Random Acts of Kindness - please share them


Better off than 2020
I'm exhausted by reading/hearing news of gun shootings, political actions, the denigration and name calling of others and other negative topics that are wearing me down. I'd like to hear of random acts of kindness you did today (or any day) and those you witness.

I know it's easier to focus on negative. It may be hard to find them. This thread may not last long. I will enjoy the little moments you find.

Someone start?


Antique member
I start with a little thing.
It is cold in November and because the field hockey club my son is playing in could not find a hall for winter they are still playing outside if it does not snow or rain (rain in summer is no problem but in winter it is too cold)
Today some parents brought dough for waffles and are now baking waffles for the kids (and the parents) so that they can warm up after training.

Garden Kitty

Just a small item - I was grocery shopping this past weekend and the store was really hectic with people shopping for Thanksgiving. They had started ringing my order up when I saw a guy walk up with just 3 items (and no express lane was open). The woman in the next check out stand hadn't started her order yet, so she let him go ahead of her and he was very appreciative. The woman was finishing up her order while they were still ringing me up, so I went over and said "I saw you let that man go ahead. That was very kind of you. It's nice to see such thoughtfulness when everyone's so hectic".

She was appreciative that her good act was acknowledged, and I got a "You have a blessed day, dear" in return.


Well-Known Member
My other favorite site to post is a Kansas University fan site for college hoops and, like here, we talk about anything and everything. Anyway one of the posters is a small town middle school English teacher who is not well paid but absolutely loves his job. He has been building a library, so to speak, in his classroom so students can grab a book and read at any time. He puts out a wish list on Amazon each summer and we buy them for his growing library. The resources in a small town are often limited so he wants to make sure his students have choices.

Also one of the moderators at this site took us on a journey to his death. I suppose this doesn't fit the definition of a traditional act of kindness. But he let us in to try to experience his journey with him. We were all touched by him and his honesty. He died last week and he had hoped he would make it long enough to see the Phillies in the World Series (he did.) We are looking for the right way to tell his daughters how much he meant to us.


Better off than 2020
At the grocery store this afternoon, there was a near miss with motorized scooters. One going east to west and one going north to south conveging at the end of the aisle. A very kind young man played temporary crossing guard - when the baskets are extending out and no one could see the other.


Well-Known Member
I live in a central city neighborhood. Two months ago I tripped on the sidewalk and fell on my face - bashed my teeth in, split my lip etc. Two men came to my aid. I was dripping blood on the sidewalk. They helped me up and offered me a ride home. I wanted to walk the rest of the way (I hadn't seen my face yet) so one of them put my arm through his and walked the block and a half to my house with me. I would probably have said "hi" to these men when passing on the street, but I would have hesitated to get too close. I was so thankful for their kindness.


Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
I tend to chat up random people in the grocery or bathroom line & such. It seems that this time of year (until the Christmas craziness) that people are friendlier & more receptive. And without masks I can see smiles! It's a brief & little thing but nice.


Better off than 2020
My grandson received an optimist award this evening - he was nominated by his teachers. He is such a good kid.

His half sister is 7. She was holding the door open for people as we were leaving. Her parents are doing a good job with her. (And grandson)


Well-Known Member
We have had snow for the last 3 days. My next door neighbor - with whom I share a driveway - has usually been kind enough to shovel as I can't anymore. He is out of town till after New Year's.

Yesterday the other neighbor's son-in-law shoveled the front walk and I came home to see that someone else (probably another neighbor) used a snowblower on the drive. It still snowed all day today and this afternoon, I looked out to see yet another neighbor shoveling my walks again.

I am very grateful.


Well-Known Member
A small diner here and a long time employee. A group of 22 came in without any reservation. She did not turn them away and served them. This group gives surprise gifts every Christmas. They EACH paid their bill and gave her $100 tip. She gave some of the $2200 to her coworkers.


Well-Known Member
I see this all the time in New York, but this past Sunday, a man getting off the subway with his walker got to the bottom of the stairs, when a random stranger asked if if the man needed help. He took the walker and waited for the man at the top of the stairs. You will often see people help out moms with strollers or people struggling with lots of packages in this way.

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