2023 Canadian Stars on Ice Tour


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Happily ignoring ultracrepidarians (& trolls)!
Jason's video from the Ottawa stop partially explains any issues with the group numbers: https://twitter.com/starsonice/status/1653244305916547073

He shows them rehearsing the group numbers without Jeff there to coach them. Elvis comments that by the 12th show they will be perfect :D

The shot of the opening number from the end of the ice was taken by a SOI staff member standing just feet from my seat :D


Well-Known Member
Jason's video from the Ottawa stop partially explains any issues with the group numbers: https://twitter.com/starsonice/status/1653244305916547073

He shows them rehearsing the group numbers without Jeff there to coach them. Elvis comments that by the 12th show they will be perfect :D
You'd almost think that if the choreographer is unable to be there, there'd be a 'designated' member of the cast to take charge in making sure everything is smooth.


Writer/Photographer Lingyin Wang's review of SOI Ottawa (May 2):

Jason's latest photos ("Pit stop in Moncton! 🏎️🏁""): https://www.instagram.com/p/CrwixMgMvw4/
Loena's 4 photos ("Day off well spent!"): https://www.instagram.com/p/Crwlv6aORR_/


Well-Known Member
Good to see Loena so happy! My humble request for those who are able to go to Stars on Ice, if you could write a line or video pick with Loena's skating...


Well-Known Member
Some thoughts on the show:

Kurt is in amazing shape. The jumps are looking light and easy still. What a brilliant career and I’m happy I was able to see this farewell. There were a couple of instances of him doing figures in the show and I loved that.

Also happy that the powers that be seen to have listened to complaints in previous years and filled the cast with truly glorious skaters. This is not to say that the cast last year wasn’t good, it’s just that this year was a pretty substantial step up both in terms of technical content AND exceptional talents with respect to basic skating.

I do worry a bit about the future of the tour with no true Canadian stars on the horizon. There is still Elvis to bring in a casual fan, but realistically he’s not going to continue much longer either. The audience LOVED Jason, Alexa/Brandon after they skated, but the applause when they first skated out was a bit tepid because I sensed the audience didn’t know who they were.

It’s the problem is having great skaters that a crowd will love once they are there, but no one to lure in a casual fan off the street with name recognition that extends to people who aren’t hardcore skating fans.

Madeline Schizas has found her look with the bangs and a high bun. She looked great. And also rocking a dress
in the finale that is older than she is ;)

At around 11:40 in this clip you’ll see some familiar costumes. I kinda love when they do this and pull items out of the tickle trunk years later.


I get Chock and Bates much more having seen them in person. They are very easy to watch because of the clean lines. Sure there’s technical things to pick it, but the overall picture is very smooth and clean and I get why it’s appealing to judges. Her dress in the David Bowie number is spectacular. Truly tv does not do it justice.

I’m very impressed with Jason doing triples with sun glasses on. Please bring him back forever and always.

Also keep Keegan around as long as he wants to keep doing it. Loena too. Beautiful triple lutz from her and charisma for days.

Alissa’s one solo spot was a beautiful program highlighting everything that’s great in her skating. I’d tell her to not even bother trying those pesky jumps, she doesn’t need it.

Alexa is in her queen era and it’s great. I really loved their Shallow program. Would have made a good competitive piece for them honestly.

The group numbers were all really strong, except perhaps the finale which was pretty short and standard. But specifically the act 1 finale and act 2 openers were great, with well thought out, intentional choreography. Not just a slapped together “let’s skate in formation” style thing that sometimes we’ve seen.

All in all a great show and a great cast. There was real excitement in the arena and I think the rest of the audience loved it as well.

Dave of the North

Digging up dead relatives since 1992
My sister-in-law and a friend went to the Moncton show, which they enjoyed very much. (the friend is a very casual fan - she said to my sis-in-law "Who's the bald guy?" :lol: ) The next day my sister-in-law took her friend to the airport as she was traveling to Toronto -many of the cast were there to go on the same flight, so my sister-in-law got pictures of her friend with Elvis, Kurt, and Keegan.


