2016 Canadian Stars on Ice tour, April 29-May 21


Starting a new CSOI thread using part of what @seabm7 posted back on November 23, 2015:


Apr. 29, 2016, HALIFAX, NS
May 1, 2016, OTTAWA, ON
May 6, 2016, TORONTO, ON
May 7, 2016, HAMILTON, ON
May 8, 2016, LONDON, ON
May 11, 2016, WINNIPEG, MB
May 13, 2016, EDMONTON, AB
May 14, 2016, SASKATOON, SK
May 15, 2016, CALGARY, AB
May 18, 2016, KELOWNA, BC
May 19, 2016, VANCOUVER, BC
May 21, 2016, VICTORIA, BC​

Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir
Patrick Chan
Elvis Stojko
Meagan Duhamel & Eric Radford
Joannie Rochette
Jeffrey Buttle
Javier Fernandez
Kaitlyn Weaver & Andrew Poje
Kaetlyn Osmond
Special Guest: Kurt Browning (in Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton, Calgary, Vancouver)​

Elvis Stojko & CSOI preview article, published in the Halifax Chronicle Herald today: http://thechronicleherald.ca/artslife/1359113-stojko-returns-to-figure-skating-event-after-a-decade
He flies to Halifax on Monday to start rehearsals for Stars on Ice, so he’s going to spend the weekend rounding up his music, costumes and skates for the trip. For the first time in 10 years, Stojko will rejoin the cast of what’s been called the world’s premier figure skating production.
Now Stojko’s less than a week away from returning to Stars on Ice for the first time in a decade, and he’s excited to see all his friends again. He jokingly refers to he and Kurt Browning as “the oldies” of the tour, although Browning will only be hitting select cities — not Halifax, unfortunately.
Stojko and the rest of the skaters will spend the week in Halifax, getting organized before the tour’s first show in Halifax on Friday night. They’ll put in a lot of 12-hour days as they work out the lighting, learn group choreography and get fitted for numerous costumes. Apart from that chaotic first five days, he says Stars on Ice is a “pretty relaxed tour.”


Well-Known Member
I'm pleased that I lucked out and Browning is skating in the Ottawa show I'm attending. Now if I can just find where I put away my ticket for "safe keeping"........


Happily ignoring ultracrepidarians (& trolls)!
I'm pleased that I lucked out and Browning is skating in the Ottawa show I'm attending. Now if I can just find where I put away my ticket for "safe keeping"........

I got my tickets by e-mail back in December and saved them in two different locations. I just printed them off last evening and they are already in my purse - all ready for Sunday :)


Thanks to @luckiest1 for posting this article link (includes some nice Halifax rehearsal photos) in the Patrick Chan thread: http://www.localxpress.ca/news/2016...ites-joined-by-world-champion-at-stars-on-ice

Virtue/Moir: https://www.instagram.com/p/BEwPcepRf5f/?taken-by=starsonice

Weaver and Virtue: https://www.instagram.com/p/BEwHG3cRf1Z/

Osmond: https://www.instagram.com/p/BEvz2qoRf3U/

Duhamel/Radford at the Global News Halifax studio: https://www.instagram.com/p/BEvqsfexfyc/
Video: http://globalnews.ca/video/2667446/stars-on-ice-2
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Well-Known Member
A kind fan put the program list on the twitter:




Cast "Set It in Motion (Staten Island Groove)" by Down to the Bone
(JSOI this year has a different ACT I opening.)​

Kaetyln Osmond "Lovefool" by Mostmodern Jukebox

Kaitlyn Weaver & Andrew Poje "This Bitter Earth/On the Nature of Daylight" by Dinah Washington/Max Richter

Jeffrey Buttle "Cry Me a River" by Michael Buble

Joannie Rochette "Hands to Myself" by Selena Gomez

Patrick Chan "Esqualo" by Astor Piazzolla

Virtue & Moir, Duhamel & Radford, Weaver & Poje "Rise Up" by Andra Day
(This was Act II opening at JSOI/SOI this year.)​

Elivs Stojko "Love Runs Out" by OneRepublic

Meagan Duhamel & Eric Radford "Piano Man" by Billy Joel

Javier Fernandez "Luck Be a Lady" Frank Sinatra
(At JSOI this year, he showed "I Love Paris" instead.)​

Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir "What's Love Got to Do with It" by Miku Graham and Michael Shand

Buttle, Chan, Stojko "The Sound of Silence" by Disturbed
(JSOI this year has a different ending by the Japanese cast.)​


Cast "Rhapsody in Blue" by George Gershwin
(This was last year's JSOI/SOI ACT I opening number)​

