War in Israel


Well-Known Member
Pro Israel rally guarded by a large contingent of police. There were also pro Palestinian counter protesters nearby. Atmosphere here is tense. Praying for a peaceful end and the hostages return.
I just returned from the toronto rally. There was a loud pro-Hamas contingent. Hamas kidnapped babies. Kids. Grandmothers. I will never understand those who support them.

For non-Jewish people, please know that your Jewish/Israeli friends are not ok. We have been targeted for thousands of years, but it is increasingly apparent that we are on our own. Please post against antisemitism on your social media. We needs lights amongst the nations.


Well-Known Member
Hamas is evil of the highest order. They have told Israel that if their people are targeted, they would kill the hostages.
I'm not surprised. Their charter calls for the destruction of Israel as a nation state and the murder of Jews. A reporter from one of the news channels read part of their charter on the air. I can't remember which one.

ETA: My synagogue is the location of a pro-Israel event this week. Security will be tight.

Andrey aka Pushkin

Playing ping pong with balls of chocolate jam
Good morning,

Had a rough night, the fighter jets are flying all the time, but that's nothing compared to the general feeling of impeding doom. My Facebook feed is filled with searches for missing people or stories from the attack. Lots of points of volunteering, donations and etc to the soldiers and the civilians from the South. One question that really bothers me, is why it is done by the volunteers and not by the government - we have f*n 32 ministers of made up things, and none of them is heard or seen anywhere; they aren't in the media, not at the funerals, no transport, no information, nothing. :mad: Pretty much all men below the age of 40 in my bubble are recruited, which is the same bubble that has been called "anarchists and traitors" by this very government for 9 months now. I am overburned by these several days, but one thing that would have made me feel better, is to put these 32 parasites in line and give them a slap one by one.

Looking at the news coming from Gaza, I'm completely lost; I'm terribly sorry, I am not a good person and all, but currently I have no feelings left in me, and don't feel anything - neither hatred or pity or anything else; but I'm questioning myself what's the end game of this apart from the revenge. I don't see any well defined plan of what's next, what we're doing and why. And with these people "leading" I am not optimistic. I'm yet to see anything more realistic, constructive or smart than "raise Gaza to the ground". Last time around, hearing these, other things aside, stupid slogans was harder than being under rockets.

On the other hand, I got messages from about anyone I have ever met from all around the world, which is a hefty list, and that is really the only positive and useful thing that can be done. Thank you all.


Cats and garlic lover
Credit/Wire transfer https://www.brothersandsistersinarms.org/donate
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Brothers and Sisters in Arms
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For Further questions please contact Liat Weiss Shahaf [email protected]

This is the organization of the protesters who are now in the army. You know, the anarchists, leftists etc. Was published by Uri Misgav, a journalist who had been exposing bibi's lies in the last year. I tend to trust him.

The names of the murdered keep being updated and am dreading reading them.

The highlights of the government so far: the speaker blamed the party goers for the amount of victums. Yes, he apologized, but..
The head terrorist who is a minister of the internal security (riiiigh... I mean he did not fail at all, right?) is buying 10K riffles with his ministry's funds to distribute... you'd thing among the citizens of the south who served in the army etc? well, no, among the illegal settlers in Judea and Samaria, those who were guarded by the army (that part of the army that was supposed to be in the south) and who never went to the army and if they have a clue how to use the weapon it's illegal. Those who live in the illegal settlements and terrorize the Palestinians around. Now they will be doing it officially and with the weapons.
The goals of the operation in Gaza are not voiced. The humanitarian crisis that we are going to cause (no electricity/no water/no food/displaced people with nowhere to run) is well... 2M people who are held hostages by both Hamas and Egypt and Israel with nowhere to run. It's like the best case scenario of Ben Gvir is coming true - Israel is taking over Gaza? Israel is killing 2M people? What on earth is the plan?


Well-Known Member
@TAHbKA and @Andrey aka Pushkin

My heart goes out to you. I can't imagine living under what you both have described so well.

