ISU Congress


Handy Emergency Backup Mode
Thanks to Israel, the ridiculously stupid proposal from Netherlands for the raising of age limits has been tossed from the agenda!

Less amusingly, the proposal forbidding federation presidents from being on judging panels has also been struck off - by Canada.


Handy Emergency Backup Mode
I find this really really bad news

I think it's brilliant news. The proposal was utter garbage with no justifications or reasons to back up anything it wanted to do.

If we want to have a discussion about age, by all means, let's do it. But let's do it with proper studies and evidence and logic-based reasoning, not shit like "wanting to create idols".


Well-Known Member
I think it's brilliant news. The proposal was utter garbage with no justifications or reasons to back up anything it wanted to do.

If we want to have a discussion about age, by all means, let's do it. But let's do it with proper studies and evidence and logic-based reasoning, not shit like "wanting to create idols".
I was only speaking about this the proposal forbidding federation presidents from being on judging panels has also been struck off - by Canada


Cats and garlic lover
gotta love the list of violations:
a 13y.o skater who missed the doping test (did it later, came negative) because she didn't know. Who is to blame - the 13y.o or the coach or the parents?
The judges talking during a british couple skate. Sounds like a right thing to do if they are trying not to fall asleep....
A Korean speed skater who had to sign she would only be eating inside the official hotel because of the meat contamination in China.


Orm Irian

Well-Known Member
I like the Synchro rep and his mild running commentary on how little most of the people in the room care about Synchro. Funnily enough, I find Synchro far more enjoyable to watch than 97.832% of quads.

I'd love to see somebody propose folding Synchro into the World Championships one of these years, actually. If they want to increase audiences, think about all those teams of 16+ skaters each, and their families and/or friends, showing up to Worlds and maybe watching some of the rest of the show too...


In A Fake Snowball Fight
I like the Synchro rep and his mild running commentary on how little most of the people in the room care about Synchro. Funnily enough, I find Synchro far more enjoyable to watch than 97.832% of quads.

I'd love to see somebody propose folding Synchro into the World Championships one of these years, actually. If they want to increase audiences, think about all those teams of 16+ skaters each, and their families and/or friends, showing up to Worlds and maybe watching some of the rest of the show too...

If it is anything like when they had synchro at the Grand Prix Final, then hell to the no on that. :scream:


Values her privacy
The disadvantages of synchro being at worlds:
- Worlds would take longer, so paying more for accommodation and food, unless they do synchro on first two days or last two days so one could arrive later or leave earlier.
- the all event ticket would be more expensive and include the synchro, which would suddenly not be as good value if one is not interested in synchro. Single events ticket may become the cheaper option.

I guess the advantage would be that suddenly I would have a day or two to go sightseeing. Usually I am at the arena from mornings till evenings and often don’t see much of the city except of the arena and the airport.

I hope they will leave it as it is. Who wants to watch synchro can go to synchro worlds. Who doesn’t want to watch will not feel they have to sit through it if they bought the all event ticket.


I see the sea
How does the ISU congress work - can on federation block a proposal all by itself?

Yes, I agree, that is bad news. Not surprised that it's Canada though. Wonder how many posters will still blame Russia.
Are you implying that Skate Canada is not guided by the purest of motives and only wishes to make sure that the very best Canadian judges will be able to exercise their exceedingly objective judgment at future competitions? :saint:

Deleted member 74551

I saw on Golden Skate that apparently they’re looking into the Chinese judge from the Mens FS at the Olympics but not the American. Is that true? Ridiculous if so.

Leanna Caron’s marks weren’t even in the top 5 most outrageous scores given by judges in the ice dance event (everyone who gave a 10 to P/C in the SD beat her for that dubious honour) but Canada striking the motion about federation presidents judging is a very bad look. Not good at all for future events.

Lots of justified scepticism at the proposed motion about repeating quads.


