SafeSport alleges "culture of grooming and abuse" in U.S. figure skating

Amy L

Well-Known Member
Please do not speculate about the identities of victims, witnesses, or third party reporters. This type of comment and public speculation is a reason why many people decline to participate in SafeSport investigations.

What difference does it make who Modlin was referencing? Does the identity of the person referenced make Modlin's comment more or less appropriate? What would you do with the information, give credence to her comment by speculating about the referenced person's internal motivations with no information about what those are because that person hasn't spoken publicly? Can you see how that ties back to these types of "analyses" being a reason why people within the very small skating community decline to participate in SafeSport investigations?

Disparaging the motivations of the victim or third party reporter is almost ubiquitous when allegations of assault or abuse are made. It's straight out of the abuser playbook. It's intended to cast doubt on the allegation, harm the reputation of the victim/third party reporter and silence others from coming forward because they see what will be done to them. Please don't give that tactic power.
:confused: Where did I ask for the identities of the victims?? I absolutely am not trying to out anyone who does not want to/can't come forward. I was more expressing incredulity that Modlin and Sappenfield went straight to the "they're just jealous and want his life"playbook when those who did come forward didn't even come close to fitting that definition. Like, not even in the same solar system as wannabe broadcasters looking for a promotion. I thought at the time that they were trying to out someone with that tactic but that doesn't seem like the case now after all these years.

You could have just said the first couple of paragraphs without accusing me of perpetuating the cycle of abuse. But if that made you feel better to go for it then I'm glad to be of service :rolleyes:


Mayor of Carrot City
@5Ali3 I understand what a temporary suspension is and how SafeSport's process works. And please don't lecture me about everyone deserving a fair hearing, because I have never said that principle should be overlooked too.

My point is that - probably because SafeSport is under-resourced - there often seems to be a time delay between a complaint being filed, the complaint getting a preliminary investigation, and the accused being suspended or something else. During that time the complainant may still have to work with or be near the accused; the complainant can get privately or publicly criticized like @Amy L described with Modlin and Dalilah; and the accused can continue doing whatever they choose to do. That's not a good situation. In proceedings like this in other settings (e.g. grievances in workplaces) if the complainant is vulnerable, they or the accused might be moved or reassigned right away until the complaint is resolved, for the complainant's safety.

And yes, SafeSport is only one of several mechanisms to protect athletes. But the volume of complaints to SafeSport is a sign that those mechanisms aren't working. Despite all the changes in policy, reporting, etc, people still aren't getting the message that abusing athletes is wrong. If coaches were penalized sooner, and penalized where it hurts - their incomes - maybe that would start to change. Federations not playing favorites and not overlooking questionable public behavior, like Dalilah and the red hats, would also help.
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Sugar Slut
Staff member
:confused: Where did I ask for the identities of the victims?? I absolutely am not trying to out anyone who does not want to/can't come forward. I was more expressing incredulity that Modlin and Sappenfield went straight to the "they're just jealous and want his life" playbook when those who did come forward didn't even come close to fitting that definition.
Not to out anyone, but Modlin was not referring to a victim but to a reporter who may or may not have fit that definition. The person in question observed behavior/heard things and reported it, but was not directly involved.

I hope that's clear enough that we can move on from this point.


Ubering juniors against my will
Since everyone else has deleted their related posts, I will as well.
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