From Russia With Love [#38]: Fall/Winter 2020

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Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Sergei Dobroskokov, one of Pavliuchenko/Khodykin's coaches, is quoted in this article:

Is "ARVI" the flu?
It is ОРВИ in Russian (ORVI) and it is an abbr. for viral respiratory infection.


Well-Known Member

Pepeleva and Pleshkov had to withdraw since their coach got the disease.


Values her privacy

Pepeleva and Pleshkov had to withdraw since their coach got the disease.
Well, that’s lucky. The last thing they would want is to be beaten by Panfilova/Rylov, Kadyrova/Balchenko and both junior pairs Akhanteva/Kolesov and Artemeva/Nazarychev.


Well, that’s lucky.
Yeah, I'm sure they felt that way...

Alexander Kogan says it's too late to replace Pepeleva/Pleshkov:


Values her privacy
Yeah, I'm sure they felt that way...

They probably didn’t, but the fact remains that being beaten by those pairs I named would not help them with the federation. Pepeleva has not been landing triples this season. Unfortunately, as they don’t have the pair elements to the level of Panfilova/Rylov, they would likely score lower than those pairs I named. If (or when) this happens at the nationals, it can be attributed to one bad competition. But if this happened at the GP and at the nationals, the federation would start noticing. There will be a huge fight for spot five and six on the national team. (Tarasova/Morozov, Mishina/Galliamov, Boikova/Kozlovski and Pavliuschenko/Khodykhin have the top four spots certain, in whatever order). But the spot 5 and 6, there are Panfilova/Rylov, Pepeleva/Pleshkov, Kadyrova/Balchenko and any of juniors who may want to move to seniors such as Artemeva/Nazarychev, Akhanteva/Kolesov, Kostiukovich/Briukhanov. Then there is several newly created senior pairs, which are probably not quite ready yet otherwise they would get the GP event, but those may have a competition of their life and get on the team too.


Well-Known Member
Channel 1 video on Aliona Kostornaia

Footage from practices before RC event in Kazan, behind the scenes from Kazan and interview about her new programs


I wonder if she [Tukt.] will include the 4T in her program?
Re-posting here from the Kiss & Cry section:

Trusova's planned quad content as currently listed in her FS is 4Lz, 4T and 4T+3T; Shcherbakova's is 4F; and "the most difficult element of Tuktamysheva's program will be the triple axel":

Of course, elements listed in the ISU's Planned Program Entries can always change.


Well-Known Member
Re-posting here from the Kiss & Cry section:

Trusova's planned quad content as currently listed in her FS is 4Lz, 4T and 4T+3T; Shcherbakova's is 4F; and "the most difficult element of Tuktamysheva's program will be the triple axel":

Of course, elements listed in the ISU's Planned Program Entries can always change.
I wonder why no 4S for Trusova, it was great at Kazan.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Russian Channel #1 GP Rostelecom announcement and Alina Zagitova explaining singles programme elements from the TV audience (~ 6 min video with plenty of skating clips from top skaters).

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Japanese company "Airweave" extend their contract with Alina Zagitova and Masaru. Alina and Masaru are featured in several Japanese TV product presentations.



Ubering juniors against my will
Saw it posted somewhere that there are some reports that Shcherbakova has pneumonia.

If that's true, it's a really rough illness that can have a long recovery period. I am still upset at how it totally derailed Tuktamysheva's 2018/2019 season when she was doing so well.
I was thinking of that too. Rotten timing for Liza, and possibly now for Anna as well.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Re Shcherbakova's diagnosis: there are assumptions that it is pneumonia, grippe, flue, etc. The diagnosis that is official so far, in russian, is простудное заболевание, which translates as "cold-related/catarrh illness" (stuffed nose, coughing or soar throat, temperature), it also can mean "common cold".


Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Oh good, then perhaps it's not really pneumonia after all. I hope not!
There are sources/articles/news clips that say "pneumonia", and then there are those who say "grippe" or "flue"... TASS, which is most official usually, said "cold-like symptoms", which sounds the most logical too.


Well-Known Member
Re Shcherbakova's diagnosis: there are assumptions that it is pneumonia, grippe, flue, etc. The diagnosis that is official so far, in russian, is простудное заболевание, which translates as "cold-related/catarrh illness" (stuffed nose, coughing or soar throat, temperature), it also can mean "common cold".

Oh God poor Anna. :( I hope it's nothing too bad and she can get back to training soon I'm the one hundred percent by Nationals. Everyone is just so beaten up by this year what a mess what a disaster what a tragedy. Sometimes I think some of these great athletes should just take two season off and then come back next year and see if things are better.

It could be worse for Anna this could have happened right before Nationals Europeans worlds or Olympics.

It's also unfathomable to think that no EG girls are at this Grand Prix. She could have really used Alina this season especially after the departures of Sasha and aliona.


Well-Known Member
Tuktamysheva's 3A is a mystery to me, she has no speed or visible energy going in yet somehow she rotates and lands effortlessly. Same with the quad toe, she has completely unique technique. I wish her other jumps were better, we never see her skate all her top content at once.
Tough luck on the 3A for Trusova, but she'll make up for it tomorrow I'm sure.
Kostornaia's skating skills and musicality are way better than them both but the PCS was still a bit much for me. Maybe more than a bit. I just think she's capable of more.


Well-Known Member
Tuktamysheva's 3A is a mystery to me, she has no speed or visible energy going in yet somehow she rotates and lands effortlessly. Same with the quad toe, she has completely unique technique. I wish her other jumps were better, we never see her skate all her top content at once.
That's a bit funny.
While Tuktamysheva obviously is not the most consistent skater out there (and given her age, ultra-C element, chronic injuries and many more factors it's quite understandable), she has, in general, probably the best jumps in the business.
Sometimes it's easy to forget that you don't have to bend in half to go for a quad/triple axel or use your hands and upper body as much as possible and that it’s possible to jump with the legs power only, as it is supposed to be.
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