Cipres accused of sexual misconduct

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Throwing the (rule)book at them
The whole pic culture thing- if you go on Grindr, especially in a big city, trust me- you're going to get endless first messages with such photos. Many times before a greeting. Obviously, it's known as more of a quick hook-up app but almost all of the gay apps are the same even if your profile suggests you are looking for friends or dates. I know that Tinder has even started to skew that way as well. Obviously, photos within the app itself aren't a thing but I know plenty of people that get to that level as soon as texting or 'what's your Instagram?' begins. And trust me, in the younger circles, it is ALL about Instagram and people ask for that way before they'd even think to ask for a phone number.

Snapchat, IIRC since the beginning, has had an option for photos that disappear after viewing one time. Instagram followed a few years ago. Obviously you know why the majority of people are using this feature. It's not anything new.

Orm Irian

Well-Known Member
I didn’t know it was a thing and am still puzzled by any guy who thinks it’s a turn-on.

That's the thing. They don't think it's a turn-on for you (generic you) to receive it. They get turned on by taking it and sending in the full knowledge that it's unwanted and may in fact cause distress.

Consensual sexting between partners is a different matter, but unsolicited dick pics and situations like the one Cipres is accused of are all about the sender.

my little pony

polishing Madison Hubbell's OGM
when I was a teenager I worked at a photo developing place and every day at least 1 person dropped off an entire roll of old school film of their dicks. whole rolls of sitting on the toilet were also popular but not as popular as dicks. piles of dead fish were 3rd most popular wtf roll.


Well-Known Member
when I was a teenager I worked at a photo developing place and every day at least 1 person dropped off an entire roll of old school film of their dicks. whole rolls of sitting on the toilet were also popular but not as popular as dicks. piles of dead fish were 3rd most popular wtf roll.

I thought that’s what Polaroid cameras were meant for.


Well-Known Member
How many of you know someone who has sent or received pictures of a random person's penis?

I was 18 years old and sleeping with my girlfriend outdoors overnight in Europe (low budget trip) when we woke up to a man playing with himself just in front of us.

To give another example. In the 70s 'date rape' was not yet a term. When women of my age look back on being teens, too many remember incidences of date rape.

Not the same thing, but close enough.

Unfortunately inappropriate sexual behavior toward teen ladies and girls is nothing new, and frightfully common.
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Cowardly admin
Staff member
On another issue, I’m thinking about the timing of Brennan’s story, right after the GPF. A story like this took time to check out, it was probably in the works for at least a week, maybe more. I wonder if the parents’ decision to go to her had something to do with the growing prominence of Fontana and Zimmerman, with another rising skater in the GPF. Or it could have something to do with the Safesport interviews. Don’t know.


Well-Known Member
People must have been living under a rock if they think unsolicited dick pix aren’t common. I once got a FB message from a former colleague. We weren’t friends or anything. Just colleagues. He said “Yo what up” said his gf had just dumped him and without waiting for me to respond sent over dick pix.

Foolhardy Ham Lint

Well-Known Member
The whole pic culture thing- if you go on Grindr, especially in a big city, trust me- you're going to get endless first messages with such photos. Many times before a greeting. Obviously, it's known as more of a quick hook-up app but almost all of the gay apps are the same even if your profile suggests you are looking for friends or dates. I know that Tinder has even started to skew that way as well. Obviously, photos within the app itself aren't a thing but I know plenty of people that get to that level as soon as texting or 'what's your Instagram?' begins. And trust me, in the younger circles, it is ALL about Instagram and people ask for that way before they'd even think to ask for a phone number.

Snapchat, IIRC since the beginning, has had an option for photos that disappear after viewing one time. Instagram followed a few years ago. Obviously you know why the majority of people are using this feature. It's not anything new.

Once, I belonged to an Elephant dating site. After a while, I lost count of the unsolicited tusk and trunk pics I was getting.


Well-Known Member
This must be hard on Vanessa. It's possible she has known for some time that Morgan has this 'bent', for lack of a better word. It's also possible she had no idea, or that this was just a one-time thing for C.

It's likely that loyalty to Morgan would be her inclination, as least until a legal decision is made.

In any case, she is probably looking at her having her future as a FS being taken away from her, competitively and in shows. I would think J/C's goal was/is the 2022 Olympics, and possibly a medal there.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Putting the discussion around unsolicited dick pics aside, this dick pic was solicited. The victims were asked / dared to request a dick pic and promised a pizza as a reward.

That is a major part. Not that you should ever be in the state of mind that engaging in such talks/actions with a 13 year old is okay, but a big question remains on how exactly she went about asking and maybe even if it was persistent.