Well-Known Member
I'll agree with @victorskid and say this was definitely the largest audience in Ottawa in a few years. I thoroughly enjoyed the show. I think the ticket prices were lower than they have been in the past though.
I actually thought Elvis's first number this year is probably one of the programs with the most expression from him that I've seen - at least in terms of show programs.
I did get a good laugh out of the Kurt/Elvis number, although it was one I was looking forward to as I have been following skating long enough to remember the impromptu original the year they went 1-2 at Worlds.
It was a stellar cast, and although there were errors here and there, worth watching!
I took two of my nieces this year, 11 & 14 years old. They have watched the odd program or two with me over the years, but really know very little about skating. They had a great time & enjoyed it very much. Their absolute awe moments were Messing & Browning's backflips. They enjoyed it all, but their favourites were Messing's Grace Kelly, both of Jason Brown's numbers, and the Bond group number.


plotting, planning and travelling
I went to the Hamilton stars on ice, it was the best one I have been too. I especially enjoyed the group numbers, lovely music an choreo. Jason an Patrick were so good and Kirk an Elvis so entertaining.


plotting, planning and travelling
I understand that the Hamilton show was filmed for TV broadcast later in the year and that there were some retakes afterward.
Yes we stayed and watched. Jason splatted bad on his big split jumps he is so well known, that was a shocker so he did a retake, along with Messing, Chan, Schizas,


plotting, planning and travelling
I always love watching the retakes, so I'm a bit sad to have skipped the Hamilton show. But they actually have a show in Kitchener this year, and the 10-minute drive is just so much more convenient.
You will love it! I actually liked the group numbers the best, I could have skipped a few of the solo skates from some skaters and had more group numbers. The music and choreo was excellent.


Beverley Smith was at the Kitchener show and has written stories about Kurt & Patrick:

ETA link to Danielle Earl's photos from this program: https://www.instagram.com/p/CsB2mx7r1Q3/

As well as her photo of Chock/Bates in the Hamilton show: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cr_LvBurB1C/

ETA #2 - phone cam of Patrick's "Wicked Game": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kN3BRdrbAMc
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Jason's "skater cam" for the 3 Ontario shows ending with the TV taping in Hamilton: https://twitter.com/starsonice/status/1656356664604258309 & https://www.instagram.com/reel/CsEkgjbpDzO/

Loena Hendrickx enjoyed a trip to Niagara Falls: https://www.instagram.com/p/CsB_zpFOdco/
She also went up the CN Tower in Toronto: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cr2OkKFuN57/

Madi Chock's Toronto photos included visits to Ripley's Aquarium and Aloette Restaurant: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cr_wLHhyQ6T/

Maddie Schizas got to spend some time at home with family: https://www.instagram.com/p/CsCn_u7r5pM/

Piper's dog Scout was very popular in the SOI women's locker room: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cr8bx7-OIiQ/

Jason was honored by and performed at the Ice Theatre of New York show on Monday and flew to Winnipeg yesterday (Piper too, after her appearance on CTV's The Social yesterday).


2-minute clip from the "To Build A Home" group number: https://twitter.com/sharilynj/status/1656079155954589698

Kurt was on CTV Winnipeg's morning show today (5-minute video segment): https://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=2684487

Saskatoon StarPhoenix article by Kevin Mitchell (May 9) before Thursday night's show:


Jason's fan cam, posted yesterday, documented the "longest day of tour" from Winnipeg to Saskatoon: https://twitter.com/starsonice/status/1657409801045803008 & https://www.instagram.com/reel/CsMDpOPAKKX/

Katia Gordeeva & David Pelletier attended last night's Edmonton show (3rd pic): https://twitter.com/starsonice/status/1657683446066495490 & https://www.instagram.com/p/CsN-3QRuKih/
Katia shared a clip from the end of the "To Build A Home" group number in her Instagram story: https://www.instagram.com/stories/katiaagordeeva/3102523520449638966/

If you'd like to see the whole group number tweeted in 4 parts:
A Japanese fan was strongly impressed by the group number "To Build A Home."
In the beginning, it almost seemed that Kurt was drawing figures on ice.



Well-Known Member
My very long review of the Toronto, Hamilton, and Kitchener shows:

Also, it's going to take me a very long time to actually process all the photos and get them on my website (have some other Kurt-related projects I'm juggling, and US shows to see and shoot), but I've been putting up a selection on my Instagram from the Kitchener show.

First act: https://www.instagram.com/p/CsHOQklPXgz/
First act part 2: https://www.instagram.com/p/CsHQVu2vUZe/
Kurt & Elvis "Raise a Little Hell": https://www.instagram.com/p/CsKGwnzPcR6/

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