Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir #48: Long Time Running


Well-Known Member
Other thread is at 2500 replies so thought it was a perfect time to start a new thread!

Looking back, most are partial to new thread as Long Time Running and so am I.

Btw, never knew that MR would take a life on its own. (Glad to hear it's more than about the lift :p) It's insane that it's blown worldwide. Kudos to v/m for believing in it (and making us all believe in it too) as well as all the choreographers who had a hand in it (Sam, MF, Pat, anyone else?)

Response really has been amazing. In this radio interview Tessa says they received a note from Ewan McGregor’s mother which is so cool chumam.streamon.fm/listen-pl-6249?smc=8
A sappy but very cute article as well https://nerdygirlnotes.com/2018/02/...e-all-obsessed-with-two-canadian-ice-dancers/
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I have a question about Tess and Scott’s twizzles. I noticed that their free leg isn’t raised very high in the passes where they don’t grab the blade. I don’t see the big triangles that the legs make when other teams raise their free legs higher. Does this make their twizzles easier to balance? Does that lower their level of difficulty or presentation score?


Well-Known Member
I have a question about Tess and Scott’s twizzles. I noticed that their free leg isn’t raised very high in the passes where they don’t grab the blade. I don’t see the big triangles that the legs make when other teams raise their free legs higher. Does this make their twizzles easier to balance? Does that lower their level of difficulty or presentation score?
Tech panel will be able to give you better answer of the marks for level of difficulty and presentation. As far as I understood from the years reading here, twizzles depends on how fast a couple does them together, performed in unison, how much they travel over the ice while doing so, how close they are with each other when twizzles are done as well as how the entry to twizzles is done. Change of direction while in rotation (like first going counterclockwise then clockwise, for example) can be regarded as more difficult since you can lose speed s you change or not be in unison doing so. I think as long as you both grab at your blades at same time, turn and finish together (I.e. In unison), it's marked high. Some may be more flexible or lean so it may look different between couples doing similar twizzles movement. I'm no expert. Correct me if I'm wrong


Well-Known Member
I have a question about Tess and Scott’s twizzles. I noticed that their free leg isn’t raised very high in the passes where they don’t grab the blade. I don’t see the big triangles that the legs make when other teams raise their free legs higher. Does this make their twizzles easier to balance? Does that lower their level of difficulty or presentation score?

The quick answer is yes, easier to balance but no it does not lower their level of difficulty because of the other features they add. They get the highest levels for their twizzles when they perform them error free. They meet the level 4 requirements for number of rotations per set and multiple directions.

To elaborate a little on their positions, in their MR free dance, the first set of twizzles, their legs are in coupée position (i think that is the case anyway, but please someone correct me if am wrong) which opens the hips and makes balance more difficult, then they do the criss cross move in ina bauer position and sync up again for their catch foot position set, and then their third set ends on the beat of the music. They are a risky set of twizzles with all of those features it helps them in both tech and PCS.

But there are other more knowledgeable posters here who will likely give you a better and more elaborate answer :)


Well-Known Member
"I'm wondering, was we supposed to, like, give the medal to anybody but them?? Look at this s***, man! ...Like, this is crazy! They're, like, insanely good." - Comedian Leslie Jones, commenting on V&M's gala skate :lol:

(And then she followed up with "Y'all together, I don't care what nobody says 'bout that." :lol:)


Well-Known Member
I keep watching their performance; I just can't let go yet :(

On another note, I hope their success encourages other teams to get outside the current "lyrical" trend. I know some fans of other teams thought V/M were outdated but I think it may be just the opposite. The non-ID fans I watched with were thrilled to finally see something different after so many softer programs. It would do the sport good to have more styles shown and maybe other teams will see that they can differentiate themselves and stand out like V/M did. They were so smart in their choice to stand out instead of blend in.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the explanation of twizzles. V/M really focus on transitions in between their twizzles to add difficulty. They start their twizzles out of nowhere. Check out this SD from when they were at 2005 Junior worlds where they come right after a step sequence (and in more of the triangle position with high leg Xioxue had mentioned) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvDMZDWEG-0

Facebook Live chat (posted in previous thread):

They mention that their song this Olympics was "Unstoppable" - and I can't help but think if it was due to this fan video, which Tessa brought attention to:

Posted in previous thread. Baz Lurhmann mentioning Virtue and Moir and complimenting them (and their choreographers indirectly) a lot:


Well-Known Member
V/M really focus on transitions in between their twizzles to add difficulty.

