Stars on Ice Looks to 2025 For Next U.S. Tour

love skating

Clueless American
Looking for information about this year's Stars on Ice tour I read the news on their site that there will be no US 2024 tour but plans for a 2025 tour are underway. I figured as much as it was getting pretty late for any announcement and ticket sales to start. Small blurb says they are planning to shoot for 2025 after Worlds in Boston and that this year venue scheduling and skater availability were issues that led to no tour this year. This Stars on Ice fan is sad, but at least there are plans for next year.



Mayor of Carrot City
It's probably too late for this year, but I wonder if this might be an opportunity to rethink the SOI format. Olympic and World medallists on their own may not be the draw that they once were, especially with fewer skating competitions being shown on broadcast TV.

Someone on Xitter suggested also booking skaters that may not be medallists but who have excellent programs, like Josefin Taljegard. IMO that's a great idea.


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
It's probably too late for this year, but I wonder if this might be an opportunity to rethink the SOI format. Olympic and World medallists on their own may not be the draw that they once were, especially with fewer skating competitions being shown on broadcast TV.

Someone on Xitter suggested also booking skaters that may not be medallists but who have excellent programs, like Josefin Taljegard. IMO that's a great idea.
I think the better draw is to go with something more along the lines of Art on Ice.


Well-Known Member
Honestly I think this thing is just dead... I wish it wasn't so but.... it's struggled every since Scott and team retired.
SOI in Greensboro after the Olympics was a wonderful show. I thoroughly enjoyed it although none of my friends or relatives wanted to drive out there on a weekday night. Walking in the near empty arena was eerie, & the seats were maybe 25% full. Too bad SOI didn't return last year, but I understand. With skating hardly shown on TV anymore (& PeacockTV taking down the events so soon after they're aired), the public isn't going to know who the top skaters are, much less spend money to watch a show.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
SOI in Greensboro after the Olympics was a wonderful show. I thoroughly enjoyed it although none of my friends or relatives wanted to drive out there on a weekday night. Walking in the near empty arena was eerie, & the seats were maybe 25% full. Too bad SOI didn't return last year, but I understand. With skating hardly shown on TV anymore (& PeacockTV taking down the events so soon after they're aired), the public isn't going to know who the top skaters are, much less spend money to watch a show.
This has come up across quite a few threads, but evidence has repeatedly shown that the target audiences don't really watch network television anymore, instead opting for streaming and social media. They are 10000x more likely to have an interest started in skating from seeing clips on Instagram or TikTok (and sorry, Facebook for said audience is dead, too).

I think skating audiences aren't as eager to go to exhibitions anymore because of streaming capabilities and YouTube. It's not a 'see it now or never ever see it again' situation, even if the restrictions on video sharing and streaming have gotten more severe over the last few years.

ice coverage

Well-Known Member
I went to the Scott Hamilton show in Nashville in November and there was a very good crowd.

Worth noting that skating fans are only one part of the target audience for "Scott Hamilton and Friends."

The show puts a heavy emphasis on live music from well-known artists (and is marketed accordingly).
When I went in 2018, it was very obvious to me that some (many?) in the crowd knew nothing or next to nothing about skating.
Instead, they were there to enjoy all the musical performances -- from the likes of Sheryl Crow, who was the headliner as well as Scott's co-host.
It was the year that Tessa and Scott were in the cast (along with most/all of the Canadians skaters from their tour). Very exciting for skating fans! But I think, for example, that lots of people in the crowd had no clue how special it was for Tessa and Scott to skate in a live show in the U.S.

Everyone in the Scott Hamilton crowd applauded for the skaters, but I suspect that the music drove ticket sales as much as (or maybe even more than?) the skating did.

Not suggesting that SOI should model itself after Scott's show.
Just sayin' that comparing the two is not really apples to apples, IMO.​
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Well-Known Member
Not suggesting that SOI should model itself after Scott's show.​
Just sayin' that comparing the two is not really apples to apples, IMO.​

I guess I wasn't clear but I was comparing the Nashville show to Art on Ice. If you look at AoI's website the skaters don't receive top billing. And I'm fine with that.


Mayor of Carrot City
SOI in Greensboro after the Olympics was a wonderful show. I thoroughly enjoyed it although none of my friends or relatives wanted to drive out there on a weekday night. Walking in the near empty arena was eerie, & the seats were maybe 25% full. Too bad SOI didn't return last year, but I understand. With skating hardly shown on TV anymore (& PeacockTV taking down the events so soon after they're aired), the public isn't going to know who the top skaters are, much less spend money to watch a show.

The current model also relies on primarily North American skaters winning World and Olympic medals, which doesn't happen every year. And as much as skaters such as Scott Hamilton are great to watch, eventually they will retire, or their names stop being as big a draw as they once were.

ETA: I think that if Art On Ice was a viable model for a touring skating show in North America, someone would have tried it already.


Well-Known Member
It’s been obvious that US SOI has struggled for so long. When our top US skaters can make good money in European and Japanese shows, and Nathan may not want to tour this spring while finishing his degree.
The current model also relies on primarily North American skaters winning World and Olympic medals, which doesn't happen every year. And as much as skaters such as Scott Hamilton are great to watch, eventually they will retire, or their names stop being as big a draw as they once were.

