2022–23 Canadian Men: News and Updates


Well-Known Member
Conrad and Stephen both skated like they wanted to prove something to Skate Canada. Unfortunate stumble on the 3A for Conrad, but two gorgeous quads. Unfortunate that one of Stephen's spins was voided, but he finally showed he can nail all his jumps in the SP. I think these performances have given Conrad a slight edge in getting the Worlds spot but it'll all come down to the FP.

And Keegan went out there and Keeganed it. Fall on the quad, but landed everything else, and gave a Keegan performance with the highest PCS of the night and a picture of both kiddos in the K&C (but no hat?). And into second place!


Well-Known Member
The skate of a LIFETIME from Keegan. Other than a Keegan-esque hang-on for one jump (still stayed on one foot), landed everything and just skated lights out! So happy for him and his silver medal! (I'd personally have had him 1st in the FP, 2nd overall, but he definitely will not be disappointed)


Keegan's 4CC SP press conference quotes on Thursday, Feb. 9 (copied out from the ISU document):

Honestly the performance tonight felt very good and I loved being able to go out there. This was actually the easiest it was to get through the whole program this whole week and I think I'm finally starting to figure out how to breathe the thin air up here. I was a little upset that I missed my (opening) quad toe, but one of the goals for this year is not to let the jumps affect the performance of the program. And so I just let the quad toe slide and I just took every step to the maximum of my ability to go out and give the audience the best show I could possibly give them. And, honestly, with just doing that, I believe my head (is) held high tonight.
(on any tips/advice he would like to share with young skaters ) Have fun with it. This sport is too hard to take seriously and get yourself bent out of shape. Make friends, have fun, and try to keep your mind light. Don't forget the crowd is on your side. Life's too short not to have fun with it.
(on this most likely being his final Four Continents) Emotions are running very high and I feel like my kids have broken me because
tears come a lot easier now than they did before them (his son was born in July 2021 and his daughter was just born last month). I find myself on the verge of getting choked up constantly when they call my name and I hear the reception of the crowd. It's a whirlwind of emotions. I love this sport, I love competing and I don't want it to end but, in the same breath, I'm so tired and my body hurts and I can't wait to be done. Skating is love; it's an addiction and it's one of the most amazing things you can do, and I'm going to miss it and the people immensely.


Keegan's 4CC scores -- 275.57 (total), 86.70 (SP) & 188.87 (FS) - were all ISU season bests and his total & FS scores were also ISU personal bests.

A selection of his quotes last night were published in the ISU's 2023 4CC FS press conference highlights document (I've posted his fellow medalists' quotes -- Kao Miura also spoke highly about Keegan & how his FS performance fueled his own and there was plenty of mutual respect among all 3 men :) -- in the Japanese news thread at https://www.fsuniverse.net/forum/th...ason-news-updates.109761/page-10#post-6392181):

Keegan Messing (CAN) 2023 ISU Four Continents silver medalist
I am beyond stoked for how I skated today. This is my first (ISU) Championship medal and it took me 28 years of skating to get here. To be able to come out here and put down a program like that, it's unreal to me. I'm so happy that I could put my last North American competition down like this and hopefully it's just a stepping stone for what's to come. The crowd was amazing. You know, the air is quite a bit thinner up here but we made sure that we just paced ourselves through our program, took everything one step at a time. And by the time I landed the last (triple) Axel, I just felt like I was on top of the world, and I just kept riding the wave and pretty soon I was at the end of it. And you know what, I'm glad I could give some motivation to our gold medalist.
(on the effects of the altitude)
It felt especially hard for me the whole week, just trying to stay hydrated and making it through all of my practices. This is probably the best conditioned I have come into a competition this entire year and I am so thankful that I really put in the work beforehand because I don't think I could have done it without that work.
(on how impressed he is with his fellow medalists' friendship)
I would also like to say competing with you guys is such a honor. Seeing your friendship - hold on to it. You guys are wonderful competitors.
(on possibly rethinking his decision to retire)
Honestly, putting up a career best score, winning my first Championship medal I was definitely sitting there like "man, I almost don't want to hang up my skates yet!" but then I stood up and I remembered why (laughs). I would love to have an adventurous life with my family, with my kids, and take them on plenty of adventures with my body still intact. You know what, let's just try to put the best foot forward and leave with our head held high.
(on being the oldest competitor in the event compared to Kao Miura who is the youngest)
Honestly, I think this is the best way I could possibly leave the sport - in the hands of the next generation. One of the things I've strived to do is to make my skating as fun as I possibly can make it and for the onlooker to see the joy come from the TV. To be up
here next to these fantastic athletes, I am honored ... and I am leaving the sport in excellent hands.


Well-Known Member
I teared up at those comments from Keegan. For a Canadian who's never lived or trained in Canada (despite being Canadian from birth, through his mom), he has represented our country so well in every respect.
One of Keegan's best life decisions was to compete for Canada! I've watched Keegan grow up from a pup and have always enjoyed his energy, his outgoing personality, and his never give-up attitude. Gotta love a man who wears his heart on his sleeve and owns it.


