Mollie Tibbetts Body Found.


Well-Known Member
Here are details as of right now.

Ask me or any other woman who runs and we will tell you: 1) This is one of our worst nightmares about what could happen while on a run, 2) How often we get unwanted attention/comments from men - either from them standing/walking around or driving by us on our route, and 3) How much men can frighten us with actions that they think are harmless, good natured, or even funny.


Like a small boat on the ocean...
Here are details as of right now.

Ask me or any other woman who runs and we will tell you: 1) This is one of our worst nightmares about what could happen while on a run, 2) How often we get unwanted attention/comments from men - either from them standing/walking around or driving by us on our route, and 3) How much men can frighten us with actions that they think are harmless, good natured, or even funny.

It is a nightmare and just plain wrong. i guess women should not jog alone, and should be armed with pepper spray. I think that many of the actions of men are not so harmless. And, of course, if you add in the factor of an illegal who does not want to be reported............there you have all the ingredients for murder. Why the man did just not run away I cannot fathom.

But I am still trying to figure out why Scott Pertersen Just didn't get a divorce from Laci if he didn't want to be married, and how Ramon Salcido could slit the throats of his three young daughters and throw them in a field at a trash dump.


Well-Known Member
Or the man in Colorado killing his pregnant wife and 2 girls?
There are many situations that don't involve undocumented males, how should we approach those?

By prosecuting all of them to the furthest extent allowed. I didn’t bring up the accused’s immigrant status because it didn’t matter to me when it comes to this young woman being murdered.

Being an illegal immigrant doesn’t cause one to murder. Being someone who doesn’t care about other’s lives does.
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Like a small boat on the ocean...
By prosecuting all of them to the furthest extent allowed. I didn’t bring up the accused’s immigrant status because it didn’t matter to me when it comes to this young woman being murdered.

Being an illegal immigrant doesn’t cause one to murder. Being someone who doesn’t care about other’s lives does.

Of course. However if he was afraid of being deported when she threatened to use her phone to call for help, than his illegal status becomes relevant, as would several other status issues ie. escaped prisoner, felon, and on it goes.




Like a small boat on the ocean...
Except, he was apparently not illegal
Not that it makes the crime any less horrific.

No, he is illegal. The people who said they had run the e-verfiy in fact did not. They ran a check on his SS Card....which are a dime a dozen.

Here Illegally
Farm that hired Cristhian Rivera, Mollie Tibbetts' suspected killer, did not use E-Verify system, official says
The Mexican national accused of murdering college student Mollie Tibbetts in Iowa last month lived in the United States illegally for several years -- and worked for a farm that used Social Security Administration data in part to vet potential employees, according to officials there.

However, Yarrabee Farms co-owner and manager Dane Lang clarified Wednesday afternoon that the farm did not use a federal E-Verify check on suspect Cristhian Rivera, despite the company's claim earlier in the day that it did.


Like a small boat on the ocean...

Of course it is not about immigration per se. But him not wanting to be picked up may have been a motive for killing her.

And murderers of any stripe are capable of horrific deeds. Why didn't Scott Peterson get a divorce as opposed to murdering his wife and child?
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Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
Here are details as of right now.

Ask me or any other woman who runs and we will tell you: 1) This is one of our worst nightmares about what could happen while on a run, 2) How often we get unwanted attention/comments from men - either from them standing/walking around or driving by us on our route, and 3) How much men can frighten us with actions that they think are harmless, good natured, or even funny.

This is exactly why my sister & I who ran together always went up to the high school track & ran there. There was always plenty of people around doing the same thing & it was well-lit. It was much more boring a run but safer.

Also, I don't mean to diss Mollie but why would she tell him she was going to call the police (if she did, we only have his word for that) instead of just doing it the minute he got out of his car?


Well-Known Member
This is exactly why my sister & I who ran together always went up to the high school track & ran there. There was always plenty of people around doing the same thing & it was well-lit. It was much more boring a run but safer.

