Maxim Kovtun announces his retirement from competition


MOSCOW, April 23. /TASS/. Russian figure skating star in men’s singles Maxim Kovtun has decided to wrap up with his sports career, his coach Yelena Buyanova told TASS on Tuesday.
Article in English:
Kovtun, 23, is two-time silver medalist of the European Championships (2015, 2017), as well as the bronze medalist of the 2016 European Championship. He is also the two-time silver medalist in team competitions of the World Team Trophy (2015 and 2017).

The figure skater is the reigning champion of Russia. In all, he is the four time winner of the Russian Figure Skating Championships (2014, 2015, 2016, 2019).

He won silver in March at the 2019 FISU Winter Universiade in Krasnoyarsk and skipped the 2019 ISU World Skating Championships, in Japan’s Saitama on March 20-24, due to medical reasons.
Re-posting these items from the "From Russia with love" thread:

Kovtun has announced his retirement - his back injuries won't allow him to train to be at the level he wants to be at. He is focusing on his studies and wants to move into coaching.
Copying out @Ka3sha's translation of Kovtun's IG post, originally posted here:
Wrote, erased and wrote again, erased again ... The most difficult letter in my Life ... This day came. It's time to say goodbye ... I will not pick the archives of my memory about the time when it all began, or what I went through to get here ... I wrote this letter and already deleted it.
To begin with, there is no drama, I had my time , but it came to an end ... But soon it will happen again! In another chapter of my beautiful, wonderful, interesting life. I thank God for giving me the opportunity to visit the whole world, to be and compete among great athletes, thank God for the people I met in this sport, for my character, for unforgettable victories, moments of happiness, thank for my wonderful family ... I am really grateful for Elena Germanovna [Buyanova], who forgave me for my childish nonsense. I want to thank my fans, without you there would be no us. Am grateful to my friends, real friends, for not letting me lose my real self, thank you.
It was a wonderful time ... I have already lived my whole life, and now I am starting a new one, and this is so thrilling ... But so interesting ... I am a happy person, and I don’t regret anything, this is life, and an interesting one as everything isn't so simple :) And thank God for that! There is always a way out! The main thing is to look at everything from the right angle! :) I won't make any promises regarding the future, who knows what's next for us. But I have already set some priorities for myself, and I will live, develop, move in that direction. One thing for sure, we will see each other again ... Your Palych.
(The same boy who never got to the Olympics) 😂❤️ Love, hugged ... The end.
Alexandre Gorshkov (pres. of RFSF) (summary): I learned of Kovtun's decision from the social media. I can not confirm if it is true or not. We have not received an official form/resig. letter. This happened once before, and until i speak with Maxim in person, i am not able to comment further.
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Well-Known Member
What can I say...another talented Russian guy gone and wasted too soon. Maxim definitely had potential and could have achieved much more despite some weaknesses in his skating and some weird programs.

His goodbye letter was really touching to read: he sounds so mature and humbled by the opportunities that skating had brought to him. Wishing him nothing but happiness and fulfillment in his next endeavour, hope he makes an awesome coach!
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Well-Known Member
That's sad. I always had a soft spot for Maxim. He had potential and talent, I remember seeing him as a youngster at Russian Nationals when he still was in Ekaterinburg. When he feels he is ready to move on, then it is the right decision for him. He might not have fulfilled his potential, but he had a nice career with four national titles and medals at Europeans and the Grand Prix. Not everyone has this. I wish him good luck and hope to see him in some shows and then maybe really as coach (that could be interesting :D)

Also interesting how everyone and their mother is asked to comment on Maxim's retirement in the Russian media ...;)
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Well-Known Member
Too bad he didn't get to finish it off at world's, but it sounds like he felt he proved himself this year.
And he did.

I hope he enjoys what's next


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
Sorry to hear this. He had potential that never realized for whatever reason. Best wishes for the future.

This is a very mature letter. I wish we had heard more from him while he was competing.
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Well-Known Member
I've always had a soft spot for him with his getting passed over for the Olympics. I'm only now realizing how young he was then and how that must have been so hard continue moving forward from at that age. Wishing him the best in his future endeavors and hope he finds the fulfillment in his next chapter that might have eluded him in his competitive days.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
I've always had a soft spot for him with his getting passed over for the Olympics. I'm only now realizing how young he was then and how that must have been so hard continue moving forward from at that age. Wishing him the best in his future endeavors and hope he finds the fulfillment in his next chapter that might have eluded him in his competitive days.
Just for the record. He was given many opportunities and a lot of help and understanding from coaches and the federation. Tarasova was his biggest fan and advocate.

