WEAVER AND POJE: The Future is Golden


Grumpy Cynical Ice Dance Lover
Love that classy SD. They have a long way to go on the technical side, but so far, it's the best SD I've seen. Thank you !


Knees won't let me tap dance anymore
I am going to pick them as my underdog team. I just love em. I hope they somehow medal
Me, too. I've already decided I want to see them on the Olympic podium. This SD will be awesome, just needs more time with it so they can really skate it out like I know they can.


Well-Known Member
SD looks coherent. I don't mind the skirt on Weaver, just wish she'd change the top. Also Poje needs to skate this SD in a sleeveless top or heck no shirt haha
Hate the skirt, very distracting pom pom. She deserves better! Totally agree re Poje! That man sure is tasty!


Knees won't let me tap dance anymore
I loved this FD. It's perfect for them. Like the short dance, it's not entirely comfortable yet but wow, it's going to be great, I know it! Thought they looked a little upset in the K&C...not really upset, just like, "we're not happy with that yet".


Well-Known Member
I like both programs this season. The musicality in the FD is very good. Some lifts looked labored(new lifts). The twizzles were good.

The FD costumes are fantastic. I wouldn't change them at all.


Knees won't let me tap dance anymore
Saw on instagram where Kaitlyn said the costumes were created as practice costumes and early comp costumes. Pretty sure they'll be changing. I love both their programs and will be glad to see them again, hopefully when they are feeling more confident with them. I don't necessarily think they were under-prepared, just not comfortable yet.


Well-Known Member
I'm not even a big fan of Weaver/Poje, but I'm tempted to cry #wuzrobbed for them at ACI. They were about a point behind V/M in tech base scores in both the SD and FD and ended up over ten points behind them in each program? They got beat by over 20 points with no major mistakes on their part? At a home event no less?

Jeez. What is Skate Canada doing? They were closer to V/M points-wise ten years ago.


Well-Known Member
Autumn Classic was the big Canadian unveiling of V/M for the Olympic season - huge scores were always going to be on the cards. If anything, the fact this was a home event in these circumstances probably worked against both G/P and W/P.
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Grumpy Cynical Ice Dance Lover
Let's get real: they didn't skate well at all.
Yet, both programs are coherent and good choreography. Now, they need more speed and attack ;)


Active Member
Objectively they didn't skated that well and had quite a few mistakes. It's not a problem at all, it's way too early into the season, they are only getting settled with their programs, and this competition is more about showing the programs to the international judges and get a feedback, less about scores.
I still think that maybe they went competing a bit too early, and should have chosen one of the later senior B's, but it seems that with their schedule for the next few months they didn't had too much choice


Knees won't let me tap dance anymore
Let's get real: they didn't skate well at all.
Yet, both programs are coherent and good choreography. Now, they need more speed and attack ;)
Speed and attack was exactly what I was thinking was needed. But I know that will come when they feel in the zone with these programs and the muscle memory is there. When they don't have to think about it. Then their expression comes through fully. I have faith that both these programs will be excellent as we go along.


Well-Known Member
They'll probably get that speed and attack at WTT or it's equivalent this year (if any). :p

Seriously though, if they could make that dreck Aranjuez work by the end of last season then this Spartacus will since its already a better program.


Well-Known Member
I'm not even a big fan of Weaver/Poje, but I'm tempted to cry #wuzrobbed for them at ACI. They were about a point behind V/M in tech base scores in both the SD and FD and ended up over ten points behind them in each program? They got beat by over 20 points with no major mistakes on their part? At a home event no less?

Jeez. What is Skate Canada doing? They were closer to V/M points-wise ten years ago.

I did feel W/P were undermarked in some areas...Like interpetation, performance and choreo.They should be closer. No one can touch TS for skating skills . I felt there should be more distance between WP and GP. GP are skate canada's pets in dance. GP's Skating skills interpetation and performance should be lower than WP but what the heck.


Well-Known Member
Dave Lease weighed in on Twitter to the tune of saying that their free dance was what everyone expected and that they’ll sink in the placements. His opinion but it’s not mine. That free dance, and let’s ignore that Lori only had this season to work with them, she did great work. It’s 100% them and very difficult. They have much work ahead. This attempt looked like “ let’s just see what everyone thinks “ VS Tessa and Scott pushing it maybe too hard.

For me, Andrew’s skating is the hindrance. It doesn’t read as him being 100% committed and willing to skate out of his skin. Weaver has hung her hat on being reliable and clean without mistakes but she hasn’t stepped it up either. Those Twizzles alone this season should be aggressive and dynamic for instance rather than doing them like lopsided dradles. It’s an opportunity to show the judges you’re serious.