Elvis Stojko "Pieces" by Red

Kaetlyn Osmond "Wild Horses" by Natasha Bedingfield

Meagan Duhamel & Eric Radford "Believe" by Mumford & Sons
(At JSOI this year, they showed "Hometown Glory" instead.)​

Osmond, Rochette, Virtue, Weaver "Sour Cherry" by The Kills
(At JSOI/SOI this year, shown during ACT I)​

Jeffrey Buttle "Black & Gold" by Sam Sparro
(At JSOI this year, he showed "Uptown Funk" instead.)​

Kaitlyn Weaver & Andrew Poje "Get Low" by Dillion Francis & DJ Snake

Javier Fernandez "Danny Boy" John McDermott

Joannie Rochette "Gravity" by Sara Bareilles

Tessa Virtue & Scot Moir "Sorry" by Justin Biever

Patrick Chan "Mack the Knife" Michael Buble

Cast "Wild Motion (Set it Free)" by Miami Horror
(The same closing this year for JSOI/SOI/CSOI)​

Reference: JSOI 2016 program list http://figureskate-soi.com/result/
SOI 2016 program list http://figureskatersonline.com/news...gner-and-rippon-balance-touring-and-training/
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A few more photos from last night's opening show in Halifax: http://thechronicleherald.ca/sports/1360906-photos-stars-on-ice-hits-halifaxs-scotiabank-centre

The 2016 CSOI music list should show up here eventually: http://www.starsonice.ca/music.html

Fernandez beckons Rochette and Weaver in rehearsal: https://www.instagram.com/p/BEwchc6xf5L/?taken-by=starsonice

U.S. SOI cast's video message (via Ashley Wagner) to the Canadian cast before opening night in Halifax: https://www.instagram.com/p/BEzOxWqxf0H/?taken-by=starsonice

CSOI's return video message (via Jeff Buttle) before yesterday's Chicago show: https://www.instagram.com/p/BEzWeK-xfzS/

Group photo: https://www.instagram.com/p/BE1TRXARf0N/?taken-by=starsonice
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Well-Known Member
Just got home from the Ottawa show a short while ago. Excellent show, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Though I will say I did miss seeing Shawn Sawyer and the amusing number he usually does.
Still, so much talent in this cast, and I can't say there was a single piece I didn't like. I did think it was very interesting that the vast majority of costumes were shades of black/white/grey, with bits of silver or red.


Happily ignoring ultracrepidarians (& trolls)!
I too thoroughly enjoyed the Ottawa show. My friends commented afterward that they found the first half stronger than the second and that they missed Shawn Sawyer (they would have traded him for Elvis :D ). They felt that Kurt brought a welcome spot of humour. They were not impressed with Elvis's second number, feeling that he didn't connect with the audience.

I thought the crowd in Ottawa was the best, in terms of numbers, in a long time. It was interesting to see how positive the reception for Elvis was, even before he skated.

By the way, in the first half of the show there was a tribute to David Bowie (shown on the screens) skated by Tessa Virtue - it led into Jeff Buttle's solo. You can see her (and her skates) in the photos from the Canadian Tire Centre linked in a message above - she was wearing a sparkly silver costume. I'm not sure what the music was.

Kurt skated only once, in the second half, after Meagan and Eric.


can you hear me now?
Hubby and I both enjoyed the Ottawa show yesterday. He is not a skating fan by any means, but I caught him clapping and singing along more than once (for Elvis, Kurt, and Weaver and Poje in particular). We sat next to an older woman who had the most delightful reaction to hearing Virtue and Moir announced during the first number: she clapped her hands and said, "they're the ones!" And there was a bit of an uproar in our section when the Lindt volunteer walked past without handing out any chocolates, but thankfully she came back--we might have staged some sort of mutiny if she hadn't.


Well-Known Member
I too thoroughly enjoyed the Ottawa show. My friends commented afterward that they found the first half stronger than the second and that they missed Shawn Sawyer (they would have traded him for Elvis :D ). They felt that Kurt brought a welcome spot of humour. They were not impressed with Elvis's second number, feeling that he didn't connect with the audience.

I thought the crowd in Ottawa was the best, in terms of numbers, in a long time. It was interesting to see how positive the reception for Elvis was, even before he skated.

By the way, in the first half of the show there was a tribute to David Bowie (shown on the screens) skated by Tessa Virtue - it led into Jeff Buttle's solo. You can see her (and her skates) in the photos from the Canadian Tire Centre linked in a message above - she was wearing a sparkly silver costume. I'm not sure what the music was.

Kurt skated only once, in the second half, after Meagan and Eric.

The part I made bold. It was probably "life on mars" because Ashley Wagner skates the same interlude in the US version of SOI. The US version is situated in the 2nd act between C/B's Sunscreen and Ryan Bradley's Fire and the Flood programs.


