Nathan Chen Fan Thread #2


Jordan Cowan's action shot of Nathan mid-triple jump in the Long Island SOI show:

Copying over these SOI fan cam links from the original thread:

Thanks to @mollymgr for finding these fan cams from the 4/20/19 Long Island show (Nathan's first show of the tour) and posting the links in the U.S. SOI thread in GSD (he took it easy on the jumps ;)):

"Next To Me" by Otto Knows (3T, 3F):

"Caravan" SP (3T, 3F, 3Lz):

Here's closer fan cam of "Caravan" (thanks to @Chris_E):


Nathan's show schedule through August:

Remaining Stars on Ice tour stops:
Providence, RI – April 27
Worcester, MA – April 28
Anaheim, CA – May 11
San Jose, CA – May 12
Everett, Washington – May 16
Portland, Oregon – May 18

All That Skate
June 6-8, 2019
Seoul, South Korea

Prince Ice World
June 22-23, 2019
Sapporo, Japan

Dreams on Ice
June 28-30, 2019
Yokohama, Japan

The Ice 2019 in Japan
July 27-28 - Osaka
July 30-31 & August 1 - Niigata
August 3-4, 2019 - Nagoya

Sun Valley on Ice
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Sun Valley, Idaho
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Quoting from @Spun Silver's review posted in the U.S. Stars on Ice thread in GSD:
I had a great time at SOI in Providence last night.
The skaters all had great energy and interacted like friends having fun. Nathan of course was the biggest hit. ...

The group numbers were delightful, basically like watching a bunch of beautiful young people dancing and playing around at a party for US champion skaters.
Looks like Nathan has slid neatly into Vincent's role in the 90s group medley -- here's a Nathan-centric video from last night:



Nathan spoke to this reporter before the Providence SOI show this past Saturday...

Jeff Jacobs: World champion Yalie Nathan Chen electric on and off the ice:
“It has been great,” Chen said. “It definitely was a little bit of a learning curve at first. I figured out how to manage the two. It has been an experience I did not want to miss out on, especially being accepted to Yale. I’ve really enjoyed my time there. I’ve met a lot of great people. It’s reassuring that there are so many students out there that are so busy with their own academic lives and extracurriculars and doing amazing things with their time.

“It’s also awesome to see how normal they are. You can have normal conversations, relax and be a college student.”
“At the end of the day, what we’ve done outside of school doesn’t really indicate what’s going to happen within your academic life,” Chen said on Saturday. “You’re trying to establish your place in the academic community and what we do becomes a sort of side job. Knowing what these people can do at Yale in and out of the classroom at the same time has been inspiring to some to some extent and definitely reassuring to know I am capable of doing the same.”
ETA that Nathan also spoke to a Hartford Courant reporter:
And if there’s one place even a world famous athlete can be relatively unnoticed, it’s here. “I can walk around,” he said. “There’s a woman who just won an Oscar in my [residential] college,” he said, referring to Sophie Ascheim, who won in the short documentary category.
Over the next couple of years, Chen will be building toward the Beijing Olympics in 2022 — an epic showdown with Hanyu is already anticipated. Chen said he will consider taking a year off from school for the Olympics, but he remains committed to learning about the world, about himself.
“Skating definitely has its moments,” he said, “where you end up getting in a rut that’s hard to get out of, where every single day, that’s all you think about, all you’re doing. It definitely takes a lot out of you. Ultimately, athletes who are elite enough know how to get out of that and keep plugging away at it, but it doesn’t allow you to really enjoy the sport as much as we should. So having an option to just take a step back away from skating each day and focus on something else allows me to compress every day and be able to set new objectives, utilize what I’ve learned in the past, give myself a break. … I’m challenging myself, evolving, learning, getting better as a person.”
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Helene Elliot's article for the Los Angeles Times: Nathan Chen discovers a world outside of figure skating at Yale
Chen’s skating hasn’t suffered because he’s on an ambitious course at an Ivy League school and has occasionally performed with the Stars on Ice tour, which will be at Honda Center [in Anaheim] on Saturday. His skating might be even better, because Chen, who turned 20 last Sunday, brings new life experiences and maturity to blend with his extraordinary athleticism.
“It’s crazy. There’s so many outstanding students here. I’m surrounded by some pretty amazing people,” he said in a phone interview after he finished his last exam. “Everyone has their own niche, and I think it’s interesting to be able to just spend some time with other people and listen to how they think, especially people outside of the world of figure skating.
“In the world of figure skating, everyone is so attuned to a day-to-day training program, what the season will look like and relatively short-term skating goals, and that’s kind of the whole topic of conversation. But having an opportunity to not be surrounded by that conversation is something different.”
Chen said he was eager to see the new facility in Irvine, where he plans to train this summer. He wants to continue skating and studying at Yale next season and beyond, though he’d lighten his academic load leading up to the 2022 Winter Olympics. He planned to discuss his next steps with his team.
Nathan reunited with Mariah Bell yesterday but Romain Ponsart has yet to join them in Cali. ;)

