Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir #48: Long Time Running


Well-Known Member
P&C fans still pissed that the Olympic audience barely gave them applause for the FD compared to V&M, the excuses most fans were canadiens, north Korean cheer squad blah blah blah, Didier and P&C just can't admit they were outskated in the Olympics Virtue and Moir should have won the fd also btw that is dance that the general public remembers, Didier had to pay the New York times for a flattering article about P&C.


Well-Known Member
P&C fans still pissed that the Olympic audience barely gave them applause for the FD compared to V&M, the excuses most fans were canadiens, north Korean cheer squad blah blah blah, Didier and P&C just can't admit they were outskated in the Olympics Virtue and Moir should have won the fd also btw that is dance that the general public remembers, Didier had to pay the New York times for a flattering article about P&C.
Just let it go. They won. Take the high road. Scott and Tessa did. Don’t you know that Canadians are supposed to be polite.


Well-Known Member
Yes I know I also do know that the French can be arrogant douchebags, the way Didier targeted the Canadian Judge a the Olympics was a disgrace, I guess he forgot that the French judge did not give a single 10 to V&M for the sd, and gave P&C tens for their mess of an sd.


Skating season ends as baseball season begins
Yes I know I also do know that the French can be arrogant douchebags, the way Didier targeted the Canadian Judge a the Olympics was a disgrace, I guess he forgot that the French judge did not give a single 10 to V&M for the sd, and gave P&C tens for their mess of an sd.

Eh, eh, easy there, champ. This is... at best, completely ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
Yes I know I also do know that the French can be arrogant douchebags, the way Didier targeted the Canadian Judge a the Olympics was a disgrace, I guess he forgot that the French judge did not give a single 10 to V&M for the sd, and gave P&C tens for their mess of an sd.

Just.Let it go!
PC are worthy competitors...But VM bested them. Better to best worthy competition than a weak field. I relive that night from time to time..the hopes, fears, ardent wishes and the elation! My DD and myself screamed so much we woke up the house.


Well-Known Member

Some lovely compliments about Tessa and Scott 😄

About idols
Nikita: Of course, Scott Moir! Because this is real dancing on ice, without a single unnatural movement! This is what I would like to watch as a viewer, without thinking about stupid edges. Are they talented from God and it’s impossible to reach them? Well, Charlie White, when we were training at the same rink, told me that Scott and Tessa almost didn’t need to train. Only she had problems with legs, and had to take surgeries. And Charlie has worked around the clock to get to this level. In any case, everyone has his own way. Maybe someone just can’t use talent and someone has a talent not to get out of the ice and to work non stop.
Victoria: How do they look at each other? They just feel each other to such an extent. Marina Zueva told me that as soon as Scott touches Tessa, she immediately changes and her body began to move.


Well-Known Member
It's clear that Virtue/Moir are the ice dance of a certain generation, much like Torvill/Dean were. Almost every currently competing ice dance team of a certain age look up to Virtue/Moir so openly. And like T/D, their complete style is hard to replicate well because V/M's programs were so congested with difficulty (especially during their Montreal era) and their level of intricacy and unison is extremely hard to do.


Well-Known Member

Some lovely compliments about Tessa and Scott 😄

About idols
Nikita: Of course, Scott Moir! Because this is real dancing on ice, without a single unnatural movement! This is what I would like to watch as a viewer, without thinking about stupid edges. Are they talented from God and it’s impossible to reach them? Well, Charlie White, when we were training at the same rink, told me that Scott and Tessa almost didn’t need to train. Only she had problems with legs, and had to take surgeries. And Charlie has worked around the clock to get to this level. In any case, everyone has his own way. Maybe someone just can’t use talent and someone has a talent not to get out of the ice and to work non stop.
Victoria: How do they look at each other? They just feel each other to such an extent. Marina Zueva told me that as soon as Scott touches Tessa, she immediately changes and her body began to move.
Nikita has always been a big fan of Scott in particular.
The Russian couple has a tough competition in front of them in Sochi. Their main competitors are the French couple Nathalie Pechalat and Fabian Bourzat and, of course, the leaders of the world figure skating, the Olympic champions Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir from Canada. By the way the Canadian skater is Nikita Katsalapov's idol.

«I think that Scott Moir is simply an ideal partner as he should be in theory. He is brutal, he cares for his partner as if it were an antique vase. He performs for the viewers, he is not afraid of anything and moves ahead at a breakneck speed. He is a genius athlete».
Read more: http://sputniknews.com/voiceofrussi...ice-dancing-pair-Ilinykh-and-Katsalapov-7761/
Elena Ilinykh: “I’m madly in love with Tessa & Scott. Their relationship seems so easy. They are an incredibly skillful and charasmatic duo.[…] For Nikita, Scott is his idol, and I want to emulate Tessa […] They are one in a unique shell. Tessa is the perfect woman in a partnership.”