Anyhow, I believe that with a huge push they could be forerunners in the hunt for 3rd
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Well-Known Member
Dave Lease weighed in on Twitter to the tune of saying that their free dance was what everyone expected and that they’ll sink in the placements. His opinion but it’s not mine. That free dance, and let’s igno that Lori only had this season to work with them, she did great work. It’s 100% them and very difficult. They have much work ahead. This attempt looked like “ let’s just see what everyone thinks “ VS tessa and Scott pushing it maybe too hard.

For me, Andrew’s skating is the hindrance. It doesn’t read as him being 100% committed and willing to skate out of his skin. Weaver has hung her hat on being reliable and clean without mistakes but she hasn’t stepped it up either. Those Twizzles alone this season should be aggressive and dynamic for instance rather than doing them like lopsided dradles. It’s an opportunity to show the judges you’re serious.

Anyhow, I believe that with a huge push they could be forerunners in the hunt for 3rd

I still remember when Dave Lease and Jonathan Beyer were going on all about how Karen Chen needed to be replaced by Mirai Nagasu after 4CC and going on about how that is what Marta Karyoli would have done. They were incessant about it. Then were quiet about that after Worlds. My point is that Dave and all make all sorts of predictions, many of them shared by many fans, but it doesn't really mean anything or mean they have a special insight other people don't already have.


Well-Known Member
I still remember when Dave Lease and Jonathan Beyer were going on all about how Karen Chen needed to be replaced by Mirai Nagasu after 4CC and going on about how that is what Marta Karyoli would have done. They were incessant about it. Then were quiet about that after Worlds. My point is that Dave and all make all sorts of predictions, many of them shared by many fans, but it doesn't really mean anything or mean they have a special insight other people don't already have.

I don't think that Dave enjoys the sport, nor do i believe he and Jonathan are aware of how stereotypically bitter they sound together. Jonathan seems to be an intelligent guy but he’s a sheep in terms of his role within the partnership. It’s ok for him to think for himself. It’s ok for he and Dave to agree. I have just noticed that he seems more inclined to agree with David. Dave has his points but he was already ready to NOT like the material by Weaver and Poje. Dave may have subconsciously turned into more of a critic than a fan. Skating coaches often enjoy the sport the least because of their POV on things. That may be Dave’s problem because he’s got some nasty ass comment about EVERYthing.

Can we just stop for a minute and thank them for choosing the Cuban flavored Short? I love the music and like the choreography. I still think that they need to crank up the intensity. I had a voice teacher pretty much say the same thing to me as my wrestling coach; I’d rather hear a loud mistake/ see you do it wrong because at least i know you’re trying something different. I’d rather see them chose a more aggressive and fast Twizzle setup than more of the same, unless they just nail it every time. I was only using Twizzles as an example. The same could be said for their Midline Step Sequence. It’s smooth for sure but it was seasoned with ONLY salt and pepper... nothing else to enhance the flavor. That’s not good enough. I can appreciate that other teams are at least fully invested. Sometimes over the top but they’re trying. Weaver and Poje are still skating safe the way they’ve been after Sochi which got them close but not close enough. Now that won’t work. I mean, even the Shibs were able to splice two unrelated songs together and get respect from the judges last year. Put it all out there guys... it’s the only way to ensure you’ll have no regrets.


Active Member
Why would anyone even bother to discuss anything Dave Lease has to say? He hates WP and this whole sport in generally,as it seems.
And let's remember people that it's too early into the season. The speed and the intensity will come, they need time to learn the new programs, get comfortable with them, their programs, especially the FD are quite difficult, and it takes time. I would hate it if someone would got injured because they did too much too soon. We'll see a huge progress already at SCI, I'm sure


Well-Known Member
One thing I think might oddly be hurting WeaPo regularly is that they skate extremely smoothly, which makes things look easier. They aren't 'frantic' on the ice like other dance teams, which makes the frantic programs look more difficult in a lot of ways.

That FP seemed to be so short to me because of how silky it was. Loved it!


Well-Known Member
I think W/P come come across better on Olympic sized ice, not NHL/North American sized ice. Because of their long limbs and power, they can really push out to the boards on the bigger ice. On smaller ice, they seem to have to hold back.

I love their programs and look forward to seeing them grow over the season.


Active Member
I really hope they get to do one of the dance segments in the team event at the Olympics. I know it depends partly on the schedule of the individual events that follow, and I guess it is Skate Canada that gets to decide. I think their short dance looks very promising, and I feel strongly that they deserve the chance to compete in the team event.


Well-Known Member
I think W/P come come across better on Olympic sized ice, not NHL/North American sized ice. Because of their long limbs and power, they can really push out to the boards on the bigger ice. On smaller ice, they seem to have to hold back.

I love their programs and look forward to seeing them grow over the season.

The rink in Pierrefonds is Olympic sized if I'm not mistaken. There are 3 NHL size rinks and 1 Olympic size in that facility.

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