Provisional allotments for ISU Championships 2022, 2023 & 2024; future bids discussion

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AYS's snark-sponge
I'm very excited as well. The only issue I see is the ISU granting 2024 to Montreal that missed its opportunity due to prior cancellation, and loathe to place Worlds in North America two years in a row. 😞
That's my first thought too but it has been a long time since Worlds has been in the US.


((Swedish skating dudes))
Malmö would be nice! After missing out on going last year when it was in my hometown. Prague might be nice at that time of year though (not to mention cheaper for most people).


Well-Known Member
Sheffield Euros 2026 please! 2026 will mark 14 years since the last time the UK hosted an ISU championship and with every discipline on the rise here...

I don't know about the other bid cities, but IceSheffield is right next to the arena so I think the bid could be a strong one this time round


Well-Known Member
In 2020, I was supposed to go to Montreal and then Prague/Budapest/Vienna, so Prague/Budapest would be nice. Is Prague’s arena near Old Town?

Wonder why the US would want Boston again? No other American city wanted it?


Well-Known Member
Beijing would be a big no for me. I remember visiting there after going to the 2015 World Championships in Shanghai. The sky was brown from so much pollution, and I was coughing for weeks afterwards when I got home.

Plus, the scammers were a total nightmare, and made the experience particularly unpleasant. As a foreign tourist, you simply couldn't get away from them.
There are a lot of reasons why China shouldn't host an ISU Championship any time soon. The matter should be revisited when the pandemic is over and the human rights of the Uyghurs are recognized by the Government.


Well-Known Member
I'm very excited as well. The only issue I see is the ISU granting 2024 to Montreal that missed its opportunity due to prior cancellation, and loathe to place Worlds in North America two years in a row. 😞

I know I've said this before, but there have been numerous back-to-back European Worlds in the last 15 years (including 2021/22), as well as one back-to-back Asian Worlds (2014/15), so I really don't feel this should be a factor.

I think Malmo has no chance, considering Stockholm was just last year. Beijing also should not be considered IMO, due to a number of factors.

That would leave Boston, Prague, and Budapest. And, considering how many Euro Worlds we have seen lately, I think this will be an easy decision.


scratching at the light
In 2020, I was supposed to go to Montreal and then Prague/Budapest/Vienna, so Prague/Budapest would be nice. Is Prague’s arena near Old Town?

Wonder why the US would want Boston again? No other American city wanted it?
Prague and Budapest are on the top of my travel dream list, so either would be a huge plus for me too. And I should be solidly into retirement by then, so no work obstacles to deal with.


Bunny mama
I know I've said this before, but there have been numerous back-to-back European Worlds in the last 15 years (including 2021/22), as well as one back-to-back Asian Worlds (2014/15), so I really don't feel this should be a factor.

I think Malmo has no chance, considering Stockholm was just last year. Beijing also should not be considered IMO, due to a number of factors.

That would leave Boston, Prague, and Budapest. And, considering how many Euro Worlds we have seen lately, I think this will be an easy decision.
Plus I don’t think USA will be penalized by Montreal 2024 when that one is a makeup for the cancelled 2020 Worlds.

If there was ever a time not to care about back to back NA Worlds, this is it.


In A Fake Snowball Fight
Interesting that Minsk assumes they would be able to host anything in the foreseeable future.
The bid would have been put together long before the invasion of Ukraine happened.
Sheffield Euros 2026 please! 2026 will mark 14 years since the last time the UK hosted an ISU championship and with every discipline on the rise here...

I don't know about the other bid cities, but IceSheffield is right next to the arena so I think the bid could be a strong one this time round
The people were lovely, but January in Sheffield was grim in 2012.
I think Malmo has no chance, considering Stockholm was just last year.
Sweden hosted a Worlds in challenging circumstances with no audience that needed to go ahead in 2021 so as not to mess up Olympic qualification. I doubt the Swedish federation would put in a bid if they thought they had no chance. They and the Estonian federation should be top of the list in getting anything they want.
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Well-Known Member
Dublin is grim in January too, but Sheffield was grimmer. :slinkaway
It's a city that I really don't know at all if I'm honest.

My first choice in the UK would be Glasgow (aka host of the Artistic Gymnastics World Championships, Commonwealth Games, European Athletics Championships, (cancelled) World Curling Championships). The Hydro campus is a very well placed venue surrounded by hotels and media offices, when combined Ediburgh airport (an hour away) and Glasgow airport create a decent hub, there are good train links directly to the city and to the Hydro and the weather is generally miserable so it knows how to be a good city in any weather. However, until the Glasgow Ice Centre is built, I don't see it happening unfortunately.

Colonel Green

Well-Known Member
Any time a big country bids on Worlds I think you have to assume they will get priority — which would probably put it between Beijing and Boston.


Well-Known Member
Maybe the ISU will do an IOC-style award and give a Worlds to Boston, Prague, and Budapest. Especially considering Prague and Budapest are willing to host any of the three years.

I’m surprised there’s not more interest in 4CC. I get there’s not much money in it, but still surprised the US, Canada, Japan, and Korea didn’t submit bids.