Well-Known Member
On Reddit someone said that maybe high altitude is the key to a clean Keegan - maybe the lack of oxygen helps 'calm' him.
I teared up at those comments from Keegan. For a Canadian who's never lived or trained in Canada (despite being Canadian from birth, through his mom), he has represented our country so well in every respect.
I wonder if his kids will have Canadian citizenship as well. Even though he's an Alaskan through and through, I think Keegan is also a proud Canadian, and likely feels that Canada has done a lot for him. So I wonder if the kids will be dual citizens.


Bunny mama
On Reddit someone said that maybe high altitude is the key to a clean Keegan - maybe the lack of oxygen helps 'calm' him.

I wonder if his kids will have Canadian citizenship as well. Even though he's an Alaskan through and through, I think Keegan is also a proud Canadian, and likely feels that Canada has done a lot for him. So I wonder if the kids will be dual citizens.
The citizenship rules are different Post-Harper so I don’t think the kids are easily able to get Canadian citizenship anymore.

I don’t know the specifics but there are more hoops to jump through in the process because Keegan wasn’t born in Canada and doesn’t live in Canada.

Colonel Green

Well-Known Member
The citizenship rules are different Post-Harper so I don’t think the kids are easily able to get Canadian citizenship anymore.

I don’t know the specifics but there are more hoops to jump through in the process because Keegan wasn’t born in Canada and doesn’t live in Canada.
Trudeau repealed Harper's changes when he took office. Keegan's children would be citizens under Section 3(1)(b) of the Citizenship Act.


Well-Known Member
So, when do we find out Skate Canada’s 2nd pick for Worlds? :sekret:
Conrad beat Stephen at both Nationals and 4CCs, and so I suppose Stephen is no longer an option?

If Skate Canada doesn't announce soon, then perhaps they are waiting to see how Wesley would skate / score at Jr Worlds?


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Conrad beat Stephen at both Nationals and 4CCs, and so I suppose Stephen is no longer an option?

If Skate Canada doesn't announce soon, then perhaps they are waiting to see how Wesley would skate / score at Jr Worlds?
There’s not much turnaround time between Junior Worlds and Worlds. chiu* had a terrible SP at Nationals- just not quite as awful as Gogolev. If they waited that long, it’s Lacoste vs. Phaneuf 2012 vibes all over again where SC tried to get Cynthia to Worlds with a second chance.

Orzel has shown in the two pressure competitions that he can keep it together, particularly in the short, which then puts less of a potential burden on Messing to hold the country and spots together.

I don’t see any way how Conrad doesn’t deserve this, and I think it will be another huge step in him breaking out of his shell.
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How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
There’s not much turnaround time between Junior Worlds and Worlds. Phan had a terrible SP at Nationals- just not quite as awful as Gogolev. If they waited that long, it’s Lacoste vs. Phaneuf 2012 vibes all over again where SC tried to get Cynthia to Worlds with a second chance.
I presume you mean Chiu since Phan's retired. ;)


Well-Known Member
There’s not much turnaround time between Junior Worlds and Worlds. chiu* had a terrible SP at Nationals- just not quite as awful as Gogolev. If they waited that long, it’s Lacoste vs. Phaneuf 2012 vibes all over again where SC tried to get Cynthia to Worlds with a second chance.

Orzel has shown in the two pressure competitions that he can keep it together, particularly in the short, which then puts less of a potential burden on Messing to hold the country and spots together.

I don’t see any way how Conrad doesn’t deserve this, and I think it will be another huge step in him breaking out of his shell.
Totally agree. But if the skate off was just at 4CCs, Skate Canada should have announced Conrad's nomination already?!


Bunny mama
Trudeau repealed Harper's changes when he took office. Keegan's children would be citizens under Section 3(1)(b) of the Citizenship Act.
Phew. That’s good.

Harper rules left many loopholes.

For example, if an adopted child born in another country became a Canadian citizen, and if they married someone not born in Canada and had kids born outside of Canada, they couldn’t pass on their Canadian citizenship to their kids.

Glad it’s been revoked.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Totally agree. But if the skate off was just at 4CCs, Skate Canada should have announced Conrad's nomination already?!
Well, in the (not so literal) words of Carol Lane, it’s Canada. :p

Hoping it’s just a delayed communication on their part and no more ‘part 3 to your challenge coming soon’


Bunny mama
Well, in the (not so literal) words of Carol Lane, it’s Canada. :p

Hoping it’s just a delayed communication on their part and no more ‘part 3 to your challenge coming soon’
“As the next part of the selection process, please submit a 1500 word essay on why you think you would be the better representative for Canada at Worlds 2023. Please have this submitted within the next 24 hours.” :lol:

It seriously wouldn’t surprise me at this point. :lol:

Poor Conrad. Hope he gets the nod soon.

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