From Russia with love [#28]: Autumn to Winter 2017


Grumpy Cynical Ice Dance Lover
IMO the fed isn't pushing the good teams at all.
Bobrova had their chances. They blew it. And Zhulin isn't training them properly at all. It shows. They are worse than they were at test skates, their levels never go up while the season progresses. Either the fed orders Volkov back to that training camp, either all of those teams are toast.

They should push StepBukin more. Their SD is bad. But their FD is right at the top IMO. That's the first time Stepanova is skating on edges, and that should be rewarded more.

Xela M

Well-Known Member
B&S are very liakable as people and he is a great dancer, but she looks completely out of shape and is getting worse and the programs are just terrible


Well-Known Member
I like Bobrova/Soloviev`s FD, it suits them and is miles better than that weird Bird program from 2014. The Short Dance is bad though, but Latin isn`t exactly their strong suit. I think any rhythm would have been better for them than Latin American.


Grumpy Cynical Ice Dance Lover
Oh please, don't let be fooled by that ugly FD music. That program is great, and coming from me? LOL :)

I like Bobrova/Soloviev`s FD, it suits them and is miles better than that weird Bird program from 2014. The Short Dance is bad though, but Latin isn`t exactly their strong suit. I think any rhythm would have been better for them than Latin American.
That FD is a jewel that Zhulin can't seem to work on well. Too bad because it's their best FD by far.


Well-Known Member
Oh please, don't let be fooled by that ugly FD music. That program is great, and coming from me? LOL :)
The only thing I like about that FD is their step sequences, Zhuk and Svinin finally got how to hide her weaknesses and show her strengths. And still her knees are stiff and she doesn't use them a lot

But their lifts, seriously? I have an impression they are skating to "Cirque du Soleil" rather than to Liszt


Grumpy Cynical Ice Dance Lover
The only thing I like about that FD is their step sequences, Zhuk and Svinin finally got how to hide her weaknesses and show her strengths. And still her knees are stiff and she doesn't use them
But their lifts, seriously? I have an impression they are skating to "Cirque du Soleil" rather than to Liszt

The lifts don't look easy because she has put on some weight and looks great that way. It's just growing pains for him to cope with that new weight. When he does, they'll look good.


Well-Known Member
The lifts don't look easy because she has put on some weight and looks great that way. It's just growing pains for him to cope with that new weight. When he does, they'll look good.
I don't like the way those lifts are choreographed, not the way they are executed


Grumpy Cynical Ice Dance Lover
It's growing pains IMO because he has a hard time lifting her right now, when he gets used to that, they'll blend in more.


Well-Known Member
I like Bobrova/Soloviev`s FD, it suits them and is miles better than that weird Bird program from 2014. The Short Dance is bad though, but Latin isn`t exactly their strong suit. I think any rhythm would have been better for them than Latin American.

I like their free dance but she is dialing it in.Not so sure about him


RIP D-10
Samarin didn't have much choreography in his programs, but he looked like a senior, not a junior, at Skate Canada. I don't know where he'll go career-wise, but if he can keep landing those jumps, I think he'll be competitive internally.


Well-Known Member
I feel bad that Soloviev is one of the best Male ice dancers Russia has ever had (IMO) but will retire with a lesser career than the likes of Kostomorov and Shabulin who didn't have half of his talent! How could no one manage to fix Bobrova's carriage?!


Grumpy Cynical Ice Dance Lover
I feel bad that Soloviev is one of the best Male ice dancers Russia has ever had (IMO) but will retire with a lesser career than the likes of Kostomorov and Shabulin who didn't have half of his talent! How could no one manage to fix Bobrova's carriage?!
Maybe because Zhulin hasn't had a decent tech coach for the past two seasons? IMO Volkov then Denis leaving was a blow to his students, and B&S feel it. Add to that dear Zhulin thought he could "fix" Katsalapov and didn't bother to give B&S a decent SD...