I’m not giving Cipres any outs, but I still want to know what other coach wanted out of all of it— and I see he happens to be from Miami.


Well-Known Member
Putting the discussion around unsolicited dick pics aside, this dick pic was solicited. The victims were asked / dared to request a dick pic and promised a pizza as a reward.
The article said that a coach told her and another girl to ask him for a picture. It doesn't say that she did ask. So actually, we don't know that.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
The article said that a coach told her and another girl to ask him for a picture. It doesn't say that she did ask. So actually, we don't know that.

That was part of the narrative that was given, and I’m sure it had to be given as it was also mentioned that the messages were reviewed (showing they came from Cipres’ account) and it would have to be explained why she would be the one to initiate the talks- hence why we got the pizza reward story.


Well-Known Member
Irrespective of the situation and the outcome, anyone in the public eye is at risk of having their reputation targeted.

Whether the facts are true or not, you only have to look at scandal magazines that make all sorts of claims about celebrities.

This has certainly been a rocky year for skating's public image.

False rumours do happen all the time, and can damage a person's reputation. But this is an official complaint being investigated by SafeSport and the police, not some story in the National Enquirer. What exactly is the point in comparing the two?

I'm not saying everything that's alleged in the article is true (I don't know) but there's a difference between targeting a celebrity by spreading anonymous rumours and putting yourself out there by making an official complaint. Even if it's anonymous, chances are people in the skating world will figure out who you are. It's not going to be a fun experience.


Beach Bum
I’ve been flashed in the park in NYC, and even looked up from reading a book to realize that the guy next to me was jerking off (and I got my legs out of the way just in time). But I’ve never been sent a dick pic, thank god Im old.

Foolhardy Ham Lint

Well-Known Member
False rumours do happen all the time, and can damage a person's reputation. But this is an official complaint being investigated by SafeSport and the police, not some story in the National Enquirer. What exactly is the point in comparing the two?

I'm not saying everything that's alleged in the article is true (I don't know) but there's a difference between targeting a celebrity by spreading anonymous rumours and putting yourself out there by making an official complaint. Even if it's anonymous, chances are people in the skating world will figure out who you are. It's not going to be a fun experience.

That Christine Brennan and her self-serving agenda broke the news doesn't look good for anyone.


Well-Known Member
That Christine Brennan and her self-serving agenda broke the news doesn't look good for anyone.

She has actual data in hand and on the record statements. She is a proponent of getting stories of abuses (Ashley on Coughlin’s advances) out there, which in this case got the Safe Sport investigation started for this incident. I’d say we need to thank her.


Well-Known Member
After reading this thread, it was sort of crazy to read all the generous interpretations regarding Cipres’ role here. I think the book should be thrown at Zimmerman and Fontana once due process takes its course and the evidence shows they committed with they were alleged to have committed, but I don’t like the way some have framed it as saying what they did was “worse” than what Cipres was alleged to have committed of doing. I kind of think doing so it giving him an out. Let’s not forget Cipres and downplay his alleged act here as well. Basically, I don’t like the competition rhetoric here. Just talk about all the issues of those in power who refuse to protect their students equally because their Star students are deemed more important and as a result engage in behavior of intimidation to chill the accuser’s willingness to go public/forward with her accusation without framing it as being “worse” than the act of a man well into adulthood sending a 13 year old girl a dick pic.

As for all the dick pic stuff, I think it’s a weird thing to argue about. I mean tons of articles were generously provided and people are responding with their life experience or the life experience of people they know thinking dick pics are common. They aren’t always unwelcome and some people enjoy it, but the issue is when it is u solicited. The way many men use it towards women who want to be treated more than just a profile pic who will react to it. Many just do it to creep women out or just to show women they are only there to please it. Just accept it’s a common act and stop challenging the fact that it is.

In Cipres’ case, unsolicited or solicited, he still allegedly sent the pic most likely knowing who was receiving it...a 13 year old girl.

Deleted member 221

The article said that a coach told her and another girl to ask him for a picture. It doesn't say that she did ask. So actually, we don't know that.

If the girls did not message Cipres asking him for a dick pic, then how is Dispenza involved? Logically, I don't see any way in which Dispenza is involved (as the family alleges) unless the girls did what he said. If they got the dick pic through other means, then his alleged involvement and the pizza story would have no relevance.

Even if she did, the response was still wrong.

Absolutely agree. I'm not defending him at all, just pointing out that the dick pic had to have been solicited, if you believe the claim that Dispenza was involved. Many people on the thread are speculating about unsolicited dick pics, which does not have relevance here.