They sure do :) In terms of transitions, I think their Latch twizzles are stellar. 4 transitions in and around the sequence.

Also of note, twizzle placement within the program can boost PCS. In both their Prince and Stones SD, twizzles are second to last element. Risky, but smart.


Well-Known Member
Love your twizzles explanation post, kittysk8ts :) I'm with you for those twizzles in Latch program. Such a smooth transition from kneeling and into the twizzles done in unison still stands out as one of my fav in their mix match of twizzles. I'm so pleased this season they worked out the kinks in them. They do quite of them a bit in the MR FD and so unison in all of them. (I didn't hold my breath as much to be honest after watching them before GPF onwards. I felt it that they had it this time around :p)

Skaters should skate to a piece of music they love and can relate to. It doesn't really matter if it's Broadway-like, lyrical, contemporary, etc. I think it's how you make it your own that makes the difference.

For me, v/m took 2 warhorses (Carmen & MR), classical Mahler & Valse Triste, theatrical Funny Face, Rock Prince, Voidy Pink Floyd - Just to name a few, all stood out because they made it all their own. Even the terms we associate to lyrical, pop or Broadway conjure up something in our minds in one way but v/m's choreography on these programs almost always puts a slight twist to it. (I don't know how to explain it. It is always this way whenever I watch or hear they'll be skating to a piece of music at the start of the season)

In the end, I think it really does have to do the way they drawn in your attention rather than just appreciate as a spectator. That's key to their success


Well-Known Member
Love your twizzles explanation post, kittysk8ts :) I'm with you for those twizzles in Latch program. Such a smooth transition from kneeling and into the twizzles done in unison still stands out as one of my fav in their mix match of twizzles. I'm so pleased this season they worked out the kinks in them. They do quite of them a bit in the MR FD and so unison in all of them. (I didn't hold my breath as much to be honest after watching them before GPF onwards. I felt it that they had it this time around :p)

Skaters should skate to a piece of music they love and can relate to. It doesn't really matter if it's Broadway-like, lyrical, contemporary, etc. I think it's how you make it your own that makes the difference.

For me, v/m took 2 warhorses (Carmen & MR), classical Mahler & Valse Triste, theatrical Funny Face, Rock Prince, Voidy Pink Floyd - Just to name a few, all stood out because they made it all their own. Even the terms we associate to lyrical, pop or Broadway conjure up something in our minds in one way but v/m's choreography on these programs almost always puts a slight twist to it. (I don't know how to explain it. It is always this way whenever I watch or hear they'll be skating to a piece of music at the start of the season)

In the end, I think it really does have to do the way they drawn in your attention rather than just appreciate as a spectator. That's key to their success
You explained it perfectly :) You have BELIEVE in what you're doing to sell it. And yes, they bring their own special brand to everything they do. The detail in their programs in incredible. Every time I watch each performance, I find new little "easter eggs" that I hadn't seen the time before. So special, they are.

mia mar

New Member
im sorry to ask, but im fairly new and dont know how to search the forum. Does anyone have the link to the cbc video 20 year video that shows their reactions too?


