Alina Zagitova/interview: Only strong people remain in sport. You can learn a lot from them.


discriminating and persnickety ballet aficionado
I don’t think it is that hard to achieve for athletes. They exercise a lot. As a result they are thirsty, so they keep drinking. Within my 2 hours skating session I often managed to get through 2 litres of water if I worked hard. If they skate longer, let’s say 5-6 hours, and kept drinking the rate I did, I don’t think having 6 litres water would be healthy.
And yet we haven’t heard of a problem. I think a knowledge of physiology would help. Our kidneys are capable of a lot. Plus it’s a workout so some is lost through sweat.

Also drinking electrolyte water would take care of any (unrealistic) concerns.

The one real concern is having to pee during practice or goodness forbid, a performance. But drinking less the next day is too late


Values her privacy
And yet we haven’t heard of a problem. I think a knowledge of physiology would help. Our kidneys are capable of a lot. Plus it’s a workout so some is lost through sweat.

Also drinking electrolyte water would take care of any (unrealistic) concerns.

The one real concern is having to pee during practice or goodness forbid, a performance. But drinking less the next day is too late
I don’t know if you haven’t heard of that problem, but I have.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Your analysis doesn't hold water.

Sorry. I could not resist. :slinkaway
Your understanding of the word "analysis" needs adjustment..;)

I think I just learned more than I wanted to know. Thanks for that! Not sure how I can get out of my head thinking of my favourite skaters having leaks and stains.. :yikes::yikes::scream::scream::scream:
Oh, i read quite a long blog discussion once (within last 2-3 years) where pair skaters were talking about lifts, and pressure on various points around the abdomen area, and liquid accidents and "when not to drink" and what can happen if you drink too much or too close to comp or practice.. :D ... and then singles skaters joined in about "what happens inside you when you take a hard fall on your butt, or rather what you can't control inside you".. :lol:*&output-format=auto&output-quality=auto
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discriminating and persnickety ballet aficionado
I don’t know if you haven’t heard of that problem, but I have.
Did someone have an arrhythmia? Was an ambulance called? Hello electrolyte water?

It’s a problem when you have to pee at a bad time. So as mentioned, having a full bladder for practice or comp is a bad idea. What is the problem otherwise?
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Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
I guess this is as good of a place as any, to say that Japanese people and event organizers are probably the MOST gracious, welcoming, and kind hosts! :40beers:

They treat Alina as if she is one of their own. Such hospitality! When they learned few days ago that Alina is interested to open a Sushi restaurant in Moscow (after she finishes with skating), they arranged a sushi making class for her... on top of many wonderful events and experiences they organized for her.
"sushi part" is @ 8:55

Japan is one of the greatest countries on earth (imho!) :respec::respec:


Values her privacy
Dod someone have an arrhythmia? Was an ambulance called? Hello electrolyte water?

It’s a problem when you have to pee at a bad time. So as mentioned, having a full bladder for practice or comp is a bad idea. What is the problem otherwise?
The problem is the sodium levels in the blood. The person start feeling hot, have a headache, feel clammy, nausea, possibly vomiting. Then it can lead to swelling in the brain, seasures, coma and possibly death.
The issue isn’t whether the person in question should have drunk electrolyte water instead of normal water. We are discussing whether one can have too much water and my post was a response to someone who wrote that one can’t drink too much water. Well, one can. People can die with this. Perhaps not often, but it does happen.


discriminating and persnickety ballet aficionado
The problem is the sodium levels in the blood. The person start feeling hot, have a headache, feel clammy, nausea, possibly vomiting. Then it can lead to swelling in the brain, seasures, coma and possibly death.
The issue isn’t whether the person in question should have drunk electrolyte water instead of normal water. We are discussing whether one can have too much water and my post was a response to someone who wrote that one can’t drink too much water. Well, one can. People can die with this. Perhaps not often, but it does happen.
So how often has this happened in the context of this thread, elite skaters? Do you honestly think that this situation is applicable to Zagitova?
Let’s agree that it is possible to drink too much water which could lead to an electrolyte imbalance, but lets also agree that there is no indication whatsoever that Zag approached anything this catastrophic and maybe move on?
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Values her privacy
So how often has this happened in the context of this thread, elite skaters? Do you honestly think that this situation is applicable to Zagitova?
Let’s agree that it is possible to drink too much water which could lead to an electrolyte imbalance, but lets also agree that there is no indication whatsoever that Zag approached anything this catastrophic and maybe move on?
But I never said that Zagitova is approaching anything this catastrophic. As I said above, I am responding to a poster who believes that one can drink unlimited water. That’s not correct, one can’t unless the person wants to play with their health.


