"No one knows Mirai's mirai" Nagasu cheer thread

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Well-Known Member
Video of Mirai's FS in the final round: https://twitter.com/magicaleggrolls/status/888898907039834112

Cleaner today and more speed. She seemed to come alive in the program more than yesterday.
My God, she's pulling an Ashley on us. 10 years in and she adds a HUGE new element. Hope she can take a page from Ashley, suffer through the failed attempts, but pull it together in an important event. Don't quit before the miracle!

Honestly, clean, this program would be a top 5 finish in any competition. Near the end she begins a Charlotte and then on the music turns on her side, looking back, arms aloft. A dramatic (non-jumping) moment. Few skaters would have the skill to do this. Hoping Jeff weaves more or these bits in. :yawn: I can already feel my heartbreak beginning.


Well-Known Member
Expect nothing this season, it's the only way you can escape it. The more you want her to succeed, the more bad luck creeps in. Just be happy.

I'm saying this more for myself than anybody else, but if it helps you, then great.

omg, yes, but it is difficult, I already think that it will be more exciting for me US nationals ladies than Russian nationals ladies.


Well-Known Member
The choreography is there, but still want to see Mirai engage in her music....

I definitely agree. At least there was noticeable improvement from Day 1 to Day 2 in the 2nd half.

Mirai could eventually do more with her arms and add a turn while building speed into the 3F-3T, which is currently Miki Andoish.

She could also add details like a more dramatic entrance with more flair in her hands and arms into her Charlotte Spiral a la Michelle Kwan 2000 Worlds LP after the circular step sequence.

She could also do more with her arms as she turns the corner to enter the 2A-3T, but I would not suggest she makes any changes while she is building speed into the 2A-3T because it is natural enough.
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I might have missed it, is there a protocol for the final round FS? Seems the 3A was UR, though it looked good to me, but the 3/3 looked ur and so did the 2a/3t.


Well-Known Member
I might have missed it, is there a protocol for the final round FS? Seems the 3A was UR, though it looked good to me, but the 3/3 looked ur and so did the 2a/3t.

Don't worry about < at this point. Her program is three weeks old, so it's expected that she has carrots. Last year she had not only <s but << at skate Detroit. Her score was much lower. She's much further along than last year.

This competition has convinced me of a lot of things.

First Mirai should go for the 3A in her free. She obviously does run through only with the 3A. The more she does in competition the better it will get. I was wary after seeing the first attempt. But now, I think she'll get it pretty soon.

Next, her free program is fantastic. Jeff gets Mirai! He used her classic moves and ballet to her advantage. With other programs, other choreographers failed to do that. I always said if Mirai had a program that suited her style she'd soar.

Mirai is fired up. I was wondering if Mirai would be or would pay lip service. But this weekend convinced me that she's roaring and ready to go. Her program are more settled than last year with fewer downgrades and <. She even did the final round, which she skipped last year. She challenged herself, even though she fulfilled her objective. To get her programs debuted and judged.

Lastly they've learned ther lesson from last year. Yes, her FP is basic. But that's just until Mirai can land her jumps clean. Last year she struggled with doing all the transitions and footwork while also trying to avoid <s. This time she can focus on learning the FS and adding transistions as she becomes more comfortable.

I'm still cautious since it's still early, but more optimistic for her season.


Well-Known Member
Looks like Mirai posted a new costume to instagram. I hope it is for the exhibition because I don't like it for Miss Saigon.

I assumed that this is the dress that she will be wearing for her exhibition on The Ice tour this summer (the dresses that Mirai wears for her grand prix season are typically not ready at this time and tend to be more elaborate).


Go Mirai!
:COP:A new Golden Skate interview with Tom Zakrajsek.


Tom discusses the coaching plan with his top skaters and spends the most time on Mirai. He reveals that the original plan (his idea) was for Mirai to skate to "Firebird" this season. :lynch: thankfully that didn't happen, and Michelle Kwan also makes a very brief appearance. :glamor:
I guess we know what program (firebird) Max Aaron is skating to now? Mirai said that she was planning on skating to something else but Max called dibs first. I think Mirai could have been a great Firebird and maybe will... next year. One can dream! Very having is wasnt Queen.


Not Impressed.
Agreed. I would love that, if he chose the X Files, which he may or may not have chosen. :confused: #enoughisenough #alloutofwishes #quitreadingintothesehashtagsitsnotmusichints


Well-Known Member
:COP:A new Golden Skate interview with Tom Zakrajsek.


Tom discusses the coaching plan with his top skaters and spends the most time on Mirai. He reveals that the original plan (his idea) was for Mirai to skate to "Firebird" this season. :lynch: thankfully that didn't happen, and Michelle Kwan also makes a very brief appearance. :glamor:

That was fun. I liked the tone of the interview.


Like a small boat on the ocean...
I am very confused. I saw only one skater. It simply cannot be BeBe.......the Tasmanian Devil!


Bebe is the choreographer. The skating is all Mirai.

Yes, thanks! Like I said above - 'nevermind', I see it's Mirai! My bad!

:COP: Max Aaron is not skating to Firebird. @misskarne xo

Perhaps Queen then? Tom did mention he thought it was "Firebird" or a Queen song in the video. And I enjoyed his interview, thank you for the link! I LOVE that he states flat out that they are very much aware of the criticisms of Mirai's skating, of the fact that while Mirai did well at Four Continents, she was lacking in (paraphrasing here) content while setting up for jumps, transitions, etc. in her LP! And being aware of it, hopefully he and Mirai will address it as she gets stronger and more consistent as the season progresses.
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