ISU Congress


Well-Known Member
No 1/4 grace area? Uh oh.... 2008 Worlds is still a traumatic memory for me which is funny in retrospect because Mao ended up winning and we know her history with UR calls determining her results.


Well-Known Member
Yup - the new rule is that exactly 1/4 or more counts as an Under-rotation, instead of the current "more than 1/4." So it just removes some wiggle room.
I agree with @MAXSwagg, I don't think this will actually change any of the calling. If it does, a lot more skaters will be having some issues with URs this season.


Rotating while Russian!
So 2.76 is still counted as a triple? As opposed to 2.75? I don't think this is going to make that much of a difference but what do I know.


Well-Known Member
Yup - the new rule is that exactly 1/4 or more counts as an Under-rotation, instead of the current "more than 1/4." So it just removes some wiggle room.
I agree with @MAXSwagg, I don't think this will actually change any of the calling. If it does, a lot more skaters will be having some issues with URs this season.

I really don't like or agree with this change. But, like you and @MAXSwagg, I suspect that it probably won't affect the actual calling. Individual callers will probably continue to operate as they usually do.


Well-Known Member
So the new rule regarding Olympic qualification does not impact qualification to the following Worlds? Say, if two U.S. ladies' placements totaled to less than 13 at 2019 Worlds, they would still have three spots for 2020?


Banned Member
So the new rule regarding Olympic qualification does not impact qualification to the following Worlds? Say, if two U.S. ladies' placements totaled to less than 13 at 2019 Worlds, they would still have three spots for 2020?

And they could still have three spots for 2020 Olympics as well. They would just have to earn the third Olympic spot at Nebelhorn rather than being granted it automatically.


Well-Known Member
Reduce quads and restrict backloading to restore balance to programs... :shuffle: Okay, no problem, but these new rules will not automatically advance or even necessarily be helpful to the skaters who can't or don't do these jumps to begin with, and therefore never did backload their programs. So basically, it's throwing them a bone and that's about it. ;)

How can rule changes restore balance to programs when the initial complaint (re the men’s discipline) was the inclusion of quad jumps being allowed at competitions in the first place? And particularly when you have a skater who cannot do a quad jump. Should that skater learn how to do the jump? Or petition the ISU Congress to ban the jump altogether? :rolleyes:

A skater like Nathan still has the advantage over a skater like Jason because Nathan can successfully (for now) complete the jump. Unless, of course, we find ourselves back to square one, where the PCS-advantaged skater will once again reap the benefits of PCS inflation. This will eventually and predictably leave many fans unhappy and complaining as it once did (not so long ago) when a lopsided program and its subsequent score were due in large part to PCS inflation. This will have the ISU Congress scrambling to enact yet another rule aimed toward trying to level the playing field ... again, under the guise of being a “balanced program.”

The ISU will never fully realize their desire of all skaters being equal in a competition unless everyone does the same content (SS, jumps, etc.) and the ISU drastically changes the rules that would require it...

That's how the ISU Congress can level the playing field if they are genuinely serious about making it a reality.
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Doing all the things
Does cold lower resistance? Countless parents and grandparents told us this ad nauseum.
It can. But all that means is that your risk is slightly higher.

Not to mention, if people think figure skaters are cold out there, I think they've never skated competitively. Skaters are working hard and often come off the ice sweating (just like any other athlete after a competition or hard workout).

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