Well-Known Member
The only one type of quad is allowed rule will likely get passed.

First, from the sport’s purists’ point of review, it’ll avoid the unwanted consequence that the sport will never see all 5 types of quads in the future. Since the free program has 7 jumping passes, if quad repetition is allowed the skaters will only need to learn 4 types of quads and they will repeat 2 of the 4 plus a 3A. There will be no place to add a 5th type of quads. Limiting quad repetition is the only mechanism to ensure the sport could see all 5 types of quads in the future.

Second, from the majority’s point of view, prohibiting quad repetition will benefit the majority of skaters and federations. Currently most skaters and most top skaters from small federations have 0 or 1 quad, if quad repetition is not prohibited, the difference of skaters with 0 and 1, 1 and 2 quads will be 2 quads. But with the quad restriction, these small federations’ skaters will be more competitive to their close rivals who have 1 or 2 quads because their difference will be only 1 quad. I can see the majority will vote for the new rule in a heartbeat unless they idiots.


I can kill you with my brain
I'm guessing that since those proposals wouldn't have been submitted by the deadline for agenda items for ISU Congress - hence why they are "urgent" proposals - they must have had to be voted on to be allowed in. Just a guess though.

I understand they need to have over a certain percentage of members agree to have the specific urgent proposal go forward - maybe it was 75%? And if they don't get that, it doesn't go on the agenda.


Well-Known Member
I understand they need to have over a certain percentage of members agree to have the specific urgent proposal go forward - maybe it was 75%? And if they don't get that, it doesn't go on the agenda.
According to the Hersh write-up about allowing federation presidents to keep judging major intl events, it's 80%
ISU rules make it easy to quash urgent proposals, since a four-fifths majority is needed to keep them on the agenda. The vote on Skate Canada chief executive Debra Armstrong’s shameless motion to quash consideration of this proposal was 66 for, 33 against and 16 abstentions and failures to vote. The yes votes were well short of the 93 needed to retain it on the agenda.

Both the U.S. speed and figure skating federations voted to keep the conflict-of-interest proposal on the agenda. (Figure skating and speed skating members voted because it was a general matter related to approval of the agenda.) The figure and speed skating federations of Russia and Canada were among those who voted to kill it.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
"The age limit issue has provoked lively debate and is likely to be further discussed in the next couple years by ISU figure skating technical committees. It could come before the 2020 Congress as a regular agenda item. That would mean if a change is approved then, it would not take effect for the 2022 Winter Olympics."

Good news! and as expected.. so.. all Eteri's girls and boys, 12 years old by June 30, 2018, are Olympics eligible... And once they transfer to seniors it can not be reversed if the rules change later.


Well-Known Member
Totally agree. It is so inherently conflicted it is unjustifiable. Canada striking it off is completely disgusting. So self serving.

I agree the proposal should have remained, but 65 other federations also voted to remove it. Yes, Canada suggested removing, but it wouldn’t have happened without the other 65 feds, including Russia.


Well-Known Member
I saw on Golden Skate that apparently they’re looking into the Chinese judge from the Mens FS at the Olympics but not the American. Is that true? Ridiculous if so.

Leanna Caron’s marks weren’t even in the top 5 most outrageous scores given by judges in the ice dance event (everyone who gave a 10 to P/C in the SD beat her for that dubious honour) but Canada striking the motion about federation presidents judging is a very bad look. Not good at all for future events.

Lots of justified scepticism at the proposed motion about repeating quads.

LOL forget Golden Skate, it’s almost as infiltrated by the Canadian mafia as the ISU!

At Olys, Caron dramatically underscored Papadakis/Cizeron at SD, placing them 3rd. The issue as well was national bias towards Weaver/Poje who were 7/8th and she was sticking them 2/3rd!
And she was the only judge not giving a single 10 to P/C at the free dance... Caron acted shamefully and reckless because she knew she had nothing to worry about, especially from the ISU.
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