Well-Known Member
Just got back from the Toronto show! A larger audience than past years and we were all loud and appreciative. I loved it! There were quite a few falls, particularly at one end of the ice but that did not dim enthusiasm. Skaters looked like they were having a great time.

Highlight: So glad to have Kurt there; his number was mesmerizing. But best of all, he did a second number in tails WITH DONALD JACKSON!!!!!! DJ may be in his 70's but he can still skate. "Don't Get Around Much Anymore". What a wonderful experience to see this Canadian legend actually 2 legends. One I will savour!


Well-Known Member
I was at the Toronto show as well. There were many jump problems (including Meagan Duhamel falling on throws in both their programs - I remarked to my friend that I wondered if there was something off with the ice, because she never misses throws!), but the show was very enjoyable overall and it was definitely a very accomplished (30 World medals among them!) and talented cast.

It was amazing to see Donald Jackson skating a program with Kurt. The man is, what, almost 80?! And he even did some waltz jumps!

V&M were definitely used as heavy lifters in the interludes and group numbers and both Tessa and Scott got chances to skate solo in the interludes. Tessa's solo was a David Bowie tribute to "Life on Mars" and Scott had a solo interlude between two skaters in the second act - I don't remember which, exactly. They were also on the ice alone for an extended introduction of the closing group number. They are both such good movers that it was nice to see them used well.

I really enjoyed Kaetlyn Osmond's "Wild Horses" number in the second act. She had jump problems in "Lovefool" in Act I and the music and choreo were a bit too cutesy for me and I didn't think it suited her as well, but the program in the second half was lovely.

Watching Joannie Rochette makes me sad that there is no real pro circuit these days. She is a skater who has definitely grown much more versatile and learned how to reach out to an audience more as a "pro" and I think she would have done really well (a la Kristi Yamaguchi, who I thought became a much better and more complete skater after leaving eligible competition) in a pro competition circuit.

Javi Fernandez was adorable and sometimes reminds me of a young Kurt Browning, which is the greatest compliment I can give.

Patrick should get points just for moving across the ice, seriously - his tango program was gorgeous and my eyes were drawn to him every time he entered during a group number. He's just such a good skater, period.

The negatives for me were that both my faves (Kurt and V/M) skated to Justin Bieber songs in the second act. (Ugh. :p) At least Kurt's program was free of Bieber's vocals (it was a mostly instrumental version of "Love Yourself") and the instrumentals worked really well with his intricate footwork. But V&M's "Sorry" was a waste of their immense talent and charisma to me - the song is just too staccato to work well for skating (there was a lot of stopping and posing). Their costumes were gorgeous, though - her dress was covered with dark purple sequins and reminded me of some of the group number dresses from SOI's glory days (like the Rolling Stone and Queen group numbers back in the 90s).

I also really missed Kurt in the group numbers, since he was only a guest star in this year's tour. Elvis was unfortunately not a strong replacement, for me - his first solo number was mostly just skating from one side of the ice to the other, clapping and pointing at the crowd while (as usual) singing along, especially since he had problems on all of his jump attempts. I thought his second number had much more content, but it wasn't really my thing.

I think the main problem I have had with SOI in the past few years is that there is just no coherence for the show as a whole. I miss the days when SOI would originate with the U.S. tour and they would create and rehearse all the group numbers and in-betweens in Lake Placid for weeks rather than just a few days to throw everything together. The programs were thematically arranged with interludes that made artistic sense and the opening, closing, and middle group numbers were always amazing pieces of choreography. (Highlights include the Rolling Stone closing number in 1995, the entire show in 2000 with the Strobe's Nanafushi intro, the Simon and Garfunkel middle group number, and the What a Wonderful World closing, Fun and Games middle number and Stairway to Heaven closing in 1998... so many amazing pieces of art!)

This tour had some good group numbers, but to me, none of it made sense together. For instance, the opening to Act I was very modern, with angular funky movements, and then the opening to Act II was completely classical. None of the interludes really seemed to make sense with how they were placed or why they were included at all.

Oh, and finally - I really enjoyed the choreography and skating of the Sound of Silence men's number that closed Act I (Stojko, Buttle and Chan), but oh my God, the vocals in that version of the song are horrible. Desecration of Simon & Garfunkel!


Well-Known Member
I was at the Toronto show as well. There were many jump problems (including Meagan Duhamel falling on throws in both their programs - I remarked to my friend that I wondered if there was something off with the ice, because she never misses throws!), but the show was very enjoyable overall and it was definitely a very accomplished (30 World medals among them!) and talented cast.

It was amazing to see Donald Jackson skating a program with Kurt. The man is, what, almost 80?! And he even did some waltz jumps!

