2023/24 Canadian Women: News & Updates


Hey, Kool-Aid!
Because people are fans of skaters and the sport outside of their own country?

There’s always discussions over choices to big events, including Tuktamysheva being dropped for Medvedeva in 2019, Miner in 2018, and most recently Torgashev who had to be sent to a late international to get to Worlds. This isn’t really a new thing.
I never said it was a new thing.
I even said I get the interest in WATCHING other countries Nationals...


Throwing the (rule)book at them
I never said it was a new thing.
I even said I get the interest in WATCHING other countries Nationals...
So then I guess my first sentence in the reply should have been to sufficient to answer that?


Throwing the (rule)book at them
No. I thought your response was kind of pointless since I already addressed the points you wanted to school me on.
Here we go again. I’m not schooling you on anything. As YOU pointed out, it's a message board of hardcore skating fans. People always question Federation choices across the globe because it’s intriguing and frustrating how they get put in predicaments sometimes.

Thank you for thinking what I said was pointless.


Hey, Kool-Aid!
Here we go again. I’m not schooling you on anything. As YOU pointed out, it's a message board of hardcore skating fans. People always question Federation choices across the globe because it’s intriguing and frustrating how they get put in predicaments sometimes.

Thank you for thinking what I said was pointless.
You're welcome :)


Well-Known Member
I personally cannot wait to put my 2 cents into every discussion regarding all the ins and outs of the USFS’ upcoming decisions.

They will be so well received too, I’m sure.

Just kidding. :lol: You could not pay me enough to go there.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
I personally cannot wait to put my 2 cents into every discussion regarding all the ins and outs of the USFS’ upcoming decisions.

They will be so well received too, I’m sure.

Just kidding. :lol: You could not pay me enough to go there.
This is so ridiculous :lol: Any and everyone had an opinion about Ross Miner being left off the Olympic team (and with that, Ashley Wagner in 2018, and before that, Mirai Nagasu in 2014). A lot of people had opinions about USFS not knowing shit about the qualifying rules to the 2022 Olympics yet people on a message board took the time to read the actual rules and knew they were wrong. I might be missing something, but I don't recall anyone really ever questioning why fans from different countries ever interjected into any instances-- until now.

Why do people post endlessly about people like Meghan Markle and Prince Harry? On a figure skating board, at that? Because that's what interests and bothers them enough to keep constant tabs on the moves they make, I'm going to guess. 🤷‍♂️


Well-Known Member
This is so ridiculous :lol: Any and everyone had an opinion about Ross Miner being left off the Olympic team (and with that, Ashley Wagner in 2018, and before that, Mirai Nagasu in 2014). A lot of people had opinions about USFS not knowing shit about the qualifying rules to the 2022 Olympics yet people on a message board took the time to read the actual rules and knew they were wrong. I might be missing something, but I don't recall anyone really ever questioning why fans from different countries ever interjected into any instances-- until now.

Why do people post endlessly about people like Meghan Markle and Prince Harry? On a figure skating board, at that? Because that's what interests and bothers them enough to keep constant tabs on the moves they make, I'm going to guess. 🤷‍♂️
I saw an opportunity to bring levity into a thread and took it. That is all.

I will see myself out. :summer:


Hey, Kool-Aid!
If that is supposed to be a subpost two things:

1. "Any and everyone had an opinion about Ross Miner, Ashley Wagner and Mirai Nagasu" is 💯 % false. But as to why "some fans" may not have interjected when that was going on could very well be because "some fans" leave once the competition is over and don't give a shit what the USFS decides to do and leave it to you Americans to bitch about. Some fans also don't give a shit who the RUS fed, JPN fed etc.. send.

2. Posting in a Royal thread when something they do hits mainstream media does not equate to endlessly posting about them and keeping tabs on their life. But if that's the argument, that it's being done on a figure skating board, then we should just do away with the whole Zamboni Time sub forum and ban anything that isn't skating related. :p


Throwing the (rule)book at them
If that is supposed to be a subpost two things:

1. "Any and everyone had an opinion about Ross Miner, Ashley Wagner and Mirai Nagasu" is 💯 % false. But as to why "some fans" may not have interjected when that was going on could very well be because "some fans" leave once the competition is over and don't give a shit what the USFS decides to do and leave it to you Americans to bitch about. Some fans also don't give a shit who the RUS fed, JPN fed etc.. send.
Oh yes, it's solely 'leaving it to [us] Americans' constantly 'bitching' about what's going on with skaters and competition results throughout the world of skating. I must be in a twilight zone because I see opinions about the French Federation mess, constant opinions around the world about the Russian Federation, coaches, and skaters' decisions, etc. How this turned into the world (or maybe just Americans) versus Skate Canada enough to trigger questions about why people do it, who knows. :rolleyes:
2. Posting in a Royal thread when something they do hits mainstream media does not equate to endlessly posting about them and keeping tabs on their life. But if that's the argument, that it's being done on a figure skating board, then we should just do away with the whole Zamboni Time sub forum and ban anything that isn't skating related.
...you are asking why people who aren't Canadian have opinions about Skate Canada's decisions. Should we just do away with any posters who reveal their location to have any opinion about any other Federation's/country's doings? Should no one have an opinion on anything that doesn't directly relate to their lives in some way? I guess people are just NOSY.

pat c

Well-Known Member
I remember there being more angst and drama about Phaneuf and JRo back in the day as they were using 4C's as a decider. It seemed at the time to be awful, horrible, earth shattering. ;) But you know, in the end it was ok. This will be too. (shrug) And to give credit, where credit is due, JRo was just such an awesome role model for the sport in Canada. Madeline Schizas gave Kaiya Ruiter a hug and congratulated her. Good stuff.

