2023-24 US Pairs Discussion - Chan you count Howe many teams we have?

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Well-Known Member
It’s interesting that they are spending this time in Canada when Danny was so clear about wanting to be based in CO Springs.
Tin foil hat time. I have no evidence to this. But I think she wasn’t making any progress in the throws. In my limited observation Bruno’s teams usually are strong on the throws. Again I have nothing to back this up but this is my theory.


Flop era commenced
Do you mean her Instagram story clip? (I missed seeing it, if so.) Hanns/Neudecker still have train for the Pairs Final, Nov. 7-12 in Tacoma, WA.

Honestly Hanns/Neudecker never made a LOT of sense to me in the first placed based on their scores during the summer comps and even after John Nicks IPC and the Broadmoor Fall Classic. I can understand, to an extent, the rationale of giving them a chance to get on the ISU SB, but nothing I was seeing score/protocol-wise gave me much confidence in that decision.

Martins/Bedard are no great shakes, but they've at least managed 150+ at a Challenger, so they're not going to embarrass themselves out there and probably won't be destined to finish last.
I thought GP assignments were pretty locked in if decided by the federation unless there is injury. That's why I was surprised to see they are actively training and not injured but were still replaced one week before SA. I haven't heard of USFSA doing that in a while but it does make sense in this case.


Absolute Skating shared 6 Plazas/Fernandez photos from Nebelhorn Trophy and transcribed their mixed zone quotes: https://www.instagram.com/p/CynG2VyIxSs/

V: It's a bit disappointing regarding the jumps because we've been working very hard on them. But overall, we've been getting much better at, for example, warming up, doing everything in the warmup. So right now we need to keep moving forward and take the next step by executing it in the program. On the throw, I had a two-foot landing because my arm was too far back, so keeping the left arm in front is our toughest battle, well, mine.

(about SP and classical music)
M: We did a classical program two years ago, and we had SP to "The Sleeping Beauty." We really enjoy classical music, so I asked for it. I can truly connect with it. My mom was a ballerina, a prima ballerina. She's from Peru, trained in Cuba, then went to England, and later to Miami. It runs in my family, and when we were younger, we loved watching the Miami ballet. Our coach, Mr. Peterson, has opened our eyes to ballet as well. Whenever we were in Sarasota, we used to go to the Sarasota ballet, and now in Detroit, and whenever we get a chance in New York, we try to see Broadway shows. He is our teacher both on and off the ice, showing us everything to help us grow.

(about FS)
V: Yes, our free skate is set to the “Top Gun: Maverick” [soundtrack]. We use the theme song and Lady Gaga’s song “Hold My Hand.”
M: The new movie inspired us, but honestly, the song “Hold My Hand” is really close to us and has a lot of meaning. In the movie, the character lost his best friend, and it's about him revisiting and coming back into it. It feels the same for me as I'm coming back into skating, holding Val's hand, who is trying to keep me moving forward and helping me through it, who is always there for me, so this music really means a lot to us.
Our music choices for both our programs truly reflect our personalities and where we're headed, on and off the ice.


Flop era commenced
Neudecker posted 3TW w/ Hanns on his Instagram story today with "Twisting into the weekend🙌" which seems to confirm the SA withdraw was not injury related and moreover more USFSA's decision to replace them.


Flop era commenced
Considering Hanns Neudecker scored 137 and 121 this season while Martins Bedard have scored 157, 135, 153, and 155, I’d say that the decision is pretty justified. It never made much sense to give Hanns Neudecker the host spot in the first place.
I'd say Meekins 'knows someone' but he had unofficially claimed he doesn't work with them as a main coach. Natalia does and I don't believe she has ties with anyone in particular.


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
Neudecker posted 3TW w/ Hanns on his Instagram story today with "Twisting into the weekend🙌" which seems to confirm the SA withdraw was not injury related and moreover more USFSA's decision to replace them.

No, it means they can do a 3tw in isolation. It does not mean they are competition ready or were uninjured when the USFS made the decision to replace them.

Considering Hanns Neudecker scored 137 and 121 this season while Martins Bedard have scored 157, 135, 153, and 155, I’d say that the decision is pretty justified. It never made much sense to give Hanns Neudecker the host spot in the first place.
It was certainly an odd decision, but some of the teams not on the ISP also don't make sense (Fitzpatrick/Bearinger scored 150+ at Battle of the Blades NQS in late August).


… which seems to confirm the SA withdraw was not injury related and moreover more USFSA's decision to replace them.
wow, for real?
It does not mean they are competition ready or were uninjured when the USFS made the decision to replace them.
USFS normally does not replace skaters unless they, along with their coaching team, voluntarily choose to withdraw, which I assume was the case here.


Let the skating begin
I'm putting this here because I don't want to hunt down the general pair thread. This is a technical question---today Artemeva/Birukhanov did a quad twist. The rotation was fine and he caught her fine, but when he turned to set her down on the ice and push her away, her landing foot wasn't on the ice (that's what it looked like on the replay) or wasn't secure and she would have fallen backwards (he was already pushing her). He controlled the fall so she essentially just sat down on the ice. Was this an error of the twist or just a random fall? Does the "twist" end with the catch or when her foot is on the ice?


