Yuzuru Hanyu Cheer Thread


Active Member
I think it's time to start this thread.
Anyone who wants to cheer for him are all welcome, please post here! :cheer:

News, articles, interviews, photos and videos are all appreciated.:)

English article of JAPAN NEWS on Yuzuru Hanyu.
"Turning circles: Yuzuru Hanyu hopes to ride quads to gold"

Interview with Tracy Wilson and Brian Orser, Toronto; Mark DeMontis
You can see Hanyu on the ice and Japanese media.

Nam Nguyen's Instragram
"Japanese T.V crew for Yuzuru Hanyu!!"

Giapponesi a confronto: Yuzuru Hanyu per ora il migliore, ma la lotta è aperta
Sorry, I don't understand Italian. About what of Hanyu is he writing?

Although I haven't got a copy yet, I heard that according to "2013-2014 Season Guide " published by World Figure Skate, He made a TV CM with ANA during his stay in Sendai this September. (When he opened his practice to the public and more than 100 media people gathered at the rink.:eek:)
That means we'll see his CM probably soon!!:rollin:

I wish him the best of luck for this season!
And I especially wish him health!
(May his asthma be a good girl/boy and sit still and not bother him.)
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Active Member

Giapponesi a confronto: Yuzuru Hanyu per ora il migliore, ma la lotta è aperta
Sorry, I don't understand Italian. About what of Hanyu is he writing?

Rough translation :)
Comparing Japanese men: Yuzuru Hanyu the best for now, but the challenge is open
Yuzuru HANYU - 180,93 (93,91|87,02)
06/10/2013 - Finlandia Trophy
His new free skate, choreographed by David Wilson to the tune of Nino Rota's "Romeo and Juliet", is a very ambitious program. His target is to complete two quadruple jumps (first salchow and then toeloop) and a total of eight triples, seven of which (including two triple axels) in the second part of the program. In Espoo, Hanyu almost managed to complete it all. His only problems were landing a triple axel putting his hand down, and a triple lutz with step-out. He also missed a triple toe in combination, and thus performed two quadruples and seven triples. If his health holds up, his target of reaching 100 points in TES (technical element score) truly appears to be in his reach, considering that with steps and spins all at level 4, his base score would start from almost 91 points in TES. Hanyu also seems to be the only japanese man able to follow Takahashi's lead in program components. His weapon over his fellow countrymen is having two different kinds of quadruple jumps, something that allows him to do eight triples and have a clear advantage in terms of TES points.

(Author of this article is Massimiliano Ambesi, figure skating commentator for Eurosport Italy)


Well-Known Member
All the best to Hanyu. Why 'hopefully', galaxy? I am sure he will make it to Sochi. The Federation doesn't send him overseas for training for nothing. They have identified the next skater to take over Daisuke. I think Hanyu will dominate the men's field after Sochi when the veterans retire. He's already at the top of the game.
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Active Member
All the best to Hanyu. Why 'hopefully', galaxy? I am sure he will make it to Sochi. The Federation doesn't send him overseas for training for nothing. They have identified the next skater to take over Daisuke. I think Hanyu will dominate the men's field after Sochi when the veterans retire. He's already at the top of the game.

Yeah, I think as well that there is only a slight chance that he won't be in Sochi, but he's not qualified yet :) so it wouldn't be fair to the other skaters to talk as if he were already. There is so much depth in Japan after all...

As of now, considering JSF's criteria of selection, he could already qualify as third entry:
The third entry is selected among the player who leaked out from the 2nd selection, the upper three Japanese of world standing in the time of the end of Japan Nationals and the upper three Japanese of ISU season best score.
However things go this season, considering his current world standing (#1) it is unlikely he will drop under Machida (#7), who is the third of the upper three in WS, by December.
Not that this matters much, anyway.

Some news: a short documentary feature that was aired yesterday in Japan, with video of Yuzuru training in Cricket Club in August and quotes from Orser and Wilson: here
And photos from an interview to Yuzuru, Nam Nguyen and Javier Fernandez last summer during Fantasy on Ice: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


Active Member
Many many thanks to mathil for the translation! :cheer:

Some news: a short documentary feature that was aired yesterday in Japan, with video of Yuzuru training in Cricket Club in August and quotes from Orser and Wilson: here

Thank you for the link. It is a great documentary. I enjoyed it. I like their detailed description of 4S and 4T, how they are different technically. It shows how difficult it is to do 2 kinds of quads as they require completely different techniques. I also enjoyed the part Wilson was giving him instructions on choreography of R&J and the part they were creating the final pose.

Hanyu fans are lucky because we are expecting two more TV programs about him coming. One is coming today, and the other will be on next Sunday in NHK Sunday Sports although he is not assigned in NHK Trophy. Thank you, NHK!
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Active Member
Video from NHK Sunday Sports (Oct. 20)
Glimpse of training to build up muscles and stamina: one-arm push-ups and skating with dumbells in his hands. He talks before so many media people.
The final pose he made around 2'30 is funny and cute.:)

Promo videos of TV broadcast of Skate Canada:

Looks like TV Asahi intends to attract attention of women viewers. They focus on the scene of him reaching his arm out for Juliet on the balcony. He will skate to R&J imagining the stand is the balcony and the audience is Juliet, putting emotion into it, thinking "I can't reach you, but I want to see you." :D

and more promo videos:

As Skate Canada is coming closer, a lot of news and clips are coming for sure!
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New Member
Yay! A cheer thread for Yuzu :cheer2:
I hope that Yuzu will be able to overcome his FS slumps, get his spark back, pull it all together, and peak at the olympics! I could care less how he places as long as he skated his best. I think when he is on, his jumps have some of the best quality in the field. Great to see his mental toughness back in his FS at TEB.


