No PDAs for Zagitova


Well-Known Member
The Russian interwebz is aflutter with the recent news of Zagitova being standoffish with fans during the after-show autograph session. She is seen signing programs/photos, smiling and posing for selfies with fans. Yet she does not seem to enjoy any touching/hugging by the fans - the part of the video making rounds is where she firmly removes the arms that a young female fan just put around her.



Well-Known Member
Wow. She doesn’t engage with fans at all. She is noted to be very introverted,


Active Member
Are people actually criticizing Zagitova for not being sufficiently touchy-feely with fans, when we all saw how Kostornaia was publicly molested by a creepy stalker earlier this season?

It's not surprising that Zagitova (or any skater) would be careful with fans.


Well-Known Member
Ouch. There’s a girl who lightly puts her hand on Zagitova’s back for a photo at 20:50, and Zagitova snaps at her — causing her to withdraw her hand quickly and looking a little shell shocked...
And besides, Zagitova really doesn’t even look at her fans. Just smiles at the camera and signs stuff shoved under her nose.

Who’s the guy next to her? He’s a lot friendlier.


Well-Known Member
I’ve met many skaters at meet and greets and they have always been friendly and gracious. They often put their arms around fans- especially younger fans. I’m a bit surprised she wasn’t the least bit friendly or approachable. That’s the purpose of a meet and greet.


Well-Known Member
Wow. She doesn’t engage with fans at all. She is noted to be very introverted,

It says she signing autographs and talking she just does not want to be touched.

No you don’t have the right to hug someone. Especially a stranger you just met. Just because we see them skate and we like them does not mean they Want a physical relationship with me

No the purpose of a meet and greet is not so you can hug a skater. It’s so you can meet them and say hello it doesn’t say mail and molest, it’s a meet and greet. I think you’re assuming a level of intimacy that you probably should not be. I have met a lot of figure skaters, it has never occurred to me to put my arms around any of them


Well-Known Member
I completely support the right of anyone to avoid unwelcome touching. In this particular video, it seems to me that Alina is having an unusually strong reaction to the smallest of physical contact. On one occasion (20.45 or so) a fan places a hand on her shoulder, and while she isn't shaking it off, you can see her face tighten. The girl must be exhausted beyond all measure.


Well-Known Member
I didn’t really see anyone trying to hug her though? One put her arms on her shoulder and was pushed away. One touched her and was pushed away.
Most skaters will genuinely smile at their fans and pose for pics. Not necessarily HUG, but I didn’t see anyone literally trying for a hug?

I don’t have a horse in this race, so ya’ll can carry on. Obviously Zagitova is a very touchy subject for most of you. No pun intended.


Well-Known Member
Whatever helps young people learn to have less fan entitlement and to be more conscientious over their actions and of other people’s comfort level and boundaries is fine with me.

I didn’t really see anyone trying to hug her though? One put her arms on her shoulder and was pushed away. One touched her and was pushed away.
Most skaters will genuinely smile at their fans and pose for pics. Not necessarily HUG, but I didn’t see anyone literally trying for a hug?

I don’t have a horse in this race, so ya’ll can carry on. Obviously Zagitova is a very touchy subject for most of you. No pun intended.

At the beginning, one girl nearly put her in a chokehold while hugging her from behind. Of course I’m using hyperbole, but Zagitova was clearly uncomfortable and put in an uncomfortable position through the behind the back hug.


Well-Known Member
I agree. She is noted to be very much an introvert and not especially comfortable in public situations. Also, a good point was made about her being exhausted. She did request to take a break.


Well-Known Member
What I see is a young girl not entirely comfortable with all aspects of celebrity.
She's not a "young girl." She's seventeen.

People of any age have the right not to be touched if they don't want to be touched, particularly when the touch comes from behind and is totally unexpected. They also have the right to be respected, and that fan was disrespectful.

On a related note, I must observe that unlike many other top skaters from, Zagitova is not an ethnic Russian. She's an ethnic Volga Tatar. For cultural and other reasons, she may have very different ideas about how to conduct oneself with others than that fan or people posting here on FSU.


Well-Known Member
She's not a "young girl." She's seventeen.

People of any age have the right not to be touched if they don't want to be touched, particularly when the touch comes from behind and is totally unexpected. They also have the right to be respected, and that fan was disrespectful.

On a related note, I must observe that unlike many other top skaters from, Zagitova is not an ethnic Russian. She's an ethnic Volga Tatar. For cultural and other reasons, she may have very different ideas about how to conduct oneself with others than that fan or people posting here on FSU.

So's her namesake Alina Kabaeva, and that girl will hug anyone.

Spun Silver

Well-Known Member
It doesn't seem to be a meet and greet but an autograph session. There's no time for her to chat with fans without holding up the line as far as I can see. In any case, I totally agree that expecting her to be warm and friendly with a stranger who hugs her from behind is nuts. That young girl looks sweet but her behavior was rude and presumptuous. The comments section shows more respect for Alina than the writer of this "article" does, obviously using Zagitova to grab attention. Someone should remind him or her that only Prince Charming gets to kiss the Sleeping Beauty.


Well-Known Member
She's not a "young girl." She's seventeen.

People of any age have the right not to be touched if they don't want to be touched, particularly when the touch comes from behind and is totally unexpected. They also have the right to be respected, and that fan was disrespectful.

On a related note, I must observe that unlike many other top skaters from, Zagitova is not an ethnic Russian. She's an ethnic Volga Tatar. For cultural and other reasons, she may have very different ideas about how to conduct oneself with others than that fan or people posting here on FSU.

If you're referring to her religion (and she's on record as a Muslim), I really must observe that a) a prohibition against touching applies to unrelated men, not women, and certainly not children, and b) a Muslim who is THAT observant will usually have a problem with displays of physical performance in outfits that leave very little to imagination.

My money is on the girl just being tired and sick of that s$%^t.


Well-Known Member
She's not comfortable with being hugged by people she doesn't know? Many people aren't. I'm not.
And this doesn't seem to be a formal meet and greet. This seems to be fans approaching her after a show. Many figure skaters are tired after a show and want to be on their own. Totally their right. Doesn't look like she was outright rude.


Well-Known Member
If you're referring to her religion (and she's on record as a Muslim
No, I wasn't.

Different cultural and ethnic groups have different attitudes about interpersonal relations. Witness the difference between French Catholics from Normandy and French Catholics from Provence.
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Well-Known Member
No, I wasn't.

Different cultural and ethnic groups have different attitudes about interpersonal relations. Witness the difference between French Catholics from Normandy and French Catholics from Provence.
If you have any information about her cultural and/or ethnic group's position on hugs from female strangers, do share.


Searching for a great dog park.
Wow, that is one claustrophobic hug! I'd have yelled as soon as the hands grabbed together; I'm impressed she didn't. It's an act of sanity to shake that off. You can see later that she is uncomfortable with being touched, but that grab disguised as a "hug" would have spooked many people.

TBH, I've seen photos of people that have been bruised by participants in a photo opp like that. Given that it's also flu season with a brutal flu going around, she's acting sanely, if somewhat impatiently.

I worry that she's not taking enough of a "break", and hope she gets to truly rest and re-center herself.

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