I’m not giving Cipres any outs, but I still want to know what other coach wanted out of all of it

There could be more to the story. Brennan is reporting on what appears to be concrete evidence; there could be other allegations without enough evidence to report in the media. My guess is Dispenza wanted proof of something, but I'm not going to speculate further.

Awful situation, all-around.


Well-Known Member
After reading this thread, it was sort of crazy to read all the generous interpretations regarding Cipres’ role here. I think the book should be thrown at Zimmerman and Fontana once due process takes its course and the evidence shows they committed with they were alleged to have committed, but I don’t like the way some have framed it as saying what they did was “worse” than what Cipres was alleged to have committed of doing. I kind of think doing so it giving him an out. Let’s not forget Cipres and downplay his alleged act here as well. Basically, I don’t like the competition rhetoric here.

I don't think that anyone is giving Cipres an out here.

What is particularly disturbing about F/Z'm alleged complicity here is that they are in position that requires them to ensure the safety of children and teens.

Cipres is just one person. But if people responsible for the safety of kids fail to do their duty, many kids under their charge could be being sexually abused or harassed.

And, many kids have, in FS and other domains of life. :(

I'm still completely :confused::wall: about their alleged response.


Well-Known Member
TBH one of my big takeaways from this story so far is that, when compounded with the Coughlin one and Dalilah Sappenfield's actions there, we need to hold coaches and other adults more accountable for what they know. Should they stick their noses into the private matters of students? That's debatable - I think they have a duty to do so if there's reasonable suspicion of misconduct so they can report the misconduct to the proper authorities, but others may disagree. But I think the important thing is that if for whatever reason, if they do know, they should be required to report it. Like those of us that are mandated reporters they should face consequences if they don't report something like this and should face further consequences (like bans) if they try to suppress or discourage reporting of any such instance. It's disgusting that it seems they are never held responsible for enabling abuse.


Well-Known Member
And trust me, in the younger circles, it is ALL about Instagram and people ask for that way before they'd even think to ask for a phone number.

I attended a youth cybersecurity training not too long ago and one of the things that stood out to me was when the trainer said it used to be that someone would send/request nudes after one or more dates. Now, however, it's more common that sending/requesting nudes happens even before the first date like it's a prerequisite to getting a date. And it's almost always done (in younger groups) via social media apps with a DM function.


Reformed Manspreader
Slander is really difficult to win in the US, the plaintiff has to prove that the journalist deliberately published a story s/he knew to be untrue. It’s why outraged people sue in the UK if they can and our dear prez has threatened to change the US libel laws.
Well, libel generally is considered a "reckless disregard" for the truth in journalism ; it can also refer to a lack of due diligence within fact checking or, in some cases , the cherry picking of facts.


Well-Known Member
I attended a youth cybersecurity training not too long ago and one of the things that stood out to me was when the trainer said it used to be that someone would send/request nudes after one or more dates. Now, however, it's more common that sending/requesting nudes happens even before the first date like it's a prerequisite to getting a date. And it's almost always done (in younger groups) via social media apps with a DM function.
Wait what?
I'm younger than most people on this forum (a young millenial) and know many people in many different scenes - social butterflies that have multiple boyfriends, people who are part of hookup culture, social introverts who hardly date, young divorcees, the notoriously sexually charged band geeks (the reputation is apparently not wrong), a couple Olympic/elite athletes, etc. and never have I ever heard of nudes being a date prerequisite. I do hear about people sending unsolicited nudes or requesting nudes too early in a relationship (both usually leading to immediate rejection). For the most part they're more of something sent between people in a relationship, and even then a lot of people don't send or take them due to the chance of revenge porn or people accidentally seeing them. If anything the recent celeb nude leaks and the rise of unsolicited nudes/requests for nudes has made the whole thing fall out of favor unless you're talking about internet jokes.

So anecdotally I think what that cybersecurity trainer said was BS.

Foolhardy Ham Lint

Well-Known Member
The first time I saw a dick pic was in a psychology class in 1982 or thereabouts. The guy sitting behind me pulled an actual photo out of his wallet to show me.

I also got flashed a few times when I was young and was once accosted by a rubber in my friendly neighborhood drugstore.

So it's not a big shock to me that dick pics are a thing on social media. But in case you need more information on this, here's an article and another article. I can supply more if you can't Google for yourself.

Complete strangers generally don't send dick pics (and that isn't what happened here, either), but men will send them to women they know only via social media. Or women they are interested in; some of them think it's flirting.

Email is not how it's usually done, either.

Me many times over. Most of them are students. But I have a friend who likes to chat with random people online when she plays games like WWF and she has received quite a few, too.

I once received a duck pic. They were quackers.
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