Well-Known Member
Soloviev also skates in an era where he is up against teams like Virtue/Moir and Papadakis/Cizeron, not an easy hurdle to overcome.


Well-Known Member
I like their free dance but she is dialing it in.Not so sure about him
She has nothing but blind people cliches. Grabbing at air! Blank look! It’s just the worst. Pechalat was a little better at it but shes no pechalat!
Soloviev also skates in an era where he is up against teams like Virtue/Moir and Papadakis/Cizeron, not an easy hurdle to overcome.

He’s never had a coach as good as zueva spiliband or dubreuil. He went from kustarova to zhulin! The worst in the business!


Grumpy Cynical Ice Dance Lover
I disagree about Kustarova. I have been impressed with how she handled Elena's mess of last season. And in only 4 months, she has put Tiff&Jon back on track.
IMO when B&S left her, it gave her something to work on, and IMO she has been working her ass off to become a better technical coach. Her juniors aren't as bad as they used to be. She still has work to do in style and choreography, but at least, she's putting in the effort to get there.
She learnt from this.


Well-Known Member
I disagree about Kustarova. I have been impressed with how she handled Elena's mess of last season. And in only 4 months, she has put Tiff&Jon back on track.
IMO when B&S left her, it gave her something to work on, and IMO she has been working her ass off to become a better technical coach. Her juniors aren't as bad as they used to be. She still has work to do in style and choreography, but at least, she's putting in the effort to get there.
She learnt from this.
If you compare her current top junior team Skoptcova/Aleshin to her former students, I think there is an improvement in her coaching, but Kustarova still has to work on packaging and gaining higher GOE. Her teams usually do better with the Short Dance than Free Dance, where Kustarova often makes it harder than it has to be for her teams.

Even with the low FD score, Z/G skated well in China. With the exception of the spin, they got all their levels with a technical panel, that seemed to be stricter than in Russia and Canada. Now, they have to work on their GOE and the second part of their FD.


Well-Known Member
I disagree about Kustarova. I have been impressed with how she handled Elena's mess of last season. And in only 4 months, she has put Tiff&Jon back on track.
Kustarova and Alexeeva are great technical coaches, they have proved it many times. And don't forget about I/Z's first season, when this coaching team did a great job with Elena and Ruslan.
Afaik, Alexeeva is also a very strict coach, she makes skaters work really hard. Maybe that' why Elena left them :D
I agree, Tiff&Jon improved a lot since last season and even since test skates.

Kustarova just has to find a great choreographer, but, honestly speaking, most of the Russian coaches have to do the same :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Kustarova and Alexeeva are great technical coaches, they have proved it many times. And don't forget about I/Z's first season, when this coaching team did a great job with Elena and Ruslan.
Afaik, Alexeeva is also a very strict coach, she makes skaters work really hard. Maybe that' why Elena left them :D
I agree, Tiff&Jon improved a lot since last season and even since test skates.

Kustarova just has to find a great choreographer, but, honestly speaking, most of the Russian coaches have to do the same :rolleyes:
Z/G worked with Tchernyshev this year, so this is a good step in the right direction. I would like them to work one day with David Wilson, I think this could work really well for Z/G. What I like about Kustarova and Alexeeva is that they are always very open in letting their students work with outside people.


Grumpy Cynical Ice Dance Lover
I wish she'd have given Tiff one of her curtain's style of dress for the FD :EVILLE:

Perky Shae Lynn

Well-Known Member
I like Bobrova/Soloviev`s FD, it suits them and is miles better than that weird Bird program from 2014. The Short Dance is bad though, but Latin isn`t exactly their strong suit. I think any rhythm would have been better for them than Latin American.
I wonder what the heck is going on. I think she's pregnant. I mean, who would go into the Olympic season this.... out of shape otherwise? They are both great people and super-dedicated. Have tons of respect for them, just don't know what up with Bobrova.


