harry is in counseling or has been in the past. (And, honestly, they probably have friends/relatives that they use as sounding boards. I'm sure Megan talks to her mom about this stuff as they are very close.)

They definitely have a lot of outside pressures and being a public figure is a pressure of it's own but that doesn't mean they have absolutely no resources and are completely on their own.


Better off than 2020
I guess I'm a cynic. I think it would be hard to trust someone especially with all the leaks and stuff that has happened. Yeah I know professional standards and stuff, but I think it would be hard to trust


Doing all the things
I guess I'm a cynic. I think it would be hard to trust someone especially with all the leaks and stuff that has happened. Yeah I know professional standards and stuff, but I think it would be hard to trust
That's not the same thing as having no one though. It just means their support circle is smaller.

I mean they have so many challenges that we common folk don't have. I don't see why we need to throw in extra ones. ;)


Bunny mama
I think the one most likely to instigate a split is William. He has the least to lose.

He still will be King no matter what. It would be a shock for sure and his reputation would suffer in the short term but everyone would get over it and feel bad for him and how unhappy he was with his first wife just as they have for other Kings.

The precedent has been set by other Kings (most recently his father) to install your second wife as Queen.

That being said, I don’t see either couple splitting anytime soon and hope they don’t.


Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
IF H&M don't read/see the negatives said about them then I think they have much less pressure on their marriage than W&K. Therefore I think they are less likely to break up.


Well-Known Member
I think the one most likely to instigate a split is William. He has the least to lose.

He still will be King no matter what. It would be a shock for sure and his reputation would suffer in the short term but everyone would get over it and feel bad for him and how unhappy he was with his first wife just as they have for other Kings.

The precedent has been set by other Kings (most recently his father) to install your second wife as Queen.

That being said, I don’t see either couple splitting anytime soon and hope they don’t.
And I think that he risks the most, because his wife is not just a wife. His wife is a very difficult position. There is no guarantee that the second marriage will be happy. And even less guarantees that the new wife will be able to fulfill all her duties. With Meghan as an example, we have seen that not every wife of a prince can become a good working member of the royal family.


Well-Known Member
W and K seem very happy every time I have seen pics of them and family. I don't get where the split rumors are coming from. IMHO I think it very unlikely (and I hope it does not happen).


Well-Known Member
?I have a question. Why are William and Kate being discussed in the Harry and Meghan thread instead of the Royal Thread? I hope that both couples are happy with their marriages.


Codger level achieved
?I have a question. Why are William and Kate being discussed in the Harry and Meghan thread instead of the Royal Thread? I hope that both couples are happy with their marriages.
Will's the heir, ain't he luv? :saint:


Well-Known Member
@VALuvsMKwan That's my point. William is the heir. Why isn't his marriage being discussed in the Royal Thread?

Edited to add that I just noticed the Royal Thread is on page 2. Maybe that's the reason William and Kate's marriage is being discussed in this thread.
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Codger level achieved
@VALuvsMKwan That's my point. William is the heir. Why isn't his marriage being discussed in the Royal Thread?

Edited to add that I just noticed the Royal Thread is on page 2. Maybe that's the reason William and Kate's marriage is being discussed in this thread.
Still the first person referred to in this thread's title - which could be altered to "The (now more remote) Spare and his Spouse" and I would have no objection.


Doing all the things
@VALuvsMKwan That's my point. William is the heir. Why isn't his marriage being discussed in the Royal Thread?

Edited to add that I just noticed the Royal Thread is on page 2. Maybe that's the reason William and Kate's marriage is being discussed in this thread.
It's just thread drift. Talking about whether H&M's marriage is in trouble led to speculation on W&K.


Better off than 2020
It's a thread draft for sure, but face it whenever Harry and Meghan are being discussed so will William and Kate.

Past, present and future - always


Well-Known Member
Spotify is ending exclusivity deals, it seems. I can now listen to Armchair Expert on Apple Podcast. Without Markle’s podcast, I can now never need to use the Spotify app. Thank goodness!


Well-Known Member
I had borrowed Spare as a e-book from my library but didn’t get to finish it before it was automatically returned. I think I am about 70% of the way through it. It was meh to me. I may or may not read the rest of it.


Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
There were two articles today detailing that a lot of Harry's claims were accurate. (one here: The other here:

These reports were supposedly made by a palace "insider". I don't know how true these allegations are but to me the most believable is that Charles didn't like that H&M were getting more good press than him. I've read reports lately that Kate has been told to "tone it down".


Well-Known Member


From the Bloc
Maybe it's just me, but I've always been either amused or :rolleyes: when I hear the phrase "you're just jealous" or "they're just jealous," going back as long as I can remember to schoolyard taunts.

In any case, sure Harry enjoyed some popularity before Meghan, and certainly Meghan has a very loyal following, which extends now to Harry. But they also have a lot of critics and haters, and I can't imagine anyone would be jealous of the price they are both paying for their popularity.
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