"The Walking Dead": Any fans here?

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Holding Alex Johnson's Pineapple
I'm finally caught up! I watched it On Demand.

For the future, if Norman Reedus is not going to appear in an episode, I would like to be notified beforehand....

That said, I thought this season started out very strong, much better than season three, which I still haven't seen all of... But I thought it all started to go awry with the two episodes focused on the governor. I agree with whomever posted above that they don't really care about the new characters--I also think you could've condensed those two episodes into one, if you really had to just focus on him.

I didn't mind the final episode and I do think it will be interesting to watch them all get to the meeting place (I assume there is one as well...), and I think Carol will be back, too.

That all said, I didn't mind them staying at the prison. I think it was interesting to watch the dynamics of trying to set up a new society, and they ventured out enough to have enough interesting zombie fights. (the scene with the helicopter on the roof was awesome.)

Looking forward to the new season, as long as there aren't any Daryl-less episodes. :)


Headcase Addict
Not sure if it's because I'm excited for the return of "The Walking Dead" next Sunday and the combination of winter weather, but I had a strange dream last night.

The zombies would fall and slide down a steep icy road causing a multi zombie pile up. Other zombies were trying to walk on flat icy patches and kept falling and couldn't get up.

How stupid of a dream is that? :lol:


Holding Alex Johnson's Pineapple
Actually, it isn't. :D In most zombie books (I've, uh, read quite a few), at some point, the characters tend to head north because the zombies freeze in the winter and it's easier to kill them and one doesn't have to worry as much about an attack.

Of course, with the Walking Dead being in Atlanta, outside of their fluke weather last week, this is not a plausible scenario for that show. :)


Headcase Addict
The cast of "The Walking Dead" will be on "Conan" tonight!!! Andrew Lincoln, Norman Reedus, Lauren Conrad....


Holding Alex Johnson's Pineapple
Well, Daryl wasn't in the episode, but other than that, I thought it was a pretty good episode. I thought Chandler Riggs has really come into his own as an actor, and did an excellent job. And I used to find Michonne annoying, and now I want to be her. :D


Well-Known Member
Scariest episode yet. :scream: There were literally parts where I couldn't watch when Carl was in the house by himself. :yikes: I had headphones on, and I don't know if it was because the sound was more intense or if I was just creeped out because it's late and I've been watching the Olympics for days now and the violence was such a change - but this episode really got to me. When the walkers had Carl cornered I think I may have screamed - probably woke up the whole house! :lol: Really good episode. Great start to the new season!


Headcase Addict
Best episode in a long time. Next week looks really good too.

I buy those big cans of chocolate pudding all the time. :D

Herchel's head. :scream:

I want more of Michonne's back story too.
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Well-Known Member
My sister was hiding her face under the blanket during that part when Carl was fighting off the walker in the house too. :lol: It wasn't an action filled episode but there were several "Oh shit!!" moments. :D

I thought the episode was fantastic. Great acting all around, particularly from Chandler Riggs (Carl) who pretty much carried this episode.

I really love the character development in this one for Carl. He was so mad at Rick for letting everything fall apart that he was ready to prove to himself that he could go at it alone. The power struggle at the beginning was really interesting; Rick trying to assert his dominance as the one in charge despite the fact he could barely walk. Seeing Rick all beat up like that made Carl lose respect for him in addition to the fact that he already resents him for not handling the Governor when he had the chance and everything that followed. Carl sets out on his own to prove to himself that he could handle taking care of himself but the fact that he almost died twice in that one day was all of the reassurance he needed to know he couldn't do it...to the point when he though Rick was a walker he was ready to give up. For a minute there I thought Rick really was a walker! That'd have been one helluva twist but I wouldn't put it past these writers.

I like that we got to get some back story on Michonne and see her turn a corner as well. She defaulted back to dead-inside survival mode but realized that that wasn't what she wanted or who she was anymore. It's good to understand why holding Judith elicited that kind of reaction from her. We all all figured she had a child at some point but, judging from the dream, it seems like she, her baby, boyfriend and his friend all survived the initial outbreak of the zombies. It seems as if the boyfriend (Mike) took his own life and possibly Michonne's son's life too b/c he couldn't see the point of trying to live in this new world. That's what I got from the conversation she had at the BBQ shack when she found the note from the guy saying "Please do what I couldn't". I loved her walker kill spree therapy session and it was great that she was able to find Rick and Carl at the end. For a second there I thought the writers would be cruel and have her just miss them or something, even to the point where when she saw them through the window I was like, "Hurry up and get inside before something sneaks up and starts gnawing on you!" :lol:

The ending was really great and made me smile. I was all warm and fuzzy which usually never happens on this show. I like that they didn't cram everyone into one episode. This one was about Rick/Carl & Michonne and new week it looks like we'll see just about everyone else.

