Gymnastic news #22 - Tokyo or bust

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Banned Member
It was no secret that the FBI ****ed up the Nassar situation badly but I didn't know how badly.

What the hell.

I listen to a local (Chicago metro area) news talk station when I'm driving around on errands. This story has been mentioned on the radio news over and over today. I'm still just shocked at how the FBI (failed to) handled this.

her grace

Team Guignard/Fabbri
Someone tweeted this clip from “Golden” with Konnor’s former coach. You can’t see the flags she’s referring to but replies are saying she had Trump flags in the gym.

I didn't see any Trump or MAGA or black-and-blue American flags in the gym. Maybe she removed them, but none are visible in the Golden documentary. I thought she was talking about the American flag, and hinting at the kneeling movement and about how much more conservatives "respect" the flag.

The coach's husband made it pretty clear what he thought while Konnor and her family and Konnor's coach seemed fairly diplomatic about the situation. I definitely see why Konnor wanted to leave and hope she has a better experience at WOGA, which is located in a much more ethnically diverse region.

Skinner's mom really comes off poorly in episode 5.

just tuned in

Well-Known Member
I feel most sorry for Laurie feeling the need to make the whole USA proud of her again. Big stress. Morgan, by contrast, because of her injuries and perhaps because of her other meaningful involvements, would seem to be the most at-peace with the outcomes of Championships.


Banned Member
Question for those of you who follow gymnastics more closely than I do. (I love it, but I'm in even less teknik about it than figure skating, if that is possible!).

I was re-watching the 1996 Olympic Women's team event last night. I noticed that more than 1 of the USA women did beam routines connecting 4 acrobatic elements. So impressive on such as narrow and short work surface!! I don't recall seeing 4 element acro series on beam recently. Is there a reason for that? (not rewarded in the COP? some other reason?)

Thanks in advance!!

her grace

Team Guignard/Fabbri
Interesting article on Annia Hatch, Cuban --> American gymnast who won silver on vault at 2004 Olympics:

On the first day of competition at the Olympics, she qualified last [8th] for the final, "Márta didn’t believe that I was going to get the medal. She told me to my face ‘Ah, Annia, you blew it’. I didn’t fall but the jump [vault] wasn’t good either. I left and I prayed to God so hard that night asking him to let me go to the finals." . . .

For Annia, the most valuable thing she’s gained from gymnastics is “the tenacity of how to face life and face problems in any situation, the discipline of what needs to be done and that you can’t get frustrated because there will always be obstacles, but you have to keep moving forward. More important than winning is how you get there; that has helped me a lot now in raising my children.”


Well-Known Member
I didn't see any Trump or MAGA or black-and-blue American flags in the gym. Maybe she removed them, but none are visible in the Golden documentary. I thought she was talking about the American flag, and hinting at the kneeling movement and about how much more conservatives "respect" the flag.
The “in the know” gymnastic types say there were Trump and MAGA flags. Why else would the coach say that she wasn’t going to apologize for them? No one would say that about a US flag.

And her husband is a walking rage machine. I feel for the young gymnasts who have no power to stand up to a bully like that.


Well-Known Member
The “in the know” gymnastic types say there were Trump and MAGA flags. Why else would the coach say that she wasn’t going to apologize for them? No one would say that about a US flag.

And her husband is a walking rage machine. I feel for the young gymnasts who have no power to stand up to a bully like that.
You're right. Kids go to school everyday and sit in classrooms all day with American flags. That wasn't what was being referred to. In no other top gym in the country would you ever be subjected to that bulls*t.

And someone needs to tell Randy Brown, that angry husband, he doesn't get to tell a young black girl how to feel about looking at that MAGA sh*t when coming to train everyday. For those who have experienced what it, you know what racism is and how uncomfortable it is having to be in a space where someone is telling you that they are complicit in their support of it. Even if they never say those words, you know. And if they were having discussions in the gym, Konnor understood that. Randy said it was him doing the most talking, but he wasn't talking to himself. He's an a*****, plain and simple. Of course Konnor quit talking to him. Irregardless of how I feel about her parents (I haven't really warmed to them), I'm glad that when she finally said something to them about what was happening and how she felt that they didn't waste any time getting her the hell out of there. I mean, they were gone in a matter if days, from what I can tell.

