2016 Canadian Stars on Ice tour, April 29-May 21


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More from Toronto:

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ETD: Opening, Set It in Motion (Staten Island Groove) by Cast

This Bitter Earth by Kaitlyn & Andrew

ETD: David Bowie Tribute by Tessa

ETD: Esqualo by Patrick

Rise Up Virtue & Moir, Duhamel & Radford, Weaver & Poje

ETD: Love Runs Out by Elvis

What's Love Got to Do with It by Tessa & Scott


ETD: Rapsody in Blue by Cast

Sour Cherry by Kaetyln, Joannie, Tessa, and Kaitlyn

Get Low by Kaitlyn & Andrew

ETD: Transit by Scott (To introduce Joannie)

Sorry by Tessa & Scot

ETD: Danny Boy by Javier

ETD: Closing, Wild Motion (Set it Free) by Cast
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Really enjoyed the Toronto show!!! much better group number than last year... Last year was more like theatre than skating. Loved Kurt and Mr. Jackson's number, really special. Yes, I prefer Kurt to Stojko too. Not the same level at all.
D/R did a throw 2A, so it seems the 3Ath plan is really under way. These two really push the technical side hard!

Patrick Chan is just flying on the ice, and his movement is more like a dancer, he always standout, such a talent!

Loved the Sound of Silence!
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Well-Known Member
Just got back from the Toronto show! A larger audience than past years and we were all loud and appreciative. I loved it! There were quite a few falls, particularly at one end of the ice but that did not dim enthusiasm. Skaters looked like they were having a great time.

Highlight: So glad to have Kurt there; his number was mesmerizing. But best of all, he did a second number in tails WITH DONALD JACKSON!!!!!! DJ may be in his 70's but he can still skate. "Don't Get Around Much Anymore". What a wonderful experience to see this Canadian legend actually 2 legends. One I will savour!

I was there too and when Elvis started the intro, I thought it was Megan & Eric, then "One of them landed the first triple lutz." All that could be heard in my area after that was me going, " Oh my gosh...No WAY!!" :D

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact we got to see Donald Jackson!! Just...WOW!!

Elvis didn't do it for me either, but he never has, so will leave it at that.

I really enjoyed the show this year, even w/the crappy ice and it was crappy. I mean, falls here and there happen, but losing edges and almost falling out of spins? No. I also saw Kaitlyn Weaver and Javi have their blade slip out when getting up from a crouch. A crouch? That only happens on crappy ice.

The Usher helping me said considering there was a packed house for the Raptors Playoff game the night before, the turnaround and the warm weather, the building really didn't have a chance to properly cool down for good ice. I noticed the air conditioning was gradually being upped and upped through the show too.

Kurt was his usual amazing self. I know what I'll be thinking about Tuesday morning when going off for my Foot Surgery. :) :)

I'm amazed the buttons didn't burst off my shirt when Megan and Eric were introduced as 2 time World Champions. Or let the proud sob escape. :D

Javi did something he's never done to me before. The boy made me cry!! Danny Boy is just gorgeous and I thought that was John McDermott. Just...Sigh!! :)

I do have a big problem though...

I get Motion Sickness big time when skaters perform in strobe lighting and there had to be others w/problems w/it too in the ACC, so...Why was there no announcement made to give people a head's up about it? In this day and age when the effects of strobe lighting is well known, it really was surprising. Also ended up missing the better part of two programs thanks to that, just because I couldn't watch. Was not impressed. Also let that be known to SOI through Twitter. Not sure what good it'll do, but I tried.

It really was great show, even w/the challenges. :)


I loved the Sound of Silence number, but couldn't help thinking how nicely Shawn Sawyer could have fit into it.

Was amazed by the thunderous roar when Elvis was introduced at the beginning. He followed the world champions, Javi and Meagan & Eric, who got a very good reception, but it somehow became so much more intense for Elvis and then held about the same for Tessa & Scott.

Most abrupt complete change of tone was between Get Low and Danny Boy. Someone behind me who seemed particularly puzzled by it finally reconciled the idea by saying "Well (Javi's) Spanish; he'd have to skate to Danny Boy. Ummm.

