2023 Russian Nationals, Dec. 22-25, 2022 in Krasnoyarsk

Amy L

Well-Known Member
Samarin crushed it. :lol: I said he'd end up on the podium in a year he can't go to Euro or Worlds.
You're not wrong. :lol: Samarin looks like he can barely believe it though.

Zhenya is gonna win with his dumb hair, isn't he?


Cats and garlic lover
295.07 for both Gumennik and Semenenko, Semenenko.wins with the 1st place in LP


Let the skating begin
What a result! Gummenik and Sememenko tied score, but Semenenko won the FS and gets the gold. If only Gummenik hadn't put that hand down on the quad, he'd have won. I feel sorry for Mozalev, but he gave it away.

I think the happiest (besides Samarin and Mrs. Mishin) were Kovalev and his coach. They've really come a long way and he skated very well.


Let the skating begin
Women's results are totally unpredictable this season.
Valieva just opened the door for Akateva and Tuk with a popped 3A. But her SS are to die for.
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Let the skating begin
I'm still not certain that Samodelkina's move to Sokolovskaya from Davydov was the best idea. She's the most "junior" of the three Sofias.

And trivia, Tuk is the only skater competiting born before 2004. She turned 26 this week.

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
Extraordinary 3 ax with gorgeous long edge finish.
Super 3ple.
Super combo 3lz-3t.
Semblance of musicality…hears the tune.
Should be WAY ahead of Valieva.

Update: yes! 85.59
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Let the skating begin
Stupid internet dropped during Akateva's skate, but her score tells me everything I want to know. But, the dog's groomer texted me to reschedule so I won't miss Tuk's skate.


Let the skating begin
Oops. Single axel from Valieva. Good triple & solid 3lz-3t combo. Dry - no smile. No artistry. 76+ pts. Meh.
She had a very rare pop, but to say she has no artistry is just laughable and her skating skills and spins are the best of all the Russian women. She beat Akateva, whom I like a lot, on PCS and she should.


Let the skating begin
I've always liked Frolova and think she is underrated.

Adelia is such a little doll. Too bad about the fall on the Lz, but she's got a full arsenal for the FS.
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Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
Petrosian Fall on solo 3ple but did 3ax and 3-3 combo. Very low jumps. Moves like machine…zip zip along. Why bother with music?

Into 3rd, just behind Valieva.

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
A. Zinina in a red version of Tennell’s climate-change program….black tarantula back straps.
Well done! Zinina has LIFE in her face. Hears the music.

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
She had a very rare pop, but to say she has no artistry is just laughable and her skating skills and spins are the best of all the Russian women. She beat Akateva, whom I like a lot, on PCS and she should.
Valieva now reminds me of a slow ball of wax chugging along. Total meh.

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
Even Fedyanina of Perm skated with LIFE in her face! Cool moves. Clean, too…but 2axel only.


Let the skating begin
judges are not being generous with spin levels. I fear for Liza with her 3A from almost a dead stop. :lol: You've got to love her, but Akateva was better IMHO. We'll see if the judges agree. I would be absolutely thrilled for her to win, but she's got to depend on others to fail in order to do so. But any color medal at her 15th nationals will be a win.
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Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
Tuk is Feeling Good.
3ax but sharp landing…AKATIEVA better.
3lz-3t super combo with ride out
Good 3 flip.
Sassy with FACE reflecting music!

2nd…behind Akatieva. correct


Let the skating begin
Sofia Zakarova has been a little delight all season. She doesn't have the 3A or quads (yet), but she's got solid basics and is just fun to watch.

Sinitsina is one of my favorties. Another without the big scoring elements, but so expressive and so clean in everything she does. Her SP is just beautiful. If anybody is looking for just one or two skates to watch, I recommend this one.

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
SINITSYNA- total class & Art…edges, musicality, port de bras…
Excellent elements, if 2ax…but great ride out.

Should be AHEAD of Valieva & Petrosian.

5th - a joke.

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
Great job - Yametova of Sverdlovsk! Very musical, with original cool moves.

Sixth. Should be WAY ahead of Valieva & Petrosian. Should be

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
Hey, some LIFE and spirit from Paramanova of Moscow. Smiles, sass and suspenders! Just 13th is ok…but more LIFE than Valieva.

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
Muravieva - taller yet lean, lovely.
Great 3ax…and other jumps.
Not a Queen of style but seems to hear music.
Will this go ahead of Valieva-Petrosian? It should!

AKATIEVA skated more freely…should stay first.

Update: Muravieva 3rd at 79 pts. Good.
Sinitsyna should be absolute 4th.
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Let the skating begin
As expected Muravieva did very well and is in 3d place. A fall in the SS cost her 2nd. The FS is going to be very interesting and exciting. It's a shame Akateva and Muravieva didn't get to compete for a junior world title. and even more that Sofia Samodelkina was skating better last season. She's grown a lot this year and is still adjusting. But, it is what it is. Valieva is going to need both the 3A and her quad to get on the podium.

Top three are Tutberidze, Mishin and Plushenko's skaters.
Top Six
Akateva 85.59
Tutamysheva 82.98
Muravieva 79.96
Valieva 76.61
Petrosyn 76.25
Sinitsyna 74.89
All but Sinitsyna have both a 3A and quad (except Tuk but she does 2 3As in her FS) so who knows how it will end up.

For those who are interested, the pair FS is at 3:30 AM EST tomorrow and the women is at 6:00 AM
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Well-Known Member
I just finished watching the women and I really enjoyed the top 3. I LOVE that Akateva and Muravieva use their left arms on the axel take off, makes for a bigger, more impressive triple axel! Of the younger ones, my favorite is Muravieva. She doesn’t do every jump with her arms above her head, she seems to be fairly consistent and I think long term her potential to be able to stay past 17-18 is better. I have never been a huge Valieva fan but have always been quite impressed with her spins (which are still great). She has good skating skills but I feel like watching her today, everything seemed labored. To me, her jumps have always been labored, but now even the crossovers looked like they took a lot of effort and all the leg lifts just looked hard to do. I haven’t watched her all season, so maybe it was just today, but I wasn’t super into her program. Glad to see Tuk still skating, that’s so impressive! The long should be fun to watch!

Lilia A

Well-Known Member
Tuk is the only skater competiting born before 2004
And if I'm not mistaken, now that Trusova is out, Tuk and Sinitisyna are the only skaters 18 and over. Am I missing anyone? Just 2/17. I think last year it was only Tuk and Samodurova, so I guess it's tradition.

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