The Good News Thread


Well-Known Member
Woman who didn't know she was pregnant gives birth to eight pound baby girl! The 47 year old first time mom thought she was going through menopause!

This is too bizarre. I've heard of other cases where pregnant women didn't know they were pregnant, but have generally assumed they were mentally ill or in an extreme state of denial (i.e.a teen whose parents wouldn't approve of her being pregnant).

A baby kicking isn't quite the same thing as indigestion and a pregnant stomach is not the same as a fat stomach - the former is taut while the latter is flabby.
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Well-Known Member
So wonderful to see all of the happy faces of immigrant Syrian families being welcomed into Canada this weekend. We finally get to see what true
humanitarian relief looks like. Good for you, Mr. Trudeau! But at the same time, it is strange to see the words of our Lady Liberty being acted upon so sincerely by another country. Oh Canada...go Canada!!! :respec:
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Well-Known Member
CEO PHARMA-CREEP...Martin Shkreli just arrested in New York on some very serious financial fraud charges above and beyond the drug overcharge scandal!
I LOVE YOU! :rofl:
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Well-Known Member
Hooray for the Christiana-owned hotel in Delaware for admitting the homeless people who were gifted with an overnight Christmas stay in the spirit of the season. :cheer2:

And a big BOO! to the DuPont-owned hotel that rejected them after learning that they were indeed homeless people (including a mother and her three children). :mad:
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Well-Known Member
The first shipload of 25,000 pounds of low-enriched uranium has left Iran today. Thank you, Mr. President and Secretary Kerry, for using your DIPLOMATIC SKILLS to try to make this poor old world a safer place for us all! :respec: GOOD NEWS!
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Well-Known Member
33 Moments That'll Restore Your Faith In Humanity

WARNING: This video includes many examples of people protecting or saving animals which might make you bawl your eyes out. (Hankie alert.)

It is so encouraging to realize that there are some people who take the time and trouble to help others who so desperately need assistance. These are true humans who understand the meaning of humanity for their own kind and humaneness for other species. Bless them all! Good karma to them! :respec:
P.S....the hankie didn't help at all!


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
This Saturday I went to see the Arizona Coyotes (NHL) game. This was a special event for us Toastmasters, so we had a get together on their terrace. One of us had brought 2 guests- her grandson (in the 20s) and his wife (probably mid to late 20s), who was in a wheelchair. I thought she had probably broken her leg or something. Later during the conversation someone asked her about it. She said- "I am a lung cancer survivor". Then she told us about the challenges she went through.

Surgeries, of course, and I am sure some very big challenges, physically and emotionally. The surgeons had to cut out her hip to put something where the lungs were (I didn't understand the technical and medical details) and the hip could not be replaced. She said she can walk but not much. So she was in the wheelchair.

If I didn't know what she had been through, I would have thought that she was just a healthy woman with an injury which would heal. She had a great smile and a positive attitude (she looked and acted very normal). As Toastmasters, couple of us suggested that she join Toastmasters and become a motivational speaker, (and earn a good living). She was already ahead of us because she had given some presentations at Mayo, and had planned one at another place (I forgot which one).

It was inspiring to meet someone like her.


Well-Known Member
So glad to see that Puppy Bowl XII is coming up on Sunday! :cheer2::cheer2:
I love to see those little guys going at it and it's wonderful to know that they all get PERMANENT FOREVER HOMES after the big game! :dog::dog::dog:


Well-Known Member
Two years ago today my dog's cancerous leg was amputated. We were told that she would have a chance if we continued with four rounds of chemo. After the first round we stopped because she was so miserable. The vet did not think she would live past one year. Today I am so happy to report that on her two year anniversary she is happy, healthy and ornery as ever. She is a brown/red Alaskan Malamute with soft brown eyes that melt me. (And she knows this :)) And the loss of the leg has not hindered her in the least. Each day with her is a gift.


Well-Known Member
About a week ago I noticed that one of the birds who occasionally manages to get some seed from the squirrels at the feeder has only one leg! He hops around and is able to hold his own while feeding among the others but does not like to be in a crowd. He wobbles sometimes and must continually check his balance (...awww :() but he is still hanging in there and comes back each day with his friends at mealtime. Bless his little heart. I'm cheering for him! :biggrinbo
GOOD NEWS! There's nothing wrong with his wings! I hope...Mother Nature will take care of this little critter and all others in need.

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