2017-2018 Program Music and Choreographers

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
I just don't understand what the music and lyrics has to do with those particular visuals/fight scene. There's no back story and it don't make sense to me, unless there's a movie attached to this that I know nothing about, which is entirely possible. And still those vocals/lyrics simply do not fit!

This Relationship is in shambles (as the insides of the house in the set), in state of a constant struggle and fighting, where each one needs to have his/her guard up. One loves the other, but exhausted by conflicts and feels he has to leave it all behind.


Banned Member
This Relationship is in shambles (as the insides of the house in the set), in state of a constant struggle and fighting, where each one needs to have his/her guard up. One loves the other, but exhausted by conflicts and feels he has to leave it all behind.

Oh, thanks. So, the martial arts figures are just symbolic? In that case, maybe there is something Taka can get out of the music/lyrics, if he identifies with having had such a relationship, or with having witnessed one between others close to him.

The opening of the song makes the song! :cheer: there's tension and voids worth exploring there IMO.

:D Yep, sure @Karpenko. Voids galore are gonna be needed this season! We must have them! Demand to have them, no less. :cheer2: :inavoid: :inavoid: Olympics season here we come! :gallopin1

At least Massimo appears to be :inavoid: over this song, so let's see what happens. ;) I realize the clip of Massi & Taka working on the program can't possibly tell us everything. It's just a promotional tool.
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Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Oh, thanks. So, the martial arts figures are just symbolic? In that case, maybe there is something Taka can get out of the music/lyrics, if he identifies with having had such a relationship, or with having witnessed one between others close to him.
I am pretty sure the martial arts figures/fighting is symbolic. Another version of the story could be "internal struggle" - love vs. need for freedom...?

I am getting addicted this season to finding out who is skating to what.... that time of the year and so far music choices don't knock my socks off.... need a good fix.... :D

Looks like Pogorilaya is up to something, music wise…
I found her site, where her posts are completely out of order by date…. June 2017 mixed with July..
But there are seem to be new costumes and music refs, maybe old, maybe new, hard to tell, the dates are all over. https://vk.com/anna_pogorilaya

“Fell with all my heart for Anna Karenina movie. This is what we came up with choreographer and designer”

... and it looks like she performed it in Japan last month.
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Well-Known Member
Looks like Pogorilaya is up to something, music wise…
I found her site, where her posts are completely out of order by date…. June 2017 mixed with July..
But there are seem to be new costumes and music refs, maybe old, maybe new, hard to tell, the dates are all over. https://vk.com/anna_pogorilaya

“Fell with all my heart for Anna Karenina movie. This is what we came up with choreographer and designer”

... and it looks like she performed it in Japan last month.

Yes she performed Anna Karenina in Japan but there is no video recording of it. Rumor has it that AK may be one of her competitive programs.


Values her privacy
I'm missing something?, I don´t love the song, but it seems people has other kind of problem with it :confused:.
It seems that people in this thread have problem with any kind of music. This thread is having a pattern - someone posts a skater's music, then ten to twenty posters responds how awful it is, suggest that the skater should have chosen either completely different style of music, or the music is a warhose, how disappointing the choice is, or if at least it was the same music but performed by a different singer. Then someone else posts programs for another skater and the whole pattern repeats itself.
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Not Impressed.
:lol: I never blamed Max for it though, always Mr. Mills! I do think his LP this season will be an improvement. #thatsallyouget #withinacoupleweeks

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Yes she performed Anna Karenina in Japan but there is no video recording of it. Rumor has it that AK may be one of her competitive programs.
Interesting! Pogorilaya and Medviedeva are friends.... and yet they did not coordinate knowing they might be performing in the same competition.


Well-Known Member
Med isn't skating to Anna Karenina in competition though, right? I thought it was an exhibition piece. Though, it may hurt Anna if people think Med's exhibition program is much better than Anna's competition program. If people think Anna's version is better, it's no skin off of Med's back since she's not performing Karenina to be judged.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Med isn't skating to Anna Karenina in competition though, right? I thought it was an exhibition piece. Though, it may hurt Anna if people think Med's exhibition program is much better than Anna's competition program. If people think Anna's version is better, it's no skin off of Med's back since she's not performing Karenina to be judged.
Not sure 100%..... but so far it seems they both chose AK for exhibition programme... So if by chance they both medal at the same event, we get two "dingbats jumping under the train".... :D

Gabrielle Daleman 2017-18 Short Program Music - Carmen

..... and i am sure it is not the last one this season. I found a solution, to watch all "Carmens" this season. I am turning off the sound to the programme, and diving into "Crazy World of Arthur Brown" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaHEusBG20c

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
^^^ LOL, Instead of a time violation or a wardrobe violation I wish they would institute a warhorse violation.

Judges: "Fine, if you want us to judge another rendition of Carmen then fine but starting penalty is 1.00"

Am being totally serious here, too. Maybe this pushes skaters to look for inspiration in other places.

Id be happy with just about anything original this season, even the theme song to "The Price Is Right."


Well-Known Member
As much as we laugh and are tired of these warhorses, I think we have to remember that these skaters are young and probably really wanted to skate to some of these warhorses for a while or at least are excited with the prospect when presented with these pieces. They also aren't hardcore skating fans spending hours watching old programs and old competitions, so they probably aren't tired of it the way we are.


Well-Known Member
Adelina skated to Carmen and won the OGM!
The general audience at the Olympics loves warhorses and warhorses only. They start clapping immediately if they know the music and the enthusiasm from the stands has an effect on the judges. It's that simple. B/S was an example that they couldn't get the audience into their FD even in their home country.

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
Adelina skated to Carmen and won the OGM!
The general audience at the Olympics loves warhorses and warhorses only. They start clapping immediately if they know the music and the enthusiasm from the stands has an effect on the judges. It's that simple. B/S was an example that they couldn't get the audience into their FD even in their home country.

MAJOR PROPS to Tara Lipinski who went out there and did it to Once Upon A December and The Rainbow.

I admire that big time.

Added later: I also admire Michelle Kwan for always making me research her music as for the first 6-7 years I was almost always unfamiliar with her music.
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Well-Known Member
Most of the top ladies in Nagano skated to unique pieces or pieces that weren't overused at the time they competed. Wish that was the case here. But so long as the ladies now LOVE what they're skating to, that's all that matters. You would think the choreographers would think more outside the box, but what can you do?


Well-Known Member
The general audience at the Olympics loves warhorses and warhorses only.

Nonsense. They like to clap, yes. They like music with a beat if you will give them one. They like to be swept away. And they like a clean performance. They are less likely to recognize a warhorse than the average skating fan, and most warhorses came into existence because there is a powerful build to the music.

But an Olympic audience is open to a LOT of great music. They tend to be a lot more nationalistic than your average skating audience (because many have bought tickets in order to see the Olympics, rather than skating, and just root for the athletes from their own country), but I have never noticed an Olympic audience to be less appreciative of musical diversity and/or entertainment value than any other skating audience.
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