Deep freeze 2019


Socialist Canada
The news reports about this deep freeze is scary as heck! We had a storm here with wind chills in the -30 range which played havoc with public transit. There were also some motorists who were stuck on the highways for hours, and others took hours to get home on Monday instead of minutes. On Tuesday getting to my clients was torture but I only fell once! LOL And one bus I took got stuck for a while but thankfully not for long. But we did pass three buses shutdown on the roadside! They are saying some parts of the US feels colder than Antarctica! So how is everyone doing with this latest deep freeze?
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Well-Known Member


Better off than 2020
It's supposed to be warmer tomorrow like a temp of 11 F., which is good because we will be "burying" my fIl and mil remains. The National Cemetery couldn't do it today, so the funeral was all indoors.

It's currently reached the high of -4 F with feels like -20 F temp. I think it was -20 F during the night, not sure of the feels like temp at that time.

Skate Talker

Well-Known Member
Oh you people - living in a tropical paradise!

This morning it was -39 C here, which pretty much translates to the same in Farenheit (-40C and 40 below F are exactly the same). This is before you factor in the windchill. Thankfully right here it was not that windy but a number or nearby places were below -50C once that's factored in)

So this morning I was off to get a haircut. Gave myself an extra 10 minutes to warm it up because we have been in a deep freeze for over a week now and I haven't had the car out since last Friday. (Too much skating this weekend to venture out.)
It is parked in an old un-insulated, detached garage next to an open field and was not plugged since the vehicle came without a block heater. Dealer says the way they are made now and with the synthetic oils, they don't need it - he promised me. Well I could tell it was cold when I turned the key but it started first try - so I guess he was right. Yup it was pretty cold out there...

Edited to add - just read your post, once_upon. Sorry for your loss. Sister of my aunt died a few years ago in December and her one wish was not to have her ashed interred until summer because she couldn't bear the thought of the cold.


scratching at the light
-30/-35 with the wind chill here. None of our vehicles are parked in a garage, and my son had to replace his car battery yesterday, and now my husband’s truck battery is not cooperating. My car is fine so far. For some reason our furnace doesn’t want to heat up any more than 64, even tho it’s set for 68.
We have another day of this bitter cold and then it’s supposed to warm up a bit, which is good because we are moving my son into his first apartment this weekend.


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
I live in Arizona and I sympathize with those dealing with the frigid air. I remember the time when I was visiting my cousin in Chicago in December and one day the wind chill dropped to minus 58 deg. F. I went for a walk to experience that. I didn't go very far before I turned around. I couldn't feel my feet, but I made it back safely. Last year I visited Alaska in winter (March) and it was very cold but it couldn't compare with -58 deg F wind chill.
My cousin said that usually such cold does not last this long. This time it has been 48 hours.

Stay warm, you all. Take all the precautions and stay home if you can. It is going to warm up in a few days.


Not Auto-Tuned
Chicago here, my office closed today and tomorrow, which is the first time in its history. Two of our train lines are not running until Friday, and there are many, many businesses closed.

I find it funny that there are news reports all over (even across the pond in England where my cousins live) that talk about how Chicago is so cold, they have to use fire to keep the train tracks warm. I commute to work on those trains, and it doesn't need to be zero weather before they turn on the switch fires, that happens when it's much warmer than it is right now.


Well-Known Member
Got down to -31F again last night. Another freezing cold night tonight and then the temps will start rising. Hope we are done with this for winter 2019. :cold:


Well-Known Member
-4 here right now. I haven't left the house since Monday afternoon. I had to stuff plastic bags around the door frame to keep the drafts out yesterday. It's supposed to snow tonight 2-3" and be in the 50's this weekend. Which means water main breaks.


I see the sea
One of the theories on why the polar vortex has dipped down from the arctic is because of melting sea ice (from global warming).
Apparently it's warm air from Morocco splitting the polar vortex and leaving it to go places it doesn't belong.