Private Citizen

"PC." Pronouns: none/none
Skate Canada used to be arguably the world's best federation: strategic assignments for skaters and judges, COP-maximized programs with coaching from experts who understood the system, packed audiences, good politicking (after learning in the Bourne and Kraatz years), building excitement for their skaters.... SC "worked" the system better than any other federation. I used to wish the USFS would be more like SC when the USFS was sending out skaters who didn't even have the correct number of jumps in their programs....

If this were the olden days, I suspect Ruiter would have had the minimums because she would have gotten guidance to change her content to have a better chance at getting those minimums. Talent like Bombardier and Shi wouldn't be left with nothing either.

It's just a shame. I get all the arguments about external factors, etc., but I think SC could be doing more with the talent it has. Go back to the playbook that worked.


Hey, Kool-Aid!
Oh yes, it's solely 'leaving it to [us] Americans' constantly 'bitching' about what's going on with skaters and competition results throughout the world of skating. I must be in a twilight zone because I see opinions about the French Federation mess, constant opinions around the world about the Russian Federation, coaches, and skaters' decisions, etc. How this turned into the world (or maybe just Americans) versus Skate Canada enough to trigger questions about why people do it, who knows. :rolleyes:

...you are asking why people who aren't Canadian have opinions about Skate Canada's decisions. Should we just do away with any posters who reveal their location to have any opinion about any other Federation's/country's doings? Should no one have an opinion on anything that doesn't directly relate to their lives in some way? I guess people are just NOSY.
Christ on a bike I don't know what the hell you are arguing now. :confused:

It was you who specifically mentioned three US skaters and USFS decisions. That is the only reason I responded that I leave those matters to Americans to bitch about.

Going to bed now, my interest in this topic has evaporated. ☮️


Canadian ladies über
This Ruiter situation is being discussed in so many threads I can't keep count (including several posts in the safe sport one....) so I can't keep track of who said what where. But someone suggested that since the US never sends their top eligible skater to YOG Canada shouldn't either (I know that's not literally what was said, but it was the implication). Why should Canada do what the US does? Young You won the last YOG in what was her first senior international senior. Was that competition beneath her?

Anyway it's no surprise that Ruiter was selected for this as it says this on the Skate Canada website (see link to full selection process) https://skatecanada.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/2024-YOG-Figure-Skating-INP-Final-DEC2022-EN.pdf

They seem to have followed the selection criteria to the letter (as they did last time when Catherine Carle had the highest international score of those age eligible and yes that list of athletes included Madeleine Schizas)

The 2024 Winter Youth Olympic Games (YOG) is an important competition in which Skate Canada will name the best possible athletes who meet the eligibility standards

Ruiter would have had to indicate her interest and filled in the paper work to be selected for this. It's clearly something she's very excited about and why shouldn't she be?

Believe me I have a lot of opinions about international assignments and I think we should be sending more skaters out there. But Ruiter had three chances last year to get the minimum score and she did not get it. I am surprised she and the other national team members (plus Miclette honestly) weren't given another challenger event in the fall but that's another matter. Who's to say giving Ruiter an assignment now with the pressure of getting the minimum score would be the best thing for her? I know they did this with Bausback in 2020 after she missed getting the score at 4CC (which was an unusual situation as the score minimums were raised mid season and she had been eligible before the change).

I do wonder if Canada is sending anyone to Bavarian Open? They have in the past, a few times the jr world team has gone there as a warmup and it was used for last minute TES minimums before.

I do think it's very likely they will send someone to an event post nationals, possibly too late to get their minimums for worlds.

Fingers crossed Miclette and Dupuis can do it at 4CC (I think it's more likely Miclette can get it as she already the the SP and I don't see Dupuis getting 32 in the SP based on her content). It would be a shame to have no eligible sub if Schizas for some reason can't go. I can't imagine the pressure that must put her under.

Anyway I'm hopeful Landry and Shiryaeva will get to compete somewhere soon at the senior level. And if Skate Canada hosts Autumn Classic again next season for the love of humanity maximize your spots!


Well-Known Member
This may have already been asked and answered, but can skaters not achieve minimums at the WYOG?


scratching at the light
What’s really unfair is that you can’t even find the Interplanetary Invitational to watch it because they use that stupid Daily Lotion platform and they shot the whole thing in the dark at the North Pole and now the planes can’t even fly outta there. I want my money back.

pat c

Well-Known Member
What’s really unfair is that you can’t even find the Interplanetary Invitational to watch it because they use that stupid Daily Lotion platform and they shot the whole thing in the dark at the North Pole and now the planes can’t even fly outta there. I want my money back.
The ice is tipping over. Things are going crackerdoodle. No refunds.

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