So glad this show is back!! :swoon:


Life is a beautiful thing
I'm so glad it's back too. I admit it .... I jumped off the couch at one point. :lol: Great episode! Welcome back, we've missed you!


Holding Alex Johnson's Pineapple
I've seen criticism in other places of Carl acting really stupidly (um, hello, it's Carl, it's not like he's EVER stayed in the house :p), but I think everything he did was so age appropriate, and I say that as a teacher of 14 year olds. (I think he's supposed to be slightly younger, but still)

I jumped off the couch when he opened that door in the house, even though I knew it was coming. Arg.


Let the skating begin
Yeah, I thought he acted just like a teenager who thinks they know everything. I read an interview with Robert Kirkland who said that was part of Carl's struggling with his anger that his father wasn't perfect and he was going to show him he was a better man, but realized that he didn't want to be alone and needed Rick. So much that when he thought Rick had died, he was willing to die also. It was an excellent episode. Not all of them have to be gruesome. I did wonder why neither Rick nor Michonne checked to see if there were keys in the motorcycles. Maybe they'll do that in a couple of weeks. :lol:


Let the skating begin
Oh, my. Carol is back. :cheer2: One of the kids is turning into a psychopath, Glenn is superGlen . Maggie is distraught. The baby is alive. For now. Did they not have a plan? You always have a plan. And backup plans.


Headcase Addict
When sanctimonious Rick sent Carol packing, didn't he tell Carol "he'd take care of the girls"? When Carol shows up with the 2 girls and Ricks baby, she should punch him in the face.

Rick has rubbed me the wrong way...... Kick his ass Carol. :D


Holding Alex Johnson's Pineapple
I don't know who the actress is who plays Beth, but she is terrible. And she gets to be alone with Daryl? :drama:

I liked seeing kick-ass Glenn back, and am anxious to see who the new people are, though I do hope we get more Daryl in the future. Sans Beth.


Well-Known Member
It's a miracle Beth is still alive. I guess b/c she's been hiding inside of the prison since they got there. *shrugs* But as a character, Beth is a great nanny...and...um...yeah, she sings sometimes too...:slinkaway I honestly have no idea why/how she's still alive. She pulled out her knife like she was going to do something and barely missed being eaten by a walker. She's very lucky she's paired with Daryl...who is AWESOME.:respec:

Poor Tyrese! One whiny baby, a flighty little girl and a budding socio/psychopath. I liked the reveal with Judith; I was genuinely happy to see her...until she started howling. I'm sorry but it is just not smart to have children in the apocalypse and it's even worse to have a fussy infant. But kudos to him for managing all three kids. Lizzie is quite frightening. It's obvious that little girl is all kinds of fcuked up. This chick slices bunnies' throats and smothers babies for fun. Somebody give her a Barbie doll or something! The sooner something gnaws on her the better. What worse is none of the adults know about it!

I guess we can thank Carol for some of Lizzie's craziness. After all, she was the one who encouraged all of the heartlessness. On some level she needed to, but at the same time you have to be careful of what you expose people to. Some people can't handle it. Whatever Carol did really brought out the darkness in Lizzie and now she has all the makings of a textbook serial killer. That said it was nice to see Carol back...if only to give Tyrese a hand. I'm not 100% sure of the time lapse since she was kicked out, but I'd guess it was only a few days by the conversation she and Tyrese had. I'm still on the fence about Carol. I get where she was coming from in doing what she did but sacrificing your humanity in the name of survival is taking it a little too far. It will be interesting to see what happens with her and Tyrese.

I wonder what's up with this Terminus place? Maybe that's what they heard on the radio? Everyone tends to forget about that b/c two seconds after hearing it Daryl, Michonne and the rest ran into the mega-herd and had to bolt. I wonder what that's going to be: another prison-like community or another Woodbury?

Maggie is pretty distraught. Hershel's dead, Beth is gone, Glenn is gone...she's in a bad space and that tends to lead to carelessness, mistakes and (usually) accidents/death. That situation with the walkers bum-rushing the door could have ended very badly. They got lucky.

Shocked to see that Glenn was still at the prison. For a minute there it looked like he was about to wimp out and shut down but then kick-ass Glenn returned in full force. How awesome was it that he basically walked out the front door? Loved that! Finding Tara was good for him; at least he's not alone. No clue who these new people are that found them on the road but apparently they're big characters in the comic books.