I have to admit that I think a ground war might be a mistake. Not that I'm an expert or anything. A more targeted operation to eliminate Hamas leadership, perhaps?

I'm not against Hamas being crippled permanently. That needs to happen. I just don't know what options Israel realistically has to do that without causing a wider war.


Cowardly admin
Staff member
I’m with @TAHbKA and @Andrey aka Pushkin on this: there is no plan or end game other than making them suffer. I’ve also gotten so many messages (except everyone wants me to go “home” which isn’t an option for my fellow FSUers or indeed, for most of nine million people here or 2 million people in Gaza.)

Right on cue text message from daughter instructing me to come home now.

As if we are safe everywhere else, here’s those nice Aussies yelling “gas the Jews.” https://x.com/samuelsokol/status/1711692319525650650?s=46&t=9ftgyoBTKejM44oWnhroXA

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
I just returned from the toronto rally. There was a loud pro-Hamas contingent. Hamas kidnapped babies. Kids. Grandmothers. I will never understand those who support them.

Same thing happened to me on Sunday at Times Square (NYC, where I’m vacationing). Large Hamas group shouted at me because I crossed the block from where the pro-Israel group was standing.


Well-Known Member

I'm sure you're right. There probably isn't a plan.

My synagogue is hosting the indoor rally tonight. Only one way to drive in or out. Doors open one hour early. Only one entrance to the synagogue will be open.

I'll keep my eyes and ears open for counter protestors.


I see the sea
I spent my morning volunteering at the Haifa logistical center and picking up supplies. This is a 100% volunteer-led effort based on donations. The government is worse than useless and still bickering about what an emergency cabinet will look like.

On the other hand, I got messages from about anyone I have ever met from all around the world, which is a hefty list, and that is really the only positive and useful thing that can be done. Thank you all.
Same here - friends, colleagues I work with and some I barely know, a Syrian conference buddy now based in the UK... there's prayers, positive vibes, offers to come stay with people and just generally kind and thoughtful messages. There are so many decent people out there, and it's been a light during a very dark time.


I see the sea
Some good news that was just announced on TV: thirty missing people have been located alive in a kibbutz in the south!

16 Israeli citizens and 14 foreign workers who hid and were unable to get in touch because their phone batteries ran out.
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Let the skating begin
I’m with @TAHbKA and @Andrey aka Pushkin on this: there is no plan or end game other than making them suffer. I’ve also gotten so many messages (except everyone wants me to go “home” which isn’t an option for my fellow FSUers or indeed, for most of nine million people here or 2 million people in Gaza.)

Right on cue text message from daughter instructing me to come home now.

As if we are safe everywhere else, here’s those nice Aussies yelling “gas the Jews.” https://x.com/samuelsokol/status/1711692319525650650?s=46&t=9ftgyoBTKejM44oWnhroXA
There are 3 ex Arkansas basketball players who are on a pro team in Israel. Apparently, leaving the country isn't that simple as they are trying and can't get out.


Well-Known Member
Pro Israel rally guarded by a large contingent of police. There were also pro Palestinian counter protesters nearby. Atmosphere here is tense. Praying for a peaceful end and the hostages return.
I expect the same in Ottawa too this week. I know our police are protecting synagogues and mosques. I really hope nothing bad happens 😔. We have both Palestine and Israel citizens living in Canada.
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I’m with @TAHbKA and @Andrey aka Pushkin on this: there is no plan or end game other than making them suffer.
End game plans never seem to be part of war plans. I'm sorry for the pain and death in your country.
I’ve also gotten so many messages (except everyone wants me to go “home” which isn’t an option for my fellow FSUers or indeed, for most of nine million people here or 2 million people in Gaza.)