- Kovtun was set to skate in Olympics 2018. He needed to skate at Russian Nationals in Jan 2018. Soon before he withdrew of is own choice.
- Prior to that he withdrew from several GP events in 2017, due to "relatively" mid-range injuries (compared to injuries other skated with, or were able to recover for the next event)
- In a period of 6-7 years he had something like 5-6 coaching switches..
- for people in the "russian figure skating" it is a known fact that Maxim spent a lot less time on the sport than most people of his level and goals, and spent a lot of time on "personal relationship" and "entertainment".

I do hope he makes it as a coach, he has talent.


Well-Known Member
Not just "coaching switches" for which there are often legitimately good reasons - Kicked out of Morozov's group, left Buyanova due to his own admitted bad behavior, went crawling back to her after Goncharenko stopped coaching. Mishin refused to take him. TAT bought him a lot of expensive presents (some return on that investment...) I can believe that people grow up, but he is constantly changing his mind about everything - now he's suddenly dying to be a coach? Yeah, ok...whatever. Join the queue.

Adian is an example of someone who truly never got a chance to show himself - Max had ample opportunities.

Rina RUS

Well-Known Member
He has done as much as he has done. Nothing more nor less.
If you think he should have done more - maybe it is his own problem, not ours?
Maybe your expectations are your problem. :)


Well-Known Member
Just for the record. He was given many opportunities and a lot of help and understanding from coaches and the federation. Tarasova was his biggest fan and advocate.

- Kovtun was set to skate in Olympics 2018. He needed to skate at Russian Nationals in Jan 2018. Soon before he withdrew of is own choice.

I don't think he was set for the Olympic team. It had been a rough season for him, he withdrew I think from each event he was entered, due to injury. How serious his injuries were I can't judge. The others - notably Mikhail Kolyada, Sergei Voronov, even Alexander Samarin - showed better results. At Nationals then the men skated rather poorly. Maxim was no exception, he bombed in the short and was way down with really no chance to make the podium. He withdrew following the short progam. The Federation at this point was pushing for Alexander Samarin (he, too, skated poorly and was still second) for the second Olympic spot. Mikhail Kolyada had medalled in the Grand Prix and the Final and was clearly the best Russian man and the number one option for the Olympic team. Sergei Voronov unfortunately didn't make the podium at Nationals (and I don't think they really wanted him). Dmitri Aliev managed third at Nationals and grabbed the Olympic spot by coming second at Europeans. I don't think Maxim had a real chance for the Olympic team given his season.


Well-Known Member
Count me in as another skating fan who was disappointed that Maxim was "passed over" for the Sochi Olympics. :wuzrobbed Yes, I fully realize he didn't always have great results over the last few seasons, but I still felt bad for him. Wishing all the best to Maxim in his future! :cheer2::encore:


I am no fan of Kovtun but, aside from the 2013 Euros debacle, he deserved everything he got. It’s not like Voronov was stellar in the 5-6 times he’s been to worlds or Kolyada and co are setting the world on fire.


Well-Known Member
The problem was the terrible rushing of him to worlds 2013. It was the worst mistake of Russian federation! So he won the 2012 jrgpf! So what? Then everyone in the whole of Russian Figure skating establishment said “yes he will go to his first worlds 2013 and do well!” or something! It was dumb and ridiculous!

Rina RUS

Well-Known Member
The problem was the terrible rushing of him to worlds 2013. It was the worst mistake of Russian federation! So he won the 2012 jrgpf! So what? Then everyone in the whole of Russian Figure skating establishment said “yes he will go to his first worlds 2013 and do well!” or something! It was dumb and ridiculous!

So what? :) I guess now we just need to fix that fatal mistake? :)

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Maxim Kovtun submitted an official letter to RFSF to release him from the team, and yet gave last night an interview.
"I made my decision for now. I am going to concentrate on education, since i am in my 3rd year studies at the Institute of Physical Education. But i am not eliminating a possibility to return to competition, nothing is 200% certain for me."


Question everything
I think Kovtun has done fairly well for his career minus of course the choice of going to the Olympics (which sucks)

I didn't realize he needs a bodyguard. My goodness.


Well-Known Member
The problem was the terrible rushing of him to worlds 2013. It was the worst mistake of Russian federation! So he won the 2012 jrgpf! So what? Then everyone in the whole of Russian Figure skating establishment said “yes he will go to his first worlds 2013 and do well!” or something! It was dumb and ridiculous!

I was a backstage volunteer at that worlds and I have a real soft spot for him as he was at that age. He was a mix of young carefree and nothing mattered/crossed with deer in the headlights with the expectations of his handlers.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
I think Kovtun has done fairly well for his career minus of course the choice of going to the Olympics (which sucks)

I didn't realize he needs a bodyguard. My goodness.
On a russian site someone asked why does he needs one, and someone replied "the skating groupies" (girls)..:smokin:
I have no idea if this other guy is his official bodyguard, hired and paid. Maybe it is a friend he take alone for "protection" or maybe a real one. Maxim himself said "me and my bodyguard"... so who knows. Real ones cost money, and he said he is broke.

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