Also, I don't mean to diss Mollie but why would she tell him she was going to call the police (if she did, we only have his word for that) instead of just doing it the minute he got out of his car?

I also now do my running on either: 1) treadmills at the gym, 2) the high school track near me, or 3) a fairly public course where there should be enough people observing.

I don’t think it mattered if she told him - I would think that he would assume the police when he saw her get her phone.

While I am thinking about it.....PLEASE watch this and let everyone you can know: How to use Emergency SOS on your iPhone.


Like a small boat on the ocean...
Also, I don't mean to diss Mollie but why would she tell him she was going to call the police (if she did, we only have his word for that) instead of just doing it the minute he got out of his car?

I suspect that she thought that would make him go away. Perhaps she didn't think he was going to be a problem when he got out of the car. She did not have a lot of choices of what to do by the time she realized she was in trouble.

Who would imagine such a thing would happen in a tiny mid-western town?


Well-Known Member
There is no color of legal and illegal! Illegal people shouldn’t be in America and the us government chose not to enforce any of its immigration laws for years. Now there could be a law passed giving citizenship or a green card to people no questions asked but there isn’t. So it was the governments job to deport Tibbetts killer but they didn’t so she was murdered. This is politics. When Government supposed to do something and its citizens are harmed as a result of its inaction or disregard that requires action. Seems like her family is a huge open borders family. They can start to campaign for that.


Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
I also now do my running on either: 1) treadmills at the gym, 2) the high school track near me, or 3) a fairly public course where there should be enough people observing.

I don’t think it mattered if she told him - I would think that he would assume the police when he saw her get her phone.

While I am thinking about it.....PLEASE watch this and let everyone you can know: How to use Emergency SOS on your iPhone.

Thank you. I just set my phone for E sos & emergency contact.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
People who kill are gonna do it anyway. He likely would have killed her regardless.
He would have killed, but in another country or in his own country, if Liberals did not intentionally hinder USA's proper border security, control and deportation of the illegal immigrants.

Mollie's family asks that we remember evil comes in all colors and that they are grateful for the love shown to them.
Maybe they are sincere, and maybe they are simply afraid of attacks and even violence from the aggressive Left and the Antifa.


Better off than 2020
Or maybe they could be like Sarah Root's family who have been extremely hateful and appearing with Trump regarding undocumenteds, but not right now. It should be their choice, but not right now.

It appears that right now they want to be able to mourn and celebrate who Mollie was.

To be made the focus of political statements because it fits someone's script is according to their statements, something they are choosing not to do. At least at this time.

My final word, because I want to honor the family's wishes. Let them mourn and celebrate who she was.


Well-Known Member

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
This is nonsense. Numerous studies have shown that immigrants, legal or illegal, commit fewer crimes than native born Americans.

This particular one would not have killed this victim. Any country has its own crime and criminals, those who want to move to that country must go through legal procedures, and be properly evaluated.

Immigration is good. Illegal immigration RELINQUISHES the rights of lawful citizens to control who lives next to them, in terms of economics and most importantly safety.


Like a small boat on the ocean...
Or the man in Colorado killing his pregnant wife and 2 girls?
There are many situations that don't involve undocumented males, how should we approach those?
Prosecute the $hit out them and give them (and carry out) the max punishment!

He is not being punished (as I hope he will be) because he is an illegal alien.....he is being prosecuted because he murdered someone. He is not a good guy AND he should not have been in this country with fake documents being paid under the table by an Iowa farmer who was benefiting from the cheap labor.


Like a small boat on the ocean...
This is nonsense. Numerous studies have shown that immigrants, legal or illegal, commit fewer crimes than native born Americans.
And others have shown the opposite.

Americans Stand with Mollie and Kate from The Washington Post.
Americans stand with Kate and Mollie and everyone who has, and will, face violence that is directly and specifically preventable by securing our border and reforming our immigration policy. It’s time to send another message that our deadly status quo on immigration must change.