Now, whether the decision to move to Liukin was a good decision remains to be seen. But it's a good sign that her new team decided not to compete at Nationals. Getting herself together and coming back for Worlds or even next year sounds good to me.
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Well-Known Member
And someone needs to tell Randy Brown, that angry husband, he doesn't get to tell a young black girl how to feel about looking at that MAGA sh*t when coming to train everyday. For those who have experienced what it, you know what racism is and how uncomfortable it is having to be in a space where someone is telling you that they are complicit in their support of it. Even if they never say those words, you know. And if they were having discussions in the gym, Konnor understood that. Randy said it was him doing the most talking, but he wasn't talking to himself. He's an a*****, plain and simple. Of course Konnor quit talking to him. Irregardless of how I feel about her parents (I haven't really warmed to them), I'm glad that when she finally said something to them about what was happening and how she felt that they didn't waste any time getting her the hell out of there. I mean, they were gone in a matter if days, from what I can tell.

Now, whether the decision to move to Liukin was a good decision remains to be seen. But it's a good sign that her new team decided not to compete at Nationals. Getting herself together and coming back for Worlds or even next year sounds good to me.
It sounds like the deal was made at US Classic - Konnor says she saw Liukin there and realized she wanted him as her coach and had her parents talk to him and it was a go.


Well-Known Member
Regarding Konnor pulling out of US Nationals, I saw a Simone Biles interview about her being 3 months too young for the 2012 Olympics. The interviewer asked her what would have happened if she had been able to compete to get on the team. She said it would have been a disaster - that she wasn’t really ready at all and would have come in last and stopped competing.

Without COVID and the Tokyo delay, konnor wouldn’t have been in the mix. She and her coach had a multi-year plan that got tossed out in pursuit of Olympic Rings. I’m so glad she’ll have the time now to prepare more methodically.


Well-Known Member
Regarding Konnor pulling out of US Nationals, I saw a Simone Biles interview about her being 3 months too young for the 2012 Olympics. The interviewer asked her what would have happened if she had been able to compete to get on the team. She said it would have been a disaster - that she wasn’t really ready at all and would have come in last and stopped competing.

Without ********* and the Tokyo delay, konnor wouldn’t have been in the mix. She and her coach had a multi-year plan that got tossed out in pursuit of Olympic Rings. I’m so glad she’ll have the time now to prepare more methodically.
Exactly. I really want her to get her nerves and anxiety under control. Not to be funny, but I can't see Valeri Liukin, world and Olympic champion standing next to Konnor at the podium holding her barf bag. Surely WOGA has some sports psychologists or a few hypnotherapists on speed dial. Anybody......


Well-Known Member
(preparing to run for cover as I type this ..... ) I think it was a huge mistake to push Konnor to go for 2020 Olympics when it got postponed. Just because she was now age eligible didn't mean she was Olympic level ready or have the experience to handle that kind of pressure. They should have sat down as a Team (Konnor, coaches, parents) and realistically discussed how she was not yet strong enough to compete against the Top Seniors (because she wasn't) and lets keep our focus and goals we've already set on 2024 and not alter the training plan that was already set (and yes, I laughed as I read that back thinking her coaches would do that). Not "OMG we can be on the 2020 team!! Hurry hurry hurry we can make 2020!!!". Total poor decisions by the coach to try to push her like that just because the 1 year delay now made her age eligible. Which is another reason that the minute the delay was announced I believed that all age eligibility requirements (across all sports) should have been strictly enforced as if it was still taking place in 2020. If you weren't eligible in 2020, then you could not be eligible for 2021.

Okay, I'm running to hide under my covers now ........ :scream:


Well-Known Member
(preparing to run for cover as I type this ..... ) I think it was a huge mistake to push Konnor to go for 2020 Olympics when it got postponed. Just because she was now age eligible didn't mean she was Olympic level ready or have the experience to handle that kind of pressure. They should have sat down as a Team (Konnor, coaches, parents) and realistically discussed how she was not yet strong enough to compete against the Top Seniors (because she wasn't) and lets keep our focus and goals we've already set on 2024 and not alter the training plan that was already set (and yes, I laughed as I read that back thinking her coaches would do that). Not "OMG we can be on the 2020 team!! Hurry hurry hurry we can make 2020!!!". Total poor decisions by the coach to try to push her like that just because the 1 year delay now made her age eligible. Which is another reason that the minute the delay was announced I believed that all age eligibility requirements (across all sports) should have been strictly enforced as if it was still taking place in 2020. If you weren't eligible in 2020, then you could not be eligible for 2021.

Okay, I'm running to hide under my covers now ........ :scream:
Lol....don't hide. I totally agree with your assessment.

There were a number of gymnasts who made it through to Nationals and Trials that weren't age eligible on 2020. I thought like you....leave everything exactly like 2020 and just move it back a year because of the crud.