Well-Known Member
This is a translated interview. Maybe Alina is just trying to emphasize that she is paying attention to little details that could have an effect on her performance and gave an example of monitoring her water consumption. Elite athletes do weird things.


discriminating and persnickety ballet aficionado
This is a translated interview. Maybe Alina is just trying to emphasize that she is paying attention to little details that could have an effect on her performance and gave an example of monitoring her water consumption. Elite athletes do weird things.
I haven’t read the translation, just the original

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I actually know a woman living in a group home (paranoid schizophrenic) who says she gets in trouble with her caretakers for “drinking too much water.” I always thought it was her paranoia talking. Maybe not.


Well-Known Member
There are cases of athletes who have died after drinking large amounts of water/sports drinks.
There are several more examples from a basic Google search.
Everything should be in moderation and athletes especially should be aware of their own hydration needs. With that being said, I don't think she is drinking several gallons of water everyday.:lol:
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Well-Known Member
Actually, you can drink too much water. Then the level of salts in your blood drops and it can be fatal. Water intoxication.

But why would anyone drink too much water? It's not as if water has addictive qualities like peanuts or potato chips. The only reason I can think of is to balance out lots of salt, but I think the water is necessary in that case.

Perhaps some people on diets drink water just because they are hungry. It really bothers me to think that a young, healthy female (or male) athlete would do that. Ostensibly because they think it affects how flat their stomach is.

I don’t think it is that hard to achieve for athletes. They exercise a lot. As a result they are thirsty, so they keep drinking.

That makes sense to me and does not sound like a problem. People who exercise and/or sweat need more water.

Within my 2 hours skating session I often managed to get through 2 litres of water if I worked hard. If they skate longer, let’s say 5-6 hours, and kept drinking the rate I did, I don’t think having 6 litres water would be healthy.

Why not? 2 liters for 2 hours and 6 liters for six hours seems logical. Is there any evidence showing that such intake is problematic?

Skaters and athletes do have a liquid consumption regiment... it prevents "leaks" and "stains" during practice and competitions. That's why it is often so hard for them to produce a sample for a drug test right after an event.. ;)

That doesn't seem right to me as proper hydration is so important to an athlete. I can see an athlete doing okay skimping on food, but not on water.

I can remember Sasha Cohen expressing concern that she'd had too much water to drink prior to her free skate at 2010 Nationals. Maybe it's a thing skaters blame poor practices/performances on?

I think Sasha was obsessive about weight and diet. She explained her calorie-controlled and regimented diet in an interview once.

And I remember her saying "it must be the extra two pounds" in the KnK after she made a mistake in a program.

I suspect that Sasha traded strength for a lower weight while she was competing, which may have been part of the reason why she made mistakes. It's sad that an athlete would need to do that.

I think you mean that they restrict how much liquids they take in before a competition? My DD eats almost nothing the day of a big competition until after.

Does she also not drink water until after?


discriminating and persnickety ballet aficionado
There are cases of athletes who have died after drinking large amounts of water/sports drinks.
There are several more examples from a basic Google search.
Everything should be in moderation and athletes especially should be aware of their own hydration needs. With that being said, I don't think she is drinking several gallons of water everyday.:lol:
Oh wow, you Googled and found two confirned cases? Even fewer than I thought and even more irrelevant to Zag.


Values her privacy
Oh wow, you Googled and found two confirned cases? Even fewer than I thought and even more irrelevant to Zag.
Oh, so now we move the argument from ‘it doesn’t matter if one drinks too much water’ to ‘it is not relevant’? Maybe you should have started with basic google search to save time and energy on this discussion? If you don’t know, don’t argue about it!


discriminating and persnickety ballet aficionado
Oh, so now we move the argument from ‘it doesn’t matter if one drinks too much water’ to ‘it is not relevant’? Maybe you should have started with basic google search to save time and energy on this discussion? If you don’t know, don’t argue about it!
The argument was that it’s irrelevant all along. Maybe you should have worked on your reading comprehension skills to save time and energy on this discussion. See post #28. Seriously, which part is unlear? That this is an extreme occurrence or that it has no bearing on Zagitova?
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Well-Known Member
Oh wow, you Googled and found two confirned cases? Even fewer than I thought and even more irrelevant to Zag.
There is no need to be rude. :rolleyes:
Drinking too much water and dying from it is totally possible in some cases. It does happen in athletes and there are more than two cases if you google it. This is unlike the widespread assumption that no one can ever die from drinking too much water which was being discussed upthread. How can that be???... Water is good for you! You can pee all of it out. etc.
However, I did say that I don’t think Zagitova is doing that. Those are two different arguments which you are deliberately trying to misunderstand.