Well-Known Member
Mishin wants Liza to put the 3a in the SP as well from now on.

Well, she'll need it. And a bit more.

How would Tuktamysheva be able to fit in 8 triples in the long program given the current layout? I think that's her only chance to overtake Radionova (I think she can get by Sotskova, though Maria's been quite consistent this season).


Well-Known Member
How would Tuktamysheva be able to fit in 8 triples in the long program given the current layout?

This is what she did at CoC:


2a 2a seq

I'd change the 3s to a 3z.

Then I'd replace the 2a seq to a 3s 2a seq (as she did back when she won worlds)

I think that'd work. 7 passes, 8 triples.

Obviously easier said than done :lol: Problem is, her stamina seems to be in question these days. Might be a tough ask.

But before even that, she needs to get some oomph into those progammes and her skating. It looked a little slow and laboured in China. Mishin said she was nervous for the LP. Her skating needs freeing up and sizing up, but maybe that's a confidence thing and will come in time.
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alchemy void

Post-its for the win.
I think the most realistic jump layout for Tuk would be:



Significantly riskier, but it should net her a few more points, at least.

But layback level 2 and an uninspired performance probably hurt her more than the jump layout today. Radionova's technique is such a hot mess (and her basic skating looks more labored than Tuk's to me as well) but her ability to sell the hell out of the program transcends those major flaws.


New Member
Oh please, don't let be fooled by that ugly FD music. That program is great, and coming from me? LOL :)

That FD is a jewel that Zhulin can't seem to work on well. Too bad because it's their best FD by far.
The problem is, they should have had that program last season, then it would have been somewhat innovative given Radu Poklitaru's reputation in contemporary choreography (partially, due to his successful execution of Jiří Kylián choreo in Eastern Europe). I just refuse to understand why they were not able to start developing that collaboration with him one season BEFORE the Olympics, not the season OF.

As a result, the program comes across as redundant because of prevalence of PC over several seasons and Poklitaru just did not have enough time to figure out how to work his choreography into the realities of modern ice dance. Not to mention, even during this season preparation, he was busy and would come to work with them whenever he had time.
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New Member
This is grammatically wrong. I think we have just found the only person below the age of 25 who would use that.

No, I never did. And there is a difference between 'old hags' and someone on the TV.

Am not sure how is Ilinykh/Medvedeva making grammatical mistakes (all the time) is related, but then I never get your (lack of) logic anyway.

I sincerely apologize for my untimely comment on Lena's commentator experience last week (as a prominent lurker, I've finally got a chance to register!) but I just really wanted to say that in spite of the obvious issues with proper speech, pronunciation, annunciation, etc (which, I'm sure if at some point she considers that as her career path after competitive ice dancing, she'll actually take lessons, enroll in a program, find a speech coach or whatnot) I'd say she did a wonderful job. It was refreshing to finally watch a figure skating competition with my native language without Tarasova's negativity, Stavisky's sexist/borderline homophobic comments, and just hear some positive things (coupled with a lot of respect for the hard work they do about those) figure skaters.

Previously, I would dread watching any of Lena's interviews for the reasons outlined in the previous paragraph. In fact, I'd dread listening to the vast majority of Russian figure skaters being interviewed beginning with the first time Yagudin shocked us all with his improper and incoherent speech at the time after the flawless Salt Lake performance. And yes, she is clearly novice in this business but regardless, I was surprised to find out it was "nice" to listen to her because there was no said negativity, unnecessary criticism, disrespect, discriminatory comments, comments about someone's weight that contribute to the problem of anorexia in Russian FS, and it was civil - an adjective 99% of Russian commentator are unfamiliar with. Yes, during Tarasova times it was fine back in the days to make derogatory comments about someone (who we already suspect is struggling with an eating disorder) but the society has changed and times are different. What was previously lauded as "Russian frankness" has now seen by many as negativity, bullying, tackiness and like I said, it lack civility, politeness, and class.

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