From Russia With Love [#40]: Summer 2021 & into the Olympic season

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Values her privacy
The World Anti-Doping Agency wishes to draw the attention of the Laboratories to the following remarks and instructions on the analysis and reporting of trimetazidine (TMZ).
The detection of TMZ [1-(2,3,4-trimethoxybenzyl)piperazine] in urine may result from the metabolism of lomerizine [1-[bis(4-fluorophenyl)methyl-4-(2,3,4-trimethoxybenzyl)piperazine], a permitted drug used for the treatment of migraine.1,
OMG, that’s bad! So she may have taken something that’s not even banned substance, and yet she has been named (and shamed) in public media as a skater who failed drug test. So even if they now find out that she (and her coaching team) didn’t do anything wrong, her name has already been smeared and people here have been even jumping to conclusions and blaming the coaches. Wow…. Imagine the pressure on a 15 year old, who has been named in media and she may be completely innocent!


Grumpy Cynical Ice Dance Lover
If the test came positive, it means both A&B samples WERE positive.
And it would be rich they find something to prove she takes the exactly right migraine medication.
I'm sorry she now is tainted forever. Not only her but all Eteri's skaters.


Well-Known Member
Wow. I'm very late to this, but is that right that Russia knew Valieva tested positive back in December?!?! Why was she skating both segments of the team event?! Surely they knew that would cause a massive issue?!?

Bring Tuk to the Olympics please!!!!!
I'm all for bringing Tuk now. This whole thing has a left a bad taste in my mouth and I wasn't into age restrictions before, but now I am convinced that ALL athletes should be 18 when they set foot at the Olympic games. I like teenage athletes, but this shows how vulnerable they are to the decisions of adults. She already has the advantage of youth, state sponsored training, yet still has to be given drugs. I don't think a trace amount is an accident. Her training mates are probably on that stuff as well. I guess we don't care what their health is like at age 40 so long as they can perform while they are teenagers.

I don't know anyone who got migraines as teenagers. While I'm sure there are few kids who need it, I highly doubt that it amounts to "many." I find it is almost too convenient that a top figure skater would need this medicine. Maybe Trusova and Anna also have migraine problems.

Many 15 year olds (and even much younger) need both daily preventative and acute migraine medicine.


Values her privacy
I don't know anyone who got migraines as teenagers. While I'm sure there are few kids who need it, I highly doubt that it amounts to "many." I find it is almost too convenient that a top figure skater would need this medicine. Maybe Trusova and Anna also have migraine problems.
Google is your friend!
10% children aged 5-15 and 28% of teens get migraines. You must live a very sheltered life if you don’t know anyone who has them as teenagers, because it is pretty common!



Well-Known Member
Google is your friend!
10% children aged 5-15 and 28% of teens get migraines. You must live a very sheltered life if you don’t know anyone who has them as teenagers, because it is pretty common!

10 percent is not many. How many of that 10% actually are elite athletes?


No lamb chop, so don’t you fork my peas
I would think Lomerizine and/or it’s metabolites will have to be in her sample and she’ll likely need to provide other evidence of Lomerizine use for the treatment of migraines. Time will tell, especially if WADA disputes a decision.

Here is a doping arbitration report in athletics where a Russian athlete alleged TMZ in the sample was a result of Lomerizine/Migsis for migraines:


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
I question why a 15 year old needs migraine medicine.
And why it wasn't listed on any reports.
She is a teenager. As per the link I posted, it says 28% of teenagers, that’s nearly every third. That’s a lot!
Yeah, and how many of that 28% are elite level athletes? I seriously doubt that any teenager who suffers from acute migraines enough so they need to be prescribed a migraine medication are going to be competing at a world class level in the sport of figure skating. Surely we would have heard of a few examples over the years, right?

Come on, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's a freakin' duck.
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Values her privacy
And why it wasn't listed on any
Yeah, and how many of that 28% are elite level athletes? I seriously doubt that any teenager who suffers from acute migraines enough so they need to be prescribed a migraine medication are going to be competing at a world class level in the sport of figure skating. Surely we would have heard of a few examples over the years, right?

Come on, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's a freakin' duck.
I don’t know how many elite athletes have migraines. Google it if you are interested. But even if it wasn’t 28% but just 1%, it doesn’t mean that she can’t have it. Hanyu has asthma. How many percent elite athletes have asthma? Probably not many, but as you see, there are some.


Well-Known Member
If she needs medicine for migraines, they should've submitted the proper paperwork.
That particular medicine is not banned and it looks like they only found out last yr. that you can't prove the heart medication has been taken if person is on the migraine meds. Would they be obliged to tell the parents that they were feeding her the drug? Who knew?It sounds dangerous as it lets you do more extensive training even though you are not getting enough oxygen in your blood. This is really scary. My last hospital stay was due to a drug I was taking (which is taken by thousands Upon thousands without many side effects)which was poisoning me. It takes a while to take effect (months)but when it did I had breathing problems and could only walk a few steps. The doctor tested me and it looked like the problem was my heart. The heart problem jumped up because of how little oxygen I had in my blood which of course caused the breathing problems as well. To correct it I had 6 red blood transfusions, 3 platelets transfusions and 4 daily shots of white blood cell stuff. Terrible things could have happened to that girl whose parents entrusted her care to a monster like Eteri.