discriminating and persnickety ballet aficionado
There is no need to be rude. :rolleyes:
Drinking too much water and dying from it is totally possible in some cases. It does happen in athletes and there are more than two cases if you google it. This is unlike the widespread assumption that no one can ever die from drinking too much water which was being discussed upthread. How can that be???... Water is good for you! You can pee all of it out. etc.
However, I did say that I don’t think Zagitova is doing that. Those are two different arguments which you are deliberately trying to misunderstand.
kindly show me where I said it’s impossible to OD on water. Do people just fire at will on this thread without reading or what...:rolleyes:

Why is the concept that this is an extreme occurrence that requires large amounts of water so hard to grasp?
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Well-Known Member
:rofl: re the intricate Alina water-intake discussion. I thought there were a lot more interesting things to discuss about that interview than Alina's reference to her water intake. :lol::p
Really? I though the fact that she gave a lengthy interview and all people are talking about is google searches on deadly water intake that has noting to do with her sums up zag's career perfectly :p


Banned Member
Really? I though the fact that she gave a lengthy interview and all people are talking about is google searches on deadly water intake that has noting to do with her sums up zag's career perfectly :p

Aw come on. Tee hee... Maybe then google searches need to be undertaken to figure out why the entire skating community mostly supported Zagitova winning competition after competition last season, and especially the ultimate medal of all. And that the OGM battle absolutely had to be only between Zag and Med, with Osmond an afterthought.

Zag definitely has talent. There were scads of fans who are critical of Zag now who were singing her praises when she won junior Worlds over Honda. Some of Zag's critics of course are anxious Med fans. What both ladies had going for them was the Eteri-mystique (forged via relentless training, and a combination of smoke and mirrors, Russian aesthetic tradition, and Western approaches to packaging). Both are talented, determined and usually consistent, which of course are factors in their success. But the judges' blind gifting to them of PCS out-the-wazoo has been a huge factor. Plus Osmond took herself out of the OGM conversation early in the season when she had opportunities to trounce Zagitova, but didn't.

Zag/Med's success has also been due to politics, the skating community's fawning love for the baby ballerina phenomenon and Russian skaters' reputation for flawless technique and artistic chops. Nevermind that Zag and Med both have flawed technique, lack speed, and lack height on their jumps in comparison to Osmond. And above all, Zag and Med may have artistic potential, but neither so far truly hold a candle to Osmond artistically and interpretively. Med comes close artistically, but she still needs seasoning, and Zag even more-so. Zag's shortcomings are more obvious sans tutu camouflage. I always felt that Zag has a more modern dance vibe rather than balletic talent. But I guess putting a Russian 'baby ballerina' in a tutu skating to iconic classical ballet music works as a clever hook. Because it did.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member

Deleted member 53443

There is no need to be rude. :rolleyes:
Drinking too much water and dying from it is totally possible in some cases. It does happen in athletes and there are more than two cases if you google it. This is unlike the widespread assumption that no one can ever die from drinking too much water which was being discussed upthread. How can that be???... Water is good for you! You can pee all of it out. etc.
However, I did say that I don’t think Zagitova is doing that. Those are two different arguments which you are deliberately trying to misunderstand.

There has never been a serious discussion about if you can drink too much water outside of the context of the article. Of course you can die of drinking water if you drink crazy amount of gallons in a short time. Just like you can probably die of meatballs if you eat tens of thousands of them in a short time.


Beach Bum
Is she saying that she is just figuring out what works for her as a pre-performance routine prior to a big senior competition? If she drinks a lot of water, then she has to run to the bathroom after the warm up and take off her costume -- distracting. You want to perform on an empty stomach so the water would slosh around. Believe me, you can feel it and hear it. Or if you didn't eat for too long before the warm up, you might be feeling weak. As a kid, she was able to just show up and bang it out and be done. Now she's grown, and she is just now finding her routine for these big competitions where you have to wait and wait. That is how I read it.

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