Nikita Katsalapov: “The most important thing that he does is show how a man should be on this ice. I have no words for it. It’s not a fight, it’s not acting, he just goes and does what no one else can. […] I try not to want to copy everything he does, we should find our own style, but he is my idol.”


Well-Known Member
P&C fans still pissed that the Olympic audience barely gave them applause for the FD compared to V&M, the excuses most fans were canadiens, north Korean cheer squad blah blah blah, Didier and P&C just can't admit they were outskated in the Olympics Virtue and Moir should have won the fd also btw that is dance that the general public remembers, Didier had to pay the New York times for a flattering article about P&C.

That is such a ridiculous comment. You seem pretty obsessed with Didier Gaihaguet. You mention him quite a lot and with quite outrageous accusations. As you accuse the French, Russian, American judges of not being fair whereas Leana Caron (or any Canadian judge for that matter) was at the olympics and is of course by nature a parangon of fairness :rolleyes:

Yes I know I also do know that the French can be arrogant douchebags, the way Didier targeted the Canadian Judge a the Olympics was a disgrace, I guess he forgot that the French judge did not give a single 10 to V&M for the sd, and gave P&C tens for their mess of an sd.

The French, arrogant douchebags, all of the 66 millions of them really !? ...

And the Canadian judge what did she give P/C for the FD ? Talk about partial amnesia, selective memories and hyprocritical self-righteousness.

What nationality are you again ? Surely you're French.


Well-Known Member
That is such a ridiculous comment. You seem pretty obsessed with Didier Gaihaguet. You mention him quite a lot and with quite outrageous accusations. As you accuse the French, Russian, American judges of not being fair whereas Leana Caron (or any Canadian judge for that matter) was at the olympics and is of course by nature a parangon of fairness :rolleyes:

The French, arrogant douchebags, all of the 66 millions of them really !? ...

And the Canadian judge what did she give P/C for the FD ? Talk about partial amnesia, selective memories and hyprocritical self-righteousness.

What nationality are you again ? Surely you're French.

One learns a lot reading these boards...like the 3000 north koreans who were paid by the evil Canadians to cheer VM.

Quick question is parangon a french word? Etymology is fascinating!


Well-Known Member
One learns a lot reading these boards...like the 3000 north koreans who were paid by the evil Canadians to cheer VM.

Quick question is parangon a french word? Etymology is fascinating!

Parangon is a spanish word and the english version of the word is paragon without the first n.

The 3000 north/south koreans being paid to cheer by the Canadian Fed is quite out there (and funny), I agree. But it was pretty new and short lived unlike the accusations against the French Fed which have been coming up in comments detracting P/C for years now.

As far as I know, no V/M thread was ever closed down despite quite numerous outrageous, crazy and ugly comments against their opponents. It seems some crazies are more equal than others.


Well-Known Member
As far as I know, no V/M thread was ever closed down despite quite numerous outrageous, crazy and ugly comments against their opponents. It seems some crazies are more equal than others.

That's not why the P/C thread was closed down. It was closed down because a crazy P/C uber was harassing the moderators with emails full of unhinged nonsense and threats, and Sharpie warned them to stop it or the thread will be closed and they kept going. Sharpie keeps her promises.


Well-Known Member
That's not why the P/C thread was closed down. It was closed down because a crazy P/C uber was harassing the moderators with emails full of unhinged nonsense and threats, and Sharpie warned them to stop it or the thread will be closed and they kept going. Sharpie keeps her promises.

OK. You're saying that the P/C thread was closed down because of one crazy uber who was not even, again as far as I know, a usual poster on FSU ? Wasn't banning and blocking the harasser a possibility instead of closing down the whole thread and de facto punishing all P/C fans ?

I can't say I understand this and accept it as legitimate and fair, promise of closing down or not. For me it is a "fait du prince" type of thing.

The reason for the shut down, the length of time the thread remained closed down and the fact that the crazy can come back without any of us P/C fans being able to do anything about it, doesn't make this sanction anything other than arbitrary and abusive. I can't help doubting seriously that should have the harasser been a V/M crazy the whole V/M thread would have been closed down at all or as long.

And sorry if I'm going on in this very thread on the subject but really too many people here have been and continue to be quite inelegant to say the least towards P/C fans. I hope some of you realise the total unfairness of it.


Well-Known Member
OK. You're saying that the P/C thread was closed down because of one crazy uber who was not even, again as far as I know, a usual poster on FSU ? Wasn't banning and blocking the harasser a possibility instead of closing down the whole thread and de facto punishing all P/C fans ?

I can't say I understand this and accept it as legitimate and fair, promise of closing down or not. For me it is a "fait du prince" type of thing.

The reason for the shut down, the length of time the thread remained closed down and the fact that the crazy can come back without any of us P/C fans being able to do anything about it, doesn't make this sanction anything other than arbitrary and abusive. I can't help doubting seriously that should have the harasser been a V/M crazy the whole V/M thread would have been closed down at all or as long.