I'm putting this here because I don't want to hunt down the general pair thread. This is a technical question---today Artemeva/Birukhanov did a quad twist. The rotation was fine and he caught her fine, but when he turned to set her down on the ice and push her away, her landing foot wasn't on the ice (that's what it looked like on the replay) or wasn't secure and she would have fallen backwards (he was already pushing her). He controlled the fall so she essentially just sat down on the ice. Was this an error of the twist or just a random fall? Does the "twist" end with the catch or when her foot is on the ice?
The exit is part of the element. It should count as a fall on the element and receive -5 GOE from the judging panel.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
I'm putting this here because I don't want to hunt down the general pair thread. This is a technical question---today Artemeva/Birukhanov did a quad twist. The rotation was fine and he caught her fine, but when he turned to set her down on the ice and push her away, her landing foot wasn't on the ice (that's what it looked like on the replay) or wasn't secure and she would have fallen backwards (he was already pushing her). He controlled the fall so she essentially just sat down on the ice. Was this an error of the twist or just a random fall? Does the "twist" end with the catch or when her foot is on the ice?
The landing, being assisted to the ice on one foot is part of the criteria of the twist as a whole. So yes, that is still part of the element.


Well-Known Member
I’m telling you if Chelsea lands her jumps, this is a world quality team already. I think they are my favorite US Paris team right now.

High five. :cool: Their skating is gorgeous, smooth and complementary to each other; and they have the most adorable connection of any of our pairs right now. I know that doesn't count much with some people, but it's important to some of us. Expression and communicating feelings to the audiences.

I'm seeing progress in the landing of Chelsea's jumps, in practices and in the two performances this week-end. For the throws, she mentioned in Claire Coultier's interview :love: that they'd both been taught different throw techniques, so they're having to make adjustments and they're coming along. Five months together, lest we forget! And a bronze medal at a GP, Skate America no less! (The French judge had them in first! :))

They look so happy to be able to be skating together; and Balazs mentioned again in Claire's interview that they enjoy working to improve something every day. Not necessarily results. I feel the same; I hope we get to watch Chelsea and Balazs for a long long time, regardless of jump landings.

I wish they were not marking the jumps, I think the only thing that they should be practicing are the jumps
I noticed that during the non-run-through parts of their practices, Chelsea was landing both jumps and throws. i think there's a strategy there. It might be that they want to make their run-throughs without big errors, for their own feelings not necessarily for the judges' reactions. This is just a guess on my part, supported by my qualifications as an Empath. ;)
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Well-Known Member
Skate America practice pic of Liu/Nagy mid-3twist:

I watched Peacock without commentary in real time, then I watched Chelsea and Balazs with Johnny's commentary. (I like Johnny.) He pointed out that she's working as hard as he is during the twist. I also appreciated his comments about their qualities of expression and that they're an easy pair to watch.


Let the skating begin
The landing, being assisted to the ice on one foot is part of the criteria of the twist as a whole. So yes, that is still part of the element.
Thanks. We debated where the error was. They lost a point for the fall, but also got negative GOE for the element.


I'm putting this here because I don't want to hunt down the general pair thread.
Here @rfisher, for future reference: https://www.fsuniverse.net/forum/th...sion-join-the-sbs-double-salchow-club.110748/

I'm with those who think that what we saw today is probably her [Chelsea's] limit.
And I'm in the other camp (I live in hope ;)).

A nice shot of Chelsea's smile in their FS taken by MAO Yanzheng: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cyo9UKbMQnT/
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Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
There are 11 Senior Pairs signed up for the U.S. Pairs Final according to the schedule.
So, three won't make Nationals since there are 4 with byes - Chan/Howe, Kam/O'Shea, Plazas/Fernandez (2023 Nats Top 5) and the Mokhovs (CoC travel conflict).

1) *Alisa Efimova/Misha Mitrofanov 185.04 (Boston Open) *should be eligible for the ISP in April 2024
2) *Katie McBeath/Daniil Parkman 181.39 (Middle Atlantics), 170.46 (Glacier Falls) *should be eligible for the ISP in Dec. 2023
3) Chelsea Liu/Balazs Nagy ISP 177.66 (SkAm), 165.20 (Autumn Classic Int'l), 175.91 (Glacier Falls)
4) Isabelle Martins/Ryan Bedard ISP 154.66 (SkAm), 152.64 (Autumn Classic Int'l), 135.17 (John Nicks IPC), 157.05 (Glacier Falls)
5) Ellie Korytek/Timmy Chapman (ISU age-ineligible) 156.18 (Glacier Falls)
6) Nica Digerness/Mark Sadusky 155.27 (Broadmoor Fall Classic)
7) Linzy Fitzpatrick/Keyton Bearinger 130.22 (Middle Atlantics), 152.54 (Battle of the Blades)
8) Nina Ouellette/Rique Newby-Estrella ISP 137.30 (Tayside Trophy), 142.72 (Boston Open), 131.37 (John Nicks IPC)
9) Evelyn Grace Hanns/Danny Neudecker ISP 121.34 (Broadmoor Fall Classic), 137.53 (John Nicks IPC)
10) Megan Wessenberg/Edoardo Caputo 132.32 (Boston Open)
11) Mazie McFarland/Jordan Gillette 106.79 (Boston Open)
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