Well-Known Member
I’m just confused what a “legal” issue is here despite her age. I’m not defending her or attacking her .. I just want facts. Is this a prior test or from this competition? Usually it is simple. If you test positive you’re out.

Ananas Astra

Get woke, go broke!
I’m just confused what a “legal” issue is here despite her age. I’m not defending her or attacking her .. I just want facts. Is this a prior test or from this competition? Usually it is simple. If you test positive you’re out.
It was a sample from December.


Well-Known Member
That particular medicine is not banned and it looks like they only found out last yr. that you can't prove the heart medication has been taken if person is on the migraine meds. Would they be obliged to tell the parents that they were feeding her the drug? Who knew?It sounds dangerous as it lets you do more extensive training even though you are not getting enough oxygen in your blood. This is really scary. My last hospital stay was due to a drug I was taking (which is taken by thousands Upon thousands without many side effects)which was poisoning me. It takes a while to take effect (months)but when it did I had breathing problems and could only walk a few steps. The doctor tested me and it looked like the problem was my heart. The heart problem jumped up because of how little oxygen I had in my blood which of course caused the breathing problems as well. To correct it I had 6 red blood transfusions, 3 platelets transfusions and 4 daily shots of white blood cell stuff. Terrible things could have happened to that girl whose parents entrusted her care to a monster like Eteri.
They may even be giving migraine meds to mask heart drugs. Everyone is so caught up in her age and that she is vulnerable, but it permits the adults who are doing this to her to get away with this. When China was doping its female swimmers, many questioned why their men did not get similar results. This disparity existed under East Germany as well, their females were more successful than the men. Russia has strong men who struggle with consistency. A man has larger capacity to do a packed program than the women due to a larger heart, larger muscles etc, yet none of their men are doing packed programs and landing all those quads jumps. Valieva looks like a superwoman out there landing all those jumps and doing all those transitions and being consistent. How come it doesn't translate to the men? It goes for the other two as well. They are the only kids who are consistently doing quads. Even Alyssa's quads have been sidelined due to puberty. Yet somehow the whole world is deficient. Yet Nathan Chen just won an OGM with a ton of quads.


Well-Known Member
It was a sample from December.
In one of the articles yesterday shown that some drugs you are not allowed during a competition and others you are not allowed at all. This one you are not allowed at any time. She tested positive on a random urine drug test in December. It is for heart disease. If she actually has the heart disease I guess she could get a medical exemption certificate but it most be submitted before.


Well-Known Member
In one of the articles yesterday shown that some drugs you are not allowed during a competition and others you are not allowed at all. This one you are not allowed at any time. She tested positive on a random urine drug test in December. It is for heart disease. If she actually has the heart disease I guess she could get a medical exemption certificate but it most be submitted before.
I doubt she has heart disease though.

Ananas Astra

Get woke, go broke!
I doubt she has heart disease though.
You never know.
A friend of ours also didn't tell us for 2 years she has multiple sclerosis because she is sick of the reactions from others ("And how are you going to have kids?" "What if you had kids and had another episode while raising them?" etc.) and we would've never even suspected it.

Ananas Astra

Get woke, go broke!
Furthermore, if there was a legitimate reason for her to take the migraine medicine, that fact should have been disclosed early on.
If each athlete had to report each and every teeny tiny itty-bitty to the authorities, there would never be an ending to it.
Why would she have to report she is suffering from migraine from time to time?


Banned Member
All members of my family suffer from severe migraines at least twice a month. And when it's not a migraine it's normally a painful headache. I had my first migraine at 12. My sister was hospitalized at 16 due to a severe migraine. Now, I don't know why unless things don't happen specifically to "YOU", automatically they are "suspicious". Once this manager told me: "For 15 years, I never believed people calling in sick due to back pain. I thought they were making up excuses. Then, last week, for the first time in my life I had back pain. I was in so much pain...I couldn't come to work..." lol.


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
OMG, that’s bad! So she may have taken something that’s not even banned substance, and yet she has been named (and shamed) in public media as a skater who failed drug test. So even if they now find out that she (and her coaching team) didn’t do anything wrong, her name has already been smeared and people here have been even jumping to conclusions and blaming the coaches. Wow…. Imagine the pressure on a 15 year old, who has been named in media and she may be completely innocent!
Nobody seems to believe in innocent until proven guilty. :(

They are not willing to consider any explanation other than what proves themselves right.


Whippet Good
I feel sorry for Kamila. I don't feel sorry for her team or anyone defending her team. I think she should be allowed to skate because I 100% blame the team around her. They are the ones who should be sanctioned and banned. This girl is 15. It's only a f*cking medal. She has decades left that could be adversely affected.
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