It has not wandered to Israel, where it's mostly sunny and around 60F.


scratching at the light
-23, windchills to -40, but, like yesterday, nice and sunny. Furnace still not cooperating, but the husband thinks he knows what's wrong (something to do with moisture and the sensor) - temp was down to 58F in the house overnight, despite being set at 68. I kept hitting the reset button before I left for work and got it up to 62 for the cats. No school buses running but apparently the schools are still open. My college is, of course, open. I think in the 19 years I have worked here, we have only shut down one day when we had a ton of snow.

Skate Talker

Well-Known Member
Well we got down to -39C again last night but just for added fun, a main power line went out with a terrific bang at 3:30 in the morning and they weren't able to get our power back up for us until almost 8 am - could be worse. It only got down to 57 F before the furnace came back on, but I had a couple of blown fuses to cope with this morning. Fortunately I have mini-breakers in some that just needed a reset and just enough spare fuses for the rest. Time to restock!


AYS's snark-sponge
Stupid southerner type question: If its too dangerous to be outside, what do people do about their dogs needs? :eek:


Well-Known Member
10*! And it has been sunny for two days, which does help. I'd rather have it 0* and sunny than 50 and damp. This house holds the heat or humidity, whichever. The only thing that has hurt is my left thigh every once in awhile when walking.

Here's an irritating thing that I always think about, and someone just mentioned on the Miamisburg FB page about warming centers - they are open till 9 or 10 p.m. Well, geez, you have to go out in the cold to go there, and then leave after dark when it is even colder and more dangerous. This is not homeless shelters, just places for ordinary residents to go during the day. I don't get it.


A bitch from Canada
Stupid southerner type question: If its too dangerous to be outside, what do people do about their dogs needs? :eek:

My dog just pees faster. :lol:

If it's really cold, we'll put a sweater on her before letting her out. And usually she wanders into the yard, but if it's too cold for her, she just pees on the deck right outside the door.


Well-Known Member
We just may have planned this well. We are going to Winnipeg this weekend. They have been in a deepfreeze beyond description but are going up to -12, -12, -17, for the time we are there. It has been nice here in Calgary and is plus 9 today and -7 tomorrow, but then drops to -24, -23 for the time we are away.


To Boldly Explore Figure Skating Around The World

Skate Talker

Well-Known Member
We just may have planned this well. We are going to Winnipeg this weekend. They have been in a deepfreeze beyond description but are going up to -12, -12, -17, for the time we are there. It has been nice here in Calgary and is plus 9 today and -7 tomorrow, but then drops to -24, -23 for the time we are away.
Temperature better yes, but right now they are saying starting early Sunday morning snow and a total of 15-25 cm, then another 5 cm on Monday. Enjoy!
Edited due to new forecast - now 2 snow events - Sat night to Sunday, then Sunday night thru Monda.
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Well-Known Member
it's kind of funny how fast they do their business! No other reason to be outside in this cold.
During the blizzard of 78, my mom put papers down in the garage for our dachshund!
When I had my Sadie, I used to go out in the backyard and shovel a big area for her to go. She'd walk under the overhang where there wasn't any snow and go and come right back. And flop over on her back right inside the door to get her paws and "unders" (that's her stomach and chest, not female parts!; she had short legs!) dried. Spoiled? Yep.
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scratching at the light
Husband did some jiggery-pokery with the furnace settings and we are sitting at a balmy 67 now.


Well-Known Member
Stupid southerner type question: If its too dangerous to be outside, what do people do about their dogs needs? :eek:

Dogs have fur coats. :p

I grew up in Northern Canada, and don't recall letting our dog out in frigid temps to have ever been an issue.

And on the rare occasions when its snows here in the Pacific Northwest and the temperature drops below zero, Bandit just loves being outside. Its heat he doesn't like, and my previous two dogs, a golden and a lab/shepherd cross, were the same. I would prefer it to be the other way round, but many dogs are bred for cool/cold climates.

Peaches LaTour

Well-Known Member
I feel your frigid pain. I lived much of my life in New England & then the Midwest so I understand what truly cold weather & white-out conditions are all about.

Now I live in the PNW & we are expecting temps in the 20's next week with the possibility of up to three inches of snow. For natives here, that is life-threatening temps & blizzard conditions. They don't have a clue..

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