And sorry if I'm going on in this very thread on the subject but really too many people here have been and continue to be quite inelegant to say the least towards P/C fans. I hope some of you realise the total unfairness of it.

Actually Allezfried started a new P/C thread.


Well-Known Member
OK. You're saying that the P/C thread was closed down because of one crazy uber who was not even, again as far as I know, a usual poster on FSU ? Wasn't banning and blocking the harasser a possibility instead of closing down the whole thread and de facto punishing all P/C fans ?

I can't say I understand this and accept it as legitimate and fair, promise of closing down or not. For me it is a "fait du prince" type of thing.

The reason for the shut down, the length of time the thread remained closed down and the fact that the crazy can come back without any of us P/C fans being able to do anything about it, doesn't make this sanction anything other than arbitrary and abusive. I can't help doubting seriously that should have the harasser been a V/M crazy the whole V/M thread would have been closed down at all or as long.

And sorry if I'm going on in this very thread on the subject but really too many people here have been and continue to be quite inelegant to say the least towards P/C fans. I hope some of you realise the total unfairness of it.
Wow, so nice to see a new post on the VIRTUE/MOIR thread but oh no, it's a PC fan posting in here. How nice :rolleyes:. It's interesting how there is so much talk about ugly VM stans but I see much more nasty comments by "the other side"... Oh, well.

Thank you so much for the quotes about Scott and Tessa by Nikita and Victoria. I love to see how much other skaters appreciate their talent and skill. There is really something missing now. It's my hope that Scott AND Tessa go back and work with young skaters on a regular basis and give back to the sport. I know it's not realistic but I would really like it if they start coaching or choreographing. It would be such a waste if their knowledge wouldn't be passed on to the next generaton.


Well-Known Member
Just.Let it go!
PC are worthy competitors...But VM bested them. Better to best worthy competition than a weak field. I relive that night from time to time..the hopes, fears, ardent wishes and the elation! My DD and myself screamed so much we woke up the house.

TBH, I think TPTB fully intended for the gold to go to P/C. IMO this is because 'Moonlight Sonata' was just seen as the more Olympic-worthy program.

The costume malfunction in the SD opened the window for V/M just a little. But even so, the monster score given to P/C in the free still indicated that the judges favored them. IMO.

V/M had the benefit of skating last. I don't think they would have won otherwise.

But they also had to deliver a performance of a lifetime that demanded the judges give them their due. And so they did.

However, I think the judges may have surprised even themselves when they realized that their scores had given V/M the gold.
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Well-Known Member
TBH, I think TPTB fully intended for the gold to go to P/C. IMO this is because 'Moonlight Sonata' was just seen as the more Olympic-worthy program.

The costume malfunction in the SD opened the window for V/M just a little. But even so, the monster score given to P/C in the free still indicated that the judges favored them. IMO.

V/M had the benefit of skating last. I don't think they would have won otherwise.

But they also had to deliver a performance of a lifetime that demanded the judges give them their due. And so they did.

However, I think the judges may have surprised even themselves when they realized that their scores had given V/M the gold.
I have a different take...after the SD marking for PC despite a lack lustre performance and the uproar on Social Media that night the tech team knew they couldn’t afford to be biased. Would have liked to be a fly on the wall at the post SD meeting!
VM met the challenge with the performance of the season in their FD. There would have been a huge international uproar if they were denied. Each element would have been scrutinized and ice dancing as a sport may have been dropped from the games. With MR, VM were a fan favourite and not just in Canada. It was a master choice of program ...vibrant vs ethereal.

For whatever reason...IMO the right team won.

Let us move on to 2019 now and enjoy their different endeavours.


Reformed Manspreader
I have a different take...after the SD marking for PC despite a lack lustre performance and the uproar on Social Media that night the tech team knew they couldn’t afford to be biased. Would have liked to be a fly on the wall at the post SD meeting!
VM met the challenge with the performance of the season in their FD. There would have been a huge international uproar if they were denied. Each element would have been scrutinized and ice dancing as a sport may have been dropped from the games. With MR, VM were a fan favourite and not just in Canada. It was a master choice of program ...vibrant
Wow. I actually strained my eye muscles from rolling them so hard.


Reformed Manspreader
It has nothing to do with being a stan of anyone. I have always felt V&M were the rightful champions . But considering the real and ugly scandals ice dance has had over the years, the idea that it would possibly be removed over what was a tightly scored competition going the other way is a bit too OTT for me.

In any case Happy New Year to all


Why are P/C stans still coming here and whining? Save some energy for your favorite and yourself. New Year is coming. Happy holidays everyone![/QUOTE

P&C fans still pissed that the Olympic audience barely gave them applause for the FD compared to V&M, the excuses most fans were canadiens, north Korean cheer squad blah blah blah, Didier and P&C just can't admit they were outskated in the Olympics Virtue and Moir should have won the fd also btw that is dance that the general public remembers, Didier had to pay the New York times for a flattering article about P&C.

Just stop talking about P/C in this thread and no one will reply

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