Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir #48: Long Time Running


Well-Known Member

Haha that’s hilarious.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Amazing Race Canada is inviting them to race this year. Whether they should do it, I’m not sure - I think some of the mystique around them as they argue (because normal people do), will disappear.

Pushing Limits with Tessa and Craig McMorris (hanging out in a tea house in South Korea):

Sans limites with Tessa and Phil Marquis (hanging out at the same tea house : ) ). Mostly in English:


Well-Known Member
...I wouldn’t be surprised if Amazing Race Canada is inviting them to race this year. Whether they should do it, I’m not sure - I think some of the mystique around them as they argue (because normal people do), will disappear.

Yes, competing on The Amazing Race may have the potential to damage their image. I don’t usually watch that show, but did once a few years ago when Canadian women’s hockey players, Meaghan Mikkelson and Natalie Spooner, participated.

The competitions are rigged to make them difficult. I recall one event where they had to use naval flags to spell a message. Nobody could do it. When Meaghan and Natalie were about to give up and go to an alternate event option, they worked it out. There were two almost identical flags (blue & white checkered, and white & blue checkered). One is not a true naval flag. It was placed at the top of the box of flags, with the real one hidden at the bottom.

I also suspect some events are scripted (like so many other so called “reality” TV shows). One event involved shooting hockey pucks through holes in a board covering the net. Meaghan and Natalie had great difficulty getting the puck through the easiest hole. The other non-hockey player contestants could do it. Seems too fishy to be real.

Other events included drinking raw snake bladder bile. Cut out and extracted in their presence. Yuk! Is this the Fear factor show?

Would the Amazing Race have Tessa & Scott perform a simple skating task, and script them to fail miserably, hoping to generate extra drama?


Well-Known Member
Yes, competing on The Amazing Race may have the potential to damage their image. I don’t usually watch that show, but did once a few years ago when Canadian women’s hockey players, Meaghan Mikkelson and Natalie Spooner, participated.

I'd forgotten about the hockey players. I remember Canada loving them! They ended up winning the fan favourite prize. And they still looked so ticked off at having lost even at the live finale, which took place months after the taping. But I really did enjoy them and imo, they ended up elevating the national perspective on women's hockey. I don't think the hockey challenge was rigged - was just one of those weird happenings - and the producers made it look worse than it was. See Spooner's interview here:

One of the things that happened to you after you won the gold medal is that you were on The Amazing Race Canada. At one point there was a hockey challenge where you and your teammate, Meaghan Mikkelson, who is also a hockey player, had to shoot pucks at some targets, and it ended up taking you more than 50 tries. What happened?
We get quite a lot of comments on that. I mean, it was definitely a weird challenge. We were using wooden sticks that were probably from 1960s. We hit the first four targets no problem, and then the other teams started showing up. We did actually finish around the same time as the other teams, but the way they cut it does make it seem a little bit farther apart.

If Scott was on though, I have a feeling he would say things under his breath and make jokes that might get edited in a negative light for drama. We've seen how his comments get misinterpreted by skating fans. I don't want to see that on tv. But Amazing Race Canada is not a harsh reality show - it's actually quite uplifting - so who knows. And what could they "rig" against them that they couldn't over come? Learning dance moves? Nope. Doing figures on ice? Nope. Acting out a scene? Nope.


Well-Known Member
The thing is V/M actually have some experience dealing with reality show since their documentary turns into one. So I think they can handle it more or less. And I just wanna see more of them, no matter what show they are on.


Well-Known Member
Sooo i have this weird theory ( its just for fun and not to be taken to heart)
Vm announced their comeback on the 20th
They won olympic gold on the 20th
Worlds in their home country will be held in 2020 in montreal. They posed with fans that had tokyo 2020 on it. Conclusion:Their coming back for worlds 2020 one last time to compete and win in front of their home crowd! Just kidding. (Or am i?) In all seriousness probably not but its a fun theory
Anyways i can still see them going to world in 2020 as special guests or commentators.


Well-Known Member
Yes that's it! I think she was injured this season too right? Their posture, lines and carriage in this is exquisite. Honestly I could watch them all day long.

"Noce i Dnie" - ''Nights and Days'' is one of the most iconic, classic Polish movies ... I can tell you that first-hand. Its soundtrack is also loved & popular in Poland. I remember being astonished by their choice of music that year as it is also one of my favourite songs. Their dance did justice to it.


Well-Known Member
Wow I would find it overwhelming. They look tired but who can blame them? They must be sick of interviews lol.


Well-Known Member
I have fallen in love with the song "Perfect" by Ed Sheehan. I could easily picture Tessa and Scott skating an exhibition to that lovely ballad. For some reason, Nicole Kidman's singing voice in "Come What May" sounds a lot like Tessa's speaking voice to me.


Active Member
I have fallen in love with the song "Perfect" by Ed Sheehan. I could easily picture Tessa and Scott skating an exhibition to that lovely ballad

Have you seen the video someone made of them skating to it? It's "Long Time Running" from Canadians, but "Perfect" is playing instead. It's amazing.


Well-Known Member
If I were Canadian I wished to see MR across the country :) And I only ine who adore SD and rock!
As for New numbers I wish to see not just beautiful skating on lyrical song, but something more dynamic, maybe something with humour, maybe pure dancing with a lot off transitions.


Well-Known Member
I don’t dislike Ed Sheeran, but I wouldn’t say I’m a particular fan of his. If they want to go in that vein I would prefer something like Luke Graham’s 7 Years.

For newer fans though I’m sure pretty much everyone has seen this. This is a video from Vancouver Olympics that has both Tessa and Scott’s family talking about them https://youtu.be/av4O8WRQfUw


Well-Known Member
Was going through V/M withdrawal, so VPN'ed into BBC Sport and watched their coverage of the IE SD.

In their posted video, they captured what Scott said at the end of the SD after the score came up, and also included a caption of what he said: "We’ve got to wait 24 hours? I want to go now".

I don't remember being able to hear this on other broadcasts.

Anyway, I had to laugh - that is so Scott.


Well-Known Member
I went into an Indigo bookstore today to buy a copy of the Hello magazine that features Tessa and Scott on the cover. When I took it up to the checkout counter, the cashier saw the magazine and said, "Ah, yes, our royal couple!" The other cashier then chimed in and added, "If they actually got married, it would be our equivalent to a royal wedding and they would have to close Canada down for a day or two." :lol:

It amuses me so much that this pair I've been watching for almost twenty years is now so well-known in Canada that they have become our de facto "royal couple". :D

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