Well-Known Member
I wish he would ditch his FS costume. The ruffles draped diagonally across the chest is distracting, and the red and green beading along the top don't help either.


Well-Known Member
Congrats to Hanyu on his silver TED Medal. His SP was great. And he was able to bounce back brilliantly after the first two mishaps in the LP.


Active Member
There have been floods of news, articles, interviews, photos and clips since GPF. I feel like I am drown in them. I've been extremely busy these days, so I couldn't follow them, there are way too many.

I just want to say,

Congratulations on the GPF title!
Congratulations on the second Japanese title!
Congratulations on winning a spot on the Olympic team!

One clip.
Yuzuru in a suit! :swoon:
He attended at an event planned for him by ANA at Haneda Airport. He was given a Christmas present by them. It was an original earphone case (He loves collecting earphones.) with his figure with wings and a logo thay says "Fly Yuzu".


Active Member
R-sport article on him.
He is the first Japanese figure skater that appeared in these series. It is a long, 4-page aritcle. I read a traslation in Japanese. It is really an interesting and excellent article. It started with his experience in East Japan Earthquake and hardships he had to go through after that. It introduced views and comments on him by Bestemyanova/Bobrin, Evgeni Rukavitsyn, Oleg Vassiliev and Evgeni Plushenko. (He praised him so much)They talked about his strongnesses and great qualities, as well as a few weaknesses.

http://moscowm.blog61.fc2.com/blog-entry-234.html (translation into Japanesse)

Bestemyanova/Bobrin part is similar to this interview with them. Thanks to the translator.

I remember that from the very beginning we built a great relationships with him. It's incredible how he trains and follows all the demand of the choreographer! And sometimes the demands were to try something new, while we were not sure if that new will be included in the program. He implicitly tried everything what we said, and at each practice he worked hard, "till to sweat", literally to the point of exhaustion, feeling almost unconscious. When the Japanese television came to shoot his practice with us in Moscow, I thought this would be his last day in life, so hard he tried his best ( laughs).

N.B.: There is an idea that sits in our minds: the Japanese are different in terms of working hard. A year ago, before the World Championship where Hanyu won a bronze medal, the television visited us. After the interview with Hanyu they came to us, and I couldn't figure out what was wrong: they were just staring at us. Then the interpreter explained: "He said in the interview that he goes on every practice with the feeling of wild fear. He is afraid that he won't survive until the end of the practice." That's how he was given himself to work because he believed truly in what we were giving him. He's a very talented guy, and at every practice he worked really hard, as if it was his last time. Not so many athletes can train this way.

-Can Hanyu win in Sochi?

I.B.: Anyone in top 10 can win. They all go there for the Olympic gold.

N.B.: This is the main competition in any athlete's life!

I.B.: I can say that Hanyu is a very emotional athlete, he can make interesting creative programs. That is to some extent can be on his way: he doesn't have the nerves of steel. But, nevertheless, he has already gain quite a big competitive experience, he has proven more than once that at the decisive moments he can "gather" himself. Probably it's not a patriotic thing to say that I'll be rooting for him but I'm definitely wishing him to succeed.


Active Member
Congrats Yuzuru! It wasn't even close to his best skate, but he gave it everything he had! :cheer: Gold!


Well-Known Member
Congrats to Yuzu. Love this skater. Probably not the skate he'd think would win him the gold, but it's still the gold. I prefer to think he won it in the short because nobody rose to the occasion in the long and his short was something to behold.


New Member
SOCHI, Russia — Yuzuru Hanyu was skating when the devastating earthquake and tsunami and nuclear disaster struck northeast Japan. He was 16, and he felt the ice rumbling and the ground thrusting up and his legs wobbling. He ran from the rink in his skates, with no time even to put on skate guards, damaging his blades.

There was only panic that day in March 2011, no consideration that in three years Hanyu would become an Olympic champion, as he did Friday, even after falling on a nervous night. No time for imagining that he would be the first male skater from Japan to win a gold medal. No musing that he might share the podium with the silver medalist Patrick Chan of Canada or the bronze medalist Denis Ten of Kazakhstan



Well-Known Member
It's amazing that the podium is all Asians :)

Yuzuru is only 19. He has a good chance for a 2nd gold in four more years. I do hope he'll dump Weir as his costume designer though.


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
It's amazing that the podium is all Asians :)

Yuzuru is only 19. He has a good chance for a 2nd gold in four more years. I do hope he'll dump Weir as his costume designer though.

Weir designed his costume based on what Yuzuru wanted. I don't believe Weir forced that costume on Hanyu. At age 19, one can have a strange taste in costumes. He will change.

BTW I just wanted to say that it is to Hanyu's credit that after the 2 mistakes he did not give up on the performance. He kept fighting to the end and that made him an Olympic champion. He earned that gold medal.

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