Good episode! Can't wait for next week!!


Holding Alex Johnson's Pineapple
Why, why, why do the writers always fall back on two men trying to decide who has the biggest dick? Yes, Glenn is an idiot for trying to get back to Maggie, but that whole scene was so unnecessary.

And of course the government idiot messes up the gas tank.


Life is a beautiful thing
That part of the storyline tonight was a total waste of air time. Loving that Michonne is opening up. She is good for Carl.


Socialist Canada
Why, why, why do the writers always fall back on two men trying to decide who has the biggest dick? Yes, Glenn is an idiot for trying to get back to Maggie, but that whole scene was so unnecessary.

And of course the government idiot messes up the gas tank.



Well-Known Member
I was rolling my eyes at the scientist with the super secret inside info about how to save the world. So many holes in that story, that Ford guy is an idiot for believing it. There's no such thing as "classified" information any more. If I were Glenn, I would have told him to spill the info and pointed out that he's been to the CDC and they were clueless about how to stop this. And Ford says he's been in contact with the government up until a few weeks ago? Uh...how? A LOT of fishy stuff going on there.


Let the skating begin
Why, why, why do the writers always fall back on two men trying to decide who has the biggest dick? Yes, Glenn is an idiot for trying to get back to Maggie, but that whole scene was so unnecessary.

And of course the government idiot messes up the gas tank.

Yeah, but you've got to admit "son of a dick" was a great line. :lol:

Eugene and Ford are key players from the comic books, but they've entered the story at a very different point from the comics so they are almost like new characters. No idea how they are going to write the characters with the TV show.


Headcase Addict
I like the direction the show is taking. I'm just glad the prison story-line is over.

I believe someone mentioned this before, but I'm also starting to think Carol was covering for Lizzie by taking the blame for killing the 2 sick prison people.


Holding Alex Johnson's Pineapple
Well, bad things happen when Carl leaves the house. :p

Nothing really happened in this episode to advance the plot, which I wouldn't have minded as much if it had been at a different point in the series. No Daryl :mitchell: does not make me happy (anyone seen the previews for next week? I want to be stuck in a car trunk with Daryl. :grope: ). But I do think at some point, it would be interesting to see how they live without being in constant fear from bad guys (although I know this is the plot in the graphic novels; I really hope Negus (sp?) never shows up, but I suspect he will).

But anyway. I suspect the writers don't have a show "bible" where they keep track of stuff for continuity purposes. Because Glenn having been at the CDC already should've been enough for him to punch mullet-man in the face. Or at least accuse him of lying.

I will forgive him slightly in that he is recovering from an illness and focusing on Maggie, but that no one called that idiot out on "classified" just kills me. What if he dies? It would be good for someone else to have that info, yes?


Well-Known Member
Did anyone watch Talking Dead last night? Mindy Kaeling (sp?) was on and was very addicted to her mug of something. Like Marco Rubio water bottle addicted. She'd be talking, grabbing, drinking and staring at it, at the same time.

I wonder if Glenn is holding back the CDC stuff on purpose?


Socialist Canada
I hope Daryl and Carol finally become a couple soon. I am so weary of wondering are they or are they not gonna finally do it! LOL


Holding Alex Johnson's Pineapple
Norman Reedus doesn't think Daryl should be in a relationship. My favorite quote from is, "Well, (Daryl) will f*ck you, but he won't cuddle you."

I'm okay with that. :saint:


Well-Known Member
Norman Reedus doesn't think Daryl should be in a relationship. My favorite quote from is, "Well, (Daryl) will f*ck you, but he won't cuddle you."

I'm okay with that. :saint:

:lol::lol::lol: You are killing me!

I really liked the episode, specifically what happened with Rick in the house (that was INTENSE) and with Michonne and Carl bonding (crazy cheese!!). Looks like Rick, Michonne and Carl should be running into Tyrese, Carol and the kids soon. I'm looking forward to the reunion of Rick and Carl with baby Judith. :)

As for the whole "classified" info thing, I don't know what to think. I agree there's no reason anything should be classified anymore. You could be dead in two minutes; best to share your information with anyone who will listen b/c 9 times out of 10 you probably won't make it to where you're trying to go.

Glad Daryl is back next week. Anybody else sick of Beth? IDK, maybe it's just me. Hopefully she'll give me a reason not to hope the walkers eat her soon. Can't wait until next week!
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