Here's what one of Nathan's birthday cakes looked like (yum!):


Is it possible to add the link of the previous thread in the original post so it is easier for fans to find?
Only an Admin. can do it (the editing window for us is 24 hours from the time of the original post); at least the link is now posted on the first page of this thread.
ATS related links
Thanks! ATS = "All That Skate 2019" and here's the link to the show thread in GSD:

For anyone in the DC/Northern Virginia area, there's a new arena opening in Leesburg, VA, and as part of their grand opening there will be a show on Saturday, June 15 to benefit the Michael Weiss Foundation; Nathan's official website confirms his appearance - link for event info/tickets:




Well-Known Member
I'm curious... is there a reason Nathan rarely jumps Quad Loop? I am guessing it's not his favorite jump?


Well-Known Member
I'm curious... is there a reason Nathan rarely jumps Quad Loop? I am guessing it's not his favorite jump?

I would hypothesize that A. it isn't that consistent and B. based on what I have read from posters who actually have a clue about jump mechanics, a likely reason it isn't that consistent is because he may not train it very often in order to protect the hip he had surgery on.


Well-Known Member
The health risk assumption makes sense given his hip surgery 3 years ago.

Nathan mentioned 4 loop in this Kiss and Cry interview when he was performing at Dream On Ice last week. It is near the bottom of his interview part. He said something like he would really like to try 4 loop, but it poses some risks for him, so he would direct his attention to something else for the time being. 4s and 3A would still be what he is going to work on for the coming season. He still plans to balance skating and school in the the 2019/20 season.


You can Google translation to get most of what said.


Well-Known Member
Updates on 07/03. Per the person uploaded the DOI videos, her YouTube videos have been removed. You can still watch her videos from Weibo.

Nathan delivered the best Land of All for Dream on Ice, starting at 02:23

Nathan was experimenting this lutz jump/kick, in his self choreographed EX since the Worlds. He performed it again in the opening number, around 02:17 mark.

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Well-Known Member
The health risk assumption makes sense given his hip surgery 3 years ago.

Nathan mentioned 4 loop in this Kiss and Cry interview when he was performing at Dream On Ice last week. It is near the bottom of his interview part. He said something like he would really like to try 4 loop, but it poses some risks for him, so he would direct his attention to something else for the time being. 4s and 3A would still be what he is going to work on for the coming season. He still plans to balance skating and school in the the 2019/20 season.


You can Google translation to get most of what said.

I haven't seen the quad salchow from Nathan very often surger either...assume that's not for health related reasons?


Well-Known Member
I haven't seen the quad salchow from Nathan very often surger either...assume that's not for health related reasons?

No, he has been practicing 4S last season, it is not as consistent, which he also quoted saying in that interview I posted. He ditched 4s right before his free program during Nationals because it was not as stable as he planned. He mentioned it in one of his interviews after nats. There are also fan cam video he was practicing it on the day of the free program. He was practicing 4s in the first two days of practice in Japan before worlds, only decided not to include it in the program. He finally delivered a clean 4s at WTT.

There were tweets or IG posts before IdF that he was landing 4s in the early practice days.

You can find lots of 4s in his 17/18 programs.


Well-Known Member
Nathan landed 4Lo cleanly in his FS at the 2017 CS U.S. International FS Classic:

Has he attempted the 4Lo in competition since then?

Yes, he landed a good one at Japan Open 2017

From Raf’s interview after nats in January, Nathan was able to land it in his programs. Nathan probably performed it at Champs Camp. That is the reason why he was not too impressed with his performances at nats this year.
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Well-Known Member
I always forget to check the Japan Open! ;) Here's his FS protocol:

I don't believe he has included a 4Lo in his FS since then?


2018 Japan Open FS protocol (very rough skate for him in his season debut) I see his first jump was 2Lo :

Yes, a very rough outing. According to Raf, he performed it before.

“I am not completely satisfied,” Arutunian said Sunday. “There is so much more he can do.
“He didn’t do a quad Salchow. I still want him to try a quad loop. This was a program he has executed before. You always like to improve.”
Chen was not surprised by hearing Arutunian’s comments.

Quote from this interview after Nationals

If you go back to watch Land of All performed at Skate America, you would find he did 3 loop. I believe they probably had 4 loop planned in the beginning, but Nathan had been struggling balancing school and skating in the beginning of first semester. He was also dealing with health issues since second week he went to Yale. So they probably gave up the idea to include it.

Per Nathan’s mom, Nathan was dealing with health issues the past season, getting sick all the time.

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