Well-Known Member
a lot of p/c fans think that what they do is the modern take on ice dancing when what they're doing is really watering down of a lot of technical difficulties that marina's former teams used to crank out--one-foot skating, closed holds, difficult transitions and lifts. v/m excels in melding together difficult lifts with tessa doing more in lifts than scott does (meaning more core strength required, hence higher level of difficulty), closed holds, deep edges and many turns on one-foot skating, seamless yet difficult transitions, all in superb artistic expression.

v/m also for the most part refuse to repeat themes and elements year after year. they TAKE TECHNICAL AND ARTISTIC RISKS. only supremely good skaters AND ice dancers can take on such challenge year after year. who would've thought that the very team who once largely focused on lyrical themes for free dances could expand themselves into broadway, psychedelic rock, latin, angsty opera and sensual tango? if you do the same lyrical theme year after year, there's not much to be challenged artistically and expression wise. which also impacts the level of technical elements incorporated in each routine. hence, much dependence on existent muscle memory to execute such elements. nothing much there to work on. v/m also divide much of the choreographic work between the two of them, hence less dragging and hauling up, less two foot skating and more difficult transitions

that's why v/m are a once in a lifetime team. the next quad will feature more lyrical after lyrical themes and watering down of technical difficulty as that what most judges seem to prefer now that teams that can handle actual artistic expansions in free dance have retired/will retire
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Well-Known Member
In this article there’s this twitter post that points out that VM drew to skate 20 (both SD and FD), won on the 20th of the month, and they’ve been skating together for 20 years. They also skated exactly at 11:11. I mean if that’s not the universe aligning for them, I don’t know what is. And I can tell you guys this now but I’m a bit superstitious. I love Sui/Han and wanted them to win for that reason (though I love Savchenko/Massot too and would have been happy either way), but there’s another reason I wanted S/H to win. I don’t know if you guys ever noticed, but everytime S/H and VM skate at the same competition in recent years, they finish in the same position whether it’s first or second. So when S/H won silver I was like yep that’s it no gold for VM. Thank goodness I had some sense talked into me and I was told correlation≠causation. Ok story time is over lol.
im sorry to ask, but im fairly new and dont know how to search the forum. Does anyone have the link to the cbc video 20 year video that shows their reactions too?
There’s a lot of links in the old thread, I’m pretty sure I posted it there. If I have time later or I’m not being too lazy maybe I’ll make a huge post in here with everything we have so far. If someone else likes doing that sort of thing, please go for it!


Well-Known Member
im sorry to ask, but im fairly new and dont know how to search the forum. Does anyone have the link to the cbc video 20 year video that shows their reactions too?

This the closest I've found to the finding their reactions while the Jim Cuddy 20-year montage is playing. What might be adding to it being hard to find is the copyright on the song itself.


Well-Known Member
a lot of p/c fans think that what they do is the modern take on ice dancing when what they're doing is really watering down of a lot of technical difficulties that marina's former teams used to crank out--one-foot skating, closed holds, difficult transitions and lifts. v/m excels in melding together difficult lifts with tessa doing more in lifts than scott does (meaning more core strength required, hence higher level of difficulty), closed holds, deep edges and many turns on one-foot skating, seamless yet difficult transitions, all in superb artistic expression.

v/m also for the most part refuse to repeat themes and elements year after year. they TAKE TECHNICAL AND ARTISTIC RISKS. only supremely good skaters AND ice dancers can take on such challenge year after year. who would've thought that the very team who once largely focused on lyrical themes for free dances could expand themselves into broadway, psychedelic rock, latin, angsty opera and sensual tango? if you do the same lyrical theme year after year, there's not much to be challenged artistically and expression wise. which also impacts the level of technical elements incorporated in each routine. hence, much dependence on existent muscle memory to execute such elements. nothing much there to work on. v/m also divide much of the choreographic work between the two of them, hence less dragging and hauling up, less two foot skating and more difficult transitions

that's why v/m are a once in a lifetime team. the next quad will feature more lyrical after lyrical themes and watering down of technical difficulty as that what most judges seem to prefer now that teams that can handle actual artistic expansions in free dance have retired/will retire
Agree with every word about V/M :) And re P/C, I truly think we will see them delve into different material during this next quad. I personally think that this was not the season to expect them to do that. But that is just my piddly little opinion.
It's going to be sad without V/M going forward (and others retiring) but I always find the new landscape of the post Olympic season, interesting.

Anyway, I digress.

Back to V/M - I just watch Aliona and Bruno's FS again and noticed Mrs. Virtue and Mrs. Moir giving them a standing O. It was probably pointed out by someone here at the time, but I think I missed it. Cute :)

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