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
I have to agree that Boston is the front runner in that group, and probably Sheffield is the frontrunner for Euros 2026. Prague, Budapest and Innsbruck have put in bids for several events (Euros, Worlds, ) over consecutive years, so I expect those three will be selected for something. Innsbruck is only bidding for 2026 Euros & Worlds, Prague & Budapest are putting in for Worlds 2026 & 2027, and there are no bids for Euros 2027. I could see a strong suggestion that one of those latter two put in a bid for Euros 2027, so that the ISU can spread the wealth between all 3 cities as well as Sheffield.

Shanghai & Taipei City are the only bidders for 4CCs 2024, and Minsk & Taipei City are the only bids for Jr Worlds 2024. I wouldn't give anything to Shanghai right now, given the city is in a perpetual lockdown due to China's continuing determination to stay the course with a 0-covid policy. Best guess, Taipei City is awarded 4CCs and the ISU re-opens the Jr Worlds bids, especially since Taipei City is bidding for Jr Worlds in 2025, 2026 & 2027.


In A Fake Snowball Fight
Prague & Budapest are putting in for Worlds 2026 & 2027, and there are no bids for Euros 2027. I could see a strong suggestion that one of those latter two put in a bid for Euros 2027, so that the ISU can spread the wealth between all 3 cities as well as Sheffield.
Budapest is hosting Euros 2024 so doubt they would want to host Euros again so soon.


Well-Known Member
I’m surprised there’s not more interest in 4CC. I get there’s not much money in it, but still surprised the US, Canada, Japan, and Korea didn’t submit bids.

I'm bummed about this too. 2019 4CCs in Anaheim had reasonable attendance. I really wish USFS would bid for it again. The U.S. did put a bid in for one recent year, maybe it was 2021??. (I can't remember.) But nothing since then. :(


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
Budapest is hosting Euros 2024 so doubt they would want to host Euros again so soon.
Makes sense! Maybe Prague will put in for Euros 2027. I can't see Innsbruck necessarily bidding for Euros since Austria just hosted Euros in Graz in 2020. Prague wouldn't be a bad option.


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
I’m surprised there’s not more interest in 4CC. I get there’s not much money in it, but still surprised the US, Canada, Japan, and Korea didn’t submit bids.

I'm bummed about this too. 2019 4CCs in Anaheim had reasonable attendance. I really wish USFS would bid for it again. The U.S. did put a bid in for one recent year, maybe it was 2021??. (I can't remember.) But nothing since then. :(
I'm bummed about that too, but more annoyed that neither Japan nor Canada seem to be willing to step up and host 4CCs ever. Seoul hosted in 2020 and Korea is as reliable about bidding as Taiwan, so I expect we will see a bid from them before long, but you would think Japan would realize that 2025 4CCs is going to be LOADED with a bunch of great talent in all 4 disciplines and they could have a medal haul themselves. A pre-Olympics season 4CCs has developed into quite a good competition.


Well-Known Member
Sweden hosted a Worlds in challenging circumstances with no audience that needed to go ahead in 2021 so as not to mess up Olympic qualification. I doubt the Swedish federation would put in a bid if they thought they had no chance. They and the Estonian federation should be top of the list in getting anything they want.
Sweden should get it. Instead of profit to finance their skating programs for years as planned, they got big losses and I doubt that ISU compensated all of it.


Well-Known Member
Sweden should get it. Instead of profit to finance their skating programs for years as planned, they got big losses and I doubt that ISU compensated all of it.

I guess that's why Malmo has bid, then? Well, we will see. :unsure: 🤷‍♀️


Doing all the things
My money is on Boston - USFS haven’t had it in years and China have been such unreliable hosts as of late
Setting aside all the other reasons not to give it to China, I would think the ISU would consider them persona non grata when it comes to hosting events for many, many years after all the cancelations they had in the lead-up to the Olympics. And often for fairly flimsy reasons.


Well-Known Member
I think Euros in a 4CCs country is also not a bad idea! ;)
Most European figure skaters live and train in Europe. But with the 4CC is not so simple. I think skaters from the USA or Japan do not care where to fly: to Australia or to Hungary.


Marquessa of Chartreuse
For a major event like Worlds I don’t think this is that big an issue. But having things like the Internationaux de France sequestered up in Grenoble rather than in Paris is a big blow to visibility.
The rental of Accor Arena in Bercy (since it has been remodeled) is such a big blow to ISU and FFSG finances that it has become infeasible. There is no other arena suitable for a GP within Paris intra muros limits. The only one that would be perfect for a GP is Aren'Ice of Cergy-Pontoise north of tje capitale. But it's a real hassle to get there from downtown Paris and worse from main airports. It's so complicated by public transportation that last year for Nationals, it was easier for me to drive up there (a 7 hours trip) than to take a train, the subway and a bus.


Well-Known Member
Most European figure skaters live and train in Europe. But with the 4CC is not so simple. I think skaters from the USA or Japan do not care where to fly: to Australia or to Hungary.
Some athletes that attended 4CCs in Anaheim did not attend the one the following year in Asia because of the travel expense. (Several who competed for smaller 4CC countries & federations with less money trained in either L.A., B.C., or Colorado Springs).
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