Like a small boat on the ocean...
This is just an opinion piece written by a Fox News contributor and it is not supported by the facts. Trump supporters love this kind of stuff because they think it validates their racism, but it isn’t accurate.
I shall find you more tomorrow


Let the skating begin
I suspect that she thought that would make him go away. Perhaps she didn't think he was going to be a problem when he got out of the car. She did not have a lot of choices of what to do by the time she realized she was in trouble.

Who would imagine such a thing would happen in a tiny mid-western town?
It happens everyday. Every. Single. Day. This is unfortunate, but no more so than all the women who are killed in domestic abuse or any other assault. Big towns, small towns, rural houses.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
This is just an opinion piece written by a Fox News contributor and it is not supported by the facts. Trump supporters love this kind of stuff because they think it validates their racism, but it isn’t accurate.
Labeling citizens' concerns about "safety" and "economics" as "racism" is ploy by the Left to win their agenda by any means, even dirty tricks, to avoid a discussion and an argument over any issue, including "immigration".

This is how it works in reality: most citizens, in their daily lives, are usually concerned about economics, safety, and laws.

When any group of people, with definable characteristics, has a noticeable percentage in their group that threatens Economics, Safety and Laws, that group of people will fall under scrutiny as a "group".

For most people it is not like "we don't like group A, so lets find fault with them". It is usually "We see a problem in the area of Economics, Safety, Law, and noticeable amount from Group A (or B, or C, or D, etc) are contributing or causing it."

When in 1990's the "new wave or Russians" came to USA from the remains of USSR, there was a crime wave, specifically attributed to the young Russians, men and women, who noticeably contributed to prostitution, organized gang crime and extortion of protection money, administrative and bank fraud, "gold digger's marriages", visa fraud, petty theft, etc.

AS A RESULT special police investigations units were created, called "Russian Crime Prevention/Investigation Units" in all areas where majority of Russians lived.Towards the end of 1990's into early 2000's the Visitors/Tourist/Student/Worker Visas for Russians became much harder to gain.

We, the lawful Russians, had NO PROBLEMS with it, and were glad to see our interests protected, as we too were often subjects of these crimes, and/or victims of Bad Reputation about Russians which started with the influx of "these other Russians".

In the recent years there was a crack-down on "Chinese Anchor Baby Business" aka "Birther Tourism". This is not a slur or an invention. These are official terms used by California Police, ICE and Immigration Services. And well documented in the mass media. Maternity wards in regular hospitals are raided, people who organized are fined, and those who came to USA under false pretense are deported.

It is not about "illegal immigrants and crime" because they are Mexican. It is about people not wanting "illegal immigrants and crime", and THIS TIME, it happened to be "Mexicans".... while few years back it was "Russians" and "Chinese" as recent examples.....

It is a shame that the Left are negating the rights of lawful citizens to protect themselves and request that the LAWS are followed in regards to immigration.


Well-Known Member
It is not about "illegal immigrants and crime" because they are Mexican. It is about people not wanting "illegal immigrants and crime",

Where were those people when a Nazi killed Heather Heyer last year? Where were those people when George Zimmerman killed an unarmed kid? Where were those people when a shooter killed dozens in Las Vegas? In Orlando? In Parkland? In Santa Fe High School? Where are they each time a white citizen commits a murder?
Don't tell me they're the least bit concerned about crime. They're only concerned when the crime is committed by a person who isn't white and what they're then concerned about it that the person wasn't white and nothing else.

It is a shame that the Left are negating the rights of lawful citizens to protect themselves

It's a shame that the right is still using the same arguments German citizens were using to justify discriminating against Jews and other minorities in the 30s.

and request that the LAWS are followed in regards to immigration.

No one is arguing that laws shouldn't be followed. They're arguing that a certain group of people shouldn't be villified.
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