But, people being people, saw an opportunity and had to try. It just so happens that the younger girls really weren't ready. Even under the best of circumstances they might not have been. But trying to make an already smaller team under extraordinary circumstances just because you can doesn't mean that you should. Look what happened. The average age of the team is 20 years and a few months. All adults. I think Leanne is the only one under 18 and she's an alternate. But she would have qualified to Tokyo anyway.


Antique member
I don't understand that reasoning. Wouldn't she have tried to make it to Worlds this year? Is the preparation different? (Just a bit less pressure, I assume).
So I see no harm in trying, to be honest.

I haven't warmed to her parents at all. Like Skinner's mom it sounds like it is mostly their dream and if a child gets yelled at in the process, so be it.

I wondered about Morgan's parents. They do not feature at all in the documentary. Much less than Skinner's mom even though MyKayla is not living at home anymore.
I wonder if this means that Morgan is much more self motivated and independent? Just found it interesting.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand that reasoning. Wouldn't she have tried to make it to Worlds this year? Is the preparation different? (Just a bit less pressure, I assume).
So I see no harm in trying, to be honest.
It is different than it would have been - a later Nationals and no Olympic qualifications in the middle. All the seniors who went to the O’s would’ve have retired the previous year and Konnor would be part of the new crop.
I wondered about Morgan's parents. They do not feature at all in the documentary. Much less than Skinner's mom even though MyKayla is not living at home anymore.
It seems that Morgan’s mom is around - did she adopt her as a single mom?
I wonder if this means that Morgan is much more self motivated and independent? Just found it interesting.
Me too.


Rooting for that middle-aged team
My guess would be Morgan’s dad and brother chose not to be shown. I thought she mentioned her parents (plural) when going to a rally. I’m still so sad things worked out the way they did for her. However, she appears most prepared for life after gymnastics.

Konnor mentioned Trump when discussing why she left so I’m fairly certain there were flags and a lot of toxicity and hate. She also mentioned China so my guess is they were also using all those lovely racist flu terms. I cannot imagine anyone choosing to relocate to WV to train with them. Hope their Trumpism and hate was worth it.


Golden is the best Gymnastics documentary series in forever. So sympathetic to the athletes yet unsparing in its reality. When Konnor's move to WOGA was announced I first saw it on Gymcastic on FB and posted how troubled I was by the constant use of we, our etc by Mama McClain. I've spent over thirty years in performing arts and have seen many a mother live vicariously through her child. I didn't say that, just that I found the language disturbing and I was absolutely slated by a load of "friends of the family". Having seen all this play out in front of the cameras, I stand by my initial concerns! I do hope she is happier at WOGA but her parent's willingness to sweep Valeri's transgressions under the carpet doesn't exactly bode well. However that interaction with the former coach and her husband is trainwreck, career suicide right there. WOW!

I LOVE SLAVA!!!!! The BEST coach in terms of communication seen on this by a galaxy. He treated her like an adult, pushed her when she needed it, pulled her back when it was becoming counter-productive and his pride in her as a human being, not just as a gymnast just jumps out of the screen. That Morgan has been able to adjust so well to the hand that fate has dealt in this Olympic run up is a testament to Slava as well as her own self awareness IMO.

Laurie - LOVE her. All the feels when Kyla and Maddison turned up to watch her train, but again, self awareness in spades! Great job to her parents and coach Jenny who have cultivated a fantastic young woman in spite of Haney's abuse.

Skinner comes off as kind of likeable, unlike her mother who explains everything about why Mykayla is such a divisive figure. :yikes:

Suni - how can you not love her? The openness of her family in this has been so great to see. Praying for that ankle!!

Also been watching Simone versus herself on facebook. Anyone else think Laurent Landi comes across as a total knob? Very sarcastic and while it may be the edits, Simone seemed very submissive towards that kind of negative feedback. I felt uncomfortable watching that and it surprised me considering who she is and the power that she yields in the sport.
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Well-Known Member
I think Simone probably needs a coach who isn't awestruck by her. It's so easy to be awestruck but I think she needs someone who will tell her what she doesn't want to hear.


Well-Known Member
I agree Laurent came off as :rolleyes: multiple times thus far in the Facebook documentary. However, I did notice most of the time Simone seemed to get a kick out of his sarcasm, so I tend to think they work just fine personality wise. I’m sure that wouldn’t fly with everyone though.


Well-Known Member
I think Simone probably needs a coach who isn't awestruck by her. It's so easy to be awestruck but I think she needs someone who will tell her what she doesn't want to hear.
Who and where is this person? I don't think any such coach exists.
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