I hope that Donald Jackson skating in the end of the finale means that "Don't Get Around Much Anymore" will be televised. That was a magic moment. I made some very unprofessional gifs of some bits of it that I caught on video (first gifs I've ever made; please be kind):




With all those great skaters flying around at the end, my eye was drawn to Donald Jackson. He was so elegant and yet no slouch keeping up with the rest. I feel honoured to have witnessed him. He also had the biggest grin! https://twitter.com/evening_sue/status/729639221166788609 I hope for a future where Kurt is skating that happily at 76 and will still make some guest appearances.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the youtube links! It will be great to relive the show. I went to yesterday's matinee performance in London. My opinion varies from some I've read here, because I thought it was one of the best choreographed shows in years! I really liked the group numbers, and the transitions from one skater to another. Yes, I missed Kurt (as he wasn't in London) and Shawn (what a shame they let him go) but I was thrilled to have Elvis in the building (and so was most of the audience, judging from the thunderous applause he got). His first number didn't disappoint either, he was vintage Elvis, and didn't miss a jump. His second was also well skated. How is he already 44?

I'm a huge Patrick fan so he's always my highlight, but I also particularly enjoyed having Javier this year. That boy has come a long way! His jumps are so soft, and look so easy. He's amazing. Sadly, he didn't get the reaction from the crowd that most of the other skaters did, probably because the casual skating fan audience didn't know who he was. Overheard from the ladies sitting behind me: "who is this guy? he doesn't spend much on costumes." Hilarious. As for Patrick, I'm really hoping Esqualo is going to be his new short program. It's gorgeous (as is the shirt). I loved seeing Mack The Knife as it was intended to be seen, as a fun program! Patrick is definitely back and thank God for that.

London always eats Scott & Tessa up (at one point when Scott had the mic, he quipped "Go Knights Go!") but this year it was extra-special to have them, knowing they'll be competing next year. I can't wait! Eric & Meaghan were fantastic as well as Kaitlyn & Andrew. What a wealth of talent we have in Canada! And of course I'm not forgetting Jeff, Joannie & Kaetlyn. Everyone did a great job and kudos to Jeff for the amazing choreography.


Well-Known Member
Some notes from the Winnipeg show last night. Good sized crowd this year, probably better than in the recent past (the Elvis effect?), but still not close to the full house reported in some of the other markets. Very enjoyable show though! :) First act was well skated, but the ice gremlins came out to play in the second half. Patrick & Joannie fell out of a lift in Rhapsody in Blue, Elvis nearly fell on all of the jumps in Pieces, Kaetlyn fell on both triple jump attempts in Wild Horse after nailing the loop easily in Lovefool, Kaitlyn tripped over nothing and went down the girls' group number.....crazy! Everyone looked like they were having a fantastic time though, Jeff and Patrick especially. Was not impressed with the performance of the camera in my phone at all. Great specs on paper, but the technology is not really up to such a demanding task yet.

My faves:

The Sound of Silence: What an amazing number. Totally gave me the OMG-it's-so-beautiful-I can't-breath sensation.
Patrick - Everything he did. Seriously. Javi may be the World champ (and I say this as a big Javi fan), but he can't hold a candle to Patrick when it comes to effortless power & speed.
Kaitlyn/Andrew - Get Low. Heaven help me, but I loved it. :lol: Campy and fun.
Joannie - Gravity. She is such a beautiful, well prepared, well-trained. skater. Jumps are still rock solid.
Kaetlyn - Wild Horses. More of an honourable mention I suppose due to the falls, but this really is a gorgeous program that suits her extremely well. I see good things coming out of her ongoing collaboration with Jeff. Major props to her for attempting both the 3loop and the 3flip in a show number.

And I hope the people who came out to see Elvis were not too disappointed. He's in wonderful shape physically, but the jumps (even the 2A) are just not there anymore. You can tell he left the sport for an extended period. To me, it didn't feel like he made much of an effort with his programs, unlike someone like Shawn Sawyer who was always so creative and interesting. Didn't add anything to the show for me.