V&M were definitely used as heavy lifters in the interludes and group numbers and both Tessa and Scott got chances to skate solo in the interludes. Tessa's solo was a David Bowie tribute to "Life on Mars" and Scott had a solo interlude between two skaters in the second act - I don't remember which, exactly. They were also on the ice alone for an extended introduction of the closing group number. They are both such good movers that it was nice to see them used well.

I really enjoyed Kaetlyn Osmond's "Wild Horses" number in the second act. She had jump problems in "Lovefool" in Act I and the music and choreo were a bit too cutesy for me and I didn't think it suited her as well, but the program in the second half was lovely.

Watching Joannie Rochette makes me sad that there is no real pro circuit these days. She is a skater who has definitely grown much more versatile and learned how to reach out to an audience more as a "pro" and I think she would have done really well (a la Kristi Yamaguchi, who I thought became a much better and more complete skater after leaving eligible competition) in a pro competition circuit.

Javi Fernandez was adorable and sometimes reminds me of a young Kurt Browning, which is the greatest compliment I can give.

Patrick should get points just for moving across the ice, seriously - his tango program was gorgeous and my eyes were drawn to him every time he entered during a group number. He's just such a good skater, period.

The negatives for me were that both my faves (Kurt and V/M) skated to Justin Bieber songs in the second act. (Ugh. :p) At least Kurt's program was free of Bieber's vocals (it was a mostly instrumental version of "Love Yourself") and the instrumentals worked really well with his intricate footwork. But V&M's "Sorry" was a waste of their immense talent and charisma to me - the song is just too staccato to work well for skating (there was a lot of stopping and posing). Their costumes were gorgeous, though - her dress was covered with dark purple sequins and reminded me of some of the group number dresses from SOI's glory days (like the Rolling Stone and Queen group numbers back in the 90s).

I also really missed Kurt in the group numbers, since he was only a guest star in this year's tour. Elvis was unfortunately not a strong replacement, for me - his first solo number was mostly just skating from one side of the ice to the other, clapping and pointing at the crowd while (as usual) singing along, especially since he had problems on all of his jump attempts. I thought his second number had much more content, but it wasn't really my thing.

I think the main problem I have had with SOI in the past few years is that there is just no coherence for the show as a whole. I miss the days when SOI would originate with the U.S. tour and they would create and rehearse all the group numbers and in-betweens in Lake Placid for weeks rather than just a few days to throw everything together. The programs were thematically arranged with interludes that made artistic sense and the opening, closing, and middle group numbers were always amazing pieces of choreography. (Highlights include the Rolling Stone closing number in 1995, the entire show in 2000 with the Strobe's Nanafushi intro, the Simon and Garfunkel middle group number, and the What a Wonderful World closing, Fun and Games middle number and Stairway to Heaven closing in 1998... so many amazing pieces of art!)

This tour had some good group numbers, but to me, none of it made sense together. For instance, the opening to Act I was very modern, with angular funky movements, and then the opening to Act II was completely classical. None of the interludes really seemed to make sense with how they were placed or why they were included at all.

Oh, and finally - I really enjoyed the choreography and skating of the Sound of Silence men's number that closed Act I (Stojko, Buttle and Chan), but oh my God, the vocals in that version of the song are horrible. Desecration of Simon & Garfunkel!
A very thoughtful post. I agree with most of what you say here.
I liked Osmond's numbers this year. I did not like some of her previous ones that were kind of sleazy.
Joannie is brilliant and continues to shine as a pro!
Watching Wea/Po was wonderful. It made me feel that it is criminal that those two haven't been world champs yet and I don't know if it will happen given the current scene.
Elvis did not do it for us either. His second number was better than the first and we felt the "Sound of Silence" was quite powerful but we were missing Shawn Sawyer. And I find it very distracting when he sings along!
Kurt not being in group numbers really does have an odd impact. They just felt quiet without him. I'm grateful we saw him in the 2 numbers and we've known for a long time that he was easing out of things but it is still hard to see the change.
I enjoyed Du/Rad even with the falls. I don't think I've ever seen someone who enjoys being up in the air as much as Meagan! And a killer purple unitard!
And the traffic before and after was insane due to a Blue Jays game. AC staff were great as usual. They love SOI attendees because we're so polite and we cut their time spent cleaning up by an hour!


Well-Known Member
I am totally jealous of those of you who got to attend the Toronto show and getting to see that special number. Thanks to seabm7 for posting that youtube link.


Well-Known Member
Apparently, they put the "Rhapsody in Blue" opening number from last years US tour as the start of the second half of the Canadian tour this year, interesting. Funny thing is that Patrick or Joannie probably didn't need to go over the choreography for that number since they were in the US tour last year! :lol:

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