ETA: I think that if Art On Ice was a viable model for a touring skating show in North America, someone would have tried it already.
We do have world champions in the US, but they are a man (Nathan) and a dance couple (Chock and Bates) and a pair that occasionally comes together for shows (Kneirim and Frazier). Unfortunately the women have traditionally been the marquee and we’re in a drought there.


Mayor of Carrot City
It’s been obvious that US SOI has struggled for so long. When our top US skaters can make good money in European and Japanese shows, and Nathan may not want to tour this spring while finishing his degree.

We do have world champions in the US, but they are a man (Nathan) and a dance couple (Chock and Bates) and a pair that occasionally comes together for shows (Kneirim and Frazier). Unfortunately the women have traditionally been the marquee and we’re in a drought there.

I know there are current world champions from the US, but my point was that isn't the case every year. It seems that SOI relies on having World and Olympic medallists in the cast, which makes a lot of sense to build on the hype from those events (Olympics especially) - but it's a problematic strategy in the years when there aren't US medallists in those events.


Ubering juniors against my will
Looks like Amber is disappointed.

"•Has Dreamed of being in SOI since watching a show as a kid•Being told If I win a national title I'd be in the U.S. SOI Tour•Finally wins a SR National Title years later•Right after I Finally accomplish what I thought would make a childhood dream come true........"

"Don't get me wrong I understand why. I'm also still incredibly grateful and in shock from winning a national was just something that was always associated with being the US Ladies Champion that I was really looking forward to!"



Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
My guess is no Nathan this year because of his post baccalaureate pre-med requirements. All those science and lab requirements...
Doubtful. He's got time to partner with Jean-Luc Baker with a new skating skills weekend seminar venture (currently one weekend in June in Seattle announced) but he doesn't have time for 3 weekends in May with 10-12 shows total (if the 2024 tour was similar in length and shows to the 2023 tour)...

SOI also noted there were issues with venue availability, so it seems that it's a combination of factors.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
Doubtful. He's got time to partner with Jean-Luc Baker with a new skating skills weekend seminar venture (currently one weekend in June in Seattle announced) but he doesn't have time for 3 weekends in May with 10-12 shows total (if the 2024 tour was similar in length and shows to the 2023 tour)...

SOI also noted there were issues with venue availability, so it seems that it's a combination of factors.
No one knows the full reason, but I do want to point out that getting show ready and then doing them is much more taxing than a skating skills seminar. He'd have to get into shape, maybe test out some jumps, and choreograph new programs - and his entire sleep schedule would be off during the shows.

Of course, if he turns up at The Ice again, people are free to stop saying it's because of Chen's grad school.


Well-Known Member
Why is there no 2024 tour? Are skaters taking a break? Btw. does anyone know...or can anyone find out for me if there will be a Spring/Summer Show of Stars on Ice in 2025? Thanks.


Mayor of Carrot City
Why is there no 2024 tour? Are skaters taking a break? Btw. does anyone know...or can anyone find out for me if there will be a Spring/Summer Show of Stars on Ice in 2025? Thanks.

The reasons for it being cancelled are in the link in the first post in this thread. They have not announced if or when there will be shows in 2025.


Mayor of Carrot City
I find it very weird that the American tour’s prospects are that contingent on the presence of one skater.

Which IMO is a fundamental flaw in the SOI model. If the lineup included lesser-known (non-Olympic and World medallists) skaters who were fantastic performers, one big-name skater being unavailable would be less of a problem.


Rotating while Russian!
Too bad there aren't seasonal residencies in places like Branson or Las Vegas. They could do AOI or cirque style shows during the ISU season, then mix in "name" shows in May & June.

The facilities could double as training centers.

I would also love to see some kind of small venue 'stars of tomorrow' show that was put on at the end of a development camp or something like that. Air it free on YouTube.


Well-Known Member
Doubtful. He's got time to partner with Jean-Luc Baker with a new skating skills weekend seminar venture (currently one weekend in June in Seattle announced) but he doesn't have time for 3 weekends in May with 10-12 shows total (if the 2024 tour was similar in length and shows to the 2023 tour)...

SOI also noted there were issues with venue availability, so it seems that it's a combination of factors.
Nathan told fans at the Sun Valley show last year that he would be extremely busy in 2024, and would probably not be able to have time to prepare for SOI 2024. He confirmed that with several fans at Vail show in December last year that no ice shows for him in 2024, including Sun Valley. Jason and Karen were sitting next to him at the Vail M&G.

He said he would consider ice shows in 2025. His pre med program starts in June. The program is very challenging given similar programs would take two years to finish.
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Well-Known Member
This has come up across quite a few threads, but evidence has repeatedly shown that the target audiences don't really watch network television anymore, instead opting for streaming and social media. They are 10000x more likely to have an interest started in skating from seeing clips on Instagram or TikTok (and sorry, Facebook for said audience is dead, too).

I think skating audiences aren't as eager to go to exhibitions anymore because of streaming capabilities and YouTube. It's not a 'see it now or never ever see it again' situation, even if the restrictions on video sharing and streaming have gotten more severe over the last few years.
It is true streaming capabilities makes going to live events not that appealing, but unlike Japanese ice shows, there is no streaming for US ice shows. Die hard fans would still fly all over US and continents Nathan’s Japanese, Korean fans and some US fans.

SOI hasn’t done good job promoting the shows to local audiences in the past. Unlike Japan and Europe, traveling across U.S. are mainly through air travel, which is getting more and more expensive after COVID. All these are not helping SOI

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