Well-Known Member
I thought the show was alright. I have definitely seen better. I did enjoy Elvis.. man he is quick!! I with it had a bit more interaction with the group numbers.. they seemed to lack real choreography and substance. The groups were just skating around doing turns etc. Nothing special.. I didnt see any major risk elements.. I really wanted to see a backflip or something that they dont do in competition. I did see a huge jump in attendance this year in Winnipeg. Not sure about other cities but Winnipeg I'd say has averaged maybe 4K the last few years in shows. This year I bet there was over 6k easy. Music choices this year were a bit light in feeling..no real good get up and dance show type numbers except virtue and moire to Beiber..if you want to count that lol. I'm glad I only got the $35 tickets this year lol.


Well-Known Member
It's interesting that Kaetlyn Osmond was invited to Canadian SOI when she was #3 at Canadian Natls this season. I know she's still probably the best-known Canadian lady overall, but it's kind of too bad for Alaine and Gabrielle that neither of them were invited.


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Osmond was named as a cast member before nationals even happened. JMO, but I think she's clearly has stronger performance quality than Gabby or Alaine and for that reason I'd have chosen her as well. But if she doesn't win nationals again next year, I don't expect her to be in the cast again.


Well-Known Member
Osmond was named as a cast member before nationals even happened. JMO, but I think she's clearly has stronger performance quality than Gabby or Alaine and for that reason I'd have chosen her as well. But if she doesn't win nationals again next year, I don't expect her to be in the cast again.
i wouldn't bet against it. her agent is with IMG, and they have quite a bit of say in SOI (i think IMG owns SOI? or at least used to).


Well-Known Member
Osmond was named as a cast member before nationals even happened. JMO, but I think she's clearly has stronger performance quality than Gabby or Alaine and for that reason I'd have chosen her as well. But if she doesn't win nationals again next year, I don't expect her to be in the cast again.
Quite frankly, winning Nationals or not, I would much, much rather watch Osmond than Ashley Wagner, who was on the tour last year when Kaetlyn was injured, or Daleman/Chartrand.
We had a lot of fun last night at the Vancouver show. I brought my best friend who isn't a skating fan and she had some interesting comments. She inexplicably (to me anyway) loved Elvis. Like screamed until she was hoarse loved him. We might not be able to be friends anymore.

I'd forgotten just how smooth Virtue and Moir are. They have some really neat new lifts too. They looked like they were having a blast.

Loved Jeff as I always do. the man just moves so well.

Weaver and Poje skating right next to Virtue and Moir does W/P no favors. I liked This Bitter Earth a lot more live though. They should not do hip hop. My friend thought they were fun though.

LOVE Javi's Danny Boy. So much. He was clearly enjoying the performance quite a lot too.

I was glad we went to a show with Kurt. Such a fantastic performer.

Pairs aren't my favourite but Duhamel and Radford were decent. Duhamel stuck out like a sore thumb in some of the group numbers. She seemed to not know what she was doing. My friend was very impressed by them. Is a little scared of Duhamel and her muscles though, lol.

Patrick wasn't having a great night with some weird falls and his programs weren't the most memorable but it's always good to hear how little noise he makes when he skates.

It was lovely to see Joannie again. She looks so happy to skate and I love watching her. She's so precise in her movements which I appreciate.

Kaetlyn fit in with a pretty impressive cast really well. She's a lovely skater to watch and my friend is a new fan.

We really had a great time and I think canada is pretty lucky to have that kind of talent all on the same ice!


trying to ignore rod and find the eurosport feed
Second your post made-incanada
It was quite humourous the 80+-year-old ladies beside me kept mistaking Patrick Chan for Elvis !!
they completely hated the music ( except Rhapsody in blue ) which she sang too
I enjoy Megan and Eric greatly on TV however live I have to agree/ Megan definitely doesn't have the finish and smoothness to her skating- and as mentioned when you put her beside someone like Tessa virtue it becomes even more apparent .
Enjoyed the show - Joanne was great
Elvis really only has one or two body movements and I kept expecting him to break into his drum Olympic program !!!
He was having a blast
Great to see Kurt too

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