Right on cue text message from daughter instructing me to come home now.
As a daughter, i can understand her desire for you to be home. I would want you home too. I think it's hard to understand the concept of two families you love and being torn apart. There is no answer for you and millions of others.
As if we are safe everywhere else, here’s those nice Aussies yelling “gas the Jews.” https://x.com/samuelsokol/status/1711692319525650650?s=46&t=9ftgyoBTKejM44oWnhroXA
Haye has no boundaries and is learn. Hate exists everywhere


Well-Known Member
I just returned from the toronto rally. There was a loud pro-Hamas contingent. Hamas kidnapped babies. Kids. Grandmothers. I will never understand those who support them.
I don’t understand it either. I wonder if some of those people are more pro-Palestinians rather than pro-Hamas. I hope so, anyway, and that they’re just misguided. But I’m sure there are people there who are really pro-Hamas. Very sad.


Well-Known Member
Thank you to those of you in Israel posting what you see and hear. @PRlady I am sorry that you are getting pressured unrealistically to leave, even though I understand how’ worried your family in the US is.
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Well-Known Member
I don’t understand it either. I wonder if some of those people are more pro-Palestinians rather than pro-Hamas. I hope so, anyway, and that they’re just misguided. But I’m sure there are people there who are really pro-Hamas. Very sad.
There are plenty of misguided people everywhere. Consider the people demonstrating in support of Nicolas Maduro a few years ago.

The Israel-Palestine conflict happens to bring it out more than others (Armenia-Azerbaijan, Russia-Ukraine, China-Tibet, etc.) do, and not for any good reason other that assumed greater familiarity with the issues.


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
Good morning,

Had a rough night, the fighter jets are flying all the time, but that's nothing compared to the general feeling of impeding doom. My Facebook feed is filled with searches for missing people or stories from the attack. Lots of points of volunteering, donations and etc to the soldiers and the civilians from the South. One question that really bothers me, is why it is done by the volunteers and not by the government - we have f*n 32 ministers of made up things, and none of them is heard or seen anywhere; they aren't in the media, not at the funerals, no transport, no information, nothing. :mad: Pretty much all men below the age of 40 in my bubble are recruited, which is the same bubble that has been called "anarchists and traitors" by this very government for 9 months now. I am overburned by these several days, but one thing that would have made me feel better, is to put these 32 parasites in line and give them a slap one by one.

Looking at the news coming from Gaza, I'm completely lost; I'm terribly sorry, I am not a good person and all, but currently I have no feelings left in me, and don't feel anything - neither hatred or pity or anything else; but I'm questioning myself what's the end game of this apart from the revenge. I don't see any well defined plan of what's next, what we're doing and why. And with these people "leading" I am not optimistic. I'm yet to see anything more realistic, constructive or smart than "raise Gaza to the ground". Last time around, hearing these, other things aside, stupid slogans was harder than being under rockets.

On the other hand, I got messages from about anyone I have ever met from all around the world, which is a hefty list, and that is really the only positive and useful thing that can be done. Thank you all.
My heart goes out to all of you. Thanks for sharing what you are going through, and how you feel. No one deserves this.

I am sure this will be over, though I cannot say 'soon' because I don't know. Have faith that the bad times will be over because nothing lasts forever.


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
It is. But isn’t that often the case with social justice warriors? You think most people in general ever do any research?

Being married to an Israeli and having so many Israelis who have welcomed me with open arms, have invited me to countless Shabbat dinners, have invited my husband and I to countless events, who always speak English and make me a part of the conversation when I’m around, this has been an incredibly annoying few days. Seeing the postings that my Dem friends/acquaintances keep sharing and reiterating, refusing to listen or hear criticism, etc.
If I were you, I would either unfriend or unfollow them, for peace of mind. That's what I did with my Trumpist friends (small in number).


Cowardly admin
Staff member
I wish I could remove some of the updates from Kfar Azza from my brain. It's unspeakable.
I unfortunately have seen more in the foreign press. I think the media here has soft-pedalled if that’s possible. But maybe not, I still have trouble reading/understanding Hebrew news.

ETA: the army has ordered the residents of Metulla on